Public Officials Do Not Have a Private Life [Reader Post]


When I entered the military service 35 years ago, I took an oath ” to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”. All public officials swear a similar oath when they are admitted to their elected or appointed office. When I entered public employment, I gave up many of the rights that employees in the private sector are entitled to have.

From my first encounter with Drill Sergeant Poindexter to my briefings with General Casey, I was reminded that I represented the US Government 24 hours per day 7 days each week. My actions all reflect on my country both positively and negatively. I was informed that I have no off duty time. I have no private life. I agreed to this when I raised my right hand and took the oath.

As a public official or a military officer everything I do reflects on the ability of my country to successfully govern and interact with other countries in the World. If our President, who also took the oath, lies about anything can the leaders of other countries in the world trust any thing he says? Can this President negotiate agreements with other countries that enhance the safety and welfare of our country?

Legislators also take the oath. When they make a spectacle of their lives and then lie about it, doesn’t that affect the country to which they swore allegiance? Who can trust a liar? It matters not what he lied about, he is a proven liar.

In the military, a DUI, an adulterous affair or associating with the wrong organization are “private” issues in a civilian job. In the military, I can be discharged from service and may face loss of pension or other judicial action. While this seems wrong by private sector employees, it is expected of government employees.

What we as voters should be loudly asking is why do the liberals exempt other liberals from the oath they took? Why do liberals get a pass with no consequences? What happened to all of those swamps that were supposed to be drained?

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Why is it that in our nation, which used to be great, only the scum of the earth seems to rise to the top to rule over us???

Democrats, Republicans = SCUM. They can go to hell.

Politicians and diapers both need to be changed for the same reasons.

@randy (#2):

I made the following comment on the Medved/Daily Beast site:

There’s a difference between the Clinton and Weiner cases. Clinton was the victim of a witch hunt. Private investigators, paid for by political opponents, digging up Paula Jones, and then Linda Tripp initiating a cooperation with a special prosecutor-in-residence, who had come up with nothing after spending years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. This led to the shakedown of Monica Lewinsky and her mother. Lewinsky instigated the affair (don’t you recall the flashing of the thong underwear with the pizza delivery?). If Clinton had resigned, under the circumstances, it would have been a coup d’etat, engineered by his political opposition.

Weiner is entirely different. He, in effect, forced himself on young women (by sending unwanted lewd photographs). This is more egregious behavior than being human and not having the inner strength to turn down a seductive advance. Also, the case became public not through the efforts of a politically-motivated witch hunt by the opposition, but because of Weiner’s direct actions (the inadvertent Twitter feed) and because the recipients of his unwanted lewd photos were only too happy to take the initiative in sending them to the media, no shake down by government investigators required.

The historical validity of Clinton’s stand against the political coup d’etat was confirmed by the bipartisan agreement to terminate the special prosecutor law.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

With regard to the question: “why do the liberals exempt other liberals from the oath they took? Why do liberals get a pass with no consequences? What happened to all of those swamps that were supposed to be drained?”

You probably missed it when Pelosi (and other prominent Democrats) called on Weiner to resign. Pelosi was obviously in no position to prevent Weiner’s actions. All she could do was to respond appropriately, when the news broke. Which she did.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Add to that Leon Panetta, The symphesiser and member of the Communist Party USA, and one can see that the oath they take is nothing but a formality.
I would urge everyone to read Trevor Loudon, and Kincaids research regarding Panetta’s active member ship of the Communist Party, and wonder why was he the head of CIA, and now moving onto the DOD?
Something is really stinking up the joint! Larry, if you call raping women a witch hunt you are right. The issue Clinton faced was he lied under oath as a public official. He later admitted it or tried to weasle out of it. Yes, Larry, I noticed the censure that the liberals made. It looks like he will take a leave of absence with pay. What about Maxine Waters. How are you going to justify her behavior? What about all the stimulus money that went to improve the water front in SF where Pelosi and her hubby has so many investments? What about Barney Frank’s partner running a male prostitute operation out of his home?

Larry, the difference is that the conseratives push out those who violate the trust of their nation. Liberals make excuses. Spin that!

