Obama’s move away from an important ally is now almost complete:
The U.S. has informed Arab governments that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.
The move by the Obama administration appears calculated to avoid having to cast its first ever veto in the U.N. Security council by joining others in the council in sending a strong message to Israel to stop its continued construction of new building of settlements.
Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, outlined the new U.S. offer in a closed door meeting on Tuesday with the Arab Group, a bloc of Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East. In exchange for scuttling the Palestinian resolution, the United States would support the council statement, consider supporting a U.N. Security Council visit to the Middle East, the first since 1979, and commit to supporting strong language criticizing Israel’s settlement policies in a future statement by the Middle East Quartet.
While the United States has opposed new settlements in the past, actually working out a deal with this Arab Group to bring some kind of UN legitimacy to its anti-semitism is beyond the pale. They have now legitimized this Israeli hatred inside the United Nations and proven once and for all (as if Israel didn’t need anymore proof) that the US under Obama is now fully behind the anti-Israel faction in the Middle East.
And guess what….the Arab Group declined the offer.
Only in a Obama/Carter world would we even offer a compromise like this, and now, on top of the fact that we will be pissing off the Arab world with a veto (which we knew would happen), we have now further alienated Israel.
That Niall Ferguson interview is even more meaningful now
So is this from a fellow Democrat:
This is too clever by half. Instead of doing the correct and principled thing and vetoing an inappropriate and wrong resolution, they now have opened the door to more and more anti-Israeli efforts coming to the floor of the U.N. The correct venue for discussions about settlements and the other aspects of a peace plan is at the negotiating table. Period.

See author page
Is it any coincidence that this is happening at the exact same time as the Iranians are trying to use the Suez Canal to get weapons to Syria on two war ships?
I have to wonder……
Edited to add:
Why can we not vote present! Then we can avoid taking any responsibility!
This makes me a bit ill to the stomach as this mimics the Global reactions to Soviet Union treatment of Russian Orthodox settlements and the German Nazi party’s treatments of their Jewish population in the 1920 to 1930’s. Almost the entire world was either were afflicted with apathy towards the mistreatments or encouraged them.
My first thought is to celebrate Constitutional POTUS term limits….. providing Israel can survive that long.
“a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.”
*Is this dumb statement supposed to assure us that because they didn’t use the term “illegal” these dingleberrys aren’t racist?!…
Oh dear Matta, please tell us you are not conceding another 4 years to this imbecile.
CbR, I’ve been meaning to tell you that you and Bees have, IMHO, the best avatars. Both make me laugh.
My comment INRE term limits has no concessions to a 2nd term by this bozo in chief. If he wins another election, we will only have the GOP and new Congress to blame. So my attentions are not going to be regurgitating all the same ol, same ol, but holding the new Congressional feet to the fire. Now is not the time to let up on the pressure for fiscal responsibility.
However, my celebration of POTUS term limits acknowledges that this POTUS, or any, is only a temporary steward of the country. And that day of exit for this POTUS cannot come fast enough for me.
Patvann, I’d say Israel’s been doing that for decades already. It’s time for the US to start ignoring the UN as well… and holding back US dollars that contribute to that worthless, corrupt body.
Time for regime change in Israel.
Time for Israel to ignore everything coming out of the UN.
Something more recent indicates a different direction….
* Published 00:27 17.02.11
* Latest update 00:27 17.02.11
U.S. pushing Palestinians to drop UN resolution on settlement construction
Washington has made it clear that it will veto the Security Council resolution should it come to a vote.
The United States is putting heavy pressure on the Palestinian Authority and Arab states to withdraw a draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements which is due to go to a vote at the United Nations Security Council this week.
Washington has made it clear that it will veto the resolution should it come to a vote, and has implored the Palestinian Authority and other Arab nations to withdraw the proposal, but to no avail.
More here:
The vote it set for Friday.
All American offers of appeasement have fallen on deaf ears.
Osama bin Laden said people know a weak horse when they see one.
And Obama has been nothing but a weak horse.
