The Danger Of Believing Your Own Lies And Propaganda

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A huge 19.2 hand horse allows the dentist to feel the back molars with no sedation or intimidation. The horse could close its mouth with thousands of pounds of pressure and crush that right forearm as if it were a child's arm.

I learned to ride jumping horses as a teenager from an old cavalry trooper. Sadly, my English riding and jumping style reflects that early instruction where function was valued over form. It wouldn’t be an issue, except here in America, only the affluent and those who want to appear affluent compose the majority of those who ride jumpers and they have spent years and tens of thousands of dollars to fine tune the image of how they appear or the image they want to project while riding: European riders have disdain for the American rider who seldom ventures beyond the arena; in Europe, they spend their time and money on being able to negotiate difficult courses on horses that aren’t trained to the Nth degree, while being able to train recalcitrant horses to perform at the highest international levels. Americans would rather spend hundreds of thousands or even millions on the easy to ride or push button horse that will win a rosette and a ribbon.

Needless to say, I never competed in this craziness and silliness; although, two of my kids payed the game for a while, but they made their own horses and competed at the lower levels for a few years on horses that rarely cost over a thousand dollars: I took the more Conservative approach and bought horses that scared the Liberal rider and thus had almost no value in North America. Yes, the high dollar horse world, with all its pretensions is 99% Liberal. Now that my kids are grown, they admit that their biggest problems were with the attitudes of the people, the horses were fairly easy. They much preferred riding the European circuits against the European riders.

While learning my humble English skills, I rode horses for a former cavalry trooper that bought reject horses to sell as jumpers. They were almost all former race horses, back in the days before we imported the European Warm Bloods by the tens of thousands; unfortunately, the race horses often suffered from varying degrees of neurotic problems; although, there were a few that I would have loved to owned for twenty years, but that wasn’t the purpose of my work. My boss/instructor had been a sergeant in the cavalry before WWII; after the war started, he and the rest of the cavalry became artillery troopers.

I was apprehensive about crawling on all these horses and testing them for jumping before they had a chance to become regular horses. I remember my boss’s thoughts on the subject, “They all jump, some of them just jump better than others.” I tested that theory on a daily basis.

Occasionally, he would buy or be given the most the most outrageous outlaw or renegade horse for a hundred miles: most of these are the result of poor horsemanship or from dealing with the horse from a point of stark terror on the part of the previous owners. Fear is one of the worst things to inject into the relationship with a horse. The horse is a herd animal and for any horse to show fear is to relegate it to the position of an inferior being. It is in the horse’s personality to abuse those horses that show fear; a pecking order is established from supreme leader to the lowest most cowardly horse. The lower horses are the last to eat or drink and the last in the herd while walking or during migration, thus the most likely to be pulled down by a predator. That is their nature and there are some things we can’t change, with humans on the most basic levels, the same attitudes come forth.

When we would acquire one of these meat eaters, I became the helper rather than the jockey. My mentor would put a bridle on the horse, lead it into the arena and begin walking the horse in an extremely small circle, until the horse began to show signs of being dizzy. If Matt were on the left side of the horse he would pull on the right rein and pull the horse’s head up toward the withers and ask the horse to step forward until he stumbled. When the horse hit the ground, he would jump on the neck with the head cradled in his arms between his legs, he would then pull the horse’s head up and hold it with both hands up on his belly.

I was standing by with a tarp and tent pegs. It was my job to cover the horse with the tarp and secure the perimeter with the tent pegs. Once the horse was secured, it was impossible for him to move and we left him to think on his life and mortality here on earth. The next step was to scatter crushed grain over the tarp and let the chickens scratch and peck at the grain while the horse visualized giant eagles within a millimeter of starting to devour him. After the chickens had enjoyed their treat, we fixed a hose so that it sprayed a stream of water on the tarp and let the horse contemplate the thunder of water on a tarp for thirty minutes or so; it may have been and an early form of water boarding.

