Paul Revere warned the British?


You may have heard recently something about that Sarah Palin telling a reporter that Paul Revere warned the British on his famous rousing revolutionary ride.

Now, that so many Americans have wallowed in their smug confirmation that Palin is an idiot unqualified for anything but repeating sixth-grade history, how far, wide and fast do you think the contradictory news will spread that the former governor of Alaska was indeed correct?

That the Republican non-candidate, in fact, knew more about the actual facts of Revere’s midnight ride than all those idiots unknowingly revealing their own ignorance by laughing at her faux faux pas? How secretly embarrassing this must be, to be forced to face that you’re dumber than the reputed dummy.

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Never too old to learn something.
Paul Revere was CAPTURED by the British that same night.
Instead of biting his tongue about the prepared militia laying in wait, Paul Revere warned these Brits about them!

Nan and Wordsmith….I am not taking up for Palin, I am speaking as someone who has invested no small amount of time in studying who made this country and what they believed and what was their thought! At the time of the ride of Paul Revere more than 70% of Americans did not want war! They did want England to be right with them! South Carolina for example were largely Torrie’s (British sympathizers) even after a year into the war. Paul Revere at the time he rode as well as many other Americans still had hope of coming to terms with England! I do not know the facts or why or from where Sarah Palin is quoting such matters but it does fit the spirit of the time!
Just like right now how many of us would not want Obama to come clean and admit everything we know? This in turn would make a blow to liberalism that we could never succeed in doing ourselves! Likewise you have to understand that the integrity of people then was much different than today! Officers were gentlemen and the enlisted mostly were inscription or given a choice jail or military! The British army represented in the colonies was not your regimental British army but rather a mixture of regulars and conscriptioners. Could be, however I do not know myself! however it would not surprise me if he had appealed to them to stop the onslaught while getting them to sympathize with the cause of freedom or recognition.

SRX Hoffman, just to be clear for the one with the most clarity, historically the Paul Revere Tale “One If By Land – Two If By Sea” as part of his heroics was that, after the government imposed curfew, he was indeed stopped by Redcoats and played drunk. Most of the guards were a Bit-o-Gin themselves and played along because their main concern being sabotage along the wharf. Then, as now, Boston was a tiny carriage town. A brisk walk from Boston Common to the wharfside warehouses was five to ten minutes and the only taverns open housed troops. For deeper research find what happened to the horse. Owning a horse required special license from the King. The oppression in the Towne of Bostn gave way to the Third Amendment of the US Constitution.

Word I respect your opinion.When you get a chance review the exact question Sarah was asked,her actual answer and the historical FACTS.Then let me know what you think.

I just watched famed historian Douglas Brinkley’s take. Interested if you agree with him. THANKS

@THE SOOTHSAYER: Yes sir! You are completely correct in your quotes. However I was not trying to make an essay but to bring out a point the shows we often in making heroes do not realize how we ourselves are not far from he same situation! The communistic welfare states do not see any failure or wrong in the massive destruction Obamination is doing either, just as it was then in the favored colonies! Alabama is still waiting on help from the tornadoes, but Mass. got it the next morning!

@Wordsmith: Yeah like Obama really ever answers any question? He ignores and disgraces everything that stands for anything good! Didn’t you see the dummy toast when everyone stood to the anthem of England! Scoop the poop out of your own back yard first! then look at your neighbors! Yeah why don’t you center your criticism on a person who will share audience with the worlds greatest evils….Chavez, the premier of Iran,and Khadaffi! No other president has stooped so low! Get real!

@Wordsmith: Yes Wordsmith, you are right on one side but we as a rule are victims of what the British said “might makes right” I am simply pointing out that this time in which we live is very much like that of the colonial period! If you think otherwise you are gravely mistaking! My reaction was actually pointed at Mr. Wheeler! However if you think about it the King was more reasonable than Obama, and was more concerned with what was with the colonies than Obama is with the nation I agree! However the bottom line is we need to return to what our forefathers gave us!

