5 Shameful True Stories Muslims Desperately Don’t Want You To Know About Their Prophet Muhammad (Guest Post)


In the Islamic religion, Muhammad is revered as God’s final prophet and the ideal man, the perfect example for all time. But just how perfect is Muhammad’s example Muslim males especially must strive to emulate? Here’s five little-known shocking stories about Islam’s ideal man Muslims desperately don’t want you to be aware of.

1.Muhammad adopted Zayd, the freed slave of his first wife Khadijah, as his son. Zayd married a very beautiful woman called Zaynab bint Jash. One day, Muhammad went to the home of the couple and he happened to catch sight of a naked Zaynab. He made lustful comments about her and she duly told her husband what had happened.

On hearing what Muhammad had said about his wife, Zayd told Muhammad that if he wanted to marry Zaynab then he would divorce her. Initially, Muhammad told him to stay with his wife, but Zayd divorced her and Muhammad then married her claiming it was the will of Allah.

Allah’s somewhat convenient and embarrassing will is revealed in Chapter 33, verse 37 of the Quran. Even Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha, whom he married when she was just six years of age, voiced her suspicions saying: “Truly Allah seems to be very quick in fulfilling your prayers.”

There’s a tragic legacy of Muhammad’s lust for his son’s wife. In an attempt to justify Muhammad’s marriage to his daughter-in-law, Allah subsequently forbade adoption in Quran verses 33.4 and 33.5. (Note the Quran is not organized chronologically.) To this day, thousands of children in the Islamic world remain orphans all because of the “perfect example” of the lustful Muhammad.

2.Speaking of Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha leads us to another event in Muhammad’s life which continues to have tragic consequences. Aisha was accused of cheating on Muhammad by three witnesses. Upon hearing their accounts, Muhammad refused to believe them and made a ruling requiring four witnesses to prove fornication.

Sex for unmarried women is forbidden in Islam. If a woman is raped and the rapist doesn’t confess to the crime, four trustworthy male witnesses are required to prove that the woman was actually raped. Many rape victims in the Islamic world have been criminalized because of Muhammad’s ruling with around 80% of women in Pakistani jails being victims of rape.

3.The next story comes from one of the most authoritative accounts of Muhammad’s life, the hadith of Sahih Muslim. A pregnant woman confessed to Muhammad that she had committed adultery. Muhammad told her to have the child then return to him. When she returned, he commanded that she be stoned to death for her fornication. You can read the full unpleasant story in Sahih Muslim book 17, number 4206 here.

4.Salah, praying five times a day, is a pillar of Islam and an obligation on all Muslims. Missing prayer is a serious transgression in Islam and the reason is because of the following event in Muhammad’s life. He acknowledged the hardest prayers for Muslims are the first pre-dawn prayer and the final evening prayer. He instructed the cleric who calls Muslims to prayer, the Mu’adh-dhin, to give the second call to prayers, the Iqama. He commanded a man to lead the prayer and once the prayer was over, Muhammad demanded that the homes of those who missed the prayer be burned down with the occupants being burned alive. Sahih Bukhari is regarded by Muslims as THE most authoritative hadith and this wicked deed is recorded in volume 1, book 11, number 626.

5.Perhaps one of the most shocking stories of Muhammad’s life concerns the fate of the peaceful Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis. Muhammad had signed a treaty to break peace between the farmers and the Muslims. He had also agreed not to be recognized as a prophet in the treaty, much to the chagrin of his followers. To regain their respect, Muhammad decided to attack the farmers who were no match for his army and they soon surrendered. The “ideal man, the perfect example for all time” told the farmers they would only be permitted to continue living on the Oasis if they handed over their wealth.

Convinced the Jews were holding out, Muhammad tortured their leader, Kinana. Despite inflicting severe punishments on Kinana, including pouring burning oil onto his chest, Muhammad was unable to obtain any details of withheld wealth, so he had Kinana beheaded. He then ordered his men to bring to him Kinana’s beautiful 17 year old wife, Safiya bint Huyay. He told her that if she embraced Islam and married him, he would spare her life. He married her and consummated the marriage that very night.