You must remember that this horse would have been shot if anyone else would have acquired him and we were pulling out all the stops to reclaim a horse that had been spoiled and ruined, with all the best intentions; meaning that someone tried to overcome their fear of the horse by treating it as if it were an ancient Greek god that needed treats and loving rather than training and discipline.

After being under the tarp for six hours, we pulled the tarp off the disoriented horse. When the horse stood up Matt was on his back, not sitting on the horse’s back, but standing up. He was a big man of 65 years of age and I was always amazed at his ability to ride these wild ones while standing on their back. In his own words, “I want the horse to think he has just emerged from Hell and I am no other than Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior.” I don’t think that was blasphemy, because it was for the benefit of the horse and not for a human.

He would start riding the horse around the arena and if things went well, I’d hand him a snare drum with one drum stick. He’d then hang the drum over his neck, hold onto the reins with one hand, and play the drum with the other hand. He must have been a drummer at some point, because he could sure make that drum carry some fancy tunes. If the horse passed this phase, I took the drum and handed him a 22 pistol with bird shot. He’d fire the pistol up in the air and usually the horse stood there without moving. If the horse acted up, he went back under the tarp and the process was repeated. None of them ever required a third treatment. Once the horse had passed his exams, it was time to begin training and I was allowed to ride them.

In the final analysis, the horses that are the most difficult to train, often make the best horses. Some of them are born with a contrary attitude and tend to be a natural bully. That type of personality is not uncommon among horses, but it is probably the worst type of horse personality to spoil and treat as if he is an awesome animal and that humans are only here to serve as lesser beings or handmaidens in a similar manner to that of slave and ancient Roman aristocrat.

In essence this becomes capitulation, the human is seen as willing to serve as long as the horse won’t take out his aggression on the human servant. Horses like children can recognize the fear and spineless behavior of the adult who approaches the horse with treats and the tentative touch of supplication in an effort to win the horse’s goodwill. Horses are quick to exploit this behavior; to them it is only a sign of weakness common to inferior animals.

The human has in fact told them a lie or propaganda, for not all humans live in a world based in fear and quiet desperation, a situation that transforms into the false feeling by the horse that normal behavior or acceptable behavior doesn’t apply to them. Thus a horse believes the propaganda that it has been fed for months or years and metastasizes into a renegade outlaw; unfortunately, the horse will terrorize the owners until they have no other option but to get rid of the horse and begin all over with a new horse to ruin. The horse that they ruined will be acquired by someone who will juge whether the horse has the talent to justify the work needed to retrain the horse or if the horse is in fact not worth the effort. If that is the case they will just put a bullet through the horse’s brain to bring a close to his existence here on earth. It is a sad testament to modern life that there just aren’t many horsemen like my old mentor who will give a horse another chance at redemption to become a useful citizen rather than to die believing the propaganda he has been fed throughout his life n the road to perdition.

In today’s world, our younger generations have been been receiving generous doses of propaganda through pubic education and the pop culture. The majority of young people are firmly convinced that Socialism is the way of the future; of course, if they place faith and trust with the state run media their preconceived convictions are reinforced on a daily basis.

You can understand the children being drawn into the matrix of Marxism after being subjected to the theory and having the foundation of education based on Marxism, but the most puzzling aspect of propaganda is when the purveyors of propaganda believe their own lies and hype.

In Egypt a CBS News crew for 60 Minutes was working the mob on February 11 in Tahrir Square, looking for footage and interviews that would support the Democrat Party Line of Demonstrators seeking “Democratic” reforms and fair elections; President Hosni Mubarak had just stepped down and handed control over to the military. Rather than viewing the crowd as a dangerous criminal mob, CBS chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan walked into the crowd as if she were walking among American college students from suburbia. She made the mistake of believing the Leftist hype and propaganda; she and her crew were overwhelmed by the vicious mob and Lara was gang raped and sexually assaulted for a period of time until she was rescued by a group of women and soldiers.

