When I entered the military service 35 years ago, I took an oath ” to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”. All public officials swear a similar oath when they are admitted to their elected or appointed office. When I entered public employment, I gave up many of the rights that employees in the private sector are entitled to have.
From my first encounter with Drill Sergeant Poindexter to my briefings with General Casey, I was reminded that I represented the US Government 24 hours per day 7 days each week. My actions all reflect on my country both positively and negatively. I was informed that I have no off duty time. I have no private life. I agreed to this when I raised my right hand and took the oath.
As a public official or a military officer everything I do reflects on the ability of my country to successfully govern and interact with other countries in the World. If our President, who also took the oath, lies about anything can the leaders of other countries in the world trust any thing he says? Can this President negotiate agreements with other countries that enhance the safety and welfare of our country?
Legislators also take the oath. When they make a spectacle of their lives and then lie about it, doesn’t that affect the country to which they swore allegiance? Who can trust a liar? It matters not what he lied about, he is a proven liar.
In the military, a DUI, an adulterous affair or associating with the wrong organization are “private” issues in a civilian job. In the military, I can be discharged from service and may face loss of pension or other judicial action. While this seems wrong by private sector employees, it is expected of government employees.
What we as voters should be loudly asking is why do the liberals exempt other liberals from the oath they took? Why do liberals get a pass with no consequences? What happened to all of those swamps that were supposed to be drained?
Randy recently retired from the Army with the rank of Colonel. His military specialty was environmental science and civil affairs. Randy has completed his doctorate of management and has become involved in local politics.
@Aye: You Know Aye we just need to get a pair of those Rosey optical glasses the Liberals wear……You know the ones that cause you to lost all sight of logic, once you peer at matters through them morality is no longer a consideration, and the criminals like these politicians are victims. As far as the actions recently taken concerning Weiner politicians like Pelosi and all the others only took a stance to save their own creditability!
AYE, hi,
and when they figured that, it realy hit their own DEMOCRAT PARTY
INCLUDING THE MILITARYS, so, to loose a front arrogant loud mouth that
WILL YELL for their politic
like a bulley, is a hard blow to see him leave, they forgot that the PEOPLE DON’T FOLLOW THEIR WISHES ANYMORE,
@Aye: Aye, maybe that frozen face means she actually was against the weiner!
There’s a tune floating around the airwaves now ” Walking in my woman’s underwear”.
Weiner was after the transvestite, cross dressing, and gay marriage vote.
Next is the shape shifter and rubber doll vote.
In New York City, life can be a drag.
Weiner is definitely a keeper.
Let him stick it out.
This is a total aside to Randy’s original post, and for that I’m sorry, Randy. But I really have to say this.
JV Hoffman, I know you’re a new entry here. But I’ve been scratching my head raw, wondering why the heck you have gone from the guy who Skook felt comfortable enough to go out on a “no no” limb by posting your readers post under his own name… and that initial more courteous and eloquent commentary when you started here… to someone who (as Larry puts it) lives on the edge of “postal”.
I’m not even that far from disagreeing with you on many issues, but I can’t help but feel the same way. Your total 180 from your original comment style just a few weeks ago, to now, have been nothing short of astonishing.
We’ve all known Larry on this blog for years. He’s been a worthy adversary in commentary and alternative views. And even tho he and I have gone head to head with some unsavory ‘tudes and words, and been frustrated with repeated views and misunderstood interpretations, I’ve always welcomed his voice.
It’s certainly Larry’s choice to move on. And I’d no more give you “credit” for that event than you are due. Frankly, I think you are simply the straw that broke the back of too much hyperbole that appears here from time to time, while exercising our first amendment and releasing political frustration. Hang… when it’s the dominant voice on any particular thread here, even me… an author… wants to find a bunker to avoid what I consider embarrassing association. With most, it’s just on occasion and reflexive. That has not been so with you.
I’ve been pretty busy, making a living outside FA, but it’s been quite overt – even by my occasional and casual monitoring – that you have planted yourself at FA since your quasi guest reader post 24/7, and not in a communicative manner that I find appealing. I’m all for debate, but frankly one trick monkey hyperbole and full auto/no safety settings for conversation bores me to tears.
But what I will say to you is this. You claim you mean “no harm” and tout your humanity and caring…. save for the “enemy”. I suggest you need to redefine your “enemy” before you decide to type your future comments here. Larry, who is a mixture of liberal/fiscal conservative, is not the “enemy” who “we are up against”. In a political election, yes… he is the opposing political view. But because this nation is comprised of those with opposing political views, we do our battle at the ballot box.
But to compare Larry to the VC you supposedly ran into in @your comment above is frankly one more reason why I think you’re all talk, and not anything resembling the action figure of the same name that you apparently think is named after you. I’ve known warriors in my lifetime of all stripes, all degrees of combat level and at all levels of classified existance. I know few who have been exercising such venom against fellow Americans, especially on a discussion blog, just because they hold opposing political beliefs. Instead, you simply open fire, without knowing the forum personalites with whom you are dealing.
Tell me, if you’re such a hot shot intel guy, is research of your supposed “enemy” optional?
