In the Islamic religion, Muhammad is revered as God’s final prophet and the ideal man, the perfect example for all time. But just how perfect is Muhammad’s example Muslim males especially must strive to emulate? Here’s five little-known shocking stories about Islam’s ideal man Muslims desperately don’t want you to be aware of.
1.Muhammad adopted Zayd, the freed slave of his first wife Khadijah, as his son. Zayd married a very beautiful woman called Zaynab bint Jash. One day, Muhammad went to the home of the couple and he happened to catch sight of a naked Zaynab. He made lustful comments about her and she duly told her husband what had happened.
On hearing what Muhammad had said about his wife, Zayd told Muhammad that if he wanted to marry Zaynab then he would divorce her. Initially, Muhammad told him to stay with his wife, but Zayd divorced her and Muhammad then married her claiming it was the will of Allah.
Allah’s somewhat convenient and embarrassing will is revealed in Chapter 33, verse 37 of the Quran. Even Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha, whom he married when she was just six years of age, voiced her suspicions saying: “Truly Allah seems to be very quick in fulfilling your prayers.”
There’s a tragic legacy of Muhammad’s lust for his son’s wife. In an attempt to justify Muhammad’s marriage to his daughter-in-law, Allah subsequently forbade adoption in Quran verses 33.4 and 33.5. (Note the Quran is not organized chronologically.) To this day, thousands of children in the Islamic world remain orphans all because of the “perfect example” of the lustful Muhammad.
2.Speaking of Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha leads us to another event in Muhammad’s life which continues to have tragic consequences. Aisha was accused of cheating on Muhammad by three witnesses. Upon hearing their accounts, Muhammad refused to believe them and made a ruling requiring four witnesses to prove fornication.
Sex for unmarried women is forbidden in Islam. If a woman is raped and the rapist doesn’t confess to the crime, four trustworthy male witnesses are required to prove that the woman was actually raped. Many rape victims in the Islamic world have been criminalized because of Muhammad’s ruling with around 80% of women in Pakistani jails being victims of rape.
3.The next story comes from one of the most authoritative accounts of Muhammad’s life, the hadith of Sahih Muslim. A pregnant woman confessed to Muhammad that she had committed adultery. Muhammad told her to have the child then return to him. When she returned, he commanded that she be stoned to death for her fornication. You can read the full unpleasant story in Sahih Muslim book 17, number 4206 here.
4.Salah, praying five times a day, is a pillar of Islam and an obligation on all Muslims. Missing prayer is a serious transgression in Islam and the reason is because of the following event in Muhammad’s life. He acknowledged the hardest prayers for Muslims are the first pre-dawn prayer and the final evening prayer. He instructed the cleric who calls Muslims to prayer, the Mu’adh-dhin, to give the second call to prayers, the Iqama. He commanded a man to lead the prayer and once the prayer was over, Muhammad demanded that the homes of those who missed the prayer be burned down with the occupants being burned alive. Sahih Bukhari is regarded by Muslims as THE most authoritative hadith and this wicked deed is recorded in volume 1, book 11, number 626.
5.Perhaps one of the most shocking stories of Muhammad’s life concerns the fate of the peaceful Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis. Muhammad had signed a treaty to break peace between the farmers and the Muslims. He had also agreed not to be recognized as a prophet in the treaty, much to the chagrin of his followers. To regain their respect, Muhammad decided to attack the farmers who were no match for his army and they soon surrendered. The “ideal man, the perfect example for all time” told the farmers they would only be permitted to continue living on the Oasis if they handed over their wealth.
Convinced the Jews were holding out, Muhammad tortured their leader, Kinana. Despite inflicting severe punishments on Kinana, including pouring burning oil onto his chest, Muhammad was unable to obtain any details of withheld wealth, so he had Kinana beheaded. He then ordered his men to bring to him Kinana’s beautiful 17 year old wife, Safiya bint Huyay. He told her that if she embraced Islam and married him, he would spare her life. He married her and consummated the marriage that very night.
Safiya’s fate is described in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, book 59, numbers 512 and 513.
Muslims will try to deceive unbelievers by portraying their prophet as a man of peace. Indeed, when they say his name, they will usually follow it by saying “peace be upon him.” But as these five disturbing events show, Muhammad was not a peaceful man and this begs the question: How can anyone claim Islam is a religion of peace when the perfect example of its prophet is one of violence, deceit, unbridled lust and savage cruelty?
Christopher J. Green is an investigative journalist and historian specializing in the decline of America and Western civilization. He is the author of the new book: Death of the Family – True Stories of the Charlatans Who Deceived the World and Broke the Backbone of Our Society.
@XxX: Why don’t you “peaceful” Muslims take out the trash and eliminate the violent murderers that give your “religion of peace” such a bad name? I mean, if it really mattered to you.
@Deplorable Me:
Yeah, clean out the shithead moslems who denigrate your supposedly peaceful religion. Cut off the heads of the ally akbars running around.
