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Ron H.
by the way, if we both get banished, and stuck in the cyber”space,
don’t ask me which way is out, I won’t tell you.

Well you were wrong. I wasn’t attacking a conservative per say. I was pointing out that Rush Limbaugh did something I found equally offensive. I don’t know why this is so hard to grasp. But you are right I need to dispose of any of my own opinions and just agree with everything posted on here.

I agree I agree I agree…..whatever it is I agree! Please tell me what to think, say and feel…my mind is a blank canvas so get to paintin!

Don’t worry I won’t. And if you need a place to crash when you come to visit the states, don’t ask me because I have no room for Canadians….I have to many illegals living in my basement already!

Ron H.

Ron H.
I’m working so hard to get a group of hard head CONSERVATIVES like you
this is just a rehearsal, we must practice until we get it right

Marry me…I can make you happy!

Ron H.

Ron H.

@Ron H.:

I’m well aware of the origins of the song.

Apparently not, because when I specifically asked you, your reply was “Paul Shanklin”. Of course, it wasn’t the song that I was referring to, but rather, the phrase.

All one has to do is Google the song and the entire history pops up.

Guess you should have done that before you answered incorrectly then.

Perhaps you should have been more specific in what you were asking.

The question was very specific: “Oh, forgot to ask you…do you know the origin of “Barack the Magic Negro”?

Origin = Beginning.

“Failed miserably” please, stop patting yourself on the back for something you didn’t disprove and that didn’t happen.

Sigh. Here’s what you said in #33:

I’m not condoning what the band played on The Jimmy Fallon Show, but I must ask how is what they did any different than Rush Limbaugh playing “Barack The Magic Negro” over and over again?

And in #46:

I did no such thing Aye so stop saying otherwise.

Wow Aye perhaps it’s time to get those reading glasses checked.

See that bolded part above ? That’s where your faulty analogy lives. You created it. I pointed it out.

So, yeah, “failed miserably” fits perfectly.

I was saying what Rush did was equally AS OFFENSIVE TO ME.

Well, except for the fact that you didn’t say that. Perhaps you should have been more specific.

You are entitled to believe whatever you wish about Rush’s show, the “Magic Negro” song, and whatever else. I would, however, like to know what you find so terribly offensive about a piece of political satire which uses the Leftist’s own words as a sharpened stick with which to poke them.

It is my belief that you have no real working knowledge of the words of the song or the origins of the statements therein. If you did, it wouldn’t be Rush, and his use of the song, that you were offended by.

You are one of those types who is so sure of himself and always has to be right.

Well, I am always right. And, yes, I am sure of that. Thanks for noticing.

I wasn’t making a direct comparison, I was saying both were offensive TO ME…It’s my opinion sport so I’m entitled to feel however I want.

Yes, you were creating a direct comparison. Faulty, but direct nonetheless.

You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. Just as the readers here are entitled to pick apart, analyze, and comment upon your commentary and then point out where you are wrong.

Of course you would listen to Rush. It’s fits you so well. And let me guess, you think Rush has never used racist or misogynistic language either….

I’ve listened to Rush on a hit and miss basis since 1989 so there’s no way I could say “never” with absolute certainty. I have, however, listened to him enough to say that I am entirely confident in rejecting your assertion.

Perhaps if you’re interested in attempting to prove some point you should actually use source materials rather than constructing a thin and flimsy straw man.

Ron H.
you flatter me,
I still would not show you the exit, if you’d ask
IF we where both banish from F.A.
AND stuck in the cyber space together

Ron and Bees,
I was away from the computer during your love fest today. I want to add my 2 cents as the person who posted the Limbaugh episode.

There is a time an a place for humor. We need more of it and we need to thicken up our skins. It is one thing to ambush someone and another entirely to parody them. I simply don’t take offense at the latter even though parody may be in bad taste. The problems in the African-American community do not arise out of parodies that Rush broadcasts, but are more deeply substantive and from a conservative point of view, are the direct and predictable result of the welfare state. (See Patrick Monahan’s report from some time back). When we respond with revulsion to Rush’s antics, we play directly into the race baiters like Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, who take offense at anything that can generate publicity for them and make them some money. Instead, if one doesn’t want to participate, one can simply ignore. I thought the Rush’s response to the Bachman insult was very funny and I didn’t take offense. I do take offense on spending millions of dollars of taxpayers’ monies on luxury vacations, however and perpetrating that offense leaves good Michelle open to a whole lot of parody. The President’s mendacity and his fraudulent claim to Black authenticity opens him up to parody as well. We reap what we sow.

Anyway, we need more laughs and less sensitivity.


yes I believe so too,
the exchange you notice, had a bit of everything, in it,the whole scenario,was played,
thank you for being part of it,

Ah beezy, if I were a single man…

you know that we all have many more different lives to come back too,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Are you flirting with me?


who would think a thing like that,
but with the other lives, I MIGHT
secret of the unknown, will be reveal some ions ahead,
when we will be the aliens

since I read of the algorithms controlling the WALLSTREET numbers,
anything is possible to imagine, maybe those ALGORITHMS where humans in a previous dimension,
it’s fun to play with our mind sometimes,

I bet you play “Eye of The Tiger” when you are approaching your desk to sit down and jump on the interwebs. You probably wear a funny outfit……something that involves a crown and perhaps even a name tag with the phrase “never wrong” written on it. I bet you high five yourself when you think you’ve proved your point or you run in to the other room and tell your wife “hey honey you should see how right I was with this guy on the interwebs” and you let out a loud wooping sound while pumping your fist in the air. You probably even do victory laps around your house while screaming at the top of your lungs “I’m number one….I’m number one”. Yeah you are that guy Aye.
And you aren’t right no matter how many ways you parse my words, and break up each sentence with your supposed superior analysis (which by the way the fact that you took that much time to respond just to prove something to yourself is pretty pathetic)…oops I am digressing…So anyway sport I need to know if the reason you are so smug and self delusional is because you are a short little man or is it because you have a small penis? Just curious……..

Aye: Thank you for a good laugh this morning..I have read your response to me over and over and each time I can’t stop laughing at how ridiculous you are and how you take things and twist them all while patting yourself on your back….too funny. Do it again please…….hah! Make da funnies……wait I can hear ” Eye of The Tiger” playing in the background……oh and nice cape Aye…..I bet you sewed it yourself.

Ron H.

Ron H.
I told you, to keep you’re anger to yourself?
now go on the corner face the wall and get on your knees, and pray GOD,
to help you to behave with you’re brother.
I’ll tell you when to get up,

Marry me……we can adopt children and raise them in the jungles of South America.

Ron H.

I’m not angry. I actually feel sorry for Aye….what with the small penis….

Ron H.
ON the other comment,
stop bragging

@Ron. H:

You know, it’s really sort of strange. I’ve looked through your most recent scribblings and haven’t found where you’ve refuted or, for that matter, even attempted to address any of the points I raised.

You claim that I am wrong. You claim that I have twisted your words.

Yet, you offer up nothing beyond schoolyard insults when a supposed golden opportunity to prove yourself was sitting in front of you.

The ball was right there, hanging over the heart of the plate. All you had to do was connect.

Instead, you whiffed it.

Your complete lack of effort on the intellectual front serves as a perfect demonstration of the fact that I was right all along.

So anyway sport I need to know if the reason you are so smug and self delusional is because you are a short little man or is it because you have a small penis? Just curious……..

Ohhhh…lookie, lookie… Having been completely destroyed in the arena of ideas, another mental midget is now openly obsessing over my private parts.

How embarrassing for you.

Perhaps you should get in touch with Ivan. He, too, is sexually obsessed with me.

You guys just might be meant for one another. Birds of a feather and all that.

