5 Shameful True Stories Muslims Desperately Don’t Want You To Know About Their Prophet Muhammad (Guest Post)


In the Islamic religion, Muhammad is revered as God’s final prophet and the ideal man, the perfect example for all time. But just how perfect is Muhammad’s example Muslim males especially must strive to emulate? Here’s five little-known shocking stories about Islam’s ideal man Muslims desperately don’t want you to be aware of.

1.Muhammad adopted Zayd, the freed slave of his first wife Khadijah, as his son. Zayd married a very beautiful woman called Zaynab bint Jash. One day, Muhammad went to the home of the couple and he happened to catch sight of a naked Zaynab. He made lustful comments about her and she duly told her husband what had happened.

On hearing what Muhammad had said about his wife, Zayd told Muhammad that if he wanted to marry Zaynab then he would divorce her. Initially, Muhammad told him to stay with his wife, but Zayd divorced her and Muhammad then married her claiming it was the will of Allah.

Allah’s somewhat convenient and embarrassing will is revealed in Chapter 33, verse 37 of the Quran. Even Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha, whom he married when she was just six years of age, voiced her suspicions saying: “Truly Allah seems to be very quick in fulfilling your prayers.”

There’s a tragic legacy of Muhammad’s lust for his son’s wife. In an attempt to justify Muhammad’s marriage to his daughter-in-law, Allah subsequently forbade adoption in Quran verses 33.4 and 33.5. (Note the Quran is not organized chronologically.) To this day, thousands of children in the Islamic world remain orphans all because of the “perfect example” of the lustful Muhammad.

2.Speaking of Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha leads us to another event in Muhammad’s life which continues to have tragic consequences. Aisha was accused of cheating on Muhammad by three witnesses. Upon hearing their accounts, Muhammad refused to believe them and made a ruling requiring four witnesses to prove fornication.

Sex for unmarried women is forbidden in Islam. If a woman is raped and the rapist doesn’t confess to the crime, four trustworthy male witnesses are required to prove that the woman was actually raped. Many rape victims in the Islamic world have been criminalized because of Muhammad’s ruling with around 80% of women in Pakistani jails being victims of rape.

3.The next story comes from one of the most authoritative accounts of Muhammad’s life, the hadith of Sahih Muslim. A pregnant woman confessed to Muhammad that she had committed adultery. Muhammad told her to have the child then return to him. When she returned, he commanded that she be stoned to death for her fornication. You can read the full unpleasant story in Sahih Muslim book 17, number 4206 here.

4.Salah, praying five times a day, is a pillar of Islam and an obligation on all Muslims. Missing prayer is a serious transgression in Islam and the reason is because of the following event in Muhammad’s life. He acknowledged the hardest prayers for Muslims are the first pre-dawn prayer and the final evening prayer. He instructed the cleric who calls Muslims to prayer, the Mu’adh-dhin, to give the second call to prayers, the Iqama. He commanded a man to lead the prayer and once the prayer was over, Muhammad demanded that the homes of those who missed the prayer be burned down with the occupants being burned alive. Sahih Bukhari is regarded by Muslims as THE most authoritative hadith and this wicked deed is recorded in volume 1, book 11, number 626.

5.Perhaps one of the most shocking stories of Muhammad’s life concerns the fate of the peaceful Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis. Muhammad had signed a treaty to break peace between the farmers and the Muslims. He had also agreed not to be recognized as a prophet in the treaty, much to the chagrin of his followers. To regain their respect, Muhammad decided to attack the farmers who were no match for his army and they soon surrendered. The “ideal man, the perfect example for all time” told the farmers they would only be permitted to continue living on the Oasis if they handed over their wealth.

Convinced the Jews were holding out, Muhammad tortured their leader, Kinana. Despite inflicting severe punishments on Kinana, including pouring burning oil onto his chest, Muhammad was unable to obtain any details of withheld wealth, so he had Kinana beheaded. He then ordered his men to bring to him Kinana’s beautiful 17 year old wife, Safiya bint Huyay. He told her that if she embraced Islam and married him, he would spare her life. He married her and consummated the marriage that very night.

