Victor Davis Hanson reminds us about the last time we saw this kind of “revolutionary” fever…not in Egypt but in Iran:
So let us reflect for a moment on the revolutionary era in Iran to remind us that the end of freedom there was not instantaneous, but insidious. Massive demonstrations broke out against the Shah of Iran in January 1978 — similarly characterized by the prominent role of the middle and upper urbanized and Westernized classes. He was forced to flee Iran almost a year later, on January 16, 1979. The Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Tehran shortly afterward, on February 1, 1979, disavowing any political ambitions other than “spiritual guidance” — as he was showered with positive appraisals from academics and other “Middle East” experts.
About another year later, on January 25, 1980, Abulhassan Bani-Sadr was elected president of Iran by an overwhelming margin — to expressions of joy that a sort of European-like socialist republic had replaced the Shah’s crass cowboy westernization. He ruled for a little more than a year and a half, then fled for his life from Iran on July 28, 1981 — his reign characterized by pitiful demonstrations of anti-Americanism designed to curry favor with the murderous Islamists. The entire revolutionary period between January 1978 and July 1981 was characterized by two general developments: repeated assurances from the Ayatollah Khomeini that there would not be a theocratic government, and insidious, constant erosion of secular government by Khomeini’s clerical followers.
In other words, when the crowds go home and return to their jobs, the most zealous, organized, and ruthless will go to work to consolidate power.
We can hope for the best but as Mata said earlier, there are no “good” guys in this story:
The perpetrators of this “pro democracy” crap is a dewy eyed media who are clueless to Egyptian law, their electoral periods, their Constitution, and who some of these people are and what their agenda is. They just parrot off the latest soundbytes you dreamers like to hear, rich.
Fact is, there really isn’t any “good guy” side to this story. But only one side was a known long time US ally. That, apparently, no longer matters.
And now the region as a whole understands how we treat our allies under a Obama administration…when it gets rough they won’t support “the people,” rather they will support the military overthrow of their government. The influence we have in that region is now nil.
Way to go Obama!
It sounds so wonderful. The people demanding something be done to fix their way of life, but who is really behind all this? And who will take over in the resulting power vacuum? I fear the worst and one Iran after another…now Algeria:
Tensions erupted in another restive North African nation as security forces in Algeria on Saturday clashed with anti-government protesters chanting “change the power.”
Police detained about 100 protesters in the nation’s capital of Algiers, according to the Algerian League for Human Rights. The league is one of the main opposition groups that organized the rallies — unauthorized gatherings that came a day after embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down.
The demonstrations were mostly peaceful, with police rounding up protesters in small groups to break up the crowds, and anti-riot police gathered at the scene.
Khalil AbdulMouminm, the general secretary for the Algerian league, called the situation “very tense on the ground” and said police were preventing protesters from assembling, with authorities blocking all entrances to the capital.
20 years ago the military seized power in Algeria, as it has done in Egypt, to prevent radical Islamists from taking power. If the protests there enable the military to fall does anyone really believe some kind of freedom loving politician will take over? Uh…no. It will be the fanatical Islamists….and bam, al-Qaeda has another feather in their cap and another base from which to wage war.
I want to be optimistic about all this so called freedom coming to Egypt and beyond but I’m not buying it. And with Obama in power, the same guy who did nothing to help force change in Iran not so long ago, I’m very pessimistic.
Exit question…if, as I suspect, radical Muslims do take over Egypt, Algeria and beyond, what will Obama’s reaction be?

See author page
What will Obamas reaction be?
“The people have spoken!”
Translation: “It’s not MY fault!”
Haven’t seen “Rage Boy” in a while. But Tom Tancredo’s op-ed makes perfect sense:
“The difference between Jimmy Carter’s mistakes in handling the 1979 revolution in Iran and Obama’s handling of the 2011 revolution in Egypt is that Carter’s team made mistakes out of ignorance and naiveté. Thirty-one years later, Obama’s diplomatic team cannot claim naiveté in dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood and the radical Islamists. Obama is consciously supporting the Islamists in Egypt and facilitating their rise to power.
How else can one explain the extraordinary statements of James Clapper, Obama’s director of national intelligence, in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “secular organization” that has “eschewed violence”? They operate hospitals in Egypt, so they must be peace-loving humanitarians? Hamas operates charities in the Gaza territory, so they are not really dedicated to the destruction of Israel?