@Ivan: Lies and perversion are like dead fish and shit! They both float!!! Good write up Randy!!! Ivan I could not agree more, they either need to completely clean house and reveal the truth of this administration and their involvement or know THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL NO LONGER SUPPORT THEM!!!!!! CLEAN UP OR GET OUT!!!
Clinton was put in a position that he had to declare the relationship with Monica, or his parties of three or more would eventually becoming public knowledge! Yes you are right it is not the same as Weiner! It is much worse and it would have been a total shame to the United States otherwise!!! The Liberal Double Satandard Continues!!!!! (Satandard – A Standard set buy Satan and used by Liberals you know Socialistic -Communist)

Check out this Malkin article today if you want more of the same!

@Randy: Randy Get um! They cannot limit the amount of ammo you carry here! Fire away Soldier….If you need a few more magazines let me know! Fire at will!!!!

This isn’t a debate, it’s a pep rally. Yes I guess you could call it a pep rally! but at least it is not a snake pit like the liberals make! We are happy when we see other Americans know how to process facts and not opinions………Opinions that are based on the parties thoughts don’t hold water….but when they are based on fact you can actually build your life around them! Why are they not publicizing the emails from Palins files…… Maybe they are having to train a staff of brainless idiots to read them through socialistic communist eyes…….Maybe they found out she is not like them and genuine! And that her “Agenda” is to really try to make America better, or maybe the realistic matter in her emails cause their socialistic – communist programming to freeze up!!!! Like a bad computer program!!!

@JV (#14): Brave, strong words, surrounded, as you are, by your teammates. Let’s see you go say stuff like that on some liberal equivalent of Flopping Aces. Don’t know of one? Let me help you:

Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA Just so you will know….I do not dig in the garbage to find food, or go to the junk yard to find clothes! Neither would I waste my time even trying to discuss any matter with a group of people who defy truth and wouldn’t even recognize it if it jumped up and bit them in the rectum! If you had a little more wisdom you would understand that there is no benefit to even trying to hold any conversation with people who are blindly brainwashed and do not conceive the most basic principles of morality and understanding! Which is in essence the same as putting clothes on a pig! Comprehending that even if you win the debate they will continue to be what they are, understanding that it is easier for them to deny the truth and continue…rather to admit they are wrong and change their direction and thought!
Been there done that and it is a futile effort! How many Communist have you seen change by the way of words? They only change by hunger, disaster, or their own destruction!

Have you ever noticed the lack of conservative guests on left-wing sites?
When I was new to the computer I thought all blogs would welcome other-than-”pep rally” viewpoints.
I was wrong.
You know my comments are not rabid.
Yet I have been banned by Daily Kos, DemocraticUnderground, Little Green Footballs, and a few others whose names escape me now.
Some of these blogs or sites won’t even tell you you’ve been banned…..they can mirror your comments on your computer while NOT showing them to their other readers!
Pretty nasty, huh?

But you really have to be out of line to be banned from most right-leaning sites.
Dirty, spamming, name-calling attacks can lead to a banning.
But not simply expressing an alternate viewpoint.

@Nan G: So true!!!… In fact on many issues when I wanted to make commentary…fact that totally destroyed what they were trying peddling on Yahoo, MSN, and others they would not post the comment! What they would post is the radical comments made by many that would help service to make anyone who opposed it as being ignorant and ill-logical…hence using the screening of commentary to only serve their purpose!!

@nan: There are hundreds of liberal blogs. You give examples of extreme cases. Here’s a great blog where you won’t get kicked out for simply expressing a contrarian opinion, , but where you’ll be outnumbered by liberals. I think it’s very easy to determine the culture of the blog, just by skimming through a few articles and associated commentary. There are lots of liberal leaning blogs where people will allow you to present and debate contrarian views, if you are really interested in doing that sort of thing (which you should, because actually persuading a few people to understand and occasionally accept your point of view is considerably more rewarding and productive than chanting in a Greek chorus, surrounded by fellow Greeks).

I get really depressed when I read glittering generalities like those of JV on this thread. There was another recent thread where someone named “Faith” insisted “liberals are amoral.” How in the world did we get to the point where we have as much hatred for our own countrymen as we have for our true enemies?