Here’s the bottom line. My respect for you bottomed out a few weeks ago. And frankly, I don’t care if this does, or doesn’t bother you. But I want it on record that while I appreciate your heart and passion for our common goals for this country, I find your method of political combat of late nothing more than reprehensible.
I’m not in a position to be judgmental of anyone’s behavior on a message board, because I’ve lost my cool on many occasions and said some pretty outrageous things, but I can state that witnessing Larry debate in an often hostile environment without ever losing his cool was an eye-opener for me. (I should add that Slookum’s ability to negate hostility with humor was also illuminating.) I think this board will be a much less interesting place without Larry and I wonder if I’ll be back as often. I’d feel the same way about a liberal board that made someone like Mata or Wordsmith unwelcome. Interesting and well-expressed perspectives are not exactly in surplus on the internet so chasing one away is quite a waste.
@MataHarley: So it okay her for people to talk about what they really have no real knowledge about! But excuse me if offended another armchair professor! So tell me I am curious how many have you convinced with all of your paste on legal decisions and legislative records? And do you realize how many times in the short time I have been that you wonder off in some library of statistics that do not even stay on the main drive of the subject?
When it comes to what Communism and Socialism can do to a country and what it is to combat terrorism I know! I did not learn what I know from a computer screen. And as far as scholastic and academical studies I have those as well. But I also know that when you try to float in the academical clouds and think you are getting through to liberals you are sadly deceived. We are far beyond the point of hackling over what judge said or ruled on what, or what some legislator thinks.
If you knew what life is in the Middle East and the magnitude of error and fault in the things he (Larry) was saying you might see things a little different. To suggest the Assimilation of a complete race of people (the Jews) finds favor in your eyes I understand. His presentation was nothing more that lie and falsehood dressed around a nice story about his family. Which by the way is a common practice of the liberals!
If you had done your homework you would surely view that I do not attack anyone with out being attacked first, but if some one liner drive by wants to throw insults and rocks I respond!
Mataharley when you yourself are giving a good point I even say so and compliment…Do you? or are you caught up in some philosophic debate and miss the reality of issues….Just like the drug testing issue last week…you refused in the face of multiple commentaries even by others to even recognize any glimmer of what the reality is concerning those of us who pay those taxes.
Maybe if you had been in countries that have gone down the road that this country is approaching you would you would understand that the real enemy is Americans who are totally contaminated and caught up in the liberal socialistic communistic thought. It is obvious you did not pay any real attention to the substance of the comments they made and how irrational they were, but never mind.
I will not stoop to the level of casting unfounded judgement as you have but I will ask you some questions since you think you have a handle on it all. You don’t even have to answer, because really I could care less. Because you need to redefine what an” American” is maybe!
Is being an American just having an US citizenship? or is it supporting and standing behind all that our forefathers of this Couuntry set it forth to be,which they themselves fought for with fervor greater than mine?
Is being an American supporting the principles of socialism and transforming them into our society by political manipulation? Do you not think our forefathers would have tried them for treason? Yes they would!
Is being an American not being able to say the “Pledge of Allegiance” in school or even to offer a prayer?
Who brought that about? Who attacked the US Naval Academy for these same issues just last year? You want to call these your Americans?
Is being an American not allowing a plane of Marines to land in California because they were coming home from serving in Afghanistan? Americans would not allow the very soldiers that are giving their lives to protect freedom so that we will not have to fight it here in the streets?
Is being an American approving and supporting a government that has given more than $148 billion in a little over one year away to countries who despise Americans and support terrorism on all fronts…while Americans are out of work and see no near hope of having it and so many are homeless as well due to natural disasters the government know was coming and ignored? Any American who has a conscience would do such?
I could go on and on with more examples and examples. But the simple equation is if these people were really “Americans” as you call it…they could not allow these things to occur! Mataharley Americans do not do these thing to our country unless they are enemies and traitors!
I am without question that our forefathers are turning in their graves and ten times sicker than you will ever be from anything I have said, and they all would say with one voice this socialistic communist crowd that we have visit here are not REAL AMERICANS!
I pulled you out of the mod filter on this one, JV. And you did not disappoint or surprise me with your comment.
After all your huffing and puffing of self defense for your uncivil approach to anyone who disagrees here, let’s bring this down to the basics of what I said, shall we?
First of all, you have “stooped” so damned low that I’ve been embarrassed to call you a conservative and an ally in political beliefs. But let’s never mind that. The money statement is exactly what I said… that you need to redefine your “enemy”.
There is no one more cognizant than I that generations of social justice indoctrination is having it’s effect upon our citizens and voters, JV. But I don’t consider them “my enemy”. Americans are not my “enemies”. I consider them my misguided, and in need of re’education, fellow Americans. They either come to that realization after a cogent debate, or they are basically socialist in nature.
Guess what… in the country my Founding Fathers created, even a socialist could live here, espouse opinions, and vote. It’s the task that falls to the rest of us to debate and correct the social justice indoctrination to hold what is near and dear to my, and other Constitutionalists’, hearts. After that, what I value most is our system where the voting bloc speaks and decides… at least for that election cycle.
