Trump’s Long Term Vision


Well into his second year in the Oval Office, President Trump has, by any objective measure of pro-freedom and applied common sense, accomplished more that most Presidents in memory.  That is, “more” with respect to moving America positively forward as a successful Nation, rather than allowing it to recede into stagnant oblivion, rushing over the cliff of socialism and into the abyss of communism.   


Ignore his personality. Look at the powerful results already accomplished.  Unlike too many of the CEOs made abnormally wealthy by Wall Street bankers who focus on thirty day results, Trump has brought an unusual mission to his Administration — long term goals, with strategies to stabilize the Nation’s foundations and invigorate its engines for long term stability.

Submerged in unsurprising ignorance, almost one hundred percent of the media whines about everything President Trump touches or thinks of touching.  The end of the world is announced each and every day.  For example, Trump’s “positioning” confrontations with the EU, Canada, China, or Mexico, on trade tariffs are met with uninformed loathing.  

The media would rather a President lead with submissive posturing, hoping, pleading, and begging for fairness from the Merkels and Macrons of the world. Is it really a surprise that the levels of EU tariffs on American-made cars have minimized that market for the U.S.?  The media disparages the strategy as an attack on our allies, and accuses Trump of having “protectionist trade policies”, using the term protectionist as a derogatory and condescending term.  No, he’s for pro American worker trade policies.  And the roof isn’t going to fall in.

Trump clearly does not want to waste time taking the long road that past Presidents have taken to nowhere.  He knows what he needs to achieve with his strategy and he has executed for maximum results in a timely manner.  

Is it a surprise that Merkel has already announced that she is ready to reduce German tariffs?  The MSM must be astonished that Germany sells more cars to the US than the rest of it’s EU comrades.  The MSM must be really confounded into a stupor by discovering the fact that Germany is racing toward outright energy dependence on Russia as it fills Putin’s coffers with billions of dollars.

Isn’t it peculiar that Obama, Bush and Clinton didn’t care enough for America’s manufacturing infrastructure to attempt anything remotely like what Trump is actually getting done?   He’s even offering zero tariffs. How’s that for a gambit?  Zero tariffs isn’t likely to occur, but oh, everybody run, the roof is going to cave in. 

The roof will also not cave in when our European allies finally begin contributing their fair share of NATO costs.  The media feigned dismay and shock when Trump told the NATO member states, “. . . You gotta pay your bills.”   If the world believes the neo-Marxist media, Trump is declaring an attack on our allies. Instead, these unbalanced, bias-blinded observers should welcome a President thinking about fairness for America’s taxpayers, and the long term benefit of a more balanced relationship with Europe. 

For the near term, some of  us will enjoy the unqualified and ignorant media’s reaction to the President’s dressing down of Germany for its cozy multibillion dollar energy entanglement with Putin’s Russia. In that stroke Trump is also exposing the insanity of the “collusion” lie which the left has been chanting since election night. 

Western Europe has long been conflicted on its Russian and Iranian affiliations.  Much like Canada and its complete dependence on China for financing, building, and filling a million condos feeding its out-of-control immigration industry. Not a word against China’s tech thefts, or cash laundering, healthcare abuse, etc., or you’ll be attacked with accusations of racism.  Canada’s senior bankers, just like the EU’s senior bankers, control the political landscape.  Their wealth comes first.  

In their midsts this week, and as the CEO of the world’s most powerful Nation, Trump is an unwelcome disrupter.  Unlike Obama who had a deep need to be liked internationally, Trump is a cyclone deliberate on moving toward long term international stability rather than the destabilizing path his predecessors have accepted.  He is impeding globalists’ long term plans for a border-less western world, accelerated through counter-cultural and overwhelming “multiculturalism”. 

This contemptible media-fuelled absurdity feigns “caring” while knowing full well the inevitable outcome of weakening America and Europe through socialism.  The daily barrage of sanctimonious hypocrisy from talking heads across America and Western Europe lacks common sense, and is void of basic intelligence. 

So let’s take a closer look.  Notice that the media fears confronting the reality that Gerhard Schroeder is unabashedly sitting as director of numerous Russian energy companies controlled by Putin’s Gazprom and now sits as a director of Gazprom itself.   Does anyone notice the irony in the fact that Schroeder, Merkel’s predecessor, guides Putin’s energy empire, while Germany, the world’s fourth largest economy, is committed to annually feeding billions of dollars to Russia?  Is it surprising that Schroeder is lambasting President Trump, and telling Merkel to ignore the President’s call for spending 2% on defence?  Schroeder is in effect a member of Putin’s administration.  Germany’s enormous energy deals with Putin, places it squarely within Russia’s sphere of influence. How’s that for evidence of a malignant political class leading the western world?  

Germany, the EU’s leader, cannot be beholden to Putin while at the same time respond to President Trump’s demands to strengthen its commitment to remain a strong force against Russia.  It makes little sense that our media applauds Merkel’s shovelling of billions to Putin, while it attacks Trump’s tightening of sanctions on Russia.   It is beyond the bounds of reasoning minds that the media would worship Merkel, but denigrate President Trump. 

From their ivory towers in Brussels the authoritarians dispense decrees that macerate personal freedoms across all of Europe. The millions of America’s left who worship this globalist collectivism, do not comprehend the consequences. Their leaders understand — they all dream of being Lenins, or Stalins, or Maos, or Xis, and the flapping lips in the media are their co-conspirators.  

None of this bodes well for the American Constitution.  The left must change it and eventually replace it. It will be unrelenting until God given rights and liberty are wiped from America’s foundation.  

Trump, with all of his flaws, seems one of the few in power standing against the neo-Marxist wave which seeks to weaken America, just as it has weakened Europe.   

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@rich wheeler: Women who sleep with men for their career advancement or because the men are rich or powerful and want something from them are no better than pimpless hookers, all those liberal female actresses some even pimping younger actresses to Weinstein. They are all a disgusting lot. THEY ALL KNEW, HILLARY KNEW. Obama knew and let his own daughter work for that old slimeball pig. All so he would raise money for them.
To late I reeled you in and you sit in the deepwell.

@kitt: u Love the well and the woman–life is good–Looking forward to Spain

Keep pimping Trump if you must–I’ll bet your husband loves him.

@richard wheeler: You tell me what a deepwell is you dont know without looking it up. And here fishy fishy fishy As insane as the Dem party has got its almost believable.

@rich wheeler: Recycled Meme from when Trump shook Obamas hand (photographic proof of Trump grabbing), see thats why the left loses they cant be original, no creative skills. Hillary was memed to obliteration during the election, so much material so little time.
Eliminating ICE, Pelosi scrambling for starving peoples crumbs, even everytaxpayer will pay 160 bucks for the wall, and taxpayer asking where to submitt the check

@kitt: What about your phony post in #99? lol

Trump invites Putin to DC without telling Coates He knows he looked weak and screwed up in Helsinki—he’s looking for a mulligan so he can get another chance to show he’s strong and defend his Intelligence Community.

Know what—Putin may turn him down–he’s already scored big points at home with his perceived Trump take down–figures to quit while he’s ahead,

@rich wheeler:

Trump invites Putin to DC without telling Coates He knows he looked weak and screwed up in Helsinki—he’s looking for a mulligan so he can get another chance to show he’s strong and defend his Intelligence Community.

Trump doesn’t need to tell Coates anything until he’s ready to.. Coates is not the boss, Trump is. An had Trump slammed his fist on the podium, shouted at Putin and told him “No more hacking. Cut it out!” mimicking Obama, you TDS suffers on the left would have been screaming how he was out of control and had just damaged US/Russian relations beyond control risking war with Russia.

Obama didn’t think Russia was a big deal with he told Mitt Romney “the 1980s call and it wants it’s foreign policy back.” You didn’t disagree with Obama, but now, because it is Trump, you are willing to parrot what other idiots are saying. Clinton gave China the keys to the store, even though China is a major threat to our security, and you said nada.

Know what—Putin may turn him down–he’s already scored big points at home with his perceived Trump take down–figures to quit while he’s ahead,

Putin needs Trump right now more than Trump needs Putin. Hell, the Russian economy is so bad that even California has a bigger one. Russia can’t afford economic hardship any more than it already has. Remember, that is a nation that is known for its revolutions. Putin damn sure doesn’t want another revolution.

Rich what are you talking about post #99
The joke on you is revealed in #103
is it just my computer or is
The format is weird for the site

@retire05: Why scream at Putin when its China?
Cyber security for the government is a joke internal people need to be fully vetted what happened with the Awan brothers is just an example of how the FBI is allowing security threats to slide.
(it was my computer reset my security and format cleared up.)

@kitt: You started with a phony add so really had nowhere to go. I believe in the equality of man and women in marriage.
You say the woman should obey the man—talk about being collard–you enjoy it.
The alt-right, white nationalists with wives in tow obeying.and totally under control now define the GOP—Many Conservatives have left the GOP in response to Trumpist/cultist takeover MANY MORE WILL LEAVE-the -bashing of the free press as the enemy of the people. astounding.

@rich wheeler: You never called my bluff on the AD .
You show total lack of understanding what the obey vow in marriage for a woman means. I dont have time to explain it to you.
If you believe we have a free press you havent noticed channel after channel say the exact same words scripted echo chamber nonsense the media owned by less than a handfull of marxists. When I saw it I cut the cord, no more will I subject myself to the screeching propagana.
How easy it is for you to overlook the attacks of the last administration
Trump has jailed no one, he verbally fights back, hasnt used the power of the US justice system to silence them.
Barrys own behavior with emailing his SOS on a non government server that turned out to be a pipeline to China

@kitt: You knock the free press–“media owned by Marxists”– hyperbolic–while getting your news from far right sources that are certainly no less slanted to favor your notions.
Our country is run by aged white male nationalists–it will be short lived and not viewed well by history..

@richard wheeler: You look for feel good America stories on the Propaganda channels, they do nothing but bash the USA, Limo liberals, like the former Pres that says you dont need a big house in his speech in S Africa only to return to his 8 million dollar mansion.
Can I ask why anyone connected to Clinton in any investigation gets immunity? The Podestas are the latest the criminals are saving.

@richard wheeler:

You knock the free press–“media owned by Marxists”– hyperbolic

The press is still free, RW, although the talking heads associated with the free press are painfully predictable. The same dog whistles, the same trigger words, the same catch phrases used by all of them on the left. Oddly enough, a study done by UCLA, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, showed the media to be largely liberal.

–while getting your news from far right sources that are certainly no less slanted to favor your notions.

Liberals have had the press tied up since the days of Walter Cronkite. Actually before then with Walter Lipmann and Walter Duranty. I call what is being taught in journalism schools now the Walter School of Journalism. No more do reporters report only the facts, but the goal of “reporting” is to create an opinion in the readers/listeners. That’s been going on for over 70 years but now, liberals, including you, get your Hanes all in a wad because there is no longer the lone liberal voice in the media. After all, those liberal journalists, like the three Walters, believe the great unwashed masses are just too damn stupid to think for themselves and must be “lead” to believe what those like Rachael Maddow wants them to believe.

Our country is run by aged white male nationalists–it will be short lived and not viewed well by history..

White male nationalists? Explain. Or do you still subscribe to the 60’s meme “Never trust anyone over 30”? Our nation was run by “white male nationalists” ever since it’s concept, well over 200 years, but now you forecast its demise. I guess you prefer the path that the Democratic Party is now taking; 28 and seventy something year old Socialists.

Remember, as your Party strives to remove liberty and impose severity on those on the opposite side, it will affect not just those on the opposite side, but you, as well.

@retire05: Your point taken—our country has for the most part been run by aged white male nationalists—-this is changing irrevocably—For better or worse—DT and his base are trying to hold on or go back.–not possible–we’ve had a Black male–we will have a woman and surely someone of Latin descent will lead in this half century. WILL THIS BE FOR THE BETTER? TIME WILL TELL BUT TIME CAN NOT BE STOPPED..

RE THE PRESS—-Do people even read anymore?==do they know history, world geography? They walk around like zombies addicted to their cell phones-little to no interpersonal relationships. Strange

For the record I dislike Rachel Maddow as much as I dislike Sean Hannity,

@rich wheeler:

Your point taken—our country has for the most part been run by aged white male nationalists—-this is changing irrevocably—For better or worse—DT and his base are trying to hold on or go back.–not possible–

For you to make the statement that DT and “his base” are trying to hold on to the status quo is one of the most insane statements you have ever made. Conservatives don’t base their choice of leadership on race, creed or ethnicity. Democrats do. And because of that you wind up with a woman, who is black, that is certifiably insane, Maxine Waters. Race, creed and ethnicity do not a good leader make.

What is happening, that you seem to want to ignore, is that minorities are finding jobs, and jobs bring security and they are finding those jobs, and that security, under Donald Trump. Do you think that totally escapes them?

Your Party is raveling at the seams. It is supporting actual Socialists (Bernie Sanders and his protégé, the whako from New York). That also doesn’t escape the normal voter in fly over county that actually determines who will be president.

