Orlando Jones may be best known for his days as a comedic TV pitchman. This latest suggestion, though, is no laughing matter.
The former soda slinger who spent years telling people to “Make 7 Up Yours” fired off a series of tweets on October 22nd following the death of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. After discussing Kanye West’s trip to Occupy Wall Street, Jones wrote, “Libyan Rebels kill Gaddafi, if American liberals want respect they better stop listening to Aretha & kill Sarah Palin(:”
No very funny. Especially in the light of these words:
“At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized – at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do – it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds,”
But sadly, you know they don’t mean a word of it.
But that’s not all.
Here’s a screencap of the HuffPo title on the front page
Notice that the HuffPo title reads:
“Actor Suggests Liberals Should Kill Sarah Palin, Angers Conservatives”
It implies that only conservatives are angered by the plea for murdering someone- as long as it is a conservative.
By the time you read this, it may already have gone down the memory hole.
One imagines that Jones will likely appear on the CBS Early Show or Today, followed by an appearance with Piers Morgan and then a visit to The View, where Joy Behar cannot comprehend why Jones’ words bother anybody.
Thus instead of Jones being properly ostracized, his flagging career is revived.
Which was probably the entire point of it all.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
How about a tit for tat? If something happens to Sarah, it will happen to Orlando. Guaranteed!
Something already happened to Orlando. Just look at him.
Social media have allowed many actors to confirm what the public already thought about them — that as a rule they tend to be uneducated, stupid, loud, and obsessed with being the center of attention.
Jones was told by his agent “You need a bump-go out and make some noise” What better person to get your name in the headlines then SARAH. If he said it about the lowest POSH@T in this country-he’d be in jail by now. His choice-Sarah Palin or the POSH@T ???????
And… if anyone said this about Dear Leader????
Just another brain dead libtard making himself famous off of Sarah’s star power.
“Progressives” can get away with intimidating a person from participating in public life, and the media helps them do it. The many death threats Sarah Palin and her family were subjected to were probably a major reason she did not run for President. This is what we have allowed the Demomediacadematainment left to do to our country.
Hmmmm…. just wondering- If I was to say that someone should take a bullwhip to Orlando Jones, how would it be taken? As racist? Or as justified because he is such a bad actor?
I’d bet the former would be first on the Liberal thought train, and the second on conservative’s.