If you ever think you can influence anyone, your style and approach is doomed to failure. You isolate even allies… something you have in common with this POTUS. Ever thought about that? Heaven help us if you’re in intel. From all you’ve written since you’ve been here, I can only see reasons why our intel is likely to be limited. Obviously, you don’t know how to conjole willing intel and gain moles.
But thanks for the confirmation that you classify Americans who don’t share your views right along side of the Islamic Jihad Movement. Didn’t suspect it to be anything different, and that’s my problem with you and your debate approach. Unlike Larry, I don’t “fear” you. But I find you to be more misguided than you’ll ever recognize. And I suspect that your resume is nothing more than fantasy. If it’s not, we’re in a world of hurt.
Tom and Mata Well said and I CONCUR. Larry is a class act and I also agree Mata ,Word and Skook are great spokespersons for the Conservative cause.Recent commentary has brought an ugly and divisive element to the fore which is unfortunate and I believe detrimental to the Party in it’s attempt to influence independants and moderates.
@MataHarley: So why don’t you define domestic enemies! You seem to know so much! What is a Domestic Enemy? Why do we have the second amendment? And what is the most important factor of that Amendment? “The Right to Assembly” What Assembly is completely beyond your understanding. Cyber professors don’t cut it with me and your method only facilitates the continued journey of their bliss! I know in your sweet little perfect world terrorist only carry guns and run through the jungle….but you are very wrong! And the Constitution even gives us the provision in the second amendment to take up arms if the government goes too far off course! But that does not allow much room for lofty intellectual pursuit like you love to share with the likes of these. Fantasies are more realized in you thought that you project here making a legal discussion over matters that legislation is exactly what got us where we are today! Don’t worry if things don’t change you may find yourself in one of Obama’s internment camps and then my words will find a bitter reality with you.
I’m not worried about how I consider “domestic enemies”, JV. What worries me is what someone of your mentality considers that. Our domestic enemies are those that work outside our laws to subvert and overthrow our nation. Last I looked, expression of opinion and utilizing our First Amendment (i.e. Larry and others), is not enough to be on the domestic enemies list.
But should you continue to tout armed insurrection, first ignoring our options at the ballot box to change directions, I’m sure you’ll make that list. Our Founders and Framers considered it our last option against those in control, seizing unConstitutional powers with the aid of our Congress, military and judicial system… not one to silence political opposition.
Mata says to JVH “I suspect that your resume is nothing more than fantasy.If it’s not, we’re in a world of hurt.” ROGER THAT
LOL rich… one of those rare concession moments between those of opposite political beliefs, yes?
I’m still wondering when “Mr. Intel” will figure out that the “right to assemble” is the first 1st Amendment, and the 2nd Amendment is the RKBA.
But hey… he’s “Mr. Intel”.
Frankly, I think Hoffman’s a gamer functioning on too little reading and too much caffeine.
@J V Hoffman:
Uhhh… Assembly is not in the Second, but rather the First.
Aye… so nice to have you back. I see we are within minutes of the same observation. Guess that’s why sometimes people thought you and I were the same cyber persona. Tho I tried to give “Mr. Intel” expert the moment to figure it out on his own.
Uh… can anyone say “discredited” commenter? Dang…. hope so. Nothing I’d be more fearful of than a supposed “intel” op who didn’t know the difference between the 1st and 2nd amendments.
we are a world apart from the PATRIOTS WHICH HAVE ENDURED, AND ARE BEGINNING TO STEP UP A FEW NOTCHES, as the clock thick tack, tick tack, toward 2012, they are telling the truth as they know it from HELL THEY WHERE, as we lived a normal life detached from them, we don’t know their names,
some are so young still finding hard to comply with the discipline, they fget punish, they do their punishment,
they are in the shit again the next couple of days and punish again under a guy leading with harsh punishment,
if he happen to single out one, that one which is making mistake will do as an exemple to the rest of the group.
CHRISMAS NIGHT HE IS ON DUTY PACING OUTSIDE, FULL GEAR ON, his compagnons come out feeling rotten to see that one always being pick at and punished.
all we here have to do is read the news ,one suicide among the other, ONE MORE WAR TO KILL THE LEADER OF HIS OWN COUNTRY TRYING TO FIGHT HIS ENNEMIES,
MATA AND AYE This self proclaimed “Field Grade Officer” (whose Army?) spelled Marine Corps Marine Corp and Marine corps.He claims BHO’S mother and father “a school teacher and a common laborer,flew all around the world together” Some intel that.
In my very best Casey Kasem voice…ahem:
And now Ladies and Gentlemen…a very special dedication for Mr. JV Hoffman.
Let’s have a big round of applause for The Platters:
Who’s the cute widdle video game / keyboard terror warrior and movie reviewer extraordinaire?
Why, you are…..
Victor Hoffman
Here’s a question for ya… how can a 53 year old man claim to have experience dealing with the VC? Did you see ’em in like daycare or something? Would love to know more about that.