Safiya’s fate is described in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, book 59, numbers 512 and 513.

Muslims will try to deceive unbelievers by portraying their prophet as a man of peace. Indeed, when they say his name, they will usually follow it by saying “peace be upon him.” But as these five disturbing events show, Muhammad was not a peaceful man and this begs the question: How can anyone claim Islam is a religion of peace when the perfect example of its prophet is one of violence, deceit, unbridled lust and savage cruelty?

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@Shaheer: According to the “Palestinian Information Center”. Nice try. If there’s a photo of the woman drinking water, why isn’t there one of her death? Nice try. Thanks for playing.

@Deplorable Me: how about you look at other news sources.@Deplorable Me: oh and why would they make a picture of a dead old lady?? Pretty messed up. I don’t understand why you think that Israel is super nice to Palestinians

@Shaheer: Why would they expect any sane, reasonable person to believe people who fire unguided rockets into neighborhoods of innocent civilians, detonate bombs in markets, blow up busses and hide weapons among their own civilians? Palestinians, dancing on strings for the Iranians, commit the terrorist attacks then whine like women when the Israelis retaliate.

@Shaheer: Palestine does not produce its electricity. All the electrical needs of Palestinian consumers are met by Israel through its company called Israel Electric Corporation (IEC).
All the money they are given and they choose not to be independent, billions from the USA alone.
They choose not to repair the water distribution infrastructure or anything to improve the lives of their people.
The Palestinian Authority funds terrorists. To that end, there seems to be broad agreement about the importance of extending development aid to help the Palestinians build the physical and social infrastructure, why should they if we keep giving the more and more? We should not reward bad behavior.
How nice they could live if they both chose peace, forgiveness and tolerance.
May joy find you today.

Really didn’t age well, did it??

z@Shaheer: Why not?
Hamas has staged plenty of photos of “dead” or injured people.
Meanwhile, Israel supplies food, clothing, electricity, water, medical care and jobs to people in Gaza.
What Israeli soldiers do not do is rape Gazan women.
And what thanks do they get?
They get called racists for NOT raping these women!

Not really the case anymore..

@Shaheer: How’s this for a source? https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/01/duping-americans-sharia-raymond-ibrahim/#.Xh1LxdjH9NE.twitter
Your religion demands that you hate everyone who is not like you. It demands death, pain and destruction.
If what you say is what you truly believe, then you are a bad muslim, according to your ultimate authority, the Koran.

@kitt: That’s the government. Literally ,every government of so many Middle East Muslim countries is corrupt and the leaders are scumbags and would have their people starve so they can be rich I know. Those kind of governments are the worst. You’re probably right about the government doing all that bad stuff..

@Petercat: My religion teaches me to not do whatever you tried to say. Don’t try to bring up War ayahs and say Muslims use these everyday. Those who actually are terrorists are bad Muslims not me. Don’t tell me I’m a bad Muslim.

@Shaheer: Get stuffed. If you do not follow every word of the Koran, you’re a bad muslim. If everything that you’ve said here is true, then you are certainly not following the commandments of your most holy book, so it’s the Koran that’s calling you a bad muslim. Argue with it.
Oh, wait, the Koran commands you to lie about your faith, to bow down to the stronger people until you grow strong enough to defeat them, doesn’t it?
So I’ll admit, you’re probably a goooood little muslim, obeying the Koran and lying to everyone here.
Don’t forget, I spent five years in the Middle East, I’ve seen for myself what your people are willing to do to each other when no one is watching. And I’ve seen what they do to unbelievers. You can’t lie to me about islam.
Islam is a religion of hate, pain, cowardice, death and destruction.

@Petercat: This is a 14 year old child who thinks he can hold his own with adults.