Word I believe Medved’s 15 min in #10 is spot on. All should listen. THANKS

Depending on what you think she meant, she is either right or wrong.
If you think she was saying Revere was ringing bells and firing shots, then she was wrong.
If you think she was saying he was alerting others who rang the bells and fired a shot or two, she’d be correct.
I haven’t heard if she issued a clarification that explained what she meant

I think there are several important points here;

One, Sarah Palin was basically correct, although her wording was a little convoluted. That should be able to be forgiven, as she seemed in a hurry to get somewhere else at the time. Most people tend to muck things up when trying for off the cuff remarks.

Two, and this follows the first, is that she should have kept her answer more in-line with the original question, which I disagree was a “gotcha” type question. The only “gotcha” moment was her own doing, which seemed to backfire on the reporters.

Three, the overall knowledge of our history, which I have pointed out here on many occasions, is seriously depressing, considering the number of journalists and commentators who rushed to condemn Sarah Palin for her “idiocy”, and proved of themselves how deficient they are instead.

Four, as is in any public figure’s comments, much is read into them that isn’t present.

And Five, which is an extension of Four, that some public figures are given passes by the MSM for what they say incorrectly, with some of those even receiving vehement defenses of their gaffes. Unfortunately for Sarah Palin, she isn’t considered an acceptable person by them, and thus, will not receive such passes, nor defenses, of her supposed ‘mis-speaks’ in public, unlike say, Obama, who is given a pass and defense for everything he says. If anything, this incident has shown the double standard the media has regarding a public figure’s words and how they are treated.

Sorry Word but if you are using medved as a source then you have lost me as well. He is a Moderate in my opinion and I never listen to his program since he tries to be nice and civil like McCain.

@Hard Right: Politicians as a rule are poor historians, however if you were to pay close attention to the Politicians who were educated military leaders you will find they have a deeper and more profound understanding of the strategy, demographics, and order of events! This is true and even among the historical societies and groups of Military history societies really go at studies with fervor! The public education of history in the United States is as well contaminated with liberal views and thought! JohnGalt I liked your observations as well! Military historians recognize the following historical factors:
1. That most of the British soldiers in the Colonies before the declaration of independence were conscription military, and were not career military, many of them even stayed in the Colonies after the fulfillment of service. Only after the first battles when England realized that the Colonialist were a force to be dealt with did they send Regimental British Units and Grenadiers. They had much better duty conditions than they had in England and many of them favored the life of the Colonies……This establishes that it would have been very much likely and appropriate for Paul Revere to have warned them and attempted to shake them with the information of armed colonist coming their direction. Many of the soldiers were sympathetic with the colonist, and their cause.
2. It would have been hard to impossible for Paul Revere to have known where everyone was! Because the method the revolutionist were using at that time was to band in small groups and spread out to disrupt multiple targets in the same night. Taking opportunity first where the sentry watch was lacking and then using that incident to pull the guard away from other areas leaving them to be able to commit multiple acts within the same night and exhausting the British guard! This also would have played into Paul Revere as to having warned them of the oncoming Revolutionist as a psychological strategy to incite panic into the conscription soldiers!
3. As far as shots being fired and bells rang in the night, this was also a tactic of the revolutionaries to cause the soldiers to have to leave the Garrison and search for what was happening. the British soldiers even had a response rule to such incidents as going out no less that two by day and three by night! The revolutionaries used this greatly to cause the British be unable to observe a quiet tour of duty!

If Mr. Michael Medved was so knowledgeable to speak as he did and had known his facts he would have more aware that Palin did not represent the facts well but rather made remarks without the proper formation! You listen to him he speaks as if he was there yet he does not display any knowledge of these matters! maybe he should enroll in West Point, the Naval Academy or the Citadel and take a refresher on history before talking so authoritative! Kinda dims the light on his words!

Did you hear the response of Obama to the Sarah Palin’s remarks about Paul Revere? Obama: Who is he? Is he one of those gun fanatics? We have gun laws in this country! Especially in Boston!… Hey call Homeland Security now!!