So far 120 nations, including all Muslim nations stand opposed to Obama.
IF you remember before Obama, the Palestinians had agreed to come to negotiate with Israel WITHOUT any settlement freeze.
It has only been after weak Obama that new pre-conditions are popping up against Israel.
Edited to add:
I don’t know.
Maybe this and the original article are just putting their emphasis in different places.
I don’t think there was any change.
And we still question this guy’s intend, loyalty, and action???? If it’s not clear by now on who’s behalf he works, it never will!
CbR #6
King Obama won’t be running for a 2nd term. Several states are passing laws saying a candidate has to prove they are a US citizen to run in their state. Since Obama can’t do that, he ain’t going to be a problem for us as president any more.
The Germans have a word for this: Dolchstoß (stab in the back). After the Germans lost WWI, Nazi propagandists created the “stab-in-the-back legend” claiming that the military would have won the war had it not been for traitorous Jews on the home front stabbing them in the back. How ironic that now it’s the Jews being stabbed in the back, but then that’s always the way, isn’t it?
John Cooper, I would not believe the nazi saying anything about the JEWS,
surely you know of their hatred to their jewish community, and the nazis atrocitys
toward them in the WW1, this is a cheap shot at the JEWS, and the MUSLIMS COUNTRYS
will do anything to trow their hate on them, and because of their hate, it’s discredited
the first word they will write as the nazi also
Mizz Bees–
I’m not seeing how you interpreted my post as a cheap shot at the Jews. The Nazis used them as a focus of their hate prior to WWII, and now Obama (the American fascist) is doing the same. It’s despicable.
I have said in the past I feel this clown is the most Anti-Israel leaning President in my lifetime. One only had to read his book as it was there in his own words! ( Quote from Obama’s book: Audacity of Hope: ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..’). My question is and has been, being of Jewish descent myself, I can’t help but wonder how the Jewish population here in the U.S. keeps voting for Anti-Semetic liars, yet every polling day, they somehow blindly rush to do so. in turn, we now have an administration that appears more than happy to watch Israel be eradicated. “As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap”. We are now witnessing the harvest of a seed that was planted centuries ago, nurtured over years and years, blooming every now and then (Nazi Germany for example) and now is in fact at full bloom.
I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn’t the Anti-Semite in the White House anymore that it is the self hating Jews who helped elect him. Israel and in turn Western Civilization as we know it is in grave danger. The Muslims are candid about this while we here in Obama land are being told to accept it by our sad sack leaders! Yet, this could have been stopped if the electorate had just taken their responsibilities as voters seriously! When the President and his minions speak of Israel and the Mid-East, I sense pure open hatred for Israel. i point out that’s how I feel. I only know when I watch this clown speak and look at his eyes, I see hate. And that is a bad thing to see in anyone’s leader.
One should not be surprised at the actions of a person who has actually been open about his ideology in the past. That is they shouldn’t be if they weren’t so open to accepting the lies and deceit that come from almost every politician. Almost every action this President has taken seems predicated on one thing, acceptance of the radical Muslim agenda as part of our society. As that, if it came to fruition would mean the end of Israel and our own way of life, one must conclude Israel is in grave danger.
We keep hearing Ron Paul talk of making our country an isolationist nation, well two more years of Obama and we we will be isolationist. We will not have any allies in the world , everybody is going to either hate us or not trust us. The sad part of this is that it is being done by design, the design to destroy this country. Obama, his administration, and a vast majority of congress are traitors for perpetrating this dirty deed.
Still not buying the Global Caliphate thing?
Hey, this jerk referred a state in his own country to the UN for reprimand. What chance do those uppity Joos have?
@Mr. Cooper
I think there’s a language-gap re:Ms. Beez. Her “this is a cheap shot at the JEWS”, is aimed at the actions of this admin, not your position. Based on her history of strongly supporting all thing Jewish, and American, I would default to that when there’s ever a question regarding her stance.
Unless you want to brush up on your French, sometimes this will happen. 😉
The term “Does not get it” seems to be a Mantra in the current administration.