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA Dah? If this way of thinking is destroying our society and all that we hold precious, and it is!……….What in the hell are you going to get angry about if not that? In case you didn’t realize life only began after Philosophy 101, life itself is not Philosophy! Graduate and join the reality of life! If you get your head out of the clouds maybe you will stop stepping in things that are not pleasant to wipe off you feet!

Your question: How in the world did we get to the point where we have as much hatred for our own countrymen as we have for our true enemies?
The answer: By Socialist Communist (Liberals) coming into our society and corrupting our government and way of life!

@VL. So “liberals” are “Socialist Communists?”

Did FDR corrupt our way of life? Did Harry Truman? Did John Kennedy? Did LBJ? Did Jimmy Carter? Did Bill Clinton? Did Barack Obama? Did Theodore Roosevelt?

I added the last, because Theodore Roosevelt was, by objective criteria, more of a “Socialist Communist” than Barack Obama. So, did the only guy on Mt Rushmore who wore glasses “corrupt our way of life?”

I don’t think that you and I are destined to have any worthwhile conversations.

As I wrote, it’s pretty depressing.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Are they selling keyboards now with only an exclamation point (!) for punctuation? I would love to get my hands on one of those. It would make everything I write sound more exciting. Let me trying that again. It would make everything I write sound more exciting! Now now lets don’t show our profound ignorance!!! Including Theodore Roosevelt in this pack of liars and playboys just don’t fit! Maybe your learning of history is so corrupt you need to go back to school! (a reputable school ) like VMI or the Citadel and not in Cali-fornica !
Just so you will know I have relatives who served with Theodore Roosevelt (they are now deceased) and good for you they or him aren’t around anymore, because they would boot you out into the Pacific ocean with a size 1o! You have no idea of the man you are referring to, and you group him with a bunch lying, immoral, dishonest,cheating, womanizers! Harry Truman as well, I may not agree with the policies he used, but he definitely does not belong in this group you put together! He was a very humble and honest man and not like the likes of these criminals you put him with! You need help seriously!!!

@JV. Your replies, as on the other thread, illustrate my point better than I’m able to do.

With someone else, there could have been a very interesting discussion, comparing and contrasting the political positions, legislative initiatives, etc. etc. between Barack Obama and Theodore Roosevelt. We both might have learned something. But you are interested in nothing of the sort. You are only interested in ranting and ventilating.

As I said, we seem destined not to have any worthwhile discussions.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@Tom: Well you see Tom it is a matter of Biology and Science… You see unless you write like the house is on fire you liberals (socialistic communist) just don’t get it! and even after we explain it you in five different ways you still don’t get it! The human body ( I guess liberals still are human) has a great ability to compensate. So as the mind is trained by liberalistic thought it only focus on the little points that are so really insignificant, therefore the brain begins to decrease in size, hence the skull grows thicker to compensate for the room that was once filled with normality. Once a person has reached the advanced stages of liberalism the punctuation needs to be stronger otherwise they can not realize how serious you are and think you are only engaging in a philosophical conversation instead of meaning real business because our country is about to slip off it to hell!!!! Get It!!!! Larry you do not have humility…which proves that were you try to put your self is nothing more than an exercise of self glorification! You are simply like your god, your leader, your hero! Everything you say is right even if others state the absurdity of your view.

@J V Hoffman:

Haha! Good rant and very funny. Don’t you think, as far as perpetual states go, funny is better than angry?

If you would indulge me, I can think of two reasons your theory may be flawed. 1) Being angry all the time will inevitably desensitize your audience to the point where everything from “Our country is going to hell!” to “This soup is too hot!” will blend into one tepid rant of equal magnitude. 2) The risk that a person will be viewed as a completely unhinged lunatic, and thus dismissed out of hand, increases exponentially with the usage of each additional consecutive explanation point (this has been scientifically proven). I think you have too many interesting things to offer to let this happen to you, thus I felt compelled to broach this delicate matter of internet etiquette. Forgive any offense, for none was intended.