@Wordsmith: If you remember i said from the offset….Nan and Wordsmith….I am not taking up for Palin, I am speaking as someone who has invested no small amount of time in studying who made this country and what they believed and what was their thought! At the time of the ride of Paul Revere more than 70% of Americans did not want war! They did want England to be right with them! South Carolina for example were largely Torrie’s (British sympathizers) even after a year into the war. Paul Revere at the time he rode as well as many other Americans still had hope of coming to terms with England! I do not know the facts or why or from where Sarah Palin is quoting such matters but it does fit the spirit of the time!
Wordsmith as I say again and I stand by this….. The military institutions study of history is a world apart from the liberal arts college study of history! The very depth which we (military collegiate s) study is to understand the intentions, motives, and environment to be able to apply the same such methodology to your command in you assessment capabilities! Totally different animal!
I will read 10 big lies, but I still see him as lacking in the historical department in relation to the statements he made and his opinions concerning this incident! He made light of the shooting in the air and bells ringing and had he done his homework he would have known this!
As I said as well “Palin did not represent the facts well but rather made remarks without the proper formation!” There is truth in what she said but the representation of it was very poor at best….. I would suppose as it is with most politicians they get into a habit of skimming over material and matters and often do not represent it as it should be!


That was kind of my point, and I probably worded it badly. Sarah Palin provided the “journalists” with the “gotcha” moment with her response to that question, yet they are the ones who believe it’s their job to do so, and look over any such moments in many other politicians’ lives that they favor.

JOHN G Sarah just let out a stream of disconnected jibberish. She has to be more careful with her answers because the press is out to get her.

Yes John it was jibberish, but some people are infallible…Just like Obami who greets the Mexican ambassador for their independence celebration and called it Cinco de quatro! even after being corrected he said it again! and even better yet he still pronounces Marine corps as Marine corpse… he has done this many times, and even better yet he offers a toast to the Queen completely out of line while they played their national anthem! At least she didn’t have to use note cards to say more than 5 words or have a prompt screen to keep on the same subject or any plausible line of thought!

J.V.H. For the record BHO never mispronounced nor misspelled (as you did) Marine Corps. He mispronounced corpsman.

@rich wheeler: Real genius!


If any other of our presidents had doubled the National debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had criticized a state law that he admitted
he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?

If any other of our presidents joined the country of Mexico and sued a state
in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who’s
side he was on?

If any other of our presidents had pronounced
the Marine Corps like Marine Corpse, would you think him an idiot?

If any other of our presidents had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on
companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one foreign
company had an accident, would you have

If any other of our presidents had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87000 American workers
unemployed would you support him?

If any other of our presidents had been the first President to need a TelePrompTer installed to be
able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If any other of our Presidents had as his first action, issued an Executive order to seal ALL records pertaining to his and his wife’s past, would you have approved?

If any other of our Presidents had removed the American flag from the podium in the White House when he is on TV or giving speeches, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had spent hundreds of thousands of Dollars to
Take his First Lady to a play in NYC, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had reduced your retirement plan Holdings of GM stock by 90%
and given the unions a majority stake in GM, Would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had made a joke at the expense of the Special
Olympics, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive
And incorrectly formatted DVD’s, when Gordon Brown had given Him a thoughtful
And historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had given the Queen of England an IPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought it a proud moment For America ?

If any other of our presidents had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would You have approved?

If any other of our presidents had visited Austria and made reference to the
nonexistent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed It off as a minor slip?

If any other of our presidents had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents had stated that he had been in 57 states in the United States , wouldn’t you have had second thoughts about his capabilities?

If any other of our presidents would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in
his home town, would you not have thought he was a self important,
conceited, egotistical jerk?

If any other of our presidents had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was The 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, wouldn’t you have winced in embarrassment?

If any other of our presidents had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?

If any other of our presidents’ administrations had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in Downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they
actually get what happened on 9-11?

If any other of our presidents had failed to
send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans , would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?

If any other of our presidents had created the
position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America , would you have ever approved?

If any other of our presidents had ordered the
firing of the CEO of a major Corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

So, tell me again, what is it about Baa that makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Can’t think of anything? Don’t worry. He’s done all this in 24 months — so you have that much time to come up with an answer.

Every statement and action in this is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama. Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable. Who is talking jibberish now?

“All it takes for evil to triumph is for good
men to do nothing.”

