5 Shameful True Stories Muslims Desperately Don’t Want You To Know About Their Prophet Muhammad (Guest Post)


In the Islamic religion, Muhammad is revered as God’s final prophet and the ideal man, the perfect example for all time. But just how perfect is Muhammad’s example Muslim males especially must strive to emulate? Here’s five little-known shocking stories about Islam’s ideal man Muslims desperately don’t want you to be aware of.

1.Muhammad adopted Zayd, the freed slave of his first wife Khadijah, as his son. Zayd married a very beautiful woman called Zaynab bint Jash. One day, Muhammad went to the home of the couple and he happened to catch sight of a naked Zaynab. He made lustful comments about her and she duly told her husband what had happened.

On hearing what Muhammad had said about his wife, Zayd told Muhammad that if he wanted to marry Zaynab then he would divorce her. Initially, Muhammad told him to stay with his wife, but Zayd divorced her and Muhammad then married her claiming it was the will of Allah.

Allah’s somewhat convenient and embarrassing will is revealed in Chapter 33, verse 37 of the Quran. Even Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha, whom he married when she was just six years of age, voiced her suspicions saying: “Truly Allah seems to be very quick in fulfilling your prayers.”

There’s a tragic legacy of Muhammad’s lust for his son’s wife. In an attempt to justify Muhammad’s marriage to his daughter-in-law, Allah subsequently forbade adoption in Quran verses 33.4 and 33.5. (Note the Quran is not organized chronologically.) To this day, thousands of children in the Islamic world remain orphans all because of the “perfect example” of the lustful Muhammad.

2.Speaking of Muhammad’s favourite wife Aisha leads us to another event in Muhammad’s life which continues to have tragic consequences. Aisha was accused of cheating on Muhammad by three witnesses. Upon hearing their accounts, Muhammad refused to believe them and made a ruling requiring four witnesses to prove fornication.

Sex for unmarried women is forbidden in Islam. If a woman is raped and the rapist doesn’t confess to the crime, four trustworthy male witnesses are required to prove that the woman was actually raped. Many rape victims in the Islamic world have been criminalized because of Muhammad’s ruling with around 80% of women in Pakistani jails being victims of rape.

3.The next story comes from one of the most authoritative accounts of Muhammad’s life, the hadith of Sahih Muslim. A pregnant woman confessed to Muhammad that she had committed adultery. Muhammad told her to have the child then return to him. When she returned, he commanded that she be stoned to death for her fornication. You can read the full unpleasant story in Sahih Muslim book 17, number 4206 here.

4.Salah, praying five times a day, is a pillar of Islam and an obligation on all Muslims. Missing prayer is a serious transgression in Islam and the reason is because of the following event in Muhammad’s life. He acknowledged the hardest prayers for Muslims are the first pre-dawn prayer and the final evening prayer. He instructed the cleric who calls Muslims to prayer, the Mu’adh-dhin, to give the second call to prayers, the Iqama. He commanded a man to lead the prayer and once the prayer was over, Muhammad demanded that the homes of those who missed the prayer be burned down with the occupants being burned alive. Sahih Bukhari is regarded by Muslims as THE most authoritative hadith and this wicked deed is recorded in volume 1, book 11, number 626.

5.Perhaps one of the most shocking stories of Muhammad’s life concerns the fate of the peaceful Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis. Muhammad had signed a treaty to break peace between the farmers and the Muslims. He had also agreed not to be recognized as a prophet in the treaty, much to the chagrin of his followers. To regain their respect, Muhammad decided to attack the farmers who were no match for his army and they soon surrendered. The “ideal man, the perfect example for all time” told the farmers they would only be permitted to continue living on the Oasis if they handed over their wealth.

Convinced the Jews were holding out, Muhammad tortured their leader, Kinana. Despite inflicting severe punishments on Kinana, including pouring burning oil onto his chest, Muhammad was unable to obtain any details of withheld wealth, so he had Kinana beheaded. He then ordered his men to bring to him Kinana’s beautiful 17 year old wife, Safiya bint Huyay. He told her that if she embraced Islam and married him, he would spare her life. He married her and consummated the marriage that very night.

Safiya’s fate is described in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, book 59, numbers 512 and 513.

Muslims will try to deceive unbelievers by portraying their prophet as a man of peace. Indeed, when they say his name, they will usually follow it by saying “peace be upon him.” But as these five disturbing events show, Muhammad was not a peaceful man and this begs the question: How can anyone claim Islam is a religion of peace when the perfect example of its prophet is one of violence, deceit, unbridled lust and savage cruelty?

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@Joe: woah you really did some very good research. Wow!!! I’m impressed!!!!

