Marxist Ideology, Obama’s Personal Demon

We who walk the earth struggle with personal demons throughout our lives, if the demons devlop obsessions, we are then consumed by strange passions that control and ultimately destroy our lives and those around us.

In Melville’s Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is consumed with his obsession to kill the White Whale, Moby Dick. His inner demon is pure madness and vengeance. Obama, by not recognizing his personal failures and the failures of his policies, is displaying signs of a mental imbalance: consumed with Narcissism, driven by an obsession with Capitalism, and the inner demon of Marxism, he is not capable of seeing alternatives or making rational decisions. The mental imbalance within both Ahab and Obama becomes or was more apparent as their voyages progress. Obama’s Presidency and Ahab’s voyages were both scheduled to last four years.

Debt Worries Spreading in Europe and Beyond

And the next Socialist domino is set to fall:

If Italy goes, it’s not clear that the rest of Europe can save them. In the FT, Neil Dennis says people are talking about doubling the euro bailout fund to €1.5 trillion–or about three times the size of TARP. And you may have noticed that the bailout fund has not actually stopped Greece’s descent into debt madness.

Honesty and Integrity, Up Close and Personal

The outfitter told me I’d be taking out an older hunter, to be careful not to over do the hunting and to keep a close watch over him in case he needed to come in early. Whenever there was an unusual hunter, I was chosen to be his or her guide. I didn’t mind, it was a compliment actually; however, rather than thinking of myself as special, I figured I was more likely to remember and follow instructions than the other guides.

There were a bunch of young hunters in their thirties and forties, they were dressed in the latest from the big outdoor shops and they were excited about going on the hunt. They already had several days worth of whiskers, to have “the look” out in the mountains. Personally, the whiskers drive me nuts, but if whiskers made their hunt more enjoyable, then grow some damn whiskers.

America’s Coming Greek Tragedy [Reader Post]

Characteristically, the protagonist in Greek tragedies fell victim to hubris. Ajax, Oedipus and Orestes all shared such a fate. One day, bards will add Barack Obama to that list.

Greece is in the throes of economic death. An era of obscene pensions and spending profligacy has left the country at war with itself.

Obama Says, We Will Borrow Money From China To Give To Greece

Because of profligate spending and its Socialist policies, Greece is bankrupt. It is now our duty to bail them out, according to Obama, so that they can continue on without taking responsibility for their own actions. Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are all nearing the same economic precipice; are we to assume that Obama plans to put the rest of the world on American Welfare rolls? Someone better tell him, those people can’t vote, but he does believe the Constitution is flawed, maybe with a few changes here and there, we can continue with a Redistribution of American Wealth for the rest of the world, until we are a Third World Country.

The Beast [Reader Post]

What began as a mid-winter invitation to enjoy a spring luncheon at the Palace in the merry month of May with the Queen and her royal consort the Duke of Edinburgh turns out to be one of the biggest international fiascos on record. What originally was to be a casual invitation to spend the day and possible stay the night at one of the royal households could have possibly been a judicial means apology for not inviting Obama to the Royal Wedding. This is as if the Queen wanted to give the young presidential couple from the states, new to the complex protocols of international affairs, a second chance to do things right.

Intelligence And Mis-Information as told by J. V. Hoffman

It is painful to say, but so many of us don’t understand the difference between ‘Intelligence’ and ‘Mis-Information’. This article will illustrate several factors that escape our consciousness of thought; unfortunately, most of us are victims of mis-information. I served in counterterrorism and counterintelligence for 27 years. Most people think because they have served in the military or in the government they actually have a true grasp of what is actually happening; nothing could be further from the truth!

Obama has Fallen Through The Outhouse Hole

In a classic example of Socialist Realism, Obama has messed his trousers and now seeks to limit the damage by relying on the old Socialist concept of Ideynost. By definition, all Socialist literature must embody political and social themes that reflect a Progressive nature. Censors and critics will not accept material that is lacking in ideological content; especially, material that reflects negatively on the regime or material that is intended to divert or entertain.

Obama has backed the PLO in its struggle against Israel by demanding that Israel cede its occupied territories to the Palestinians and accept Palestine as a nation. Of course this represents the demands of the PLO, except for the part about cutting the throat of every Jew on the face of the earth. Obama was sly enough not to mention that demand.