JVH You lost me at BHO was born in Kenya and HRC is a Jihadist. Why waste time with the rest of your scribblings Marine(?)

Privately, just between us Conservatives, I think the Wheeler guy needs to change his meds, like someone encourage him to open the front door and find a life away from stuffing the Internet with his barrage of teenage Katy Couric propaganda.

History question for the super IQ President O’BasketCase, “At the Fort Pillow massacure an unarmed and surrendered Yankee gemeral was shot in the face by Nathan Bedford Forrest, a future founder of the Ku Klux Klan, so please identify what is the name of the general?

@THE SOOTHSAYER: He has a complex or male menopause or possible he didn’t get his hormone shots due to Obaminations cuts in health care for vets…. I am in conclusion we are confusing him! Why? When us conservatives speak we do so with 2% bullsh_t and 98% honest to God facts… This in turn causes a dilemma for liberals,,,that is why they never answer a question and always answer back with one liners! You see they are used to listening to 98% percent Bull Sh_t and only 2% percent fact….so all their little simple minds only need to process is a one line out of the whole batch! Even though it is late for some of us we have worked all day very hard and we make typo errors once in a while, he will most likely simply discredit all that you have done by pointing out that you misspelled “gemeral” This has the ability to confuse his already frustrated liberal mind! ( just so he will not get more confused Vets is short for Veterans, and not the sort of animal doctor!)

J.V. Hoffman I have never seen a Marine Corps Officer write Marine Corp or Marine corps as you have done. Please explain beyond “it was a typo” or “I was tired” Thanks

Semper Fi

@rich wheeler: Your answer is already here…refer to posting #27 . You must be some college flunk out who opt for ROTC to save his sorry ass reputation! Behind what desk did you serve or did they just let you make the coffee? Atah mevine mifag-gere? Si Si Tu eres un chulo viejo! No Silbe nada! (get your wife to translate for you!) Did they ever allow you out of California so they would not have to make excuses for you! One liner Kuyah Black! It might even help you if you changed your light bulbs to 30 watts because I am sure everybody is tired of seeing you and hearing you that is why to project your stupidities here! You call yourself a Marine while you aid the biggest enemy this country has ever faced! You are probably one of these Cyber terrorist! Yes some Islamic sicko playing as if he was something just to make havic! You have never represented anything that is representative of anyone else here who served this country! Go back and look at the responses everyone gives you, or go play with Pelosi! She might just play with you if you hang a Pork Chop around your neck!

JVH #27 says “It’s late,worked all day and I make typos” I say B.S. and get your DD-214 on file.
Did you know the Marine Corps doesn’t have ROTC? Aye C. knows I served in V.N. as a Marine Officer.
You’re continued personal insults “Islamist sicko,cyber terrorist” etc. always give me a good laugh. Thanks

@rich wheeler: Hey! see if you can read this since it is obvious you can’t read numbers: This was post 27…okay num nuts! He has a complex or male menopause or possible he didn’t get his hormone shots due to Obaminations cuts in health care for vets…. I am in conclusion we are confusing him! Why? When us conservatives speak we do so with 2% bullsh_t and 98% honest to God facts… This in turn causes a dilemma for liberals,,,that is why they never answer a question and always answer back with one liners! You see they are used to listening to 98% percent Bull Sh_t and only 2% percent fact….so all their little simple minds only need to process is a one line out of the whole batch! Even though it is late for some of us we have worked all day very hard and we make typo errors once in a while, he will most likely simply discredit all that you have done by pointing out that you misspelled “gemeral” This has the ability to confuse his already frustrated liberal mind! ( just so he will not get more confused Vets is short for Veterans, and not the sort of animal doctor!)

Just for your info…. I did not say or Specify any branch …but if you served in the time you say, you would know that the Marines took many men from the other branch ROTC’s during Vietnam, In fact there was even a good number of Marine pilots who took service in other branches such as the Air Force with STAC because of cut backs in 1975!

Ignorant liberal! From now on you should think twice before opening your sewer pipe! I will not be responding to your perpetual ignorance! But at least you did get off more than one line that time! There may still be hope for you yet? If you really knew me you would realize how far you are off track! but then ignorant people really aren’t concerned by those things…are they? Like I said go play with Pelosi!