@Shaheer: thank you!! I appreciate it!!! I’ve been learning the Bible and Quran and I do believe in the Bible, for Christians say that Muslims don’t believe in the Bible, we do believe in any verse that agrees with the Quran, but, any verse that doesn’t agree with the Quran We don’t believe in it

just read

@Somebody who’s read Quran:
You talk like these few Muslims who show bad character represent ALL Muslims…like the kkk.. skin heads etc. Represent Christianity….if you truly read the Quran you would kno there is nothing hidden..that’s if you read it with an open heart and if you didn’t then that’s why you talk like you do…

@Muserr: I think you’re right. Most of the people on the other side and people who hate Islam don’t genuinely read it. They try to look at all the “bad” and “violent” verses and base their opinion of Islam off of that. It’s pretty dumb. There was this one guy named Petercat making really stupid arguments against me and not bringing in any proof. He just kept saying stuff. It was funny to read.

That’s all they can do…it really is a waste of time talking to them..I only commented because of those who may read this..
but have an open mind and looking to jus understand…so I give them the truth in hope they will either ask more questions or do some real research…

This post is totally missed and wrong because our prophet mohammad is always absolutely right .All non muslim misbehaved with islam written in quran but after all winner of jannat is always muslim and caller of mohammad and allah .

@All religion is teared vagina except islam: you should change your name. You can’t be saying another religion isn’t bad unless you actually studied it. In your case it’s obvious you’re just saying stuff and not researching. Hell, you claim to read the Quran but probably don’t know what it says ( I for one am guilty of this only because I’m 14 but that still isn’t a good excuse) so next time you post don’t try to say another religion is bad. Because Islam is based off of Prophet Ibrahim who is the founder of the 3 main religions. Stop talking trash about other religions. I am a Muslim if you think I’m a kaafir According to your stupid ideology

@All religion is teared vagina except islam: you should change your name. You can’t be saying another religion isn’t bad unless you actually studied it. In your case it’s obvious you’re just saying stuff and not researching. Hell, you claim to read the Quran but probably don’t know what it says ( I for one am guilty of this only because I’m 14 but that still isn’t a good excuse) so next time you post don’t try to say another religion is bad. Because Islam is based off of Prophet Ibrahim who is the founder of the 3 main religions. Stop talking trash about other religions. I am a Muslim if you think I’m a kaafir According to your stupid ideology. Oh and fix your English it’s truly horrible. “All religion is…” pick one! Plural or singular?

@All religion is teared vagina except islam: you need capitalize Allah And Muhammad.

@Jawad Safi I hope you burn in hell for what you said. I read your comment but you probably deleted it. It’s HIS opinion, of course I don’t believe it. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO ISLAM AND RUIN THE NAME OF IT!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AMONG THE WORST MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD!!!!!! YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN READ THE QURAN!!! YOU SAY THAT YOU READ IT BUT DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT SAYS!!!!! DON’T TAKE THE NAME OF MUSLIM!!!!!! Oh and by the way if you think I’m a kaafir you’re sadly mistaken I’m a Muslim but hate people like you claiming you guys are Muslims!!!

I don’t know why people always want to make Muslims looks bad. People like to tell lies to make people look bad. If u want to say something bad about someone at least say the truth. He never saw anyone naked, he is known for his good characters, he was a good man, he was a religious person. Who did this is an enemy of Islam, but just know that God is watching. Stop with the hate and leave Islam alone, no matter what u do or say Islam would still continue to increase even if ya keep on killing us. Go and find something important to do with ur life and leave us and our religion alone for crying out loud!!!!! This is for the person who came up with this lies to make this article or whatever you wanna call it!!!!

@Aminata: It’s HIS opinion. I’m a Muslim but there are so many Muslims who are horrible. He brought evidence to back up his claims. Even though they were in my opinion interpreted wrong. You do realize that Muslim countries all over the world are horrible?! They kill Christians, Jews, and anyone who isn’t Muslim for no reason. Yet people from those countries come here and bring their stupid opinion and their English isn’t even good and they don’t even capitalize Allah or Muhammad! Before we tell people to stop hating Islam, Muslims need to fix themselves! Many Muslims here and all over the world are the worst people to ever exist! Them taking the name of Islam is a disgrace to us Muslims. Bring some research and facts to here not an opinion. A guy named Joe was here and brought evidence against Christianity found in the Bible! Not telling you to do that though. But bring some evidence. You claim to have read the Quran. True you might have but just mindlessly read it without even knowing the definition. I don’t know who you are but I can only assume. I for one am guilty of this but I am actually starting to read the Quran in English. Even though I’m 14 I still don’t have a good excuse for saying that I don’t know what MY religion’s Holy Book says.