There is no point in arguing/debating with someone who thinks they are always right regardless of what I say or what evidence I offer. You are smug, self important and full of yourself. I’ve read enough of your back and forths with Larry, Mike A. etc. to know how you operate Aye. And this is also not the first time I’ve had a run in with you either. I remember the last time you and I went at it and you were just as smug and obnoxious then. You were actually trying to tell me how I came to a particular conclusion regarding who wrote a particular article. I realized then what type of person you are Aye….and yes you are a “type” of person. Being wrong, which you are Aye because everyone is…..is probably horrifying for you. Being right all of the time is what makes you feel complete…it gives you a sense of self cause without it you are nothing. I mean you hide behind a pseudonym for God’s sake.

I stand by my comment that either you are really short or have a small penis…..I notice you didn’t refute either assertion champ.

Ron H.

It’s easy to sit back and run your mouth in the safety of your anonymity Aye. Well actually it’s cowardly but I wouldn’t expect anything less from the likes of you.

Oh and Aye I’m neither embarrassed, uncomfortable or in anyway intimidated by the likes of you. Quite the contrary I find you laughable, and I take you about as seriously as piece of lint I find in my pocket. But to you being right and making your trivial opinions know mean everything to you. Why else would you be an author on here if it didn’t?

Sad really…..

@Ron. H: That you even want to know anything about another man’s genitals is troubling…to say the least.

yes I thought so too,
it did not sound right to me,reading it

What can I say…I’m a dabbler. Lack of genitalia with regard to men can often times cause irrational behavior.

I hope this was helpful.

Ron H.

Anticsrocks and Ron H. – Let’s keep the personal attacks out of here. Leave that stuff to the left. They wallow in it.


@Disturber: And just what personal attack did I perpetrate?

This dialogue about genitalia is out of place here.

and it come directly from Ron H. alone
just like anticsrocks mentionned

It’s true….I started it. Guilty guilty guilty.

Ron H.

@Disturber: Um, until such time as you are a moderator on this site, you can bite me.

I was not the one who had questions about another person’s genitalia.

@Ron. H:

Wow… another quartet of crayon scrawlings and not one scintilla of an effort to factually prove the points that you repeatedly claim to be true.

Instead, we get a repeat of your childish false dichotomy in addition to other low-grade school yard taunts.

Why is that exactly?

Why is it that you’ve passed up yet another opportunity to prove what you’re saying? I wonder…

You know, I have to admit that through this series of exchanges you have accomplished one thing Ron. Until today, I gauged you to be somewhat more intelligent than a steaming pile of dog shit.

Obviously, I was incorrect in my assessment. Kindly forgive me for overestimating you.

It’s so amazing to me that your overblown ego allows you to believe that I somehow owe you a refutation to your smug responses to my original post. Let me see if I can explain this in a way that might get through that thick skull of yours Aye. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think, what your arguments are or whether or not you feel as though I owe you more of an explanation or not. Do you understand that dip shit? I don’t like you therefore I’m not wasting anymore time on helping you fill that void you have in that overblown ego. I don’t care what you think or what the reasons are for you being such an ass. That’s your cross to carry and not mine. You have live with yourself and all your short comings, don’t ask me to because I simply don’t care enough about you Aye. Get it? You aren’t important. If I were in a room and overheard you talking, I would leave that room instantly so as not to throw up all over you…….you make me sick actually Aye. You really do.
Besides Aye you keep wanting me to defend my position, which I already have……just not to your satisfaction….which I could give a rat’s ass about, but I have yet to hear you refute that you are either a short little man or you have a small penis? Hmmmmmm

You were saying about dog shit little puppy?

Ron H.

You see little doggy I was expressing AN OPINION! Opinions aren’t wrong particularly when it comes to what I may or may not find offensive. If I state that I find something equally offensive as something else, then I am am not wrong just because you don’t agree with me. That’s not how the world works Aye. Maybe in your tiny little ego bubble you believe everyone else is accountable to you and ultimately subject to your scrutiny …….sorry to have to break it to you small p…….. we aren’t.

Try therapy…or take up drinking.

You aren’t important to me Aye….you just aren’t

I hope this was helpful.

Ron H.

@Ron H.:

It’s so amazing to me that your overblown ego allows you to believe that I somehow owe you a refutation to the false dichotomy that you have posted ad nauseum.