JVH The U.S. Marine Officer Corps DID NOT “take many men from the other branch ROTC’S during V.N.”
I’m relieved to know you were not a Marine Corps Officer. No surprise.

I’m relieved to know you were not a Marine Corps Officer.

What are you saying with this comment?

Curt As a former Marine I know you are aware of the proud tradition of the Officer Corps.
I believe JVH intimated in previous posts that he was among ” THE PROUD THE FEW”
This does not appear to be the case. I’m glad.

Semper Fi Pls give my best to A.C.

@Curt: Curt the simple matter is like most all liberals! they cannot stand to be corrected or disproved and they are all knowing self acclaimed critics. I have tried to reason with this guy…but nobody is home! At best there is just an empty shell of what may have been at one time. You know just like he believes Obama is the Messiah well he can believe what ever the hell else he wants to as well! I really do give a flying leap…. I will waste another second on his ranting and raving!

Curt you are an intelligent fellow, I have two questions for you!
1. Where and at what time has this person ever answered anyone’s question or responded intelligently to any matter?
2. What has he ever brought to the table in any presentation or writing?
You know and I know this is the proof of all matters! This site is not intended for the use that he makes of it! He attacks people and even threatens them! Really a Bar Room mentality which you and I both know is not befitting of an true Marine Officer!
Look at the comments he makes to all of the people here! he is just another” havoc master” who aims at anyone who is revealing who is half bit idiot messiah really is!

Let me put the bricks on the table!
If you want I can put you in touch with many of the worlds leaders who know me! If you had access to National security briefings from 1979-1982 you would see my name in the testimony of many of the scripts there. People such as Pres. Ronald Reagen (of blessed memory) knew me, and knew me well.
As well as Alexander Haig, Senator John W. Warner (Who quote um quote said ” This type of young man makes me proud to be a Virginian!”) If you know anything about national security then I do not need to explain who he is.
Benyamin Netanyahu is a personal friend of mine and has even slept and eaten several times in my home, he even came to oldest son’s Brit Milah. Yitzhak Shamir is a personal acquiatance of mine, Yeshua Matza, as well as of blessed memory General Rafael Eitan and even Moshe Ariens and Arik Sharon.
Just to give you another clue I speak several languages like Laotian, Spanish, Hebrew and some Russian and Arabic…can you piece the parts of the puzzle together? Vladimir Putin and Michael Putin are both acquaintances of mine as well. The list goes on!
As you can easily understand I have not been sitting on my ass for the last ten years in California shooting one liners at anybody that presents viable evidence and commentary to the matter we discuss here!
Consider the two questions and comprehend what is happening and who this guy is! As to what he was…evidently there is just a shell left! Because honestly anyone who really did any service tows a completely different line than this guy! I will not entertain his sewage any more!

@rich wheeler: Ok, was hoping you didn’t mean that us enlisted folks aren’t just as intelligent as the officers.

@J V Hoffman: I rarely, if ever, agree with Rich…and I agree he likes to push people’s buttons but I don’t kick people off of here lightly and won’t do it for just being a button pusher unless he/she crosses the line and then only after a warning to cease has been ignored. I understand he went after you a bit but I also saw that you were giving just as much as you were receiving. I’ve been hesitant to step in because I just don’t like doing that. Every regular here understands I let most every thread work itself. Some spirited debate is a good thing but there comes a point when its just name calling back and forth so I would appreciate it if both of you just cooled down a bit and get back to debating the facts.

Curt Believe me I KNOW Staff NCO’S run the Corps and I help and respect all Marines.
Seems to me JVH is doing the ranting and name calling. Your thoughts?
Just read your # 37 Thanks and aye aye.

@Curt: The bottom line is my time is too important to be spent on such people… Who if you look at his commentary is mostly derogatory and totally dislocated to the discussion at hand! Yes I did fire back! because he continually dwells on senseless crap and attacks others. However this guy is history for me and I will not respond to his unfounded remarks and back wash of sewage!

JVH says “senseless crap” This coming from A BIRTHER (BHO Kenyan born) who calls Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a Jihadist. Now that’s senseless crap.