Ignorance brings evils when someone comments on others religious personalities. We as a Muslim are committed to sacrifice our lives for our beloved prophet Muhammad and don’t let anyone spreading insulting fake information. Prophets are the one who have highest prestige and glory in the world regardless of their religious duties assigned by Allah Almighty. We love and respect all prophets from Adam to Muhammad.
@Pete: Я рыцарь Орден Дракона, убийца турок. (I am the Order of the Dragon, kill.@July 4th American: er of the Turls
जिहाद दुनिया का सबसे घृणित कार्य और सबसे निंदनीय विचार है। लेकिन इस्लाम में इसे परम पुण्य का काम बताया गया है। जिहाद इस्लाम का अनिवार्य अंग है। (Jihad is the world’s most despicable act and most despicable idea. But in Islam it is described as the work of supreme virtue. Jihad is an essential part of Islam.)
बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार ह। (Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)
मुसलमानों ने औरतों से बलात्कार करके ही अपनी संख्या बढाई थी। मुहम्मद भी बलात्कारी था। मुसलमान यही परम्परा आज भी निभा रहे है। यह रसूल की सुन्नत है ,कुरान के अनुसार मुसलमानों को वही काम करना चाहिए जो मुहम्मद ने किये थे। (Muslims increase their numbers by raping women. Muhammad was also a rapist. Muslims are following this tradition even today. This is the Sunnah of Rasool, according to the Quran, Muslims should do the same thing that Muhammad did.)
@Pete: @Deplorable Me:
Я рыцарь Орден Дракона, убийца турок. (I am the Order of the Dragon, killer of the Turks.)
जिहाद दुनिया का सबसे घृणित कार्य और सबसे निंदनीय विचार है। लेकिन इस्लाम में इसे परम पुण्य का काम बताया गया है। जिहाद इस्लाम का अनिवार्य अंग है। (Jihad is the world’s most despicable act and most despicable idea. But in Islam it is described as the work of supreme virtue. Jihad is an essential part of Islam.)
बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार ह। (Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)
मुसलमानों ने औरतों से बलात्कार करके ही अपनी संख्या बढाई थी। मुहम्मद भी बलात्कारी था। मुसलमान यही परम्परा आज भी निभा रहे है। यह रसूल की सुन्नत है ,कुरान के अनुसार मुसलमानों को वही काम करना चाहिए जो मुहम्मद ने किये थे। (Muslims increase their numbers by raping women. Muhammad was also a rapist. Muslims are following this tradition even today. This is the Sunnah of Rasool, according to the Quran, Muslims should do the same thing that Muhammad did.)
Евреи нечистые бесы, как турки . . . Jews are unclean demons like the Turks.
@Zia: Rapists, mudders, persecuters. What kind of a god and prophet that want people to be beheaded for their faith or lack of it?
Ben Dragon Sipariş, Türkler’in katili… Yaşayan sadece öleceklerini biliyor, ölüler hiçbir şey bilmiyor . . .I am the Order of the Dragon, killer of the Turks.
Евреи нечистые бесы, как турки . . . Jews are unclean demons like the Turks . . .
जिहाद दुनिया का सबसे घृणित कार्य और सबसे निंदनीय विचार है। लेकिन इस्लाम में इसे परम पुण्य का काम बताया गया है। जिहाद इस्लाम का अनिवार्य अंग है। (Jihad is the world’s most despicable act and most despicable idea. But in Islam it is described as the work of supreme virtue. Jihad is an essential part of Islam.)
बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार ह। (Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)
मुसलमानों ने औरतों से बलात्कार करके ही अपनी संख्या बढाई थी। मुहम्मद भी बलात्कारी था। मुसलमान यही परम्परा आज भी निभा रहे है। यह रसूल की सुन्नत है ,कुरान के अनुसार मुसलमानों को वही काम करना चाहिए जो मुहम्मद ने किये थे। (Muslims increase their numbers by raping women. Muhammad was also a rapist. Muslims are following this tradition even today. This is the Sunnah of Rasool, according to the Quran, Muslims should do the same thing that Muhammad did.)
あなたとあなたのユダヤ人の神をファック。 (Fork you and your Jewish god.)
@Mzilikazi Khumalo:
Ben Dragon Sipariş, Türkler’in katili… Yaşayan sadece öleceklerini biliyor, ölüler hiçbir şey bilmiyor . . . I am the Order of the Dragon, killer of the Turks.
Евреи нечистые бесы, как турки . . . Jews are unclean demons like the Turks . . .
जिहाद दुनिया का सबसे घृणित कार्य और सबसे निंदनीय विचार है। लेकिन इस्लाम में इसे परम पुण्य का काम बताया गया है। जिहाद इस्लाम का अनिवार्य अंग है। (Jihad is the world’s most despicable act and most despicable idea. But in Islam it is described as the work of supreme virtue. Jihad is an essential part of Islam.)
बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार ह। (Rape is the main weapon of Jihad.)
मुसलमानों ने औरतों से बलात्कार करके ही अपनी संख्या बढाई थी। मुहम्मद भी बलात्कारी था। मुसलमान यही परम्परा आज भी निभा रहे है। यह रसूल की सुन्नत है ,कुरान के अनुसार मुसलमानों को वही काम करना चाहिए जो मुहम्मद ने किये थे। (Muslims increase their numbers by raping women. Muhammad was also a rapist. Muslims are following this tradition even today. This is the Sunnah of Rasool, according to the Quran, Muslims should do the same thing that Muhammad did.)
あなたとあなたのユダヤ人の神をファック。 (F_ck you and your Jewish god.)
@Taliban: @abumeyang:
Sodom Hussein Obama’s mentor, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Mika’s father) was the monster in the Carter administration who armed and financed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets. When the Soviets were in Afghanistan, women were educated, teachers, lawyers, doctors, etc.
Well, after the Mujahedeen were armed with sophisticated weapons, the Soviets left. The result – the USA got 911, and women now can walk 3 paces behind the donkey, the Mujahedeen evolved into the Taliban, who evolved into Al-Qaeda, who evolved into ISIS/ISIL/Daesh . . . Brezinski, for all practical purposes, can be called the Grandfather of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.
Jews Albright and Clark had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets… while Saudi non-profit n.g.o.s kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well armed… Just like ISIS in Syria… their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops… Monsanto, Genentec, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief… The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.
Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak, funding foreign conflicts abroad… and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag… ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
From where are you referring these points? Or did you just make this list
@Mzilikazi Khumalo:
Where did you read this.. I never read that in the it suppose to be a hadith..if so is it sahih or false or fabricated ???
This whole thing is bullshit this person obviously has no knowledge of Islam it’s embarrassing that whoever this person is went as far as this.
It’s making me chuckle how far people go to try and make Islam and the prophet Muhammad PBUH look bad. If you have a brain then move on from this trash.
Christians and Jews are well aware that their religion is false and baseless. His scholars rejected the true religion only for worldly greed (sorry). Yet these people are so mad that they call themselves deweller of heaven (hahaha). O Christians and Jews! If your scholars had not changed your religious books, you would be on the right religion today. But alas for your luck! Even though your great scientists invent new things only by studying the Qur’an and Hadith. And what your doctors and scientists are saying today we already knew 1400 years ago. O Christians! Your Messiah (Jesus) instructed you that any prophet who will come after my departure is the last prophet of God. So leave my word and adopt the word of this last prophet and do not be rebellious. Leave my law and adopt the law of this prophet. But you are preparing hell for yourself by staying away from Islam and talking against it. First study the Qur’an and Hadith carefully and then talk.
@True Muslim:… and Allah stayed quiet for thousands years waiting for Muhammad to correct his weakness, Allah couldn’t find another messenger in the meantime to open the eyes of the Jews and Christians, he was waiting for Muhammads mom pregnancy to save the word. Very logic indeed.
@Elizabeth: because Allah knew he didn’t need one. While many muslims are crazy, the faith is still strong. Tell me why Jesus wasn’t the last prophet..
@Elizabeth: because Allah knew he didn’t need a new messenger. Tell me why Jesus wasn’t the last prophet. While muslim countries are corrupt, the Mosque was never. Cice versa for Christians.
@Kim: No man, yes “the worst of creatures” it refers to were all non Muslims, but not all non Muslims are the worst of creatures. It talked about a specific community in that time
@Deplorable Me: Because they’re peaceful., The ones who are willing to fight are also there in big numbers but the peaceful ones will not go to war just to prove to you that they’re peaceful. The Taliban and Al Qaeda were only the ones that were brainwashed by the US, the rest fight against them. In my country, for example, in the areas where the Taliban tried to occupy, tens of thousands of local people joined tribal lashkars to fight against them, towns with a few thousand people had hundreds of volunteers fighting the Taliban. I know someone who’s son was killed fighting the Taliban. across the border in Afghanistan tens of thousands of soldiers fight against the Taliban. In Syria they have their own groups, the Kurdish forces and Syrian democratic militia, with tens of thousands of people fighting and thousands have died. I don’t understand how you overlook our sacrifice to deal with your creation.
@Rahman: thats great! Those who fought the terrorists are heroes!
Jesus and Mohammad share a night together
@SAYYED BUKHARI: they are all fake buddy
sometimes they try so hard to make us look bad. If you are here to just “prove” that Islam is a fake religion just go read the Quran and do good research because reading from a website and just writing help comments doesn¨t make sense and it makes you look like an idiot and an ignorant person. Respect our religion as we respect yours. May Allah forgive us all. have a good day
Why are people being so mean and just write hate comments with only reading such things from a random website. it´s unbelievable. instead of hating here and if you really wanna learn about islam you should read the Quran.