Oh, thanks for explaining that Pat and sorry I misunderstood you Mizz Bees.
I question Obama’s timing of this announcement, coinciding with the Islamic unrest in the ring of countries surrounding Israel and all. It’s a very clear message to the Islamists that America will not come to the aid of Israel if they are attacked – treaty or no treaty.
Absolutely, 100% agree.
Let the UN go elsewhere where it appreciated.
Like Pluto.
Or Iran.
Dr. john: Obama’s fathers were both muslim, his brother Abongo Obama is a muslim who hates white people. That may be an indication.
Sorry, my blackberry fouled up. I meant to post that a couple posts ago.
John Cooper, I heard that some jewish people are going to ISRAEL to enlist in the MILITARY there,
and they are from all over the WORLD, and the AMERICAS, so their ennemies should
think twice before opening their mouths so to not offend ISRAEL which is a MIGHTY WARRIOR,
if he has to protect his land and whoever live in peace with them. they are rightfully owners of the land they live on, bye
It’s a little long, but please read it all the way to the end.
The die has been cast…Israel and the West are about to be cut off.
It’s a little long, but please read it all the way to the end.
The die has been cast…Israel and the West are about to be cut off, and this Admin is helping, even if they are unaware that they are.
-Or are they unaware?
While I don’t think obama is a muslim, I modified a song for those that do.
Sung to the tune of Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr
Hey GOP, my campaign was better
I lied and danced then ascended to the throne
Now you know I’m more lightweight than a feather
Incomptetent, you cannot dress up
How bad you’re all boned
I dream about everyone praying to allah together
The thought of you bowing west puts a smile upon my face, yeah
Plotting to force sharia on all others
We can’t let you know, no, no
We can’t leave a trace
Secret Muslim yeah, mohamed’s Czar
Crushing you our endeavor
We will never stop, no, no
Cause we hate infidels so
Patvann, hi, I visited the link, and what came to my mind, is the beast with 7 heads is out
in the open from the depts where the oil rest under the EARTH
is it my day to be silly
That was close!
Susan Rice said she REGRETTED veto’ing the resolution!!!!
But at least she did so.
Our universe’s moral inversion is NOT 100% complete.
Hezb’allah’s resolution was veto’ed by the USA.
One less Ally betrayed today. Hoo Rah!
I still believe that funding a UN that is not holding with It’s Original purpose is NOT in Our Best National or International interest. Shaping US Foreign Policy by listening to the Speeches on the Floor of the Present day UN is a very bad idea. It has become a Forum for those that wish US ill.
I am glad you are back. You provide so many different perspectives on a wide variety of important issues!
Randy, My Daughter informed Me that “there were Loonies in the wire.” Her Quote.
I reckon that I am not the delegated QRF but in a pinch, I’ll do my part.
When you have loonies in the wire, do you use grazing fire or plunging fire? A combination of the two?
Hard Right, I use the Facts as Grenades so I don’t give away the FPF positions. Logic Bombs If I can get Air Support. The tough part is remaining Diplomatic about it. Like I told Doc, the real amusement about Fool Plinking is furnishing supporting info that will bear up to questions. Things like links to Statutes that are Laws on the books and not Opines.
Otherwise I’d be just another Guest with opinions that cannot be substantiated. Kinda like doing a Briefing to a Theater Commander. If You BS the Old Man, Your next assignment may not be so cheery.
-Artillery. Fire for effect.
Patvann, at FA, a rolled up Newspaper or a Fly Swatter is Fire for Effect. Most of the Folks here have never witnessed anything that lethal. Fool Plinking is non-lethal. You may hurt some Feelings but that is about it.
Fact grenades. Should have guessed that would be the case, especially at night. The problem with fact grenades and even logic bombs are that loonies are impervious to them.
The fly swatter and rolled up newspaper method bothers me because too many of the libs I know would like to be smacked with them.
Goodnight all and mind that the claymores are facing the right direction when set.
Ultima ratio regum.
The final argument of kings
I hope it has not come to that yet.