I love my prophet, Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him)
May Allah forgive us all.
I also love your Jesus (Isa a.s in Islam)

Have a nice day.

@Nan G:

Look anyone can go up on the internet and write fake things bout anything why ya think we like that zakat goes to people who are in need, sister go and read the Quran your self you’ll see what I’m talking bout don’t just believe anything you hear.

It really hurts when ya be writing fake shit bout us like if it’s true ok but it’s not I hear bad thing bout Christians do I believe no why cuz I don’t know if they’re saying the truth

As it says ” Hear from me and don’t hear bout me” cuz ppl just like to talk shit.

Can you give me your insta and I’ll explain it to you (if you want ofc)

Bless you

@Ahmad: me too
Happy Ramadan guys!

@Alyaa: Sakat is only for the needy believers, not for non-muslims, is NOT allowed to help the Kuffars. Please it is not good to say lies or half-truth, even if the Quran let you lie to us.

@Kim: there is no Hadith or verse in the Quran saying that non believers can’t get it. Many of this is cultural. In Tampa Florida, the Muslims are helping everyone who’s needy by giving them food. Not only to Muslims but also non-muslims

@Kim: ummm not true i don’t know where you got that info lol

we have to help everyone Muslim or non-muslim/ Islam tells us to say the truth so get your facts right and stop making up stuff

@alyaa: yup ur right in fact there is nowhere in Islam where it says only Muslims can help Muslims. If that was a thing then Islam would not be liked at all and conversion to Islam WILL lower drastically because they would think Islam is really selfish

@John: hey bro I am a Muslim but isisi I will to Allah that to forgive you but I also pray Allah that who ever write this article he will be punished as for sure. Brother never ever tell anything Bad about prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam . Please understand His Life story . The article which is written is fully wrong information. And also the people who read Quran and Bible never become a full just understand that brother please respect them !!!!!!!

@John: I also pray Allah that who ever write this article he will be punished as for sure. Brother never ever tell anything Bad about prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam . Please understand His Life story . The article which is written is fully wrong information. And also the people who read Quran and Bible never become a full just understand that brother please respect them !!!!!!!


I also pray Allah that who ever write this article he will be punished as for sure. Brother never ever tell anything Bad about prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam . Please understand His Life story . The article which is written is fully wrong information. And also the people who read Quran and Bible never become a full just understand that brother please respect them !!!!!!!


@kitt: First of all to help you gain some knowledge the middle east is full of Christians and not just muslims. And you’re acting like half of this BS doesn’t happen in the US everyday. Everyday some little girl gets raped and can’t get revenge because they just “don’t have enough evidence to support what happened to them.”To add since your smart self said our god is Fake we literally have the same god we just call him Allah which is the arabic term. The only difference between Christians and muslims are prophets our prophet is muhammad and yours is jesus. We believe in Jesus and love him just like we love all other prophets from all other religions. Please do your research and get your facts straight before saying some horrible stuff about our religion since if we made the same comment you would all cancel us so please respect our religion and beliefs just like we respect yours. We all have different preferences in beliefs and we have the freedom to do so!

@Zeina ahmad: we have the same prophets though. Even though there are Christians in the Middle East they face severe persecution. I’m not saying that it’s everywhere but in a number of countries. I agree with you though

@John: man made BULLSHIT!!! All religion is pure bullshit!!!!!

@John: man made BULLSHIT!!! All religion is pure bullshit!!!!! @Adel: YOU SOUND LIKE A DAMN FOOL LMAO!!!!! ALL RELIGION IS MAN MADE BULLSHIT!!!!!!


@John: Don’t you DARE go against my religion!

@John: Don’t you DARE go against my religion!@Nanny G:

@Lewis rich: what you say is what you are lewis

1. There is no documents about prophet passing comment about zaynab. Zaid divorced Zaynab, and she did not have anywhere to go, so Prophet Muhammad pbuh married her for her sake.
2. Aisha never cheated with any man, there were lies spread in her name, There is even verses and quran proved her innocence.
3. The women kept saying about the adultery, prophet muhammad pbuh was kept turning his face, He did not want to acknowledge her sin, cause once it is acknowledged the punishment is stoned to death. He was trying to protect her. Never told her to give birth then punish to death.
4. Prophet sm never asked to burn the houses, he was just upset so many people missed the most important friday prayer, he was upset, and said those who missed the prayer I wish their house would burn, it was just an expression to show the importance, not literally he went and burn them.

@Nanny G: you are nonsense
What you seen all is lier
Go and read about prophet muhammed life book by martin lings
Then you will understand this Islamophobia is a lier

Yeah i agree with you. I respect you for being respectful so thank you!

