The Liberal Libya Hypocrisy

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The liberal hypocrisy is mindblowing….just mindblowing:

So Obama enters a war against a foe who had no intention of attacking us, where no vital U.S. interests were in jeopardy, and then after the 60 days are up he illegally keeps us in that war lying to us about our intentions (since when do tanks and convoys fly?) but it’s all a-ok because the dictator is dead?


If anyone deserved the treatment given to Khaddafi it is KSM. He deserved to be drug through the streets, beaten and summarily executed. But the left whined and railed because the man was waterboarded. After which he gave hugely valuable information. Now this animal is executed (and deserved the treatment received) but we hear no whines about human rights and all that jazz.

Tom Maguire reminds us of another hypocrisy. Recall the complaints given by the left over the Iraq war. Specifically that we had no plan AFTER we defeated the enemy. Funny how we’re not hearing those complaints now as Obama leads from behind, but is quick to take all the kudos for the death of Khaddafi.

I’m happy the thug is dead, but the whole thing stinks to high heaven of mindblowing hypocrisy.

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Curt, the word Hypocrisy applies most to this President and his Administration, . . . . perhaps more than to any other – ever.

His state of pretence and outright corruption is aptly laid out here: Obama’s Power Grid in Vanity Fair

Obama and his circle of self-serving glad-handers have no idea what they stand for other than filling their pockets, having demonstrated a dearth of morals and principles, well before they even reached the Oval Office.

Now in power, these degenerates just deliver more of the same.

The best part is that it took the French to deliver the killing blow to the regime.

So, what was the mission in Libya? With the execution of Khadaffi we immediately declare victory and that it is time to go?
Libya is now a country with a headless government and several factions striving for dominance and that is Obama’s definition of Mission Accomplished?

wow, just watching the video of how GADAFI was killed after being viciously beaten while they where holding him , you thought , to bring him to the court, international court,
no way they would have give him a chance to reveal what he knew of other skeems financial if you want,
from other countrys BE IT FRANCE who sent an ambassador at first glance,supporting the revolt, be it other benefiting from the GADAFI money reserve,
I don’t see no pride to such execution, and the manner of how it was done,
who feel that happy

watching it and congratulating the enablers, are leaving a taste of bestiality they enjoy,
and that is troublesome, in a super AMERICA, and because of that leadership, is loosing a lot of what it was standing for that is the right thing to do

but it’s all a-ok because the dictator is dead?

Hi Curt!

I’ll answer this one for you. Apparently it is okay as the Republican House could have started impeachment proceedings over his illegal war, but I guess they were all for it as they didn’t have a problem with it.

There you go. No charge for the civics lesson.


I don’t see no pride to such execution, and the manner of how it was done,
who feel that happy

Of course you feel no pride in a brutal thug meeting “justice.” You’ve been infected by Mata’s brand of “Hpyer Political Conservatism” where what matters is who’s in the White House, not what is best for the United States.

YVAN I don’t think who is best for the COUNTRY is in the WHITE HOUSE, but it is the contrary
of that, what is best for the COUNTRY IS SOMEONE ELSE, any of the CANDIDATES IN LINE,


Ivan, please expound.
Murderous killers of political opponents, of Jews, of Christians, of black Libyans and of minority sect Muslims are now in power in Libya.
In WHAT way is this better for the United States?

@Nan G:

Ivan, please expound.
Murderous killers of political opponents, of Jews, of Christians, of black Libyans and of minority sect Muslims are now in power in Libya.
In WHAT way is this better for the United States?

Oh really? Last I heard no one knows who is in charge. Oh, but you do! Perhaps you should tell the State Department who is in charge because they don’t know.

Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve just come from Libya on some fact-finding mission and you can inform us as to who the real rulers are?

You’re delusional if you think you have all the answers.

@Nan G:

In WHAT way is this better for the United States?

Okay, so I’ll put you down as being unhappy that Gaddafi is dead-a killer of hundreds of Americans over Scotland.

POY on your loser mentality. Any time you’d like to leave the plantation, I’ll be waiting for you.

Whatsa matter, Ivan… is Nan G’s simple question too far above your pay grade to answer? Does she need to use smaller words? Or perhaps social media text abbreviations to rephrase it? LOL

@Ivan: So, Ivan.
You have fallen to a false dilemma fallacy and an ad hominum.

As Ollie North said, I’m happy he’s gone, but I’m not celebrating.

Tell us about it! Its sickening the double standard! We have been fighting the liberal machine for years in an effort to get the two cole bombers to trial at Gitmo. They fought tooth and nail and managed to stay the trials for years. And now the hairball Gaddafi gets what he had coming to him and the liberals are not saying a word, except that Obi did it again, and is he not a wonder man! Yes I am glad that he was shot, beaten, and shot again for his acts of terror that cost so many innocent lives. One of our past presidents should have had the guts to take him out years ago, instead of making deals with him. Yes I know Reagan tried. Good for him.