We might forgive some American citizens for being confused about the character and goals of some Islamic organizations disguised as charities, but don’t we expect more from our “intelligence community”? As one wit has already observed following Clapper’s testimony, we might as well abolish Clapper’s agency and save the taxpayers $40 billion if this is the quality of “intelligence” our policymakers are getting from that bureaucracy.”
Once we discount the pompous verbocrap of the propaganda ministries, we stare into the face of Radical Islam or insanity of the mob. Look into the eyes of the young man in the center and tell yourself, these are the people with whom the Left intends to appease and capitulate.
In a larger sense, the neurosis is a codependent and symbiotic neurosis: the radical Islamist assumes that everything will be wonderful as long as his sword is kept wet with the blood of the infidel and the Liberal assumes he can entice, manipulate, and appease lunatics and homicidal maniacs. Thus the world descends into the snake pit of madness and the rails are being greased by our president and his army of Useful Idiots and sycophantic lemmings. To whom do we have to thank for this soon to be realized Hell on Earth, why none other than the Main Stream Media, the blind lovers of Socialist swill and we must not forget their oh so willing accomplices, the teachers who sold their integrity to dance with evil and wash the brains of the innocents with the detergent of Socialism and rinse with the foul waters of Marxism have allowed our young to be polluted with the Marxist messages of hate; consequently, they have churned out decades worth of young quasi-Marxists who exhibited their blind trust and stupidity in electing on faith alone, the classic pig in a poke who gladly directs the traffic to Hell.
The inclusion of ”Rage Boy,” is appropos since he was PAID by various interests to show up and act enraged.
He did a great job, too.
He even showed up on opposite sides of various outrages, depending on who paid him.
Now, we should know that Islamic states are very paternalistic, keeping vast numbers of men hanging on their ”dear leaders’ ” good side by doing his bidding, don’t we?
So, when a ”dear leader” calls for demonstrations, it is not like a TEA party where you may show up, or not, depending on how you feel.
It is an ORDER.
You can lose your patron if you do not show up.
Those demonstrators in Egypt included some self-motivated persons.
But it also included paid demonstrators from many patrons, including the Mubarak side AND the Muslin Brotherhood front groups.
I heard Obama call this a ”triumph for non-violence.”
Where was he when the rocks were flying and the front lines were shifting back and forth in front of the Cairo Museum?
If I were of the Muslim Brotherhood right now I would be calculating just how long I would have to bide my time before taking over completely.
There’s got to be a calculus for that so that it looks like it didn’t get engineered from the start.
Fool the world.
That’s why Mohammad said, ”War is Deceit.”
Skookum: C’MON man! Obama is “the Intellect!” Smartest President in history. Therefore every diplomatic move he makes is declared “Smart Diplomacy.”
When a person gets knee-capped it “smarts” too though.
What I fear is the result of Obama’s “smartness.” What this empty suit has done is undermine America’s stature and place on the world stage. We just told our allies to basically go screw themselves, that we are NOT going to stick our finger in the eye of our enemy, but rather try and influence the overthrow of our friends! (And to Hell with the ramifications of doing so). We just sent a message to our friends and allies about how they should value our commitments to help them, all in the name of RIGHTEOUSNESS! . You stand before a group, look like a messiah, wave your hands, and pontificate your arrogance.
The trouble is, some real leaders can complete the deal because for this charade to succeed it requires competence, an understanding of the way the world actually works. Obama and the minions he has chosen to represent America on that World Stage have instead demonstrated their ignorance of how the world works. (They get their “intell” from CNN, then CNN “reports” their response to that “intell” which was provided) WHAT? Am I getting that wrong?
One thing I learned at West Point; Before you relieve somebody of command, you had better be sure you have a replacement in tow that IS SUPERIOR IN CAPABILITY, DEPENDABILITY and COMPETENCE that is PREPARED, READY AND WILLING to assume that post. If you don’t, then you had better be prepared to take on that task, as well as your own mission, and not jeopardize the completion of your fundamental mission goals by making that other position vacant in the first place.
“Testing” Chain-of-Command disruptions should be done at a Boy Scout Camp around a nightly campfire. You don’t do it on THE WORLD STAGE.