@Petercat: you give me ayahs from the Quran where it tells me to do this. I told you don’t try to bring up ayahs revealed to Prophet Muhammad during wartime! Alright??

@kitt: I know I can’t hold with adults at least I’m trying

@Petercat: don’t try to talk trash about my religion because Christians say “believe in Christ and you will be saved” and they say Jesus “died” for our sins. Therefore a Christian can do whatever the hell they want to do. But they will be good just because they go to church.

@Shaheer: Easy there, you are not instructed in Christianity, nor old testament laws and the prophesies. It may sound like what you have stated, it is much more complex.Your religion that has a limited time in hell for being evil in life.
In Christianity our names better be written in the book of life, at the time of judgement, as I told you before only you are responsible for your soul.

@kitt: I know I haven’t been instructed in the Old Testament or even Christianity. But I don’t know where we get a limited time in hell. Can you please tell me where it says? Thanks

” I told you don’t try to bring up ayahs revealed to Prophet Muhammad during wartime! Alright??”
No. Not all right. You don’t have the authority to tell me not to do anything. Alright??
If you want to know what the Koran says, read it for yourself. I’m not your researcher. The Koran is full of passages demanding that you kill people who aren’t like you. Islam is a barbaric religion that is responsible for more suffering worldwide than any other single cause.
It has caused massive death, pain, torture and suffering among it’s own people simply because they believe in a different sect of islam, or have been born women, or are gay, or just because they are children and thus too small and weak to defend themselves against the sick depravity of the low-intelligence “men” among you.
Islam is a sick, evil destructive cult that has no place in a civilized world.
Any other orders you want to give me, O Arrogant Liar?

@Petercat: Goddamn! I said these are war ayahs . And I said where did you find them! All the people who do bad in these countries are the leaders fault and those who are extremists. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. All those war ayahs are outdated that ur talking. So it just seems dumb that you are bringing these ayahs up and saying Muslims use these everyday. And if you’re not even researching, you’re just saying stuff. I actually read the Quran. Not you. If you actually have I would bet you would be saying something different. Oh wait, you will probably try to look up some war ayahs and say “Wow Islam is so Violent”. And you can’t call me an arrogant liar if if you can’t even research the Quran. You’re probably going to look at sources from people who hate Islam. Well that’s not how you research. Look at all sources. You can think whatever the hell you want about Islam. I literally don’t care. I’m good with my religion you can talk all the crap you want. Islam has 1.6B followers and that’s good for me. You really need to keep an open mind not a narrow mind.

@Shaheer: (Hud 11:106,107; Al-An’am 6:129)

@kitt: I don’t understand where it said they will be in hell for a limited time I read those ayahs

@Shaheer: Ask your teachers not an infidel

@kitt: ok thanks. Oh wait, cmon I don’t call people infidels. We’re not supposed to be calling people Kaafirs my teacher told me Prophet Muhammad said to not call people that.

@Shaheer: Hah. I’ve read the Koran, front page to last. Two different translations by two different scholars, both claimed by your own leaders to be among the greatest of islamic scholars. And you think I’m ignorant because I don’t agree with your false claims?
No part of the Koran can ever be outdated, according to the Koran itself. It tells us that if any part of any work disagrees with the Koran, it is wrong, even that if any part of the Koran disagrees with an earlier part, the earlier part is the law. The teachings of the Koran can never be modified.
No, I don’t need Google, I have the books, including later holy writings. You are so full of anger, hate, and lies, I don’t expect you to ever tell the truth about islam.
As far as your insipid claim that the majority of muslims don’t support the murder, rape and torture of the unbeliever, well, they could prevent the radicals from making islam look bad by rising up and forcing them to knock that crap off. But they won’t, because the rapists, torturers, and murderers are following the commands of Allah as given in the Koran.
For the “Good” muslims to tell the others to knock it off would be to go against the word of Allah, which would make them bad muslims.
You have nothing to worry about, you lie like a good muslim.

