FERGUSON: I do think that the President regards making touchy-feely speeches as a substitute for having a strategy, and I want to emphasize the risks that are currently being run in that region. If you look at history – and remember, I’m a historian – most revolutions do not lead to happy-clappy democracies, but to periods of internal turmoil, often to periods of terror, and they also lead to external aggression because the simplest way to mobilize people in a relatively poor and not very well-educated country like Egypt is to point to the alleged enemy within and then, of course, the enemy abroad. The scenarios that the Israelis are looking at involve a transition not to some kind of peaceful and amicable democracy, but to a Muslim Brotherhood-dominat regime, which then pursues an aggressive policy towards Israel. This is not a zero-probability scenario, this is a high-probability scenario, and as far as I can see the President isn’t considering it.

See author page
This has been in the works for a while now. Like I said earlier, this is the work of the same people who got Obama elected:
Saw a different link to this story and I think i can see headlight reflections from Capeheart’s glasses. To the wood shed you go the Mourning Joes. Mika, you’re too easy. This is absolutely hilarious. Damage control is practically non existent.
When airheads interview an individual like Niall Ferguson, who actually knows what he’s talking about and how to express himself, the result is that glassy-deer-in-the-headlights embarrassing blank stare gazing into deep silence.
These people actually get paid for showing up for work. How did anyone hire them?
Good one Curt.
Happy clappy, no strategy Obama … LOL
How about no worky Obama. Can anybody recall anything Obama has actually done?
Went pretty damn well? Is that supposed to be a news reader observation with substance? What are these people supposed to be doing? Maybe we can replace them with Watson.
Niall Ferguson’s article on this week’s Newsweek is titled
“Egypt: How Obama Blew It”
Never thought I’d see that.
Interesting site, didn’t see you commenting but I didn’t get all the way to the end of the comments. Nice that the blogger follows and takes part in the commentary.
I’m almost afraid to delve into the connections anymore, starting to get paranoid…. for no reason at all. How are we ever going to escape this monster they’ve spent years creating? This internet endeavor is going to snowball.
The very next blog I visited had this:
Young heads full of mush have been used for quite some time.
I am shocked! What has happened to Newsweek?
When Israel gets backed into a corner by the ragheads, expect nukes in the middle east. When threatened with its annihilation Israel isn’t going to play around. Advice to the Islamists: Leave Israel be or lose your entire world.
Paranoid is an illogical fear….we have REAL reasons to fear.
America is to be discredited, thus reduced in standing and influence, thus a replacement is needed.
The tools used are many; distortions of history, rejection of counter-views, personal destruction, reductions of defense, control of capital, control of education, and a “ready-reasons” to be brought to the fore to make it all seem “worthwhile”. (IE. Global warming, and the “unfairness” of outcomes.)
When the wall fell in Berlin, the NeoFabians went to work. The election of Bush only slowed it a little. (Gore was to keep it going.) Now with the Obama/ Jarrett presidency, they are in overdrive, with the pedal floored.
Just because the hosts of show interview and ask probing questions of a guest whose opinion you happen to agree with, doesn’t mean he destroyed he position of the hosts.
The visual— progs watching this—- try to change channel back to MSNBC— thinking Fox News has taken over their sets —–Cursing Rupert Murdoch for perpetrating this diabolical plot of infiltrating MSNBC airwaves —finally realise that they are watching MSNBC—-heads explode…
@Liberal1: You said:
Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
Gary, they got bought out and merged with the loony left.
Daily Beast, Newsweek to Wed!
So how does Niall Ferguson think the United States government should have reacted to events in Egypt? He hasn’t said because he doesn’t know. Even having the Monday morning quarterback’s advantage of hindsight.
What part of your brain decided that we (or anyone, for that matter) would have the direct neural plug-in to Mr. Ferguson’s brain which would allow us to answer you?
Since you are obviously a brain-dead leftist, and REFUSE to read anything that could relieve you of that malady, let me make it as clear as I can (even though I know you are too willfully stupid to accept it) I’ll put it in caps:
The “American’s” (Obama and the stupid fucking NeoFabians of both Europe and America) should NOT have instigated this in the first place. THAT’S what should have (not) happened.
In my next life, I want to be as retarded as a Leftist…Life is so much easier when yer a short-thinking moron.
Obama always ”votes present.”
Remember what he said about all those Iranians being killed in the streets?
He was mighty in watching, ”the whole world is watching,” he said.
Obama also mourned “each and every innocent life that is lost.”
Take that!
Obama also warned Iran that “we are bearing witness to the Iranian peoples’ belief in that truth, and we will continue to bear witness.”
Gee, that stopped them!
And now he has done pretty much the same thing (NOTHING) as Egypt suffers a military coup.
And what’s next?
People are trying mightily to be optimistic.
They are hoping Islamists will lose and secular democracy will prevail.
Jordan has 100 clerics calling for the closing of all the country’s nightclubs.
Pakistan is being threatened that IF the government obeys the rule of law and lets the US diplomat go, there will be riots.
In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood member, Sobhi Saleh, who called for kissing to be banned is now on the panel to create Egypt’s new Constitution.
@Liberal thing
You’re right, only if we fall for the strawman idiocy you just tried to pass off as a counter-posit. But unfortunately, we’re not as gullible or stupid as you need us to be.
(Try to keep aware enough to keep up with me here, even though it may require actual objectivity.)
The “position” of the host’s, is that the Obama/Jarrett administration is “leading” this, (by his presence on this planet) and that they support the outcome of this (imagined) “peaceful transition to peaceful democracy”.
The host’s and president
JarrettObama are wrong, and they yet are all so enamored with their own belief-structure, (and Obama’s presence) that they actually think this will end up as the mid-east version of Eden….They want the same outcome for America. Screw him, screw her, and screw ANYONE ELSE who “thinks” this way.If OT can’t be here, by GOD, I’m gonna channel his butt with an extra dose of HooAhh.
Can I get me
an Amena HooAhh?!Patvann is on fire today.
@Patvann, #15:
Was this information channeled by Glenn Beck ? I imagine him preparing for each broadcast, head draped in black cloth, breathing deeply of the Delphic vapors. Suddenly the Truth is revealed, and AWAY! AWAY TO THE CHALK BOARD!
History is to some extent a chaotic system. Events and their outcomes aren’t always predictable. What some see as indecisiveness, others see as a matter of wisely keeping your options open until you have a better understanding of where events are headed.
Obama would be criticized for whatever he said, or for saying nothing at all.
Patvann Very glad to see you stepping in for O.T. I’d ask you to comment on my MAJOR problem with O.T. and
it’s not his Conservative beliefs which I thought he espoused admirably. In all my years around The Corps, active,reserve, and inactive supporter, I’ve never seen an ACTIVE duty Field Grade Officer trash the C.I.C. O.T. was relentless.Have you seen this in your experience.Your thoughts.
My best to your Marine and your family.
Greg I love your depiction of “Glenn the wizard.” He is truly a piece of work.
Nice try dipwad. Because I HAVE NO METHOD OF HEARING OR SEEING HIM, you now look as stupid as I surmised.
I wonder what it feels like to be able to ignore/deflect facts? It must be refreshing. I do wonder, however, what it feels like to freely spout crap, while avoiding the posit brought forth. Personally, I would feel like a dumbass, but that’s just me.
Guess what moron…EVERYONE HERE just noted that you avoided EVERY point I made.
Gawd I hate NeoFabians.
Yes sir, I have seen MANY officers trash the CiC. His name was Carter back then.
Now the CiC’s name is Obama. I can’t speak for the modern officers, but I can assure you the enlisted/NCO’s of the beloved Corps (Including the gay E5 I had the pleasure of hangin with)… feel EXACTLY like OT-2 does.
SO. DO. I.