We can all agree that Mubarak was a tyrant in the eyes of his people and deservedly so. And people here in the West cannot begin to imagine the hardships and travails of life in a country like Egypt or for that matter any Third World country, be it Egypt, Sudan or whatever. Too many of the citizens of the U.S., even if they were to look at it, are too busy whining about their own supposed problems to even consider what’s going on around the world. So be it. That’s what class warfare and the entitlement society have done to us.
However, as we look deeper into the Egyptian situation, we can see a rather disturbing pattern emerging. Listen to the talking heads of the MSM. Listen to the President and his out of touch administration, Hell, they can’t even get their stories straight. Hillary says one thing. Clapper says another. And the President openly welcomes the very element that can and will destroy Egypt and in turn put Israel and the West in dire straits. Of course I and many others will be called alarmists, racists or Anti-Muslim bigots for pointing this out, but it has to be said.
One only has to remember the Iran situation. Yes, the Shah as far as the people of Iran were concerned was a despot. As the people rallied there, the talking heads including our good buddy “lost in space Carter” went on and on about how the Ayatollah was in fact a moderate Muslim who would bring peace and open Democracy to the country. I distinctly remember the few brave souls who had done their homework and warned of the impending disaster that was coming. As it is now, they were branded as subversive or worse. The world sat back and we all know what has transpired since then.
As the Iran situation came to a head, the morons in the press and government here in the States put out the fallacy that the people of Iran, having grown use to the Freedoms they did have and their supposed love for all thing U.S. would in fact turn their back on radical Islamic fundamentalism and continue to embrace and expand the Western ideals to which they had grown accustomed to. Well, we all know how that worked out! Typical head in the sand gobbley goop from the West and presto!, an Islamic hell was born.
While one can hope the army there can keep the order and help transition to a free government, the chances of that happening in my view are slim at best. First, let’s take a look at the army. They have always been the power in Egypt since the overthrow of King Furuk. No secret there. Will they give up power?
As there is a vacuum in leadership right now can we assume the radical movements, those that any idiot can see are the best organized will in fact take their shots at power? You can bet your ass they will. The head of the Muslim Brotherhood is a known terrorist with a deep seated hatred for Israel. As we move forward, one has to assume they along with infiltrators from other radical Muslim states will do their best to install a Radical regime in Egypt.
It took about 30 days from the overthrow of the Shah, to the Ayatollah’s homecoming and then an almost instant plunge in radical Muslim horror that is now Iran. Is this what one wants for Egypt. And what about Israel? As we have a President who seems hell bent on hastening her destruction, will we come to the aid of Israel when the crap really hits the fan? If Egypt is taken over in the end by the radicals, will Israel survive? Hell, let’s not even go into the oil situation right now or the fact the Egypt controls the Suez Canal. At least Mubarak was honor bound to a treaty and kept too it. Can one even think for one moment that any radical function will not immediately turn on Israel?
As I recall, scarcely 2o-minutes after Reagan was sworn in as the 40th President the first of the Iranian hostages were being released from a flight to Rhein-Main Air Base in West Germany.
Think it was a coincidence?
(Reagan is reported to have said ‘off the record’ that “If I take office and those hostages are not released, I will turn Iran into a parking lot.” )
Nostradamus, I envy your military training: mine was a more humble and basic type, the kind taught at Parris Island. One of the more salient tactics that I learned well and have executed with precision on several occasions is that restraint is a form of discipline and even though you keep your emotions in check, you still observe and record and at the appropriate and most strategic moment you unload with the force of the horizontal butt stroke and follow through with another blow until your enemy is soundly defeated.
I am sure Fearless Reader and the writer for TOTUS could have benefited well from the discipline of military training from either of the schools we represent; rather than, the Marxist immersion program he tries so desperately to keep hidden from public view.
The phony Thugocracy toughness that he tries so pathetically to display only works in places like Chicago where it has the power of the Chicago Machine, the District Attorneys, and the Police; otherwise, without considerable advantage, the Chicago Thug persona is merely a sniveling coward.
The Chicago Machine and its thugs carry no authority on the international stage; in fact, it is detriment, for the real dictators in the world see right through the tough guy image. They all know, they are only a knife slash across the throat away from a premature grave. They don’t have the Liberty of voting present or sealing their high school academic records, such moves are considered signs of weakness in the Third World and will only encourage a Colonel or a Major to end your charade of power and control.