@JV (#26).

Have a nice day.

@Tom: If you think the fathers of this nation were not angry, and frustrated about matters (You know to the point they declared independence and went to war!) then you are completely delusional, and really need to be re-educated. Besides I find most all of you liberals amusing! How it is even possible you think anyone would buy the stupidities you peddle is beyond me!

John Galt and Curt -Marine to Marine- Is this guy Hoffman a raving lunatic or am I missing something?

@F/A aficionados in general:

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.


What a matter did hurt some poor little liberals feelings? Can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen! You remind me of the Vietcong who ran across borders instead of standing the fight! Liberals and Communist are all the same, all the world over!
Personally I think that Liberals would make great gardeners, they would have a better turnover of profits! Because they would never have to buy fertilizer!!!
As Randy Stated in the beginning of his article : When I entered the military service 35 years ago, I took an oath ” to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”.
You bunch of liberals are the enemy (Socialistic Communist) You are the domestic enemy of America just like Jihadist Hillary and the Kenyan! Still crying? Need a towel?

@J V Hoffman:

How it is even possible you think anyone would buy the stupidities you peddle is beyond me!

I’m surprised you have no curiosity regarding how others who think differently than you feel about this or any other topic. The concept that there’s a definitive right and wrong way to think and feel about everything, besides being about the most destructive and dangerous idea known to man, seems far-fetched to me. There are too many variables and unknowns for anyone to feel certain he’s figured it all out. Therefore, it occurs to me that the only course of action that can reasonably be labeled “stupid” is one that intentionally seals a person’s thought process off like a vault, not allowing new ideas, information and opinions to enter.

@Tom: Sounds like a bunch of double talk to me! What is your point do you even know yourself? I guess when our forefathers who even made flags like “don’t tread on me” and “Liberty or Death” and they were a banner for all of those who cherish freedom that also is extreme in the eyes of you liberals (socialist-communist). So I guess anyone who does not fall into the line of the disillusional line of Liberal thinking is just stupid!
What you guys perpetuate is completely foreign to everything this country was founded on and ever fought for. If you want to live in a Socialistic Communistic country then do it! But don’t expect me or others to except your liberal line of thinking.
You talk about “internet etiquette” ? Oh this is what you call the slander of the liberals you amaze me! Yea, Weiner is a specialist in this matter! It is incomprehensible how the liberals use double standards and try to throw terms such as internet etiquette! Are you sure you are not a member of the Shiites, Hamas, Fatah or the Hezbollah? They cry and think much the same way.
All of you with your double standards. The main difference between a liberalist (socialistic communist) is that the terrorist have the balls to use a gun and crazy enough to blow themselves up! While you liberals just legislate us to death, continue raise taxes and spend money like their is no tomorrow, and regulate the hell out of our soldiers so they can not even defend themselves, while your heroes playing with themselves on the computer! Really sane behavior now isn’t it!

All liberals/socialists are amoral.
“Thou shall not steal” End of argument – end of socialism and all of its ugly collectivist relatives. They not only condone theft by the mob/government but they promote and encourage it. Liberal followers have no concept of the ideas of liberty and individual rights but their leaders do, and those ideas must be destroyed in order for them to maintain and increase their power. Liberals believe the mystical, indefinable “common good” takes precedence over individual rights with no understanding of the consequences. All liberals (and many on the Right) are herd animals. They fear freedom and fear self responsibility so they need a strong leader ( a parent replacement) to think for them and provide for all of life’s problems. An independent individual who wishes to stray from the herd to go his own way is perceived as a threat to their comfortable collectivist thinking.

JV Hoffman, yes they don’t get it. they understand only you’re talk as anger toward human,
but they don’t complain TO those who does real dammage in AMERICA, NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY
I was a new blogger and saw them reach out to the brothers AMERICANS, with full proofs,
I thought well maybe they are too strongly pushing it in their troats just a bit,
and soon after the election, there it started , the politic of division, the sneaky race card game, the cutting the rich to give the poor, as if It had never happenned before, but this time it would be done by the GOVERNMENT ,
and then the spending moneys of the TAXPAYERS began for their friends only, F..K AMERICA SHE MUST
all this and more while they are spending AMERICA AWAY.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees so true my friend! So true! Even to my disappointment!