Also… do you think that any of our special forces or special ops guys or, heck, anyone wearing a US military uniform would toss terrorists out of the back of a helicopter and then get on the Interwebz and brag about it? No? Me either.
Course, it speaks volumes about you and your opinions of our fine military personnel that you would weave such a yarn accusing them by proxy of being guilty of such things or the coverup of such things.
You know who you remind me of? John F Kerry. He accused his fellow soldiers of all sorts of heinous acts as well. You know what though? He was eventually proven to be a fraud and a liar too.
Mr. Hoffman…did you really think that we wouldn’t discover your deceptions?
You see, we’re smarter than that here. Obviously, you underestimated us.
Oh…by the way…you gave Transformers five stars but Rocky earned only one? What the heck man?
We have a saying in Hebrew “A lie has no legs and cannot stand!”
LOL! Aye, you always live up to your expectations. Was waiting for this, and rewarded with the big grin!
@Ms. Bees, mon ami, trust me you do not want to tread water in unfamiliar deep Internet waters. The cyber world can mask all kinds of people. Give them enough time, and you smell the odor. Let them speak, uninhibited enough, and they reveal more than they intended.
In short, you are on the wrong side here. You should pine for Larry’s return. He is worth at least 20 of the JV’s in life. At least one is honest. The other is just a cheap gamer.
MATA, I did not take sides, I said that we have sometimes visiting PATRIOTS and we must be understanding,
because they endure and deserved respect from us civiliens, if some have a short fuse wit the liberals
who come here ,no problem of mine, it’s part of the debate, they the 3 of them just have to take or
Ms. Bees… JV may be on what you think is your side. He is certainly not on mine. And I determined that shortly after his entrance here on FA. If I’m picking sides, I’d take Larry over this poser/fraud any day of the week. You do realize that a legimate movement can be collapsed by being discredited by those such as this poser, yes? The “JVs” of the world would do more to hinder progress than to advance it. I guess, in his view, the only “real Americans” are those that muster up to his criteria. That is the total antithesis of our Founding Fathers intent.
Mr. Intel has had his fun, regaling people with his fantasies. I’m always skeptical when people walk thru the proverbial Internet front door with these claims. Sometimes, something Mr. Intel wouldn’t know, you just have to be patient, lay in wait for the bear to step into the trap. For JV Hoffman, the clock’s run out. No career intel guy is as dumb as this guy. He’s volunteered enough to blow his gamer cover. I’m embarrassed he made it this far on the FA. But this stuff can happen.
Glad you approve. That was sort of fun ya know?
The only problem is that Mr Hoffman, the guy who visited this site 190 plus times in the last 36 hours, has suddenly up and disappeared now that someone pointed out his bright red rubber nose and multi-colored floppy shoes.
Well, he could be off on a super secret covert terrorist hunting mission in his subdivision down south…yeah, that’s the ticket…
Or, could it be something else…Mata just between the two of us…did you throw Hoffman out of the back of the helicopter?
uh… errrrr…. if I tell you that, I’ll have to kill you, right? LOL
Go back and read again but you can’t actually do you are making claims that are not there …yes I quoted exactly what the VC did that anybody who even has any kind of military education would know! Read real close Aye…..You remind me of the Vietcong who ran across borders instead of standing the fight! Liberals and Communist are all the same, all the world over! I did quote the first amendment earlier in #45….you know what I knew just to wait and you all would show yourself for the shallowness that is really you…you see you just can’t help yourselves!
This is who you are protecting….this is Larry’s solution to the Muslim problem and Terrorism:
If Jews would just consider themselves to be Americans and not Jews, and freely inter-marry, and “open up” religious Judaism to converts, the way that Christians and Buddhists and Hindus and even Muslims do it, then anti-Semiticism would be gone — totally gone — within a generation.
Just a opposite siting of Hitlers writing…either way the Jews will be gone right.
Get you some reading glasses and that way maybe if you didn’t have to stare so hard you could actually read something and comprehend it for a change! You make conjectures without even comprehending what is written! MataHarley the very fact that you have take cover with people Wheeler who does even know to spell the family name of his idol, and invites most people here to have their ass kicked by him …really doesn’t say much for you…really good company you keep!
Your hypocrisy is blatant and loud and is really an expression of your ignorance…None of you addressed anything that was ask and neither did you read the American Muslim article to even understand from where Larry came with his BS Socialistic crap! Do you really agree with his solution? In case you don’t know any Jew that knows anything would rather go to the gas chamber or the ovens like more than 60 of my family did from Strasbourg. Because just like so many of the things you do not understand and you show it…For a Jew to assimilate is a permanent death, but to die for the sanctity of God’s name is a complete reparation of every transgression (to die because you are a Jew is in this category)
You all have assumed many things and superposed many things as well and never answered the first question? Real scholars you are? Real etiquette you have! I didn’t attack you but you all came after me like a bunch of savages and you call your self conservatives? Nice!
Oh good… including your fantasies of decades of intel under your belt, you’ve now freely admitted you’re anti-semite? Or reverse anti-semite? Hard to tell with your pretend/bogus facade. Because I assure you, Larry never said that. And I’ve know him quite a long time… both personally and on this blog.
And here I couldn’t think I held you in lower esteem… LOL
Keep talking, JV. With every post… if we can stomach it… you provide proof you have neither the “intelligence” or the years of experience to be intel op wiz you proclain. In fact, you prove you don’t deserve a snippet of our consideration. Take your bigotry elsewhere, is my request.
@MataHarley: Mata really your words are beyond stupidity!!!! Swallow you arrogance and silly pride and go back and read the ” American Muslim 10 years after 9/11!”
If Jews would just consider themselves to be Americans and not Jews, and freely inter-marry, and “open up” religious Judaism to converts, the way that Christians and Buddhists and Hindus and even Muslims do it, then anti-Semiticism would be gone — totally gone — within a generation.
Those are the words of your Larry sweetheart! Not mine! Your racist bigotry shines even above anything you can write! Nobody has to discredit you …you do it all by yourself!!!
His comments on this matter are in the lower part of commentary #11
JV Fraud Hoffman, I am part Jewish as well. I am the product of those Jews who did freely inter-marry and considered themselves immigrant Jewish Americans. But I guess they don’t meet your particular criteria of “real Americans”, which is a very unAmerican statement in inself. My error was not to include your continued op-ed when you described that as “Just a opposite siting of Hitlers writing…either way the Jews will be gone right. “ What you suggest Larry said – likening it to genocide, as you intimate – did not happen. ’tis your reading inability, blinded by your hatred.
You, on the other hand, are quite the enigma. The man who claims to be all over testimony for intel briefings in 1979-1981….. let’s see. You’d be all of twenty something then, right? Quite the accomplished youth in your fantasies. The stuff that comic books are made of… but I’m not buying it.
I watched your demeanor change on this blog. You were first polite. Then, when feeling welcome, and after becoming a 24/7 denizen, you bared your fangs at a community of regulars that you know nothing of. I then watched as you played the braggart to justify your harsh commentary and attacks on various people in this forum. I smelled a rat… and watched, and read. I have not liked what I’ve seen. As I said before, my respect for you bottomed out weeks ago. And whenever I think you can’t sink lower, you hit another “submit” button.
It is you who is the purist bigot, JV Hoffman. This country does not demand that any citizen harbor political beliefs of a certain criteria. They aren’t required to be “real Americans’ that meet your standards. Nor does their blood have to remain pure in any race or religion. That is the beauty of this nation.
I’m conservative. You? An embarrassment who happens to detest this POTUS and his policies as much as I do. This makes me just as disgusted as I’d be having to stand next to a KKK member who feels the same way. I read your words, and I feel the need for a bath.
@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees Thank you for being the only civil one here.
It is obvious they do not read anything! They would have been good liberals to have in the administration
they would have passed everything Obama put in front of them as long as he wrapped it up in a nice story and told things about his family…just like Larry did!
You were there on the American Muslims 10 years after 9/11 and you saw what was and how I only attacked after being attacked. Never mind this is a low blow for Flapping Aces as far as I am concerned.
Their comments are full of bigotry, prejudice and hate. It is sad when people think they can know everything just by setting in front of a computer screen, especially when they most likely have only lived in the States or a military reservation at best, but never in the world outside of that and if so it is obvious only as a tourist.
Armchair politicians solving the worlds problems by way of the internet Obama’s greatest fantasy!
@Aye: The only person who is deceived here is you and Mata! I would suggest you get some glasses and take a reading comprehension course. How you took the frenzy of hatred slung it shows some very deep problems or just ignorance in search of praise from Mata.
Go back and read what was written and how you so construed things in extortion from what they were written! I ask What kind of person would picture a Jew in a Fascist Uniform? Is this the ethics you live by?
You so freely throw out words as you do?
Read the American Muslims 10 years after 9/11 you will see the statement just as he presented it! This is the type of person you take sides with? yes, I get rough with the liberals when they attack, but even to them I at least give them the respect to answer them with cynical humor or examples to show the absurdity of their thoughts….. and not the savagery you all have displayed!
@J V Hoffman:
Oh, my friend, I have indeed read your scribblings very carefully and what I posted in #69 was a mere glimpse at the glittering treasure trove that awaits.
As I am headed off to bed, I’ll leave you with a few questions. Feel free to take notes and ponder over your answers. There’s no rush. I won’t be back ’til after daylight comes.
Assuming that your Interwebz movie reviewer profile is correct…and why would you lie on the Interwebz right?…yeah…but assuming that is correct…your age is 53. That means that your birth year would be 1958 which, oddly enough, matches up to the number that you use in your e-mail address as well as your movie reviewer handle.
With me so far? If not, go back and re-read cuz this next part is where all of that becomes important. I’ll wait.
Back with me? Good….
Now. In this comment, you claim to have been privy to a 1975 intelligence briefing in, presumably, Vietnam….
Now, I have a question for ya. If you take 1975 and subtract 1953 what do ya get? Feel free to take those video game boots off and use your toes if needed. Got the answer? Yep, 17. That’s right.
So, explain some things to me please:
1) How does a 17 year old wet behind the ears kid get access to an intelligence briefing which involved MIA/POW photographs?
2) How does an Interwebz keyboard commando guy who claims to have been in Vietnam in one post suddenly get so shy about talking about his Vietnam experience when directly asked about his interactions with the Vietcong claiming instead that his knowledge comes from education rather than experience?
3) If you are indeed “reserved as far as what [you] share to identify [yourself]” and “happen to know of centers that their sole function is to screen and record internet communications” then why are you posting all of the details about your supposed worldwide escapades including, but not limited to, your helicopter tale right here on the Interwebz for public consumption?
Methinks you’re full of shit.
Might I suggest that the next time you set out to weave an Interwebz fantasy that you make thorough and copious notes to yourself so that you don’t trip yourself up with your own details.
We have a saying in Hebrew “A lie has no legs and cannot stand!”
@MataHarley: You have proved everything you are and you continue…you refuse to even acknowledge that these are the words of your Larry! You take everything out of context an twist it to suit you needs to cover your trail of error!
Yes I was were I said I was and much more! The measure of a person is seen in when they can admit they were wrong, and you have established your place very well today! Believe me I will not even waste another minute on you because you have no ability of reconciliation. As far as Jewish is concerned that is a standard that I did not set it but is more than 3,400 years old…If your mother is Jewish then you are, and if not then unless you convert then you are not, that is not racism it is the oral law that has been practiced since Mt. Sinai, if you have a problem with that then take it up with God, not me! Because you will not even take the time to see that you have made a error repeatedly that stands in your face!
I do not need to discredit you or say more the obvious is over whelming!
LOL! Thought that line was a keeper, Aye. But I guess, since he’s been called out on his own indefensible behavior and bigotry, we can only expect more accusations as his diversion.
But I’m with you… hitting the sack for an early morning. No time to bail wannabees out of the moderation filter for fodder.
@Aye: I don’t waste my time with the likes of you. Your assumptions are over the top…. Why don’t you do some research first off and then bark! If you people know 1/60 of what you think you that would be great… Just so you will know I never post my exact information on the web. Yes I was born in the 50’s but the year I do not share as public information on the web or no where. Are you ignorant enough to do that there is such a thing as cyber theft..those sites are how they collect information.
I had postings on several sites that I recorded my birth year as 1900, good thing you didn’t pull up one of those you would be thinking I am 111 now. Get real!
JV Hoffman, I still say that your comments where interesting in some knowledge of the
subject you where expressing, as a PATRIOT,
I have to admit that some of it where also hard stuff to take from the one on the receiving side, in my view but I was myself hard on other too sometimes so It was not for me to judge
I am in the, your comment is awaiting moderation.
I know this is the full moon, and anything can happen.
get me out of it please, freedom of speech MATA
my first amendment right
@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees don’t worry about it they are just ranting like crazy people and are so caught in their real brilliant way of presenting things. It takes a person to admit when he is wrong and the type of behavior that they are presenting is no more than a desperate strike to justify their error….like little children in the Kindergarten!
Aye you have several mistakes here that come from grand assumptions.
1. I would never put anything on the internet that would reveal three things A. Your birthdate B. Your location of birth C. The names of you mother and father (These three factors are more than enough to find anything on anybody…think about it)
2. The 58 on my email address has to do with Kabbalah and the numerology of the Kabbalah. 5 is for Chesed (compassion) and 8 is for Chiidushim ( new beginnings) According to Kabbalah when you connect certain things to other like numbers it has different affects for good. Here the 5 8 is significant of ” New beginning in God’s compassion.”
3. This action figure you have thrown around absolutely has nothing to do with me….. I use the internet only for business as a rule. I had used the other site you referred to to get reviews of movies before purchasing them online. How you construed a figure that has absolutely nothing to do with me would be the equivalent of me accusing you of being a Mexican drug lord because there is one who uses that name. I do not have or play any internet games.
You can think what you will, I have no responsibility to answer to you or any here especially who have acted the way you have blindly and ignorantly as you have. In the information I was displaying to help those who has enough intelligence to read a little and get the underwritten message to do research of their own. Because whether you want to admit it or not people only remember at large what they experience or labor to understand.
Here there is an very evident lack of both….if you had taken the time to read the notes before you jumped to conclusions the information that entered your brain would have been different, no instead you went on a frenzy and jumped to conclusions!
Aye if you are able just think about this question, nothing more.
If mr. Larry came and told you the border solution with Mexico is simple, we can solve all of the problems with Mexico in a few years..Every man marries a Mexican wife and every woman marries a Mexican man! Then we will all be just one big happy family! This is the equivalent to Larry’s solution…..and you call this logical and sane?
If you had any of my background you would understand assumptions can get the whole team killed! What happened with you all is evident of one thing you never addressed any question you only fired blindly and with your emotions on your sleeve. Read, understand and then write..even when I was firing back at the liberals I was attacking their logic/philosophy or counter pointing their statement!