The world laughs at us and our politically impotent little man on the world stage, who pontificates about freedom and democracy while he tries to gain all the power and control possible within his own country, while implementing his own form of Socialism on the country that is the standard bearer and guiding light for all who want freedom in the world.
The Islamists are not going to take over in Egypt at least for now.The military has too much invested in the economy and is not about to give it up.
I was an engineering officer with 1 Combat Engineering Regiment(explosive ordinance). Yes, we did some of the mine sweeping in Bosnia. Many of the shallow graves south of Zagreb were booby trapped and we were finding too many of them. 2 PPCLI got into a serious firefight and we supported them with our mortars. I think we killed 30 Bosnian Special Forces in about 3 night’s fighting. They were Muslims who were mad as hell at us. We weren’t supposed to protect the living Serbs( women, kids,and old men), and especially Jews of any nationality.We were finding too many graves and they too were committing genocide. Nothing but lying murderers, in my book.
I don’t doubt there will be a civil war, but the majority of Egyptians don’t like the fanatics for the exact same reason you would hate a group that keeps blowing up your work place. The Muslim Brotherhood makes up about 25% of the Egyptian adults. They fit the definition of a “small vocal group.” Although the Muslim Brotherhood hates Isreal, the Israelis are a major source of tourism and a recent decline of Israelis (and others) visiting Egypt is linked to the fanatics. So in short, the fanatics are bad for business and will eventually be attacked and or discredited.
I am humbled to be in this auspicious company of warriors. I spent the end of the Vietnam war as a humble E-5 at EUCOM keeping the world safe from German beer and Weinerschnitzel. It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.
onbe wrote: “The military has too much invested in
the economyU.S. military aid and is not about to give it up.” There, fixed it.While we wonder at the absolute glee that is now being shown by the American press over the ousting of Mubarak, I would like to remind you all of a little history. No, not Iran, that has been much discussed and explained by VDH, but another earlier “revolution” that the American press sang the praises of.
Not many of you are old enough to remember the news reports by American reporters as Fidel Castro rolled into Havana. But I do. I remember how the press lauded the revolution and painted Castro as a hero who had brought down the evil tyrant and dictator, Batista. They told us how the Cuban people would now be able to have a say in their government, how the island would prosper with the advent of “freedom”. Democracy and self rule was right around the corner. It did not take as long as it took in Iran for the world to know that Castro was another communist interested in his own power more than freedom, as Cubans began to flee their beloved island for the insecurity of the open waters but with a hope of reaching the U.S. Those who did not subscribe to Castro’s Communist philosophy were quickly rounded up, never to be heard from again, or fleeing with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
On October 24, 1963, JFK gave an interview to a reporter named Jean Daniel. Kennedy knew that Daniel had arranged to go to Cuba and interview Fidel Castro. Kennedy told Daniel:
“I believe there is no country in the world, including the African regions, including any and all countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba. In part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I believe we created, built and manufactured the Castro movement out of whole closth and without realizing it.”
Kennedy went on to say:
“I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption.”
You see, Kennedy, along with many elected officials in D.C., felt that Castro was a means to an end of the Batista regime without getting our hands dirty. But by 1963, it was clear that the U.S., and the American press, had put their money on the wrong horse, and we have been paying that bet now for over 50 years. Now our government have laid their bets on the Egyptian protesters, without knowing who organized the protests or what the goal of those groups are. The administration has shown us that intel in Egypt is nonexistant and that they know as little as we do about the actions on the ground. Incompetent has reigned supreme. And like Cuba, I fear that the desire to rid Egypt of a tyrant, albeit our tyrant, will prove to be folly that we will pay for in generations to come.
Democracy, as we view it, will never come to the Middle East. Oh, yes, there are those who tout Turkey as “democratic”, but the truth be known, Islam rules Turkey and Islam is an antithesis to the very concepts of Western democracy. You cannot have a truely free country in the Middle East when the majority of those living there subscribe to shiria law. For as bad as Murbarak was, he was a thorn more in the side of radical Islam than he was in ours. When 85% of Egyptians think Islam is a positive influence in government, when 49% support Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood spinoff, when 95% believe that Islam should play a large role in Egyptian politics and when 75% of Egyptians support stoning for adultry, the cutting off of hands and feet for crimes like theft and that the death sentence should be handed down to anyone who leaves Islam, there is little chance for any democracy to flourish in Egypt.