She flew out of Egypt the next morning and is home recovering from her attack. President Obama called her at home to express his concern. Whether he is concerned over her welfare or the difficulty in promoting his message and the party line is a question we are left to ponder.

Police, military men, and people with a measure of common sense develop a sensitivity for situations that can get out of control and they avoid the confrontation until they can be reasonably sure of a favorable outcome. The propagandists who become deluded by their own propaganda are in such a state of naivete that they can inadvertently put themselves in danger.

For Logan and her crew, the crowd was the equivalent of a spoiled horse that had become an outlaw or renegade; she assumed that because she went up to the horse with love and understanding that the horse would respond with respect and love. Unfortunately the horse without respect or manners is completely uncivilized and can be extremely dangerous. Logan is lucky to have escaped with her life. Sadly enough, she and her compatriots share in the guilt of spoiling the mob or the figurative horse, by identifying the crowd as lovers of Democracy and freedom who were merely seeking to overthrow the repressive regime of Mubarak; inadvertently, they gave propaganda fuel to the fire of the mob and nurtured the collective psychosis of the mob. They reinforced the mob’s feeling of invincibility and purpose; unfortunately, the crowd seems to have been propelled by far more sinister forces, thus she visualized walking into a wading pool of guppies and ended up in a sea of sharks. A direct result of believing her own lies and propaganda; still today, the propaganda mill is working the lies continue to be dispensed.

“I think the Muslim Brotherhood is not anything to be afraid of in the upcoming (Egyptian) political situation and the evolution I see as most likely,” Carter said. “They will be subsumed in the overwhelming demonstration of desire for freedom and true democracy.”

Who will be the next fool to believe their own propaganda and lies and let their gullibility over rule common sense so they become the victim of their own delusions.

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That was terrific on many levels, Skookum.
It is unfortunate that you might be labeled as an “Islamaphobe,” for it.

After all, the equating of people with animals is reserved for Muslims, not to be done toward Muslims.

In April 2002, Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, the highest-ranking cleric in the Sunni Muslim world, called the Jews “the enemies of Allah, descendants of apes and pigs.” (Like, as if apes and pigs have offspring that is human.)

On “The Muslim Woman Magazine” program, a 3&1/2 year old girl was asked whether she liked Jews; she answered, “no.” When asked why she didn’t like them, she said that Jews were “apes and pigs.” “Who said this?” the moderator asked. The girl answered, “Our God.” “Where did He say this?” “In the Koran.” At the end of the interview, the pleased moderator said: “No [parents] could wish for Allah to give them a more believing girl than she… May Allah bless her, her father and mother. The next generation of children must be true Muslims. We must educate them now while they are children, so that they will be true Muslims.” Iqraa Television, Saudi Arabia/Egypt

Do you wonder if Muslims believe their own propaganda?
Scary, isn’t it?

Skookum, you are so right on this. I don’t believe for a second that the situation in Egypt will ultimately resolve favorably the the U.S. I listen every day to radion talk show hosts that believe the lie of the peaceful protester yearning for Western style democracy and liberty. All that’s happened is a vacuum has been created in Egypt and Tunisia. The mentality of the people has been molded to look to the strongest leader who can direct the largest aspects of their lives while providing the illusions of freedom and prosperity. Tragically, the vacuum will be filled by the MB or someone approved by the MB. It will take about 1 to 2 years, but the MB will be able to consolidate their power base, infiltrate the military and institute a sharia-based government.

Just a thought, but isn’t it interesting that both Mubarak and Ben Ali (Tunisia) are reported to be in comas now that they are in exile?

I shall now kick my own ass for not being here for so long.

-I’ve missed you, my friend.

Skookum there’s only 2 things you need in this world, a wild horse and a reliable gun. Socialists are scared of both.

SKOOKUM, hi, that was so interesting to read, and you brought such wisdom of real people to respond to lies of their leaders irresponsability, for giving them such a task where other would reject,
I believe your words because I saw those horses here behave as you mentionned, exactly,
and the similarity to humans is also very true to observe, when you are being confronted by a idiot brat
who lack any manners and no skill, no knowledge of the subject that you are exposing, and yet challenge your words in an ignorant way that cannot be mistaken:
as usual your post project me to reflect on the truth you are showing, i
I.m sure ,others enjoyed it as much, thank you for sharing your knowledge

‘Who will be the next fool to believe their own propaganda and lies and let their gullibility over rule common sense so they become the victim of their own delusions”?
Andrea MitchelL comes to mind.

Very good analysis, Skook.

Your horse “tales” are a joy to read – always.

Yes, the left thinks they can win the world over with the force of their good intentions, then the real world bites them on the ass.

Sorry, but most of the “men” (using that term very loosely) in that part of the world are little more than savages.. barely out of the neanderthal age…. their actions and attitudes say all that needs saying on their behalf… want to call that “racist”? fine. but it is a given “race” that seems to consistently act like animals… best I am beginning to think we can do, is leave them to devour themselves…. until they mature enough to join the “human race”!

Another great story Skookum.

And wow, what a photo-what in the heck do you do if you find a bad tooth??

MM, A great question, with many answers; first, you should know that the horse must eat 30 pounds of material a day and the molars must grind this grass or hay to the consistency of cooked oatmeal as it passes over six pairs of molars on one side or the other, since thy only grind on one side at a time for approximately 20 minutes and then they swap sides to avoid fatigue. It is a tremendous amount of work; if you had a hammer and pounded alfalfa against a concrete floor it would take you four hours to pound out a cup full of crushed feed.

The molars have an irregular grinding surface to facilitate shredding and crushing the feed during a lateral elliptical movement of the mandible. Each molar is a little smaller than both your thumbs; yet, they will wear away at the rate of up to a quarter of an inch a year in young horses. The wear slows down with age as the teeth harden with mineral accumulation from feed and water. The teeth need to be replenished or thy would be worn out in 3 to 4 years. The replacement tooth is provided by passive eruption of the tooth and the continual provision of root structure as crown surface. This system is termed hipsodontic and ours is called isodontic. This growth or eruption will continue util the horse is about 24 years of age. At that time, what he has must last for the duration. I have cared for horses into their 40’s, but the systems are usually beginning to break down by 30 r most horses.

I am usually looking to the feel the extent of sharp points on the inside edge of the lower molars and the outside edge of the upper molars that are endemic of this type of system. This scalloped system will vary from a hack saw type surface to a surface like a cross cut saw. They can be sharp as razors as the scars covering the surfaces of my hands will attest. Most of the time, they will be more like a new steak knife in sharpness.

These sharp edges will cause trauma to the tongue and to the cheeks, in severe cases they will wear away the mucosa and be causing ulceration to the muscle. This horse will be in severe pain and i it is infected it will be much worse; this condition compromises eating ability and the conversion of feed potential to nutrition and increase the incidence of colic, a very dangerous and life threatening condition for horses, the other drawback is that performance is compromised by pain and the reluctance to travel in one direction, balance, and the ability to concentrate.

I try to alleviate the problems by grinding or floating these offending sharp surfaces until the steak knife surface becomes more like the side of your finger. The horses tend to think you are mythical for providing this service and will sometimes try to follow you home.

Sometimes there are more difficult problems like an uneven surface or an overbite that will require cutting through a tooth with surgical bolt cutters, to approximate the more natural curvature of the molar arcade called the curvature of Spee. Needless to say, a great deal of artistic license can be used and those with creative ideas are recognized over time.

One of the worst things to find is a broken or loose molar, Loose molars can be easier to deal with and if they are easy enough, I pull them on site with little trauma. Cracked molars are much more traumatic, I sen these horses to the clinics and let them deal with it since the survival rate approaches 50%. I don’t like those odds.

I run in to a broken molar in about one of a thousand horses; although that incidence is increasing with th use of high speed power equipment and heavy sedation. The high speeds and temperatures have a deleterious effect on teeth and seem to weaken them with time: they are under tens of thousands of pounds of pressure and compromising them seems to be causing a much higher incidence of catastrophic failure.

Of course my method is the similar to the days of Aristotle who was quite knowledgeable about the teeth of a horse; however, with advances in sedation techniques ad the use of power equipment has made the skills of the old time horseman less important. The old timer needs strength, horsemanship, control, and a steady hand. If you slip you cause damage with the razor sharp equipment and the blood flows freely; unfortunately, today’s horse owner expects blood and a recovery period. Most of the time when I am done you can ride the horse, it is a considerable advantage for the operator, but not necessarily fr the horse. Sadly, no one is asking the horse their opinions.

I also extract wolf teeth and primary or juvenile teeth. These are usually without incident, at least if you have a sure steady hand. The problem arises when the hand slips with the knife while extracting the wolf tooth, because the root often lies contiguous to the palatine artery and the horse often dies when the artery is severed. It is humorous to think that i have extracted enough of them to fill the bed of a pick up truck without sedation and the other guys kill horses with the horses sedated into oblivion.

I also refuse to put on a dog and pony show by displaying all my equipment and promoting myself with a false sense of pride; some of the equipment you will use one a year, it stays in the trunk until it is needed.

Now you know more about horse teeth than many of the guys who work on them. LOL

Thank you-I had no idea about horse teeth and I still can’t imagine what it takes to let a horse to allow you to put your arm into their mouth. I know big balls on your end but you must be one smooth talker!

Another marvelous reminiscence, Skookum.
The whole story of your involvement in Flopping Aces would be very interesting.
Your writing reminds me of “James Harriot”, the semi-fictional Scottish vet. Although not a horseman, he chronicles some of the horsemen he encountered.
What I regard as particularly unfortunate is that President Obama seems to regard himself as the horseman and the citizens of the United States as his horse.
The Divine Right of Kings began to die with movable type. The Soviet Union fell to the fax machine.
Twitter and Facebook, and their kin, will continue to whittle away at the unfettered Executive Power.

And the fascinating crew of Flopping Aces certainly do their part!

This particular horse, the U S Economy, has severely limited ability to eat, caused by significant barriers in grinding, to wit: the endless regulations and rules which businesses must contend with. Where is the regulatory doctor who will file away these obstructions? We will all follow him home!

MM, I forgot to mention, the molar arcades start 2.5 inches distal to the commissure or corner of the lips and continue to approximately half way through the eye, about six to 8 inches lower of course. That’s how you estimate position. The molars will be ext to each other, so you can imagine how big they are in the monster in the picture. At 19.2 hands, he is 78 inches at the height of the withers or the top of the shoulders. A fair sized boy, well over 1500 pounds.

There is an intangible that I have lectured on to groups like psychiatrists and surgeons; that is the power of the mind and “capturing” the mind of animals and humans. The psychologists and psychiatrists swear that I hypnotize the horses, but I find their techniques to be amateurish compared to my technique. Besides it has been part of their science that maintained that it is impossible to bring an animal under hypnosis and if I believe their material, what I do isn’t hypnosis. I can get things working to a degree occasionally with coyotes and wolves if I can capture their mind for just an instant, needless to say conditions must be just right; an incident with a Grizzly bear nearly got me killed when I thought conditions were just right, I don’t know what happened, whether I lost confidence in myself or the bear was just mean, but I am not going to try that experience any more. When I see a rider abusing a horse or making an ass of himself, I will often try to capture the horse’s mind as rides past me like fishing for a particular trout in a stream, if I can pick it up, I will visualize the horse dropping his right shoulder and sucking back hard and fast. It is a technical bucking horse move that makes a horse un-rideable and invariably the rider will plow a furrow in the dirt with his teeth. Cowboy humor can seem a little coarse to most people.