Safiya’s fate is described in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, book 59, numbers 512 and 513.

Muslims will try to deceive unbelievers by portraying their prophet as a man of peace. Indeed, when they say his name, they will usually follow it by saying “peace be upon him.” But as these five disturbing events show, Muhammad was not a peaceful man and this begs the question: How can anyone claim Islam is a religion of peace when the perfect example of its prophet is one of violence, deceit, unbridled lust and savage cruelty?

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@Shaheer: The Bhavishya Purana (Bhaviṣya Purāṇa) is one of the eighteen major works in the Purana genre of Hinduism, written in Sanskrit. The title Bhavishya means “future” and implies it is a work that contains prophecies regarding the future.
There were originally compiled before Mohamad was born.
They have been re-compiled over & over since then leading some people to claim (falsely) that they are more recent.

Do I believe it?
I’m not Muslim or Hindu.
I’ve watched as Muslims and Hindus have fought each other all my life.
But, Muslims have been destroying Hindu history for a lot longer than that.
I’d write about it, but that would probably get Muslims here all excited.

@Eyamin Ali: Mahamed was a man in scientific mentality. All things he thinks deeply. All matters he handled carefully. At least he was a noble nature person.

Which is it?
Quran 7: 54 Your gurdian-Lord is Allah who created the earth in Six Days
Quran 41: 9 Is it that ye deny Him who created the earth in Two Days ?

Sun sets in a spring?
Quran 18: 86 Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it going down into a muddy spring

How did Mo’s god make man?
Quran 96: 2 Created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood.
This idea came from Greece’s Aristotle who erroneously believed that humans are made from male semen & female menstrual blood.

@Deplorable Me: Asks whether Islam compels people to be Muslim.
It does.
In early times, when he had enemies all around, Mo said:
Quran 02: 256 There is no Compulsion in religion.
But, later when he was a war lord he said this:
Quran 47: 4 When you meet the unbelievers strike off their heads.
Quran 9: 29 Fight those who do not profess the true faith (Islam) till they pay the polltax (jiziya) with the hand of humility.

Bigots blame the translation rather than the writing.
It reads the same in Arabic as it does in any language.
It is a REALLY easy work to translate.
He wasn’t a rocket scientist, you know.
And, BTW, most Muslims on earth don’t understand ancient Arabic.
They must trust and take the word of their imam, mullah, mufti, or whoever stands over them.
And THOSE people each has his own agenda.
Thus, differences between Muslims from mosque-to-mosque as well as over time.

We have an old saying: If you’re not the lead dog, the view never changes.
Islam’s leaders all want to stay the leaders and keep their own followers on their leash.

@Kim: Hi Kim, I was speaking to my dad about allah punishing those who aren’t Muslims. I was telling him it’s not fair. He told me Allah will judge you fairly. He won’t only care if you are Muslim or not. There Are many other factors. He was talking about those who outright didn’t listen to Prophet Muhammad. Those who The Quran was talking about are those like Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. They were the uncles of prophet Muhammad and were the worst people to him

@Kim: Hi Kim, I was speaking to my dad about allah punishing those who aren’t Muslims. I was telling him it’s not fair. He told me Allah will judge you fairly. He won’t only care if you are Muslim or not. There Are many other factors. He was talking about those who outright didn’t listen to Prophet Muhammad. Those who The Quran was talking about are those like Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. They were the uncles of prophet Muhammad and were the worst people to him.

@Nan G: Hi Nan, You are right about the second part and I think you really did your research. It’s because I read the Quran and still don’t really know the translation. It’s not a good things that Muslims have to only rely on the Imam because many Imams, especially in the East are extremists and when they feed their messed up views into so many young people, they get brainwashed into doing all of these horrible things. The first part can you please explain these? I’m not 100% sure on what these say. Also, I have learned that 1 day for Allah is about 1,000 years for us humans. I’m not 100% sure about the numbers, can you please correct me if I’m wrong?

please remove this fake stories and resaeach Christopher J. Green if you’re born from one father.