Obama has given us a prime senario for history, the history of Cuba and Iran, to repeat itself. Do not be fooled by the accolades being heaped on the protesters as you do not know who, or what, prompted them. We do know that the Obama administration is willing to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to have a seat at the table. That will not work out well. I simply remind you of Gaza and Lebanon. We are charting dangerous waters, and God help us, Obama hasn’t got the first clue about how to steer the boat.
I remember those days well. I was following and rooting for Castro’s advances like most school age boys follow sports; however, I was a little shocked when my uncle was shot at as he taxied his plane down the runway in Havana. I was also a little surprised when my favorite cartoon, Pogo Possum called Castro a Communist and was promptly dropped from the New York Times, imagine that!
Those were heady times and they instilled convictions in me that I harbor to this day. They all promise an open Democratic government with elections, including our own wanna be dictators; until they attain power, then they begin to tighten the screws and then… Surprise we’re Totalitarian Elitist Dictators, but it’s okay, because we have all the solutions. Welcome to your new life, suckers.
John Cooper, is that job still open?
Actually, I don’t see the Shah as a despot, he was no worse than any other leader in the M.E. Mubarak was a victim of his own success much like the Shah of Iran. I saw a really good program on PBS of all places on the run up to the Iranian revolution and the last days of the Shah. It was done from the Feminist perspective and it lends some real insight as to why the Iranians let themselves be sucked into a theocratic type state.
The parallels between Iran and Egypt are actually very close if you look at this from a social context. Egypt like Iran of it’s time under the Shah is the most Western oriented country of the M.E. with the resulting social stress that freedom brings. Freedom means individuals making choices for themselves that sometimes conflict with the traditional values one is use to living under. Divorce being one of those Western choices and also dysfunctions. Mubarak like the Shah allowed a secular state that resulted in a divergence between what is “legal” and what is socially “moral”. You all heard the saying, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s moral. Many Muslims intensely dislike the “immorality” of the West, i.e. the legally sanctioned choices that morality based on religion calls dysfunctional. Think about why the Muslim Brotherhood is so popular with Muslims in general and Egyptians specifically.
I wrote about this:
The Shah was overthrown because he confused modernization with Western values. The male dominated culture of Iran responded accordingly when their divorce rates rose and the Mullahs pointed the finger of guilt at the Shah for infecting Iran with Feminism. The Iranian people welcomed the Mullahs with open arms to save their culture. They in the end traded the social despotism of moral decline for religious political despotism.
Most instructive reading from an Iranian POV: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2010/08/iran-and-the-two-faces-of-modernity.html
Also: http://web.presby.edu/womenworldlit/satrapi/Satrapi.html
Timeline of Iranian Government and Revolutionary Actions 1969-Current
1971-Muhammad Reza Shah celebrates 2,500 years of the empire at Persepolis.
1975- Economic turmoil begins after Soviet influence and the assist of the U.S. against the soviets. Inflation, Lower oil revunue, and a budget deficit.
1976- The Shah replaced the Islamic calendar, causing more anti-Islamic revolts.
1978- The Shah’s police is in full force with such instances as killing of hundreds of protestors in Qom, Tabriz and other areas. The Shah institutes martial law.
1979- The Iranian Monarchy collapses due to the 1979 revolution. The Shah flees Iran. Khomeini returns and the Islamic Revolution begins. Khomeini unified country around constitution. The Islamic Republic was declared on April 1.
The Mullahs set Iran back a Century and are the source of Tyranny in Iran. Khomeini was just a Power Hungry old SOB that set the stage for the exportation of evil to ME Nations. He invented the term Great Satan but enjoyed the protection of European Nations for decades.
@ Gregory_Dittman, well Pardner You see what that got us in the past election. look at the Deficit, the Unemployment Numbers and the Banks that were forced and coerced into making Bad Loans because it
was Proclaimed that Home Ownership was a Right and not a Privilege.
IMO, Michael Savage, the one to notice that the “protest signs were in English, while the MSM was clueless”, has it nailed.
Here’s a great read:
Obama and the Shadow Socialist Group Behind Egypt’s Fall?
(authors Michael Savage and Greg Lewis)
Don’t know when Savage said that, Patricia, but I have heard Rush say that often…. INRE the signs in English. It’s always about media coverage. The MB is all about using media, social media and indoctrination to battle now. Cheaper and easier than trying to get weapons and ammo.
dscott, while I don’t deny that Iran was a “male dominated” society, under the Shah women had freedom. Women were not required to cover their heads or don a burka; they were allowed to get an education, women became doctors, lawyers, scientists. And an increased divorce rate could be partially attributed to the fact that the Iranian women of the time were not willing to live under oppressive conditions.