@Petercat: just please look up good teachings of Islam. I don’t know what to say now. You can keep on preaching what you want about Islam. Of our 1.6B followers only like 10% of them are bad. You can say what you say. I really don’t care anymore. Those 1.6B followers are not all bad. Like I said many many comments before, there are bad people of all groups. There are bad black people, white people, Muslim people, Christians, and many others. It’s unfortunate that those who are bad speak the loudest through their horrible actions. And No our religion says to respect women. Rape isn’t allowed. I don’t know where you got it from. Just because a few of them do it doesn’t mean the Quran says to do it. And what makes you so convinced that Muslims are bad people. I also have one more question for you. You said you lived in the Middle East. I’m just wondering, which country did you live in and how were you there I’m just wondering if there was a reason you were there.

@Petercat: and no I’m not full of anger and hate. I’m not mad about anything. There’s no hate for you from me. Or any hate for anyone here from me. And I only am saying what I know. I don’t know where it says torture a Christian/Jew for no good reason. We’re supposed to respect other religions. You don’t have to believe that I Don’t care at all. I respect other religions and Thousands of Muslims around me respect other religions. If I really was commanded by the Quran not to be nice to other friends, I would have no friends at school. Most of my friends are Hindus, Christians, Jews, atheists, and others.

@Petercat: I forgot to mention, lying is against my religion. It’s haram.

@Petercat: I forgot to mention, lying is against my religion. It’s haram .

@Petercat: it’s also kind of ironic how you claim you read the Quran front to back, yet you claim it’s full of passages to “torture people of other religions for no good reason”. When it’s not . Also, you’re saying my religion has no religious tolerance, yet you are the one saying all this stuff. And literally Christianity has an orthodox where they don’t recognize any other religions. What’s also weird is your claiming that I’m a liar while saying all this.

H u z x@Petercat: it’s also kind of ironic how you claim you read the Quran front to back, yet you claim it’s full of passages to “torture people of other religions for no good reason”. When it’s not . Also, you’re saying my religion has no religious tolerance, yet you are the one saying all this stuff. And literally Christianity has an orthodox where they don’t recognize any other religions. What’s also weird is your claiming that I’m a liar while saying all this,

@Ezazahmed: your a fuckin terroist

@Cathy: oh wow. He didn’t say anything terrorist related and you call him a terrorist. Wow.

@Cathy: Wow. You’re going to call him a “fucking terrorist” even though he said literally nothing regarding terrorism.

@Shaheer: This is how your little horror stories get started and circulated. Anti-Semites love to help.


@Deplorable Me: so you’re going to get mad when white people are stereotyped as school shooters, Mexicans as drug lords or black people as thugs. But you wouldn’t care when people say that Muslims are terrorists.

@Shaheer: Stereotyping is wrong. However, this is not stereotyping; this is showing you an example of how harmful lies, like the one you was propagating, get circulated.

@Deplorable Me: Alright. You’re right about the lady getting shot it the head. It’s fake. Also I think that you’re right about Israel. I didn’t know about that I thought it was real. Sorry bout that.

@Shaheer: When you are being lied to, it is best to try and figure out WHY you are being lied to. We have the same problem here with our liberal media. They lie because the truth does not support their chosen and supported ideology.

@Deplorable Me: ok I will try to do this next time.

Just take a look at how muslims reacted. They all started cursing and saying baseless, illogical things without (ironically) having read Quran themselves. None of them provided logical reasoning and evidence for what they said. This isn’t the only time muslims start cursing and threatening people who criticize their religion, because religions teach you to accept with faith, not logic and reasoning, they give you false, silly hopes and keep you afraid of ever doubting it because you’ll end up in a fire. That’s what having faith and being religious means. If you’re that insecure about your beliefs, then it’s the time to change them. The anger of muslims in this comment section isn’t a hatred towards the author, but for comforting their own doubts about islam. No muslim who’s read Quran completely wants you to read it as well, as though the truth will be revealed

@Somebody who’s read Quran: ya I hated the way they reacted it’s against my religion to say foul language and Islam teaches us to be humble

@Somebody who’s read Quran: Ahmed deedat teaches a lot and has actual good points. Also, I’m nowhere near insecure about my beliefs.