Tell me how would any sane person who understands anything about US history even in the most elementary level compare equally Theodore Roosevelt with Obama as equals? Larry did! Yeah like Obama walks softly and carries a big stick? He (Obama) has probably never carried anything heavier than a pencil and his swift decision making has made the biggest natural disaster of the century and engaged us on many frontiers in a way we have no hope of any good coming out of it!
@J V Hoffman:
Dayum Dood!
Most people will stop digging when they find themselves deep, deep, deep down in a hole. You though, you’re different now aren’t you?
You apparently aren’t even intelligent enough to realize what a hole you’re in. Course we’re talking about the “intelligence / special ops guy” who took to the Interwebz and began braggin’ about tossing people out of the back of helicopters and such right? Yeah, really intelligent that was.
You apparently fancy yourself to be the smartest guy in the room telling all of us all about all of the stuff that you would never post in the Interwebz…all while weaving tales that would rightly land you in the brig or wrapped in a blindfold after smoking your last cigarette.
Yeah…you claim all this stuff about what you would never post…just after I’ve found all the definitive puzzle pieces which demonstrate you to be the absolute fraud that you are. I found all of that stuff and stitched it all together in less than an hour.
I know your hometown.
I know where you went to high school.
I know what year you graduated.
I know the town that you live in now.
I know the Hebrew variation of your first name.
I know who inspires you.
I know….well, let’s just say that there’s a lot I know….and it took me less than an hour to stitch it all together.
So, either a) you really are the JV Hoffman that I’ve found or b) you’re doing damned fine job of impersonating him down to the point that perhaps the real Mr. Hoffman should be contacted to let him know what you’re up to since, as you state yourself, identity theft is a real problem here on the Interwebz. Course, I believe the former rather than the latter. Occam’s Razor and all that.
Now…since all of the additional information that I’ve discovered has solidified my conclusion vis a vis a 1958 birth year (your Kaballah story notwithstanding) which would make you 17 during your supposed service in Vietnam.
Now, once again, I’ll ask you…how does a wet behind the ears 17 year old kid get access to an intelligence briefing as you claim?
One other question…did this intelligence briefing occur before or after your time as a POW?
Just wondering how that whole timeline comes together in the vacancy betwixt your ears. Feel free to consult whatever notes you may have.
You’re going to prove to be either a total lame-ass wannabe fraud…or…the absolute dumbest intelligence/special ops person that I have ever encountered.
Just between us, here’s where I think the truth resides. I think that, in reality, you’re an upper middle class, middle aged male who is reflecting back on the years that have passed him by. You’re a guy who looks back and says…man oh man, the things I wish I had done. Not quite old enough to have gotten into Vietnam but, perhaps, just a tad too old for the Gulf engagements. Or perhaps you were eligible and qualified to serve later in life but didn’t for whatever reason.
Either way, you created a narrative which you expressed in your writings and shielded yourself behind what proved to be a horribly constructed attempt at anonymity.
Then things get good for you. You arrived here at FA and got much needed affirmation for your id after your post went up.
From there, the tale begins grow really rapidly until it spiraled out of control…all the while it was unknowingly fed and nurtured by those who responded to your words here on these pages.
At this point, you’re in a bit of a panic because you’ve been discovered.
You’ve been exposed as a middle aged white guy of middling accomplishments…and there is certainly nothing wrong with that…but you were desperate to be something special, something out of the ordinary.
Sad thing is, because of your deceit…wherein you lied to all of us and to yourself…you’ve turned out to be something that no one here in the real world would ever want to be.
Either that…or you’re truly the dumbest dumb azz “intelligence / special ops” guy I’ve ever heard tell of.
Which is it?
We have a saying in Hebrew “A lie has no legs and cannot stand!”
Exit Question: Are you still sailing or did your harrowing experience last January make you swear off?
JV Hoffman, you have taken onto yourself to protect our group,
from the liberals coming here to try to expose our comments, and I liked it to be able to take a stand for all of us,
you did it firmly with weapon openned that freak them up, a tad overly,AYE IS FOR ME I CALL A FRIEND,
BECAUSE WHEN I start here to my first comment,I was attack for my comment and my lack of writing skill and language knowledge, AYE WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO GIVE A WORD FOR ME ,HOW CAN I FORGET THAT, and continiue to encourage me and stand for me against the trolls attacks SO ALTHOUGH I STILL OWE HIM 2 DOLLARDS I NEVER FORGOT HIS SHOULDER ON ME
Call the supposed school and ask for my records, ask by name if I attended there.
Got the address and see what you find
And what will the other information give you? NOTHING !
All of that is where it is for a purpose! And it is exactly for people just as yourself!
And for your information I sail all the time, I am not a cyber idiot like you!
I travel to places all the time you would never get to either!
Since you think you know so much do some research and then refute something like a man instead of ranting like a little old woman… Like I told you my vital information is not available! Disprove anything that I stated historically or policy wise …there is your frustration.
We are done cyber idiot! The understanding of life is not derived through a keyboard, and not everybody’s life is open so that reckless people like you can not interfere with their lives! The news media made the same mistake you did in my sailing incident because when I left I only left my communications numbers and my boat description that is all that is needed. I would not trust anything that could identify me with the likes of you!
So I guess you are like the news media shallow and only looking for a story!
Good bye! Permanently!
JVH Nothing is worse than a phony soldier.You do those that serve a great disservice.
Aye Welcome back and Thanks
Bees Fight the good fight and keep an open mind and a welcoming heart.
Semper Fi
@J V Hoffman:
Good Lord man… you really are a shovel ready project aren’t you? Just diggin’ and diggin’ and diggin.’
Well…since you insist…here’s a really quick one:
The Conservation Corps for which you so desperately opine here was established by FDR… that would be Franklin, not Teddy.
Exit Question: Which of the Roosevelt presidents was not in favor of progressive taxation?
Ms. Beezie, you aren’t in the “mod” filter, girl… Nor are you on the list. No clue what comment you are speaking of since there’s nothing in that filter at the moment.
Tho we authors have the power to put people in moderation, we do not by agreement. Only Curt, oh FA Founding Father, puts people in moderation. He does not do so lightly, so if anyone finds themself in there, they have only themselves to blame… ahem. I will say that by the time I joined this conversation, to comment on JV Hoffman’s newly styled approach of full auto/no safety verbal assault on everyone who dares to disagree (and most especially towards Larry), he was already in that filter. I bailed him out only to have a discussion last night.
My suggestion remains the same as above…. if someone finds themselves in that filter, they may want to have a look back at their comment style and points, and ponder the reason why they ended up in there.
As far as @J V Hoffman’s wild observance:
This is some insinuation that I an incorrect on Larry’s comment from another thread. I am not incorrect… save for my error to copy/paste JV’s absurd and despicable interpretation that Larry was suggesting a Hitleresque genocide of Jews with his comment. That is not at all what Larry said… and even with my disagreements in the past with him, I know he would never say that (as JV suggests it was intended).
It appears that JV prefers to attach wild assumptions to people that fit his narrative. Thus I’m pointing out that Larry never advocated any form of genocide… whether by violence or by inter faith marriage. There is nothing incorrect in that statement, and therefore no reason to admit an error. To ID that culprit, Mr. Hoffman should be staring in the mirror.
But then JV apparently likes to blur the lines with a common term of “Jew”. There is the race… formerly called Hebrews, and there is the religion… Judaism. These days, the term is used interchangably, sometimes referring the race/descent and others to religion.
News flash not all Jews practice the religion, or go to a synagogue. Apparently Mr. Hoffman tends to blur those lines as well when he (most laughable) @calls me a racist bigot. Were he not such a hothead newbie here, and did a little of that intel homework he says is his stellar and glorious past, he’d know that there’s few here that are stronger supporters of Israel than I am…. including my firm belief that aid to Israel is the best return on our money.
But then, after thinking of Hebrew/Jew as a race (in reference to me being a “bigot”), he then @lectures me on who is Jewish and who is not.
Well that becomes quite interesting since one who is not of Hebrew blood can convert to Judaism, and will be… for all intents and purposes… a Jew. On the other hand, if one is of Hebrew blood, yet not practicing the religion, they are still a descendant of the Hebrew/Jewish race and considered a Jew. I’m 100% positive that Hitler did not confine his genocide to only Jews practicing the religion, but to those of Hebrew descendancy as well…. including those of mixed blood and marriages.
These days it’s quite common for interfaith marriage. And it was not all that long ago that the Catholic Church felt the same about purist relationships, and excommunicated many for an interfaith marriage. Such nonsense espoused by Hoffman, accusing Larry of indirectly saying “either way, the Jews will be gone”, is the ranting of an unstable individual. I’m quite sure that both the race, and the religion, will survive in the future, as it has thru their past persecutions.
My problem with Hoffman is twofold. First, his debate style is offensive and counterproductive. Indeed, any time one of his comments shows up in my ebox, I feel like I have to clean the keyboard from the spittle he projects in his tirades. Secondly, there is nothing more antiConstitutional or unAmerican than @to have a litmus test of what he considers “real Americans”. We have hard core Communists, socialists and others in this nation that do not like our country’s government structure. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t Americans.
Instead what Hoffman suggests is that there is some sort of belief system that is required to be a “real American”. Well now… wouldn’t the Founders and Framers be rolling over in their graves to hear that notion.
But when I consider it’s likely coming from a guy who has obviously created his personal history for the Internet audience out of a combination of fantasy and games, who can take it seriously? Being conservative, we often find ourselves unfortunately aligned with hard liners holding similar beliefs. That doesn’t mean I have to like it… or them.
Just a quick note.
Mz Bees had a comment go into the filter in error and I released her to fly freely once again.
AYE, THANK’S, I guess I owe you more than 2 dollards, now,
the interests will be astronomicals by then. bye my friend
Actually, Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican “progressive”. Look up the Bull Moose Party. Larry left out Woodrow Wilson, who was an early Democratic “progressive”. The “progressives,’ then and now were/are not confined to any one political party.
There you go Ms Bees A crazy ride to 100. RIP The Great Clarence Clemons.