If you were indeed slightly more intelligent than a steaming pile of dog shit then you would have recognized your error prior to posting it the first time.

I am glad to hear that you “don’t like me,” and that you “don’t give a rat’s ass” what I think, and that you won’t be “wasting any more time”, and that you wouldn’t want to be in a room with me. That gives me assurance that I am done with you and that you won’t be responding any further. Unless, of course, you really do care. I’m also glad to hear that I make you sick. That confirms who has the upper hand.

It’s been fun to totally destroy you in full view of everyone. Not really mentally challenging mind you, but fun nonetheless.

Again, kindly forgive me for overestimating you.

Ron H

read what you have written, and denied with AYE, pointing it to you, many time
just to get insulted with all these comments from you which where even out of context as to get deeper in dirt slinging to AYE. WHICH I know for a fact kept his restraint, when he repeated the same question,so big guy, all you are left with is a uge appologie to AYE,
and it better to be well said, if you are as big as you want US BELIEVE HOW BIG YOU ARE
I hope this was helful

Wow….”it’s been fun to totally destroy you in front of everyone”. Hahahahahah! You just keep proving what a egomaniac you are. I made no errors ass clown. I even clarified what I meant but you are to busy looking up your own ass to try and find your pathetic opinions. You are a joke Aye and a coward. What’s your real name sport….ahh let me guess…..you are too afraid to post it.

Figures small dick.

Ron H.

I can make you happy….marry me….we can live in the woods and raise rabbits.

Ron H.

@Ron H.:

Ahhh….you posted again….I knew that you cared and that you would indeed waste more time.

Now we know that not only are you stupid, you’re a liar too.

Brutally destroyed once again. It’s so much fun to have the upper hand.

Ron, Bees doesn’t marry outside the human species which disqualifies you.
It’s also been rather amusing watching Aye take you apart yet you think you are winning. Yes, you are winning… like Charlie Sheen…

Hard Right:
Shut up you sad little man but by all means continue to look for scraps at Aye’s table…it’s what you do.

No I don’t care about you but like all insects I swat at them when they keep buzzing around my face. Still didn’t get that name? I like how you keep dodging my questions…..little dick.

Keep it coming Aye….. you are nothing but a small man with a big mouth.

Aye: How does your wife contend with such a small dick? just curious…..

Ron H.
if you continue like that, you will get the whole swarm buzzing and stinging on you’re tongue,
you might not recover.
I hope this was helpful

You stole “I hope this was helpful” from me. You do realize that don’t you? It’s okay I didn’t copyright it. You have to realize Bees that in the grand scheme of things…opinions are like assholes…everyone has one….so if you think that I will lose a moments sleep over comments made by Aye, Hard Right or anyone else…well you would be mistaken. As I said earlier I quit reading this site a awhile ago because I started to see it as nothing more than an echo chamber. And the responses to liberal posters, Larry, Greg etc. started to get really nasty. I popped over here recently because I was bored and wanted to see if anything had changed. It hadn’t. So if Aye and his minions want to come at me…bring it on. I’m not scared of cowardly men hiding behind pseudonyms. This is all they have. You see on here they get to act all tough and self important while hiding behind anonymity. And in Aye’s case he just keeps saying the same damn thing over and over again while patting himself on the back for some imaginary victory he conjured in his tiny little head. In real life guys like Aye are unimportant and milk toast.

By the way Bees your hair looks lovely today.

Ron H.

Ron H.
I didn’t steal it, I returned it to you, because it was fitting there
and you know why there are pseudonymes,?
that is for people who attack a person here, not the other way around,
you attacked and who knows how far a person like you would go if you had the right name,
and there are many more loonyes on the libs side too, which are dangerous enough to brand other and defame our bright candidates also, that gives you the answer, just think of HERMAN CAIN, AND THE OTHER,
well that round it up.
here back to you, take it , hope it was helpful

@Ron H.: Bam…and into moderation you go. First and last warning, quit with the gutter talk or you gone.

Thanks Curt. He was very….tedious, to say the least.