“Price – Quality – Delivery” and Reality [Reader Post]

Jim Yardley wrote a brilliant article on August 18, 2012, for “another” conservative web site. His article was entitled “You Can Pick Only Two.” His article was so good that I had to throw my 2¢ worth in. Jim did a great job explaining just how the “Price – Quality – Delivery” paradigm works in the real world.

Shocker! ObamaCare Leads To Increased Cost For College Students

Thanks ObamaCare!

A Young America’s Foundation activist forwarded an email from the Vice President for Finance at his school, Guilford College (Greensboro, NC), informing him that, “For the 2012-13 academic year, the annual cost of the student health insurance is increasing from $668 to $1,179. This insurance premium has been charged to your student account.”

ObamaCare – Killing Health Savings Accounts [Reader Post]

Buried in the 13,000 pages of draft ObamaCare regulations are two particularly insidious land mines designed to explode only when applied to Health Savings Accounts qualified health plans, but leave all other insurance unmolested. HSAs are the fastest growing financial or health care product in America, but if the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) does not back off, HSAs might not be around much longer.

Romney: Obama Knew ObamaCare Would Slow Down The Recovery But Passed It Anyway

I saw something that I thought was pretty disturbing. A book that was written in a way that’s apparently pro President Obama, written by a guy name Noam Scheiber, and in this book he says that there was a discussion about the fact that ObamaCare would slow down the economic recovery in this country. And they knew that! Before they passed it. But they concluded that we would all forget how long the recovery took once it had happened. So they decided to go ahead.

Penalizing you for not buying insurance is not a burden, but insisting on a free ID to vote IS a burden [Reader Post]

The Obamacare individual mandate demands that everyone have insurance coverage and penalizes those who do not carry insurance.

The fine for not purchasing health insurance under PPACA is $95 per person in 2014 (or 1% of taxable income, whichever is greater), $325 in 2015 (or 2%), and $695 in 2016 (or 2.5%). Thereafter, the mandate is indexed to inflation.

But hold on, there are exemptions: