Orlando Jones: Liberals Should Kill Sarah Palin [Reader Post]

Orlando Jones may be best known for his days as a comedic TV pitchman. This latest suggestion, though, is no laughing matter.

The former soda slinger who spent years telling people to “Make 7 Up Yours” fired off a series of tweets on October 22nd following the death of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. After discussing Kanye West’s trip to Occupy Wall Street, Jones wrote, “Libyan Rebels kill Gaddafi, if American liberals want respect they better stop listening to Aretha & kill Sarah Palin(:”

TEA Party versus OWS Mob

The Democrats are banking on the Occupy Wall Street Mob becoming the sacrificial lambs for the reelection of Obama; however, it is patently obvious, they are not capturing public sympathy with their bizarre messages and disgusting lifestyle. Poets rarely write of the beauty of fleas and parasites or those who carry them.

Their efforts are a but forlorn hope for this fall, reality in the form of winter and or disease will kill them, maybe literally and no one will care. The public is more than willing to concede stupidity is its’ own reward; especially, in the “rebel without a cause” type of syndrome of ignorance.

Obama’s Cowboy Lament

Since Obama is running on empty, he is trying to recast his wife as just a regular bargain hunting housewife, who shops at Target, Petco, and Starbucks. She may have her own photographers and a cart without a squeaky wheel, but the public can now see her as just a suburban housewife with her own security detail.

You can sing along with this poem, just like Johnny Cash, and celebrate this new found identity of the first lady with the diamond cuffs and her own large jet. For when she isn’t flying her friends to Spain and Africa on Air Force One, she is at Target looking for bargains on paper towels and such.

Lost In The Pointless Forest, Without A Point Of View

In a cartoonish caricature of himself, columnist Paul Krugman, of the NYT, has written a rambling and unfocused apology for the incoherence of the Occupy Wall Street comedy, in a lame attempt to steal the energy of the mindless mob. Borrowing the first two lines from a popular 1967 song, by Stills of Buffalo Springfield, Krugman begins his clownish attempt of a unifying message for the mob by clumsily injecting his personal prejudices in a vague but obvious method, thereby parroting a nonexistent voice of leadership to the rebellion without direction, by offering some helpful if flaccid finger prointing.

“Obama’s lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd.” The Bild, A German Newspaper

Europeans are underwhelmed with the latest Obama Drama. With the sanctimonious attitude of a faux professor, Obama lectured Europeans on the importance of restoring fiscal responsibility to the European Union.

As humorous as it sounds, the Europeans found nothing to laugh about; in fact, they are insulted and indignant over the presumption of a profligate wastrel like Obama lecturing anyone concerning fiscal responsibility.

Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme? Hell Yes It Is

History will judge the Social Security Bill to be the grandest Ponzi scheme in all of history; unless, the government continues on with the Anthropogenic Global Warming regulations. These may sound like wild ambiguous statements to you the reader; however, you probably aren’t that familiar with the history of Ponzi schemes or understand how they function or the similarity would be painfully obvious. So obvious, that it is conceivable that the SS Bill used the genius of Charles Ponzi as the framework for the Social Security Bill.

The public wasn’t really familiar with the Ponzi scheme until Bernie Madoff pulled his now comedic rise to wealth by pedaling his version of the Ponzi scheme to the wealthy. Concentrating on the extremely wealthy, he sold an exclusivity of influence for investors. Making a mockery of “the rich are so smart” parable, he had them clamoring for the opportunity to get close to Bernie and be bilked for millions.

Why Americans Hate Limousine Liberals

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat, N.Y. thinks the president’s plan to raise the taxes on households making more than $250,000 may require a special dispensation for New Yorkers.

After President Obama unveiled his totally new plan for the new plan for deficit-reduction that Americans hear about every other month, the plan that raises taxes on households that have an income of over $250,000, he flew to New York for a fundraising event (tickets were priced at $36,000).

A reporter, Marcia Kramer asked lawmakers from the New York region what they thought of President Obama’s tax plans. Most of the legislators were in step with the president, but Schumer stood up for his limousine Liberals. He supports the millionaire’s tax, but with caveats. He feels the $250,000 limit is unacceptable for the metropolitan area of New York, because of the high cost of living within the city.