Any time you’d like to leave the plantation, I’ll be waiting for you.

In the dark, with his pants around his ankles.

@Wm T Sherman:

In the dark, with his pants around his ankles.

Oh we hear from another “Poor murderous Ghaddafi wasn’t given a trial by jury” limp-dick is heard from.

Wow, you guys are beyond pathetic with your anti-Americanism.

Ivan’ski, the vigilante sez: Oh we hear from another “Poor murderous Ghaddafi wasn’t given a trial by jury” limp-dick is heard from.

Wow, you guys are beyond pathetic with your anti-Americanism.

I see… trials and justice are “anti-American” in Ivan’s world, and lynch mobs are “freedom fighters”. LOL

@Nan G:

You have fallen to a false dilemma fallacy and an ad hominum.

Yet, you make no comment when Mata and Aye (Loser) engage in ad hominum attacks daily.

We’ll color you “double standard”.

@Ivan: Ivan,
They don’t make them at me!

If they did, I would.
You are the one that did.

BTW, this is another logic fallacy on your part.
It is called the ”he did it, too!” or ”two wrongs make a right,” fallacy.
It’s Latin name is the Tu Quoque Fallacy.

@Ivan, it’s truly inconvenient for you to attempt to play liberal victim with your insulting comments on this, and the other Gaddafi thread so easily accessible for the world to see. Hilarious….

What you give, you get back full fold, and more. It was you who set the tone. And you’re a mono-tone guy at that… it’s always the same whining.

YVAN not anti AMERICANIST, just the method of lynching and killing is anti AMERICAN,
and not something to applaude, because they had other options to video a show to the

THIS method is not even used in the warzone, and the enemy is the same kind of brutal animals using underground multiple bombs attached to each other, they would deserve the same horrible end of life,
but they are killed instantly,that is why the weapon are made for here in the FREE WORLD


Oh we hear from another “Poor murderous Ghaddafi wasn’t given a trial by jury” limp-dick is heard from.

I haven’t said a word about it. Have I?

I’m just riffing off of your obnoxious presumptuous creepiness. All this rage and energy, but never able to explain what you want, only what you don’t want. Claiming to stand for something, but exhibiting only ego. Almost as if the whole act is driven by some kind misrouted sublimated animal energy that lacks a conventional outlet…


Yet, you make no comment when Mata and Aye (Loser) engage in ad hominum attacks daily.


Being called “loser” by you is like being called fat by Meghan McCain or ignorant by Al Sharpton.

Amusingly ironic…yet completely insignificant.

@Ivan: ivan, ivan, ivan, now competing with Greg for the fogged window in your stomach. How do you see out?

Ah, Saddam was far more benign than Khadaffi. And Bush spent trillions, killed hundreds of thousands.

Osama=dead, al-Awlaki,=DEAD Kadaffi=DEAD


(So funny to watch the right spinning in their wheels, lol!)


Remember how high Bush I was riding after the ’91 Gulf War? And how much that helped him 18 months later?

@just me 95: That is a super way to say it. I’m guessing that would have been his comment in 72 when he was my instructor at the Basic School.

@Nan G:

They don’t make them at me!

You get your panties in a twist over me calling you delusional? Dude, leave the internet right now as you can’t handling a little given and take.


Being called “loser” by you is like being called fat by Meghan McCain or ignorant by Al Sharpton.

Coming from someone who lacks honor such as yourself, I’ll take that with a grain of salt.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #4,

MsBees, You raise an excellent hypothesis here – it’s almost impossible to ever know the full story, particularly when very large amounts of cash are “in play” and the owner encounters an untimely demise.

Bankers from Switzerland to Singapore have a history of remaining ‘mum’ on funds held off-shore, particularly those held in trust for wealthy individuals who didn’t want the funds directly connected to them for either tax reasons, or because they were pilfering dictators. Fortunes are stolen this way. Always have been.

40 years in power siphoning oil money out of Tripoli and into private trusts from Zurich to hell’s-half-acre, means hundreds of millions stashed in endless corners that Qaddafi will no longer ‘call’.

Having done some deals in Indonesia during the early-mid ’90s, when 30% of every deal – in and out of the country – went into the hands of the ruthless dictator Suharto (he was responsible for the slaughter of what Indonesians estimated to be somewhere between 5 and 8 million Chinese). He had a handful of trusted henchmen who made deals on his behalf and were his insiders. One of these strange characters had the job of cris-crossing the country in executive jet, collecting briefcases or suitcases of cash, sometimes gold bullion, and hopping to Singapore for deposit. I figure that given the sizeable natural wealth of Indonesia, Suharto had to have become a billionaire many times over (particularly in 2011 dollars). When he died, only some of his stash was repatriated to Indonesia.

Qaddafi wouldn’t have stolen as much money as Suharto, but still, his hundreds of millions, perhaps more, are sitting where they will never again see light of day in Libya.

London, Paris, Zurich, Monaco and Singapore will see a few more brand new and shiny Bentleys with owners reclined in the back seats, pulling out of slightly more luxurious mansions, with the chauffeur sucking back on a freshly unboxed Cohiba Esplendido.

Its funny, but Vladimir Putin also says that the killing of the American-killer Ghaddafi was illegal.

Wow, Mata, Aye, NanG…now the leader of our historic enemy are all on the same page…kind of makes you wonder, huh?


James Raider
that would be good read also in a book you should write,
and we have to include THE STORY OF GOLDMAN SACH AND OBAMA; him TELLING GADAFI TO LEAVE; soon after THE GADAFI ASKING FOR HIS BILLION AND the representant of G-S who went to propose a deal but no money, came back to say how angry they where treated with,
I thought the connection was too obvious, because G-S and OBAMA HAVE BEEN TOLD TO BE GOOD BUDDIES LIKE, YOU SCRATCH MY BACK AND I’ll …….

@Ivant to kiss Obama’s butt: The amount you pay for the candles that you continually light at the alter of Obama must be HUGE, nearly as big as your ego one might suspect. (But I am guessing it is a far bigger amount than your IQ)

@ilovebeeswarzone: #33,

You know MsBees, I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist, but having spent a lifetime too closely connected to the world of money, I have witnessed all levels of societies, rich and poor, do things that were well beyond the pale of normalcy. As you know, Money has the power to infect all those who don’t know what and who they are – those who are not centred and intimately know their principles and morals.

So while I think that it would have been insane for GS and for Obama minions to have acted in concert, it isn’t beyond the realm of the possible, nor of what I have seen directly. The kinds of thefts I allude to in #31 are much more insidious than a GS just blatantly swiping a billion from Q., . . . although the arrogance we have been witnessing for the past few years from both the W.H. and from the likes of GS is completely off the charts. Soooo,……….

What surprises me is that any conservative would be surprised when Obama does what he does. What would surprise me more is if Obama didn’t do something because the law wouldn’t let him. Obama doesn’t worry if something he does is illegal or hurts the USA. His goal is to be crowned king.

James Raider
yes you know more about it than I do, but with the CHICAGO connection mix in the WHITE HOUSE,
and the pressure they use to get what they want from CORPORATIONS, plus what transpire in various bits here and there, from people who dig deep to get at the source,
then, I put things together and with that I build my story from source I believe sincere,
like the story of where the rally originated straight from the WHITE HOUSE and UNION including friend of the OBAMA FOR ELECTION VOTES, it was well research by a radio journalist well respected .
she came out with names and took time to check and double check before she came out,
another of their error in the WH is that they think the people are not as smart to dig and find their plot,

Smorgasbord, hi,
I am listening to FOX they mention some places filling for BANKRUPTCY,

@ilovebeeswarzone: #38
I missed that story. Thanks for the update. I’ll see if I can find it on their web sight.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #37,

. . . . If that is the case, can you imagine a billion dollar slush fund (minus fees) in the hands of the O. Retirement fund?

That should buy him the position he really covets – President Of The New World Council.

Of course, on the upside of this fiasco, we no longer have to worry about some silly executive order prohibiting assassination of foreign leaders as an instrument of American foreign policy.
I’ll just assume that the leftoid drones are good with that — and that they’ll applaud as loudly when a Republican president does the same thing (because we all know that leftists aren’t hypocrites…lol!).

On the downside, while we’re at it, are the interesting little facts that Gaddifi had given up trying to acquire nuclear power and weapons and forsworn research into chemical and biological weapons – mainly as a result of GWB’s war in Iraq; and had begun to co-operate with the US on a number of issues. After the treatment that he received from our maximum leader (barry nuk’em), other countries considering any sort of co-operation with America will now stop and think twice on the wisdom of that move. And who can blame them?

On another note: When shall we expect to see lil barry lead an “international coalition” against Syria and Assad? After all, Gaddafi had killed less than a hundred of his own people when we invoked R2P as a ‘humanitarian’ act — and Assad has killed well over 3,000 of his own people and turned whole towns into free-fire zones. Surely, R2P would apply in this case (especially since Assad keeps laughing at lil barry for being a fool).

James Raider,
you certainly see that is what he pursue, by getting buddy at the UN,
and agree when they ask a favor, that’s what some smart people see also,
look at the ARABS who occupy 1/3 rd of the UN SEATS,
ON AN ALLY TO PUT HIM DOWN, now he is in a cage a sick man, who in the UN or in the USA
where is everyone that profit from him all this time,
something strange is in it?

yes where are the allies left, the others are freaking up
around the world, they are no more allies, only observing the AMERICA,
the big companies are on hold also, no wander,

you found some more on GADAFI butcher’s
they also shot him in both legs,
that beside cutting him of, and shoot him in the head, they must have taken turn,

dangerous crowd, replacing him with sharia restoration on their country,
what a plus to begin a new free country.