@Somebody who’s read Quran: some of these Muslims really did not represent their religion good at all

@Precious: fuck you

fuck you

@gjj he d: hey why are you saying “fuck you” to him. He said nothing wrong.

To all you Muslims with the above comments, thanks for proving that (short version) Islam is a religion of EXTERMINATION, or that (long version) Islam is a religion of peace through EXTERMINATION.

Too bad your hate has doomed you.

@Hiliary C: where did the Muslims say that. All they did was curse and say crap about other religions without proof. No one muslim said anything like that

This is a fabricated story, our prophet didn’t have a pic, where is this pic coming from if it is not a falls story? Don’t you see you are lying to the public?

@Dudu Maliamungu: he’s just drawing a bad picture of the prophet just to make him look bad. It’s like propaganda but a lesser one

More than a few Muslims have made the comment we believe in Jesus as a prophet, and I guess that’s supposed to make us happy, but it doesn’t because it’s a lie from hell. Jesus was so much more than any human in ur Qoran, and most of you have probably if it’s legal never read a Bible. Jesus was the only son of God, his virgin birth had been foretold centuries before he was born, the good news is he loves Muslims as much as he loves Christians he died a man who had never sinned so that we can ask thru his name to be forgiven of our sins. He died for all of our sins so we don’t have to. Our God wants us with him and all the prophecies in our Bible are being fulfilled before our eyes, I pray Jesus relveils himself to u and it doesn’t matter what you’ve done all u have to do is repent and ask Jesus to send the comforter to teach u and not only will he forgive every single sinbu committed (we all sin everyday but he forgets them. Jesus loves you* just give him a chance to prove it. Please were running out of time . We don’t want to see any of you burn in hell, anyone who calls themselves a Christian and gets on here starting problems needs to look in the mirror at themselves first

@A woman after God’s own heart: we love Jesus too. We believe he is the Messiah for the people during his time. We call him Isa-Al-Masih. Jesus the Messiah in Arabic. We just don’t believe that he is the son of god because that is polytheistic. Islam is a monotheistic religion. We also believe in the birth about him too. Oh and thank you about the last part!!

@Precious: @Precious:@Precious:
First of all, Jesus NEVER said by himself that he is god or worship him, if you can show me one unambiguous statement in the Bible where Jesus HIMSELF says that I’m god, or worship me, I’m ready to accept Christianity, and the verse you said, John 3:16 the word (begotten) means that a sexual intercourse must’ve happened and we’re all sure that god didn’t have sex with Mary, that’s why if you read John 3:16 in the (revised standard version) Checked by 32 Christian scholars of the HIGHEST eminent that the word begotten is a fabrication

And also Jesus called Mohamed by name in the Bible, in the songs of Solomon, verse 5:16 you can hear his name in Hebrew, but Translators translate it without Muhammad because they don’t have the right to translate names, and also in John 16:12-14, where Jesus (peace be upon) himself said, “I have much more to say, but you cannot bear now. But when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me”
People can say that it’s about the Holy Spirit, but in John 16:7 Jesus (pbuh) says that he must depart so the advocate can come, if Jesus (pbuh) stays that advocate won’t come, and no one came after Jesus (pbuh) and glorified him except prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him)

And Jesus never claimed divinity even in Luke 18: 18-19 Jesus was asked “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.”
Islam is the only non-Christian faith that orders to believe in Jesus as one of the mightiest messengers of god and to believe in his miraculous birth without any male intercourse we believe that he is the messiah, we believe that he healed people with the will of god, we believe in his second coming, no Muslim is a Muslim if he doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)