The Liberal War on the Palins


No liberally-biased media, of course.

I guess the concern over violence against women from those on the left doesn’t happen when you’re a Palin.


Noah Rothman at Hot Air:

The overwhelming sense of superiority some in the press feel toward the Palins simply clouds their better judgment. Costello would surely see the error of her ways if she were to read her disparate reactions to these two strikingly similar events, but, in the heat of the moment, she did not see Sarah Palin’s daughter as a women who had endured a physical assault; she saw her as a caricature worthy of mockery.

In an appearance on MSNBC on Thursday morning, Lewis joined a group of contrite Morning Joe hosts who conceded that they, too, initially covered the Palin “brawl” as a joke. “It did definitely have a humorous tone to it,” Brzezinski conceded. Lewis had shamed them into penitence.

“What happened to her is horrific, and I don’t think we should be joking about it,” Lewis said to the somber nods of his interlocutors.

Rothman runs through some clips of mainstream newscasters who found the Palin assault humorous and were shamefully derisive in covering the story.

Bristol Palin has now come out and expressed her side of what happened:

First, the media said Trig was not really my mom’s kid.

Then, they claimed my mom said “I can see Russia from my house.”

Recently, they said my parents are giving a divorce.

And now, they’re saying my family started a “drunken brawl.”

Most of the time, I let the lies pass. After all, the truth eventually comes out. But when people are selling “scoop,” photos, and false information… sometimes the truth just isn’t as profitable.

That’s why, after a month and a half of hearing rumors about myself and family, I’ve finally decided to comment about the situation. Instead of listening to all the people who weren’t there — people who claim they heard this from their cousin/brother/sister-in-law/step-daughter/long lost little brother – let me tell you what actually happened.


Read her story.

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You are a sad old lady with the same repetitive boorish insults.

ROTFLMAO. Considering I think you are a traitor to the uniform you once donned, I’ll take that as a compliment.

At least I was smart enough to research Obama, including the disaster that was his Illinois senate term, where he did nothing and voted present. But rain men like you listened to all the pretty words, written by a 20’s something yuppie and read off a teleprompter, and saw all your Socialist goals in the person of one man.

Guess it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy to say “Semper Fi”, knowing that the worst president in the history of our nation is letting a Marine hero rot in a Mexican jail but was more than willing to trade five high ranking Taliban for one deserter.

@Ronald J. Ward: 5

I will concede that it was a rearful thought that someone of such intelectual defecency was that close to being the leader of the greastest nation on God’s green earth

let me quote that again:

intelectual defecency

And this guy is talking about Sarah Palin.

@Tom: 16

He was in the Navy Reserves when his personal issues surfaced.

That’s a joke, right?

@Tom: 22

We know you like to trash former members of the armed services,

That’s sure using the term loosely.

@retire05: Shehann clearly said ‘whore out the door, then said it again, substituting her for whore. Real classy guy…..


I heard” escort her out the door” —-it would have been escort THE whore out the door

Had your hearing checked lately?

@retire05: You continue your rant that ” You’re a traitor to the uniform you wore.” This because I exercised my right to vote for my choice for POTUS? Would you have the gall to issue this insult at the tens of thousands of Marines who voted the same way? At Captain Jim Webb, Navy Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart recipient? You got a loud mouth.
For the record, the Marine reservist in the Mexican jail, was stopped in Mexico with 3 loaded weapons and 400 rounds of ammunition in front and back seat of his car. Weapon possession is illegal in Mexico. He’d been recently diagnosed with PTSD at La Jolla V.A. and a nurse there said he suffered from acute paranoia
He’s lucky the Mexicans didn’t shoot him. He should be released soon to get the treatment he needs.

@Rich Wheeler:

For the record, the Marine reservist in the Mexican jail, was stopped in Mexico with 3 loaded weapons and 400 rounds of ammunition in front and back seat of his car.

Please, provide your source that the weapons were “loaded”. I have read that he had three weapons, a .45 pistol, a 12-ga. shotgun and a AR-15.

Perhaps he should have told the Mexican border agents he was working for Eric Holder.

Odd how you seem to sluff off the jailing of a Marine who suffers from PTSD and took a wrong turn at a badly marked border crossing, but you had nothing to say about Obama [illegally] trading three high value Taliban for a deserter. Bet you thought it was funny that over a dozen Army Captains got their pink slips while deployed to Afghanistan, as well.

Why are you fixated on Jim Webb? Is he one of the few honorable Democrats you can find? If you have not reached the point where you regret your vote for Obama considering how he has treated our military, yes, you are dishonorable.

OOT, next time you decide to call me a sad “old” lady, unless you were in Vietnam at age 12, you’re no spring chicken and not in a place to be smearing others you think are old.

@Rich Wheeler:

For the record, the Marine reservist in the Mexican jail, was stopped in Mexico with 3 loaded weapons and 400 rounds of ammunition in front and back seat of his car.

“Loaded” weapons? Where did you glean that information? So you have no problem with Obama ignoring a Marine hero who suffers from PTSD that took a wrong turn at a badly marked exit, but you’re A-OK with trading five high value Taliban for one deserter?

Yeah, you’re dishonorable.

@retire05: Loaded weapons charge came from Mexican border official–obviously questionable.
Sgt. admitted he lied (under advice of counsel) when he said he’d never been in T.J. before.
I side with the Marine’s claim that he inadvertently entered Mexico. I’ve been removed from my car and searched by Mexican border guards. It’s a dangerous situation. I’ve had friends locked up down there.
I believe he should be released. Indications are he will be out shortly.
“dishonorable” I scoff at your accusations. From you, a proven liar here at F.A.

Jim Webb is a fellow Marine V.N. Vet. Dem who voted for Obama. Would you call him dishonorable? How bout the many tens of thousands of Marines who voted for Obama? Your charge is ridiculous and spurious.
Semper Fi

@Rich+Wheeler: I’ve been to over 40 countries, but not Mexico. There is no way I will go into Mexico, with the possible exception of just a daily visit off of a cruise ship. Possibly the most corrupt country in the world.
The ex Marine being held is largely the victim of his PTSD. I have no doubt that he likely has that ailment. I don’t think he ‘accidently’ did what he did, I think he had a purpose, though I have no clue what it was,to walk into Mexico, check into a hotel, check out 3 hours later, walk back to his truck and drive into Mexico at 10:30 at night. This ‘poorly’ marked highway story is not believable. I’ve gone to google, used satellite, street view to approach that check point and IT IS VERY CLEARLY MARKED. So, let’s just say his PTSD got him into it and I hope the US government will do all they can to get him out of the problem.

@Redteam: Corrupt is an understatement. Many people bribe their way out with on the spot cash. I believe it is possible he inadvertently drove in. He’d probably been drinking. Bad mistake, to say the least.


This ‘poorly’ marked highway story is not believable.

Shortly after the Marine was jailed in Mexico, Greta Van Sustern drove the same route. What her video showed was a small sign pointing the way back to the U.S. that was covered in graffiti. And if the sign was so obvious, why did the U.S. put up a new, and larger, sign just weeks later? So what was the date of your Google view?

I never heard the Marine checked into a hotel. I read that he had lunch in Mexico, and had left his vehicle behind on the U.S. side. Can you provide a link for the hotel story?


Jim Webb is a fellow Marine V.N. Vet. Dem who voted for Obama. Would you call him dishonorable?

Gee, wasn’t it Jim Webb’s body guard that got caught trying to enter a federal building in D.C. with Webb’s hand gun? The story was that Webb had given the aide the gun when Webb took a flight out of D.C. which means that Webb was packing when it was illegal to do so at that time in D.C.

I know, I know, the laws are really just for the little guy, not some hot shot Democrat politician.

And where has Webb been on Sgt. Tahmooressi? At least Duncan Hunter has stepped up to the plate. But not Webb. And where is Webb on the trading of five high value Taliban for one deserter?


At times, unfortunately, this young man has been his own worst enemy. After he was arrested, for instance, he claimed he had never been to Mexico before. In fact, he had crossed the border several times, including earlier on the day of his arrest, when he walked into Mexico, checked into Tijuana’s Hotel Nelson, then checked out and walked back to the U.S. hours later. (This means that he left his three loaded guns and ammo sitting in his Ford F-150 truck in a San Ysidro parking lot for hours.)

This is one of the biggest problems I have with the story:

Shortly after the Marine

THERE IS NO MARINE in this story. There is a Marine reservist, or a ‘former Marine’ but NO MARINE. People should stop the misleading terms and language. I don’t recall seeing the date of the Street View that I looked at a couple months ago, and I can’t get it to pull up today. It is now a ‘different’ view than when I looked before. I saw the video that Greta showed and I would not have been confused, especially if I had been that way numerous times previously, unless I were maybe a little intoxicated or something.

I’m not trying to be negative on the story, I just prefer truth be used rather than hyperbole.

Is that the same video you’re referring to? It really doesn’t show anything that is pertinent except that there was a huge blinking lighted sign pointing to ‘return to United States’. If Greta really wanted to show us what he saw, she would have done it at night and left from the same parking lot he did and make the same turn he did. I’m still looking.

@Redteam: Truth rather than hyperbole—amen to that RT. If only.
He’s a Marine reservist after his honorable discharge from active duty.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what did you do? What was the plan for the day and what did you do?

TAHMOORESSI: Well, I crossed over the border and I seen this big arch there. So I said, well, there’s probably some — something to do where this big arch is. It looks like the — you know, the arch in St. Louis, Missouri? And I went around, walked around, looked at the shops. I checked in a hotel over there because I was thinking to stay the night. And I ate at a restaurant. I walked around little more and kind of explored a little bit. And I checked out of the hotel because that hotel wasn’t very nice. It was dark and gloomy and dirty. So I was like, oh, forget this. And I didn’t really like what I seen in Tijuana that much anyway with all the authorities and things. I didn’t feel very safe or comfortable there. So I decided to head back to the United States.


The first video I saw showed a small sign that was covered in spray paint graffiti. I know that when Greta went back, there was a new flashing sign. But here is the bottom line for me:

I don’t care if Tahmooressi is a Marine, a Marine reservist, a former Marine, an ex-Marine or a Marine veteran. Call him what you want, but the Administration has done NOTHING to get that young veteran out of a Mexican jail. And as far as Mexico is concerned, damn them. They unload their criminals on us all the while demanding we “legalize” those criminals. And if gun running, which it was obvious Tahmooressi was not trying to do since he notified the Mexican border patrol immediately that he had weapons in his truck, is such a big deal to Mexico then Eric Holder should be doing 10 to 20 in the worst Mexican jail we can find. Perhaps Mexico would like to give us example of all the gun runners that Eric Holder facilitated that have been jailed, but I doubt they would do that.

Mexico is NOT our friend. It dumps its poor and uneducated on us to support, and then whines because we are not giving them amnesty.

Then we have this idiocy from RW:

For the record, the Marine reservist in the Mexican jail, was stopped in Mexico with 3 loaded weapons and 400 rounds of ammunition in front and back seat of his car.

Someone needs to tell RW that Tahmooressi was driving a pick up truck that does not have a back seat. And you can bet if this was a Republican president deserting a Marine veteran, RW would be apoplectic.

We should tell Mexico that the next time one of its citizens is caught coming across the border armed, including their military, they will no longer be allowed to cross back over into Mexico and that they will be jailed indefinitely.

Hey, Mexico, here’s a deal for you; give us back our Marine veteran and we’ll give you back 5 million of your citizens that are here illegally.


We should tell Mexico that the next time one of its citizens is caught coming across the border armed, including their military, they will no longer be allowed to cross back over into Mexico and that they will be jailed indefinitely.

That should be the policy now. I’m actually in favor of criminals being detained. (Note:, I’m NOT saying that Thamoorezzi is a criminal), but the situation you described above sounds like criminals.

I don’t care if Tahmooressi is a Marine, a Marine reservist, a former Marine, an ex-Marine or a Marine veteran.

Me either, but he should be called what he is and not something else just to draw attention. I’m a Navy veteran but I wouldn’t expect to be called a sailor if I were detained in Mexico. As I said before, I suspect his problems are mostly related to PTSD and he should be treated for that, if necessary.


We have had Mexican military fly helicopters over the city hall in El Paso. That is a clear violation of our sovereign air space. We have had armed Mexican military cross our Texas borders and even fired on our Border Patrol. What is Mexico doing about that? NADA. Every day we have Mexicans illegal cross into the U.S, and according to Pew Research, most of them understood it is against U.S. law to do so, but again, Mexico whines how we should keep them all the while having its hand out for more U.S. foreign aid money.

Tahmooressi suffers from PTSD. One of the problems there is PTSD sufferers often get disoriented. Even the Mexican medical team admitted he suffered from PTSD and that they had no way to treat him. So why are they still holding him? Why is our government not working to get him back? Why have the appeals to the White House to help Sgt. Tahmooressi gone unheeded?

Yet Beau Bergdahl is allowed to walk around freely while the Administration sits on the report to Bergdahl’s desertion until after the elections are over. And this is the administration that RW supports while he shouts “Semper Fi” as if it had any real meaning to him.


We have had Mexican military fly helicopters over the city hall in El Paso. That is a clear violation of our sovereign air space. We have had armed Mexican military cross our Texas borders and even fired on our Border Patrol. What is Mexico doing about that? NADA.

It is the job of the US military to protect our borders and our air space. Not Mexico.

Every day we have Mexicans illegal cross into the U.S,

It is our job to protect our borders, not Mexico’s. They do a reasonable job, I hear, of protecting their southern border.

Tahmooressi suffers from PTSD. One of the problems there is PTSD sufferers often get disoriented. Even the Mexican medical team admitted he suffered from PTSD and that they had no way to treat him. So why are they still holding him? Why is our government not working to get him back? Why have the appeals to the White House to help Sgt. Tahmooressi gone unheeded?

I agree that he is likely suffering from PTSD and needs treatment. The fact that he has not been released is the fault of Barack Obama, if he wanted him loose, he would be. His purpose is being served for the benefit of liberals.

Yet Beau Bergdahl is allowed to walk around freely while the Administration sits on the report to Bergdahl’s desertion until after the elections are over.

I’m certainly convinced Bergdahl is a deserter and should be tried. He, also, is serving the purpose of Barack Obama.
I don’t understand how anyone, anyone at all, can support Obama. Even Obama doesn’t support his policies. Semper fi is for brotherhood, but for some, it is being betrayed.

@Redteam: Careful of that dreaded hyperbole R.T.–seems like you may have it.

@Rich+Wheeler: For example?

Retire05, Rich, anyone…..

United States Marines are now revered for their downright fanatical dedication to each other, their service, and their country.

For example when their CinC salutes them with a styrofoam cup in his hand.

The phrase is “Always faithful.” It isn’t “Sometimes Faithful.” Nor is it “Usually Faithful,” but always. It is not negotiable. It is not relative, but absolute.

Well except when we make excuses for the CinC saluting with a styrofoam cup in his hand.

I know several people that the phrase truly means something to them. I know of others that will make excuses, as in the CinC saluting with a styrofoam cup in his hand and they have nothing to say. As in wondering about this:” Nor is it “Usually Faithful,” but always. It is not negotiable. It is not relative, but absolute.”

@Redteam: What benefits accrue to liberals thru this Marine’s incarceration?
How does Bergdahl serve the purpose of Obama?
Questions for you. Where was Obama born?
Where did he attend high school?
Bonus question What position did he play on basketball team?
Did you even see my previous response to his Styrofoam cup salute?
Did you see my thrice mentioned reason for not supporting HRC?
Do you love your own comments so much that you neglect to read the comments of others?


What benefits accrue to liberals thru this Marine’s incarceration?


None. They just don’t give a shit.

How does Bergdahl serve the purpose of Obama?

The exchange of Bergdahl for five high level Taliban leaders was supposed to be a “good faith” act as the Obama administration was having [no longer] secret talks with the Taliban. Who says we don’t negotiate with terrorists?

Questions for you. Where was Obama born?

In the bed his Marxist mother was laying on.

Where did he attend high school?

He didn’t. He attended a private, and expensive, college preparatory school that has grades K-12.

Bonus question What position did he play on basketball team?

Who cares? The NBA isn’t standing by with baited breath to hire him, nor were they before he became the worst president in the history of our nation.

@retire05: Who asked you OLD 5? Why should I care what you think? I’ll rattle your cage when I need a response from you.
I was responding to RT.


What benefits accrue to liberals thru this Marine’s incarceration?

I don’t know of any Marine that is incarcerated. Obama’s supporters, mostly liberal, or socialists and communists and muslims support his show of dislike for the US military.

How does Bergdahl serve the purpose of Obama?

basically same way. violated the ‘don’t submit to blackmail, trading jihadi’s for military deserters. Might have been a little more reasonable if it had been a Medal of Honor winner.

Where was Obama born?

I’m not sure but he and Mooch seem to think it was Kenya. If he had a birth certificate it would clear things up.

Where did he attend high school?

Punahu in Hawaii

Bonus question What position did he play on basketball team?

Never heard of him playing on a basketball team.

Did you even see my previous response to his Styrofoam cup salute?

You didn’t think it was important.

Did you see my thrice mentioned reason for not supporting HRC?

I think so, but I know that if it’s between her and a Republican, you won’t let her down.

Do you love your own comments so much that you neglect to read the comments of others?

You don’t think I’m capable of reading both my comments and others. Geez, Rich, what’s a matter?


Who asked you OLD 5?

Why don’t you tell us how old you are, RW? I mean, if you’re going to lambast someone for being old, perhaps you should start with yourself. But I guess you’re so spectacular, you were a Marine and in Vietnam when you were 12.

Why should I care what you think?

You shouldn’t. But you obviously do since I am able to push your buttons so easily.

I’ll rattle your cage when I need a response from you.

Know a lot about cages, do you? Is that where your partner keeps you?

I was responding to RT.

So what? It’s a public forum. Or hadn’t you noticed? Need that Aracept upped?

@retire05: If I were guessing, I’d put Rich at 66, he’s not a spring chicken.


Bonus question What position did he play on basketball team?

That question turned out to be very informative. First he seems to have lied quite a bit about his playing time/days. Didn’t make the top squad at his high school til he was a senior. Never had a ‘position’. Never even attempted to play at Occidental (the only college he attended)read this, very interesting:

@Redteam: You don’t seem to read my comments–so be it. I’ll stop reading yours. No big deal.
I’m ready for game 7. Expect we’ll see Bumgarner.
Notice o5 thinks she’s cute with her answers. She’s been pegged a confirmed liar. Nuf said

BTW Does anybody read all this back and forth B.S. Waste of time.

Lets check in after the election. BE WELL


Notice o5 thinks she’s cute with her answers

Nope. My answers were right on the mark.

. She’s been pegged a confirmed liar.

By whom? You and your other statist left wingers? And I was lying about Sheehan calling Nikki Haley a whore, right?

What kind of mental illness does one suffer from who seriously ridicules old people when they themselves are way past their shelf date? So fess up, RW….how old are you? And did you really serve in Vietnam since you are such a young whippersnapper?


You don’t seem to read my comments–so be it.

Geez, I read all those questions and answered in detail. I’m sure you are in agreement with the answers.
If Bumgarner doesn’t start the game, it’ll not do him much good to come in after they are down by 7 or 8 in the 3rd.

She’s been pegged a confirmed liar.

really? by who? I haven’t seen that. must’ve missed it.

BTW Does anybody read all this back and forth B.S.

Off and on, people come and go. Several i’ve missed lately.


Lets check in after the election. BE WELL

Ok, I’m still going with 56 senators. I voted for Maness in the first round in La. But we have to have a runoff if no one get’s 50%, which they won’t, then it’ll be between Landrieu and Cassity (ex Dimocrat) and so I’ll have to vote for Cassidy.