@Zeina Ahmad: np. This is how us muslims should represent ourselves in front of people opposing our religion instead of giving death threats and saying stuff like this man is terrible. We should try to bring in REAL evidence and not emotions in order to make ourselves look good.

@Zeina Ahmad: Np. This is how us muslims should represent ourselves in front of people opposing our religion instead of giving death threats and saying stuff like this man is terrible. We should try to bring in real evidence and not emotions in order to make ourselves look good..

You couldn’t have said it any better :))

Muslims love Jesus more than Christians because Jesus said not to make fun of other religions and yet here we are, old boomer white christians, insulting Islam, spreading lies, and swearing and then they call themselves christians. Shame

Christopher j green I request you do research and confirming what you find before speaking about our religion.if you wanna speak lies about our religion why don’t you speak about the true dark facts about Christianity like if a woman is being raped and she doesn’t cry out she will be stoned our prophet spread nothing but peace and love even when so many people were against him and tortured him he forgave them even when he had a strong enough army to finish them.our religion says to respect others beliefs and we follow this rule but when I’m having a nice day minding my own business people like you come to ruin it you speak ill about our religion when we were the first one’s to except black people while in that time black people were tortured enslaved and killed so please I request you again to research and confirm your findings.

Christopher j green I request you to do extensive research and confirm what you find before speaking about our religion.if you wanna speak lies about our religion why don’t you speak about the true dark facts about Christianity like if a woman is being raped and she doesn’t cry out she will be stoned. our prophet spread nothing but peace and love even when so many people were against him and tortured him he forgave them even when he had a strong enough army to finish them.our religion says to respect others beliefs and we follow this rule but when I’m having a nice day minding my own business people like you come to ruin it you speak ill about our religion when we were the first one’s to except black people while in that time black people were tortured enslaved and killed so please I request you again to research and confirm your findings.

Christopher j green I request you to do extensive research and confirm what you find before speaking about our religion.if you wanna speak lies about our religion why don’t you speak about the true dark facts about Christianity like if a woman is being raped and she doesn’t cry out she will be stoned. our prophet spread nothing but peace and love even when so many people were against him and tortured him he forgave them even when he had a strong enough army to finish them.our religion says to respect others beliefs and we follow this rule but when I’m having a nice day minding my own business people like you come to ruin it you speak ill about our religion when we were the first one’s to except black people while in that time black people were tortured enslaved and killed so please I request you again to research and confirm you find

@Mohamed: these are facts, not lies.

@Mohamed: these are facts, not lies. @Muhammad ilyas: these are all facts. Peaceful? He went around with his army chopping people unless they convert to his made up fake religion ..married a 6 years old baby. Pathetic screwed up religion


@Bill: That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen lol

@Rapist Mohamed: he did not marry a 6 year old girl and you don’t know anyone about our religion you don’t know what prophet Mohammed was like.A lady who is not Muslim dumps livers and intestine of a goat on him he doesn’t react and used the same road daily 1 day she didn’t dump garbage on him and he went around to ask about her. The people over there said she had fallen ill and he went to check on her. Now if that’s not kindness I don’t know what is

@Nanny G: If you have no enough knowledge about ISLAM you better not listen to the propaganda of those who hate ISLAM

@kitt: Believe it or not ISLAM is the relegion of peace and salvation.So which ever kind of action it has there is a good reason behind.ISLAM never hurts anyone nor discriminate women and both men and women are equal in the side of Allah and our beloved prophet Mohammed never bit his wives.Therefore mind ur language and talk about things that r concrete and not guesses.

@kitt: Believe it or not ISLAM is the relegion of peace and salvation.So which ever kind of action it has there is a good reason behind.ISLAM never hurts anyone nor discriminate women and both men and women are equal in the side of Allah and our beloved prophet Mohammed never bit his wives.Therefore mind ur language and talk about things that r concrete.

@Mister Christian: The words alpha and omega does not refer to Jesus himself but refers to the message of Allah(God) that is the first and the last which he gave to His messengers to teach people that there is existing God that should be worshiped.becoz it is God who was existing before any other creature.So God is the owner of whatever is in the earth and heaven.so there is no need of Him having a son since all of them belong to Him.And there is a clear distinction that God neither eats ,drinks,sleeps nor slander but Jesus had all those characteristics.And also whatever healing Jesus did he was doing with the permission of God not by his own coz if he could have the ability he could give life to his best friend who have died instead he cried which shows you that he has no power to give life to death without the permission of Allah(God).But God does whatever He wishes .As He will only say be and it will be.@Mister Christian: