Being A Community Organizer Isn’t As Great As You Might Think

Community Organizing is a tough job, I threw my hat into the political ring as a young man. I ran as the Community Organizer of our little local ranching Community. No one ran against me and I won handily. I was quite impressed with my early success in politics and figured I was on the way up the political ladder. The position of Community Organizer had several responsibilities and people expected a lot from me in this unpaid political position. I rented out the community hall and made sure that all the burnt out light bulbs were replaced, I made sure there was toilet paper in the outhouse and that there were no drunks or animals sleeping in it, I attended the community pasture meetings and listened to the ranchers yell at each other, and I was in charge of the community grave yard.

The Ugly American

President Obama and the DNC are supporting unrest against legal legislative processes in Wisconsin and plan other such moves in more states that are planning to legislate financial responsibility, while ignoring the plight of demonstrators for Democracy against an Islamic Regime in Iran and the Tenth Amendment and after encouraging the overthrow of one of our most important allies in the Middle East.

There is an ugliness to this behavior that can no longer be ignored. States have sovereignty, under the Tenth Amendment that is being attacked by President Obama and his henchmen within the Democratic National Committee, the message is clear: we will attack any other states with our thugs if you try to mess with our unions or legislate financial responsibility.

The Danger Of Believing Your Own Lies And Propaganda

I learned to ride jumping horses as a teenager from an old cavalry trooper. Sadly, my English riding and jumping style reflects that early instruction where function was valued over form. It wouldn’t be an issue, except here in America, only the affluent and those who want to appear affluent compose the majority of those who ride jumpers and they have spent years and tens of thousands of dollars to fine tune the image of how they appear or the image they want to project while riding: European riders have disdain for the American rider who seldom ventures beyond the arena; in Europe, they spend their time and money on being able to negotiate difficult courses on horses that aren’t trained to the Nth degree, while being able to train recalcitrant horses to perform at the highest international levels. Americans would rather spend hundreds of thousands or even millions on the easy to ride or push button horse that will win a rosette and a ribbon.

The Obama Backstabbing Continues….Supports UN Statement Rebuking Israel

Obama’s move away from an important ally is now almost complete:

“The U.S. has informed Arab governments that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.”

Historian Niall Ferguson Destroys MSNBC Obama Lovin’ Hosts

I do think that the President regards making touchy-feely speeches as a substitute for having a strategy, and I want to emphasize the risks that are currently being run in that region. If you look at history – and remember, I’m a historian – most revolutions do not lead to happy-clappy democracies, but to periods of internal turmoil, often to periods of terror, and they also lead to external aggression because the simplest way to mobilize people in a relatively poor and not very well-educated country like Egypt is to point to the alleged enemy within and then, of course, the enemy abroad.

Egyptian Opposition leader Ayman Nour: “Camp David accords have come to an end”

I don’t think things are playing out like Obama and company had planned:

“…the news of the day is none other than Ayman Nour telling a Lebanese TV station that it’s time to revisit the treaty with Israel. Nour isn’t some random talking head; he’s been in and out of prison for years for daring to demand liberal reforms from Mubarak’s regime, and actually went so far as to run against Mubarak for president in the rigged election of 2005. Not only is he a cause celebre in the west, he’s sufficiently prominent that Bush name-checked him in his speech on democracy in Prague back in 2007.”

Egyptian Democracy or Fanatic Islam taking over the Middle East?

Victor Davis Hanson reminds us about the last time we saw this kind of “revolutionary” fever…not in Egypt but in Iran:

So let us reflect for a moment on the revolutionary era in Iran to remind us that the end of freedom there was not instantaneous, but insidious. Massive demonstrations broke out against the Shah of Iran in January 1978 — similarly characterized by the prominent role of the middle and upper urbanized and Westernized classes. He was forced to flee Iran almost a year later, on January 16, 1979. The Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Tehran shortly afterward, on February 1, 1979, disavowing any political ambitions other than “spiritual guidance” — as he was showered with positive appraisals from academics and other “Middle East” experts.

“Denial Is More Than A River In Egypt” Mark Twain

While our president has tried to convince us that the main threats to America are Climate Change, returning vets and home grown terrorism; he has concentrated his efforts on Green Energy and strangling our domestic oil capabilities. Americans are forced to sit idle in disbelief, counting the days until the net presidential election. In the mean time the president has gathered around him a cast of sycophants that reflect his sophomoric visions, retired Air Force General Eric Clapper is only one example of many from this irrational and irresponsible assemblage of ideologues.

The Egypt crisis has shown us all one thing…Obama is incompetent

The past week has been a showcase of the most incompetent administration we have seen since Jimmy Carter. Day after day we have watched as this administration bumbled its way throughout the Egypt crisis. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing and this alone should scare the bejesus out of you.

Talking points galore, all wrong. From Mubarak must go, to Mubarak must stay…for awhile, to Mubarak is leaving today, to “I don’t know what the flying f*** is going on but we hope the protesters are safe”