This is the technique I use it is a little hard to explain and it works much better on humans than horses. I often laugh and make jokes about the teeth I have pulled out of cowboys after capturing their mind and giving them a glass of whiskey. Thankfully, none of them died. Cowboys usually aren’t as neurotic about their health and personal mortality as the rest of us.

It has come in handy, while in college a female student and I were abducted by a drunk with a shot gun and driven out to a lake in the country. He had us out of the car and was going to shoot me, I visualized him falling asleep and he couldn’t keep his eyes open and fell asleep and dropped down in the mud. I was a kinder gentler boy back then, I threw his shotgun in the lake and we drove his car back to town. We didn’t call the police or anything, Kids! If it would have happened these days he would have carried reminders for the rest of his life. Oh well, needless to say I have a great deal of confidence after all the years and the tens of thousands of subjects that I have been paid to experiment on.

I used to have videos when I was into lecturing, but they were on huge things resembling eight tracks and I couldn’t find them with a search warrant. Now you can do a pretty good video with a cell phone without the eight track case. I’ll do a video one of these days and put it up for everyone to get an idea of what I actually do and the power of capturing the mind.

Mathman, that was quite an analogy; yes, we are in desperate need of a serious grinding or “Floating” (the correct term) of useless laws, rules, regulations, agencies, bureaucracy, and imbecilic poiticians. Thanks for the morning humor.

So Skook, I was wondering…You see, I have this cavity… lol

Never mind wouldn’t work. I don’t think your arm can fit in my mouth! lol =D

anticsrocks, hi, your more secure to keep your cavity,I don’t think SKOOKUM does filling,
you’r funny,

Bees, I drill and fill cavities and I do root canals as well, but only on incisors. I don’t wan to invest in the equipment required to do molars. In a good year, I might to three root canals and maybe five reconstructions. My ultraviolet light and acrylic compounds were given to me by one of my customers and I use a regular drill with a variety of drill bits. I drill until I am into good dental material and then fill the hole. My masterpiece of dental reconstruction lived several years after the reconstruction of one of the worst geriatric mouths I had seen, sadly he had a stroke last week and passed on. I should have photographed a before and after on that mouth. None the less if you are in serious trouble and don’t have the funds for a human dentist, I can help you out of a jam. I don’t promise miracles.

SKOOKUM, HI, I think, anticsrocks would be happy to be in a pro ‘s hands like you

SKOOKUM, yes you should take a picture each time you do some of that,
and I also think that you should add those details in your book too,
I guess your book must be almost done by now, bye

LOL bees! You make me laugh as well.

Skookum, you are a master of many talents.

Skookum, it just occurred to me that you are the Horse Tooth Fairy!

Tooth, I’ve been referred to as the tooth fairy a lot in this life, it is so common I don’t even think about the absurdity of the name or the wings: at 6 foot 2, 260 pounds, the wings are huge, I think tooth bumble bee would be more appropriate.


When the first baby laughed for the first time,
the laugh broke into a thousand pieces
and they all went skipping about,
and that was the beginning of fairies.

by Sir James M. Barrie

Now that we know how you came to be, we just have to figure out how you got to be so many times bigger than all the others.

All my grandchildren believe, got lots of fairy books that I’ve read to them. When they were tiny they searched and searched for garden fairies in my gardens peeking under the plants, keeping a good eye on the hole at the base of the elm, it’s been years of fun. Meeting Skookum the toothfairy would probably be quite a jolt.

MISSY hi, I believe in toothfairys I made a 4 doors divider with woodburning tools and coloring
on both side with toothfairy stories, I collected from many children books
at a time when I was unhappy some years pass, now I’m giving the books
to some unhappy people!!!
so they find happiness too,


You are so talented and creative. Wish FA folks could see some of your beautiful work!