They hate his guts. They will obey and perform ONLY because of the Office, as proscribed by the Constitution….NOT the “man” who happens to be the voice of Jarrett and those who seek to reduce this nation to less than what it is, and was always meant to be.
(Yes, I put the noun man in quotes.)
I REPEAT. I have never seen or heard an active duty Field Grade Officer in the USMC trash the C.I.C. Johnson thru Obama.
@richard wheeler:
Can you see the wind? Does that mean it doesn’t exist?
Just because you never experienced it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen frequently.
I can’t see that Rich, Greg, or Tom have a brain…….
This site hates me and my keyboard. I’ll be back when 75% of my posts DON’T come back as an error.
Ah. But now it posts when I switch to the slow-assed, spam-ridden MS Explorer.
I listen to Glenn off and on, and he predicted this would happen in the middle east last year sometime. Glenn is a drama queen but has been right about alot of issues.
Friday, tomorrow , he will be teaching mushy heads about the 12th imam. The maddi whatever. this site has had info on this issue before, and i myself, studied about it 2 or 3 years ago. Ties in Ajad and his mulahs dasterdly plans for caliphate, cascading protests in the mid east and in the west. The 12th imam will rise out of the well , when the world is washed in blood and make ajad the head rag head. and all the infidals will be terminated. Wha ha ha ha………
What kind of error messages are you getting? What browser?
By the way…it’s really great to see you back. Hope all is well with you and yours, especially your son.
Just an FYI, he is getting the error
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
and is using the CHROME browser. Found some people with the same problems for different sites
and it appears to be some proxy setting issue but not sure. Doesn’t appear to be a problem related to the new server or the site but if anyone else is having this problem let me know so I can get this troubleshooted.
This is a test of the FA/Chrome interface (Incognito setting). The blogger in your area, in conjunction with the commenter with a bad attitude, have developed this test to determine if Google is truly evil or not.
This is only a test.
(edit/test) It worked in Incognito mode, but failed when in “normal”.
(edit) Fine, you evil bastages at Google, I’ll comment in this mode.
Patvann, whatever your conclusion I can assure you Google is evil.
Just got your e-mail Pat.
Rich, here’s the response that Pat was having trouble getting to post:
@richard wheeler:
I heard you the first time.
Because the enlisted don’t think politically, their voices resonate with me better. The Officer corps MUST think politically, because their careers depends on it. Even if they DID feel as their men do, they CAN NOT express it in ANY forum. This includes expressing it to fellow officers like you. The officers I do know, (mostly retired) hate him just as much, but my number are admittedly anecdotal.
The Navy officers I had the pleasure of serving with were SF…granted, a closed group. I don’t EVER remember hearing a positive thing about Carter, up to and including blind allegiance to a particular man.
We defended the Constitution, not the peanut farmer who happened to be in the chair at the time, and who now loves Chavez and Hamas.
Thank you Aye!
He and we are doing great!
OK…Back to the topics at hand…who’s my next victim?
This is basically what my USAF officer son has said to me. I know well what his thoughts are about liberal politicians, including our current president, though he resolutely does not voice them now that he is commissioned. He also pointed out to me shortly after his commissioning that his oath was to defend the U.S. Constitution, and that is where his ultimate loyalty lies.
My late father, a USN officer, once commented that he was glad he was retired, as he would have vomited if he’d been required to salute President Clinton. I’m absolutely certain he kept his politics to himself while serving in uniform. Didn’t mean he didn’t have strong opinions, he just didn’t share them openly until after he’d retired. Then, katy bar the door, he was very eloquent on the subject indeed.
Seems you watch an awful lot of Glenn Beck. You mention him quite often. I think your Freudian Slip is showing, Greggie.
You’ll notice that no matter how many times the Gregster mentions Beck, never once has he attempted to, or succeeded in, proving Beck wrong about anything.
Not. One. Thing.
@anticsrocks, #35:
I keep an eye on him the same way I’d keep an eye on an oddly behaving raccoon.
I’m not U.S. military yet, but I find it appalling how the opinions of military leaders aren’t taken into account on a lot of issues. I just read a book on the first gulf war and I seems Gen. Stiner had a lot of great ideas about how to fight sadam but elected officials didn’t want to kick beehives with covert operations. I also skimmed over Hugh Shelton’s book and he says he really got ignored by the bush administration. McAurthor got sacked by Truman for his opinions which as we see today may have been a big mistake.
I don’t trust everything I read, so If I’m wrong about any one of these men feel free to debate me.
More details from StratFor via SDA:
(good stuff)
You just keep telling yourself that, Greggie.
@Aye, I noticed that too. 🙂
Little Dickie, we senior field grade officers do what we are supposed to do, but if you didn’t hear us criticizing Carter, Clinton and now Obama, it is likely because you live in your own little world and only hear what you want to hear. That could explain your political leanings!
Umm, perhaps rich should peruse a few milblogs, especially the blogging that was done in December during the lame duck session.
Randy the Dandy.I hear you and I heard O.T. I haven’t heard any field grade active duty USMC Officers trashing any C.I.C. Aye I agree it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Did you guys hear Boehner on Meet The Press say he believes BHO was born in Hawaii and is a Christian.Also said he thought Admin. “handled the very difficult Egyptian crises about as well as possible”.
wheeler – Why would field grade officers tell you what they think to begin with? They are not going to state their opinions in public unless they want to get someones attention. And you probably couldn’t drink at the same club, where opinions were surely exchanged. From a retired 05.
MINUTEMAN 26 I’ve drank too often and too much in too many USMC O clubs with Officers of all ranks.My comment relates only to what I’ve personally heard since my commissioning 44 years ago.
@Randy: I personally heard an AD USMC O-6 who was a Vietnam and Gulf War Vet refer to Bill Clinton as a traitor, amongst other things, complete with expletives at the ‘O’ club in Ramstein AFB in late April 1999. The officers who were on my team took a couple of us NCO’s in there with them. I was kind of surprised he made the comments in front of a couple of NCO’s, but he wasn’t the PC type which was in itself was quite refreshing.
One can only imagine what is being said about the current CiC. Everyone I’ve talked to who is still in, both AD and RC, Officer and Enlisted alike, have no repsect for the man. You could sense this was going to happen when I retired which was shortly after he took office although that had no bearing on my decision. Fortunately those serving realize they are serving and protecting the COUNTRY and do so honorably.
On the flip side to this, despite the respect Reagan and both Bushes had from the military as opposed to the lack of it for Carter, Clinton, and Obama, I never heard anyone worshipping them or the ground they walked on. When the military becomes political, lines between it and civilian authority become blurred. Just remember the political officers that existed in Soviet military.
start here:
now read this:
a piece of dirt in okinawa named after him:
What would Gen. Bultler say about all this middle east mess?
Beck, Limbaugh, etc…. you Liberal guys crap on em when they make statements…. yet NEVER come back, when they end up being RIGHT in their predictions…. do ya?? Sure, Beck gets Firey, sometime silly, and emotional and what not, but his stuff more often that not PANS OUT….. SEIU? he was right… ACORN? Dead on target…. SOROS? You better believe it! Connections to the goofy uprisings around Europe, the Middle East, and now HERE?? Um, yeah…. it IS happening isn’t it?? Greece was about money… England clashes were over Money…Ireland. etc etc…. WISCONSIN clashes are over……
M O N E Y …. oh, but there’s “no Fiscal Connection due to world wide economics” like Beck says now is there…Only an Idiot could be that blind not to see what’s coming….Oh, yeah, I forgot you’re a Liberal!! That explains it…
Make notes on his statements, come back in 3 to 6 months, THEN tell us “how wrong” he is! LOL!
Liberal1, hi, THE opinions are not only what we happen to agree with, THEY happen to be true,
and we happen to like opinions that are the truth, you don’t see it because you have been blinded with lies