The Shah did not confuse modernization with Western values. He understood that modernization lead to prosperity, but also thought that although Iran was a monarchy, so were other nations, particularly in the west.
But he was crooked and did take a lot of money from his people. So Carter turned his back on someone who was a proven friend to the U.S. under the assumption that the alternative would prove better. Carter was wrong, and I fear Obama has committed the same mistake.
We cannot, must not, assume that western democracy will EVER be created in a nation where 90% of the populace subscribes to a 7th century dogma. It will not happen until Islam, itself, experiences a reformation much as Christianity did. Until then, and as long as Muslims accept teachings of a 7th century war lord as the ultimate word, no form of democracy will ever emerge from the Middle East.
John Cooper wrote “The military has too much invested in the economyU.S. military aid and is not about to give it up.” There, fixed it.
True- however the military has a stranglehold over the economy of Egypt and they are not about
to give that up either.They are involved financially with the tourist industry ,cement , LP to name a few.
i never did any military service and thinking back , it might have been very good for me. just missed by a few years of going in and maybe off to Vietnam. But you guys are much better man than i am .
i am very worried about what is going on in Egypt. What is the Pres. doing now, probably watching tv and saying hmmmmm what do i do? What a guy. Probably going to be a power vaccum and who is going to fill it. Probably going to be the Muslim brotherhood. Then what happens? Not good.
If i remember right A. Khomeini was over in France and flew back to Iran and Carter did turn his back on the Shah.
#15, VDH and others make great points.
But why, we must ask ourselves, are we being to easily deceived by the silky words of liars?
I think it boils down to the old adage:
What have school children been taught in their so-called History classes?
Not true history.
Revisionists of history have skewed textbooks for more than a generation.
Now we get propaganda backed up with a few historical anecdotes.
Ever compare these new revisionist history books with the old classic ones?
Main difference:
Footnotes, bibliography, newer editions include changes by noting the reason for them = classical history books.
No footnotes, scant bibliography, politically skewed reading list, new editions simply are different with no explanation or mention of previous version = revisionist history books.
So, expect us to fall for and make the same mistakes over and over again.
We are not being taught HOW to think.
We are being taught WHAT to think.
Roger O, don’t sell yourself short, one of the things we stress here is equality. There are no disadvantaged perpetual victims, some of us have service, some don’t, our votes all count the same. We respect those with service and many of them have a historical perspective and experience that our administration could well use if they weren’t hopeless ideologues. You have an excellent attitude and an inquisitive mind, stick around and learn with the rest of us. Sometimes we get our face slapped and deservedly so, but like the intrepid souls in our military who have kept us safe these last ten years, we get back up more determined and smarter for the next fire fight. Stick around my friend, we are always looking for anther kindred spirit, no better no worse than any of the rest of us.
Exit question…if, as I suspect, radical Muslims do take over Egypt, Algeria and beyond, what will Obama’s reaction be?
He will probably throw a big party, and all Muslims will be invited.
I can understand why a lot of countries consider the USA their enemy. We supported the Shaw of Iran so that we had a friendly country on our side over there. The way I understand it, we even trained the Shaw’s people on how to control his people. We didn’t care what he did in Iran as long as he was on our side.
Could this be what happened in Egypt? Were we supporting the king and helping him control the people? If so, I can understand why the Egyptians hate us? We would hate any country that helped the leaders of our country control us. Many times throughout the years we find out that we have done this around the world in the name of “The Cold War.” We justified it by saying to ourselves that it was for world peace. Just like a lot of our military tactics, this has backfired many times when it was found out that we are supporting a hated dictator.
I don’t have the answer to how to keep this from happening again in other countries that we support, but I would like to see some standard set if we are going to support any dictator from now on.
The white house is occupied by an enemy of the USA; nothing will change for the better until thisman, his czars, and the current crop of communists/symphesisers are gone.
I want to believe after the election in 2012, things can get restored. There’s danger of the next 2 yrs-it’s a long time to continue to damage this country in ways never seen before, and unless politicians of all stripes in DC, and wround the country learn, and understand this danger, we are in peril.