So, how does Islam look upon Islamists stabbing random people in the name of Islam? Why don’t the Imams preach AGAINST this insanity?

@Deplorable Me:

This act is considered as a big sin and the one who do these actions will be rewarded with hell. This is how Islam looks to it when you read the books.

When the Imams get corrupted by politics and get greedy for power they drive such actions.

Now ofcourse not all the Imams are corrupted. To be honest we dont need the Imams instructions to tell us what is obvioius.

These people are driven by anger fuelled by the corrupted and blinded with wrong quotes.

That’s all.

@Mohammed Qusay: No, you DON’T need the Imams. They are disgracing your religion.

@Deplorable Me:

My friend,

My wife was a Christian and she changed to Islam. I never ever forced her to be. In fact, I asked her the reason to be muslim and she had her own reasons.
My cousins are Christians, my in laws are Christians and I have couple of very good friends who are Christians.

It’s up to you… I’m not the one in place of judging on people. The only who who has the right is the God.

For us as muslims it’s only to deliver the message of Islam to the people by being a true muslim and it’s your choice to follow or not and to believe or not.

I’m happy that I’m talking this kind of topics with a reasonable person like you 🙂

@Mohammed Qusay: That is good. Alhumdulillah

Some claim Muhammad was epilectic & called his seizures revelations.Others claim he was demon possessed.My belief is he was the Arabian Faust.He sold his soul to Satan for his worldly wealth & power, in exchange he founded Islam.

@David Snyder: Hi David, can you please tell me why you believe that?

@Nanny G:

look i promise you this not true at all i swear this person that wrote this just hates us I swear on my life that we Muslims just want peace we love everyone and that’s what our prophet said he even said ” whoever kills and person for no reason its like he has killed all humanity and whoever saves a person its like he has saved all humanity”

and he even told us to respect other religions and he had nonbelievers neighbor and friends and he was so sweet to them look this man is lying I swear why you guys hate Muslim we really love everyone and ISIS is not a Muslim cuz what he’s doing is cruel and he’s in hell.

@Deplorable Me:

we never said to stab anyone ISIS is a fake muslim cuz he’s not following what allah said we don’t hate no one we love ya all cuz thats what allah and his prophet told us our prohet is not what he said at all i swear on my life.

@alyaa: I agree with you you are riight

Can all you people calm down?
Religion is the biggest separation that is out there. Don’t fall for the tricks. People who are christian, jews, muslim, spiritual. Whatever they want to call themselves.. at the end of the day everyone is different. We cannot judge people based on race or religion. Everyone doesn’t act the same. I was bon a muslim but i believe in a creator who put us here but as for anything else … i believe is all told to separate us. And muslims are not evil in any way they are being tortured in the middle east because America wants our oil and they supply the taliban amd so they can infiltrate they’re way into our country. Don’t ever say we look for handouts when we lost a lot in life and just have families to feed. In india they have the biggest poverty because of their government leaders. Same as middle east.. our leaders are no good. And you best believe all presidents are funded by non other than the queen herself. She owns everything and they laugh at everyone who fights each other. Just use logic more and make your own mind up. Not from tv or books. But from getting to know people.

@alyaa: I swear on my life that we Muslims just want peace we love everyone

But you, unless you are dirt poor, pay the zagat, the “tithe” to your religion.
Care to explain where EVERY penny goes?
A chunk goes to support the warriors of jihad.
So, like it or not, personally peaceful or not, YOU support jihad when you donate (or is it mandatory?) to your mosque.

And look into Fard al-Ayn: It’s the fard that is the duty of every Muslim. Compare that with Fard al-Kifayah: When some Muslims fulfill the duty, others are not held responsible for it.
When you pay the zagat other Muslims fight FOR YOU whether you realize it or not.
You might be too young, too old, infirm, a female, etc.
But somebody isn’t and he is paid, supported by YOU, to fight.

@There is only one creator thats what matters.: Don’t ever say we look for handouts when we lost a lot in life and just have families to feed. In india they have the biggest poverty because of their government leaders. Same as middle east.. our leaders are no good.