RE THE PRESS—-Do people even read anymore==do they know history, world geography. They walk around like zombies addicted to their cell phones-little to no interpersonal relationships. Strange

Sure they read. Do you think they are not reading on their cell phones which have access to the internet? Print media may be grasping for its last breath, but every major publication is on the web. Then there is the new media; websites, blogs, etc. The under 25 group, I admit, is clueless. They know nothing of history, or even current events. It has always been that way, just now it’s worse. That all changes when college kids finally have to get a job and get out in the real world.

You seek out reasons to dislike Trump based on what he says, in spite of what he does (more support to the Ukraine in the last few days, the demand Turkey release to us the Christian minister they hold in prison). Logical people (Trump’s base) understand to “watch what someone does, not what they say.” You’re not that smart.

@rich wheeler:

we will have a woman and surely someone of Latin descent will lead in this half century. WILL THIS BE FOR THE BETTER? TIME WILL TELL BUT TIME CAN NOT BE STOPPED..

Who said we want to, you must honestly believe all white people are the exact picture the victim identity pushers portray us as. Twice A black man took the electoral to be President, you have admitted the woman they put up was a poor choice, How many hispanics were up in the primaries in the democrat party that would be zero. The Republican side ya more than zero, I voted for one in the Primaries. Any woman that comes forward on the right the democrats attack relentlessly politician or judge. Even you voted for a white man, are you racist?
We agree both Sean and Rachel suck, see common ground.


Wheeler seems to have forgotten that it was the Republican Party, not the Democrats, who had the first minority Vice President.

He seems to be of the belief that Republican women are just mind numbing stupid who are slaves to their husband’s whims. That is just too funny. Perhaps he needs to get out of his liberal bubble.

Kitt If your husband says–I’m voting so and so for POTUS could you say I’m voting for someone else?
It will not be the current Repub. Party that nominates the first female or Hispanic POTUS—-You can take that to the bank.

@retire05: In 1929 that must have been scandalous to the KKK democrats. He has quite an interesting history, on his mother’s side, Curtis was a descendant of chief White Plume of the Kaw Nation and chief Pawhuska of the Osage.
The shock of having a squaw, his sister, host social functions in DC.

@rich wheeler: I and my sweetie dont agree politically on every single subject, we are compatible on constitutional originality.
I lean more towards libertarian than he does.If he chose a candidate I thought was not representing my views I am quite free to vote as I please. The issue of him being the boss is in household decisions, do we need a new drive way, car ect . I dont choose his tools, he doesnt pick out the linens.

I’m sure you ladies realize this is not your father’s or your grandfather’s Republican Party–not the party of Hoover or Ike or RR. there has been a hostile takeover fueled by unbridled Nationalism–the reasons are many and not all pretty–we can discuss later.

I believe it’s over reactive and temporary,.
Would agree mine is not the party of JFK and FDR.

Dem primary wide open–as many as 10 vying to face DT—-My early dark horse pick Mitch Landrieu D La. RT—Your Thoughts?

@rich wheeler: The statue guy? History not to be learned from but erased , excellent choice chuck the South vote right into the toilet.

@kitt: Majority of Southerners OK with removal of offending statues-obviously not a problem in North and West.
He hasn’t declared yet but he definitely could go toe to toe with Trump.

@rich wheeler: In your bubble southerners have no problem, statues that were not taken down when we had a black president. Worry not the democrats have the muslim slave trade up and thriving again.

@Deplorable Me: #75

He says he wanted Trump to win… NOW (that he’s won). However, Hillary would have been a win/win/win/win for Putin.

Absolutely right observation, which all of the Dems and lapdog media lack the self-confidence or insight to grasp.

The depth of the stupidly that does not understand this is no longer

@kitt: #109

Why scream at Putin when its China?

Kitt, here is a succinct view of reality on the Russia/China argument, from Bannon, who also provides a useful perspective on Trump’s strategy.

My own acquaintences from these countries, and experience, indicate that he’s right on.

China’s a serious challenge, I think Trump is attempting to play a game no one has attempted — not just with sanctions and arms near Putin’s borders, but putting some space between China and NK, Russia and China, etc. A strong Russia isn’t helpful, so Germany is working against us. Isolating China is not an easy play, and they’re more ruthless than Putin by far.

Putin hated HRC for questioning the validity of his election He was for WHOEVER was running against her and was certainly willing to help DT when he got nom

Kitt In the South Dems only need wins in VA. and either NC or FLA.
Must retake PA. MICH AND WIS. Biden can compete in all these states.
Landrieu has a message that will resonate with indy and younger voters
Let the games begin.