It would be far better, if we had some politicians with b*lls, not afraid to stand up to the threat, expose it, remove, and then let the healing begin with what’s left.
I have seen in my old age plays like the current over, and over again-ending the lives of millions of people; usually after the threat was usually known in advance.
Great post. I to remember the Cuban Revolution and as Skook noted, we were first led to believe thias was a good thing.
Yes. Savage and others have pointed out the English signs. however, I have not seen to this moment anyone other than Glen Beck mentioning the communist angle of this. When I was watching this unfold over the last couple of weeks I noticed some flags with the hammer and sickle. When they showed the protests from Jordan, it seemed like every flag had one so I looked closer when watching the Egyptian protests and did in fact see the same thing, albeit not as prevalent!
Whatever the case, history has shown us more than once that different factions work together to defeat their common enemy and then turn on each other for final supremacy! But, the world and the U.S. for sure refuse to learn from history.
Well said Joetote. As Mata also pointed out, Rush gets it too. I haven’t had time yet to catch up on Beck, but between Beck, Rush L, and Savage, I think we are probably getting the whole big picture of reality. Prager and Medved usually are on top of reality as well, but I haven’t listened to either of them in a while.
It remains an enigma to me how people like Katie Couric get paid $15 million a year to offer absolutely nothing to the real story.
Freedom! But there’s no petrol (and don’t even think of asking for a gin and tonic)
retire05, hi, you mentionne a very important 2 words key, that is, to replace one leader you better look at the alternative, which this OBAMA fail to do and same for CARTER, can you believe that,
the same mistake being repeated twice by another PRESIDENT, when you would think
he would have learned of the mistake of his PREDECESSER on the issue very close to it,
OH YA I should not forget that the people should learn the HISTORY OF AMERICA BEFORE VOTING FOR A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA otherwise it means trouble
for the years he is in spending and taxing on the wrong place
Beck has been way ahead of the curve, and the crowd, on this issue.
He’s been connecting the dots on this thing for quite awhile.
We need to watch where THIS guy goes:
If he moves back, all bets are off for any hope of peace.
PV, Right on target, I’ve found this Pizza face manure stirrer all over the internet: the world would be better off if he would catch a 308 round between the running lights.
Thanks Aye, I heard from others that Beck has been excellent on the Egyptian situation. Actually, I’ve been a Beck fan for a long time, far more than Savage who I only listen to once in a while or when my drive time hits his show; and can usually only take in small doses. A while back someone posted a web site on FA that has all of the Beck shows posted. I hope to catch up soon!
I had just happened to stumble upon Savages’ essay on line; thought it was excellent and worth sharing despite not being current on what the others were saying.
It sound weird, ARE AMERICA WILL do the same mistake as the muslims countrys?
according to their laws, they must make a lot of babys, no matter how poor they are,
getting their bread pitance from their leader for doing what they are being told, this for generations and one day they go on the street to tell the WORLD they can’t bear it anymore, and come a revolution where their numbers are diminish by a few, but also there come the other COUNTRYS to open their doors to a number of them willingly with hearthfelt for their poverty!!! and the same way of obeying their
leader which collect the small pitance they have to buld their building of power propagande
they are again on the same brain wave, to make a lot of babys not for the right reason than their host COUNTRYS but to become a force in a future so they can over take that new COUNTRY and reduce it to their level of misery.
I think all the negativity and pessimism by the ultra-right-wing about the Islamic or Arab people not being able to strive toward or appreciate democracy is just an exhibition of bigotry.
@Liberal1 (inanity):
Who, precisely, is making the claim that “the Islamic or Arab people [are] not [] able to strive toward or appreciate democracy”?
Exact quotes and links to those sources please.
Liberal [inanimate] it takes a bigot to know the word
If you folks want comedy gold, go to You Tube and source “Pallywood”. There’s one skit about the massacre at Jenin, where a dead victim falls off a funeral bier and climbs back on-scaring the hell out of many of the patriotic mourners. Makes you sick of CNN, BBC, and media water carriers from France. There’s at least 10 humorous skits.
Oil Guy From ALBERTA , just reading it, made me laugh out loud, I can imagine to see it get you
bowing till you hit the floor, thank’s
Dude you talk alot but read the CRS report on the muslim brotherhood. they might, might not be a radical organization. Give our government some credit. C’mon people.