@J V Hoffman:

I poked fun at your curious choice in punctuation and you called me a terrorist. I guess we’re even.

I have read on other threads references by the mods that lead me to believe you are the real deal. I’ve also read you bragging about being friends with all sorts of important people on the Right, Netanyahoo, Reagan,etc. I am a little stunned, because I initially suspected you were a brilliant hoax dreamed up by some stoned kid at NYU rather than a real flesh and blood person. But I suppose you are the real deal, the definitive hard-right warrior, and I should feel honored that you deigned respond to me at all. Thank you for taking the time, and for putting my mind at ease. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing Barrack Obama is in power.

@Tom: Yes but like all liberals (Socialistic Communist) you will wake up to a nightmare tomorrow! promise! It is for sure! Oh and understand Babies are totally cognitive of what is going on around them so it will probably and most certainly be a real nightmare!!!

@J V Hoffman:

Classic response! Last question: When Kubrick was writing Dr Stranglove, did he interview you?

P.S. – I gave you a thumbs up for that.

@Tom: Afraid not big boy! I am the real deal. You pegged me correctly. I am a real conservative and a real soldier against terrorism,an American, a Jew, an Israeli, and a Southerner. You may not like me but I am here a thorn in the side of everyone who may endanger what I see from my life’s experience what I know is true and what is right!
Just like me forefathers I don’t give an inch. I will defend freedom and liberty anywhere I have to do so. I have killed more terrorist than any of you liberals have ever known…an you know what” the pursuit of freedom is endless” those are the words of George Washington the father of our country.

@J V Hoffman:

You may not like me

I do like you. I find you to be an extremely interesting person and I admire your vigor. I only wish you would take up the challenge offered to you time and again for a free and civil exchange of ideas, because I think it would benefit us all see you move beyond platitudes. But as an avatar of freedom, I respect your choice to remain elusive.

@JV (#41):

I have killed more terrorist than any of you liberals have ever known

You know, in nearly 20 years of debating with all manner of people on Internet discussion groups (and my most rancorous debates have been with liberals, rather than conservatives), I’ve never had the slightest concern about standing tall and expressing my First Amendment rights under my own name, but you truly scare me — talking/bragging in the manner you do. Just being so cavalier and full of certitude and dismissive and contemptuous, but also putting all that Black Ops street cred right out there. Beating your chest.

You really do scare me. I’m not scared by your words or your ideas. I’m scared because I worry that you may have a bigger gun than I have and may be a better shot and that you might get the drop on me.

Congratulations. You’ve done what Mike couldn’t do and what Aye couldn’t do and what Hard couldn’t do and what Retire couldn’t do. You’ve scared me right off of this blog. I’m afraid that I might one day say something which makes you go postal.

You are one scary dude. It’s so sad that America has actually come to this.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

jv, I love the way you tell it. Randy too. Keep it up boys , fire them ole bullets of freedom at those nasty liberals.

When this country is gone, there is no place else to go. Nada. None. History is telling us that it isn’t going to get any better. Things aren’t better morally or fiscally. They only get worse. The things that are acceptable to some, a lot, of people, are perversions. But then again, that’s the argument isn’t it, who’s brand of perversion? Well I know what mine aren’t and they aren’t the ones being taught in school today.

Thank you both for your service to the United States of America Why do you bother hiding behind something you are bent on destroying? The First Amendment? I was serving this country most of that time providing freedom for a bunch of unappreciative numb nuts like you! From 1974 until 1984 I served in 6 different countries so we would not have to fight terrorism here! But do not worry if Barry Boy keeps it up it will be on your door step soon! You can’t have much more than a BB gun in Cali-fornica! I wouldn’t live in a communist a State anyway! If I had knew then what I know today I would have did my job with a lot more fervor!!!

@Tom: Tom I honestly mean no harm or bad to anyone here. Anybody who knows me also knows that I will give them the food off my plate and the shirt off my back. I have never had the luxury of fantasy and have been forced to live in