IF Muslims don’t go looking for handouts why not stop at the first country that offers asylum? But that’s not what Muslims do. They pass thru countries that don’t hand out enough to each of them and go to those countries that do: Germany and Sweden are two main targets of migrants.
India is NOT the cause of Muslims’ poverty. It is the teaching that ALL lending on interest is “usury,” combined with the belief that god needs to be worshipped 5 times a day even when one is supposed to be working.
Muslims who follow that Islamic tenet get impoverished and STAY impoverished.
In India and Pakistan Muslims sell a daughter to pay bills rather than break with their religion and BORROW some cash.
In Egypt years ago a government minister did a study of his department’s workforce (all Muslims.) He found they spent so much time changing clothes, bathing, going to pray, praying, coming back, changing clothes again that they were working on their job less than 1/2 hour in an 8 hour workday! And allah wanted to have the mandatory prayer 50 times a day! Thank goodness Mohmad talked him down to just 5. Hadith al-Bukhaari, 342; Muslim, 163.

I’m glad you admitted that all the Muslim leaders in the Middle East are bad.
Even the most oil-rich country there has very poor people outnumbering those with money. They are all failed states. Islam, as a basis for governance, does not work. Sharia is too variable, to cruel, too easily bent and twisted so as to keep the Muslim poor down. At least in the West poor people can become rich by working hard and, if necessary, borrowing.

@Shaheer: He sold his soul for the earthly wealth & Power he received in exchange for founded the false religion of Islam.The Prophets of ancient Israel were rarely wealthy,except for David & Solomon.Elijah lived in a cave & subsisted on carrion.John the Baptist lived in the wilderness on locusts & wild honey.

@David Snyder: where in the Quran does it say that?

@David Snyder: where in the Quran does it say that? .

@Nan G: no they do not sell their daughters. This isn’t the 1800s

@Nan G: also prophet Muhammad (SAW) was told by prophet Musa (Moses) that 50 is too much for the Muslims because it wouldn’t be possible for them to do 50 prayers and continue with their lives he told l prophet Muhammad (SAW) to lower it to 5. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went to allah many times and eventually lowered it to 5

@Shaheer: It doesn’t.That is my personal belief.

Thank you, Dude why do yall even have a problem with this religion. We are humain and we have so many population. Do you think if all these stuff this site said its true do u think all does 1.6B muslims will still be the second most populated religion ever honey dont believe in these lies cuz we knwo the real truth and you have never read the quran we dont care if yall hate us all we care about its Allah and his last messenger prophet mohammad.

sis give me a break all these woman prophete woman married really loved him and its not yall problem to mind this stuff

@John: On the basis of 5 faulty stanzas mention u r ready to judge the millions of people who follow bible and Quran. These are hadiths which themselves say that they do have faults so it would be great if u look out for something and then play ur judging card.

How many miracles did Muhammad do? I was wondering how many people he brought from the dead? How many blind eyes did he make see? How many leper’s did he heal? How many have recently been healed by Muhammad name? Did he set the captives free? Did he give his life as a martyr? Did he rise again on the 3rd day? Did he walk on water? Did he part the Red Sea? Did he stop the sun dead in its tracks? Was he born from a virgin and named Emanuel (God With Us) the very son of God in the flesh? Do the demons tremble when they hear his name? Does Muhammad hold the very key in his hand?

@Angel Matherly: None!

fucking pedophile piece of shit Mohammed and Islam is a parasite that needs to be removed from this planet

@David Snyder: if it’s your personal belief, stop talking badly about Islam, how can you talk about us when we have only 1 book that has never been changed but the Bible has been changed 1000 times and there are more than a 1000 bibles out there King James picked a couple of these books that people follow we should all respect each other for our religion peace brother


Is there any page in the bible where god regards Jesus as his son ?

@Bro: several!

You people are all foolish and incompetent buffoons. If you ignorant and incessant apes didn’t stereotype everything about Islam, and actually looked into the religion, you would see that Mohammad has performed many, many miracles. Maybe not as fantastical as Jesus Christ, but still plenty. And for your information, we believe in Jesus as not the son of god, but a prophet of god and have many verses dedicated to him in the Quran. We believe Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, David, and Mohammad all to be prophets sent down by god to spread monotheistic beliefs upon the ignorance in this world. if you imbeciles didn’t have the IQ of an ape, then you would see past all your foolish stereotypes.

All the “Islamic” terrorism you see is all just a sect from an extremist view of the Quran. Just as Christians have Orthodox, Catholic, Mormon, etc. we have sects as well. We have Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, etc. Wahabism is the only sect in islam that dedicates itself to terrorism and created ISIS and Al-Kaida. They only comprise about 5-10% of muslims. What about the remaining 90%? Is that 90% all people who are jihadists and terrorists? Go fuck yourselves you autistic, incessant buffoons.

For your information, my father fought in Iraq against ISIS and in the middle of an assault, a US helicopter came and supplied ISIS with ammunition and weapons, My father and a few others were the only survivors. Maybe you should be questioning your own government about why it’s supporting ISIS behind your backs. Maybe then you will realize that the US government is pulling the strings on all of these terrorist attacks, and encouraging the spread of Wahabism.

@Bro: Matthew 3:17 for your son of god question
@Yousif: Look at your words read them, are they words to welcome understanding and peace? Your ideology has but one path and history tells it, it is far from peaceful. Forgiveness is far from your hearts as you still war and kill over the heir to your prophet.
We will not submit we will not bow down to your soaked in innocent blood prophet.

You (writer)
Dirty mentality
Who thinks negative .
There are more than billions followers of Muhammad and love his message


Condemn and u will be condemned and thats on religion

Islam is a fake religion. Q. if Muhammad was a prophet, What was Muhammad’s prophecy? He didn’t give one.. so, he wasn’t a prophet. Simple, it’s all based on a phychopaths ideology. Mental.!!

@kitt: he literally isn’t “soaked in innocent blood” alright if you actually did your research he liberated Mecca for the Muslims without killing a single polytheist. And he was also given the chance to kill all the people who were harassing him but he said no he was going to continue to preach. You don’t have to submit to ours but I will never submit to your religion.

@Yousif: are u actually for real??

@Shaheer: Not soaked in blood? Muhammad and the Banu Qurayza history is calling you a liar.
Live in peace and prosperity.

@kitt: OK. How about during the crusades? When the Christians were massacring muslim prisoners and thousands of innocents. Please don’t act like Muslims are always massacring people. They probably killed the Banu Qurayza for a reason. And don’t act like Jews are all fine too. Look at what they do in Ghaza and Palestine today. You can look up Israeli Soldier on Google and I guarantee you will see “Israeli Soldier Kills Palestinian” They literally kill defenseless people for no reason at the border. There was a Israeli Soldier that gave an old lady a water bottle and then shot her in the head. I don’t think that’s very peaceful. The Muslims probably killed the Banu Qurayza because of something they did, like cause a war. Literally most ancient wars were caused by Jews (I’m not trying to be mean to any Jews or offend them). I don’t like the fact they were massacred, but the Jews were horrible to the Prophet at his time. So don’t act like the Jews were defenseless people and were massacred for no reason. Oh and you too have Peace and Prosperity:)

@Shaheer: Huge difference Christ never ordered beheading for any reason ever.
The crusades was not about religious hate it was politics and conquest of land. The Byzantine Emperor, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, requested the help of the Pope to reclaim territories in Asia Minor lost to Islamic conquerors. The roman church was also cruel to Europeans and Pagan cults , The evil they committed will be answered for in the Abyss.
Each of us are responsible for our own fate.
Be well.

@Shaheer: You are aware, no doubt, that the Muslims invaded the Holy Land first… right? The Crusades were the result of taking land BACK. And, do us a favor and provide the DOCUMENTATION of an Israeli soldier shooting a little old lady in the head. Your rendition of events is a degenerate as your religion.

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