China and NK must be split for denuk to begin—Dt banks heavily on perceived personal relations—I’d say so far he’s had a win with China a tenuous draw with NK and he strangely took a knee and a loss to Russia. He’s hoping for a mulligan with his W,H, invite to Putin

@James Raider: Trumps goal is zero tarriffs, zero subsidies. China might think they can intimidate with tarriffs on pork but what will they stuff their egg rolls with. We all might have to be pinched a bit, buy American, and as local as possible. China pumping out lead fill toys, poison dog food and other crap guaranteed to disintegrate before you get sick of it to fill Walmart shelves and give maximum profit to department stores even when they mark it down 70%. 80 bucks for a pair of jeans that you can take home to discover they ran out of thread in the bobbin or used WW2 surplus thread and one wash the seams are all loose.
@rich wheeler: Your election predictions have a track record, I say the DNC still firmly in Hillarys claws. She has a problem with accepting the validity of elections, especially ones she rigged every way but Sunday and lost anyway.

@rich wheeler:

Majority of Southerners OK with removal of offending statues-obviously not a problem in North and West.

Wrong. Many Southern Democrats had ancestors that fought in the War of Northern Aggression. They are not happy to have an entire segment of American history wiped out because the Democrats play identity politics. And believe me, Wheeler, I have a better grasp of the political atmosphere in the South than you do.

He [Mitch Landrieu D La.] hasn’t declared yet but he definitely could go toe to toe with Trump.

I doubt it. While well known in Louisiana, he is basically an unknown everywhere else. And he has screwed the pooch more times than not in his home state. But I guess you are basing your opinion on all the national media attention Landrieu is garnering, NOT!


White male nationalists? Explain.

Those are people, who happen to be white, that feel love and devotion to their country, can see the erosion and loss of freedoms and security, can see the left doing all they can to dilute the voting population with millions of illegal immigrants dependent on entitlements they are not even entitled to, and want to protect our borders. Those (who happen to be white) that want to secure our borders in a logical and reasonable way.

For you to make the statement that DT and “his base” are trying to hold on to the status quo is one of the most insane statements you have ever made. Conservatives don’t base their choice of leadership on race, creed or ethnicity. Democrats do.

There is absolutely no problem with any ethnicity (as long as they are a natural born citizen) leading the nation, as long as they don’t do so to change the character of the nation into that particular ethnicity. As Sotomayor implied, having someone ruling based on “Latina rights” or any other such ethnic guideline is just as wrong as the imagined wrong of white men ruling as white men. Whatever the makeup of the person, the mandate is to rule as an AMERICAN for AMERICANS.

Just like their adoration for socialism, the left believes if you get rid of the American character (ambitions, aggressive, dominant, proud, innovative) they can have all the wealth developed by those characteristics without non-liberal traits. However, just as when socialism takes root, the very essence of what CREATES all that dynamic growth, which much of the world also benefits from, is wiped out and deterioration begins immediately. The left simply is not smart enough to see that far ahead, or they simply don’t care, anticipate once this golden goose is drained dry, another will arise. Nope. The United States is the world’s last and best hope for prosperity.


Twice A black man took the electoral to be President, you have admitted the woman they put up was a poor choice

The one and only problem is the tendency to vote for a color or gender rather than ability. Obama was elected solely because he was black (50%), not because he had any ability, a flaw that was totally borne out by his disastrous tenure. Hillary can perilously close, solely on the basis of being a woman, despite her demonstrated incompetence, lack of concern for national security and committing crimes. There is no reason to exclude any qualifying citizen, despite what the left gets the most mileage out of accusing.

I say the DNC still firmly in Hillarys claws.

Either hers or something very similar and they can’t figure out why they get their assess handed to them regularly.

Even discussing the characterization of the Republican party with a rabid partisan liberal is pointless. The see what they are told to see and that is only what benefits the liberal propaganda machine. Republicans rape nuns and kill babies, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. The sooner that radical contingent of the Democrat party is voted into oblivion, the sooner bipartisanship and cooperation can be restored. The liberal pathway to socialism or nothing mindset needs to be obliterated for the nation to survive.

@retire05: When I said majority I included Blacks–I side with Nikki Haley on this issue.

Bill You ramble on about your hatred for force fed Liberals, LOL
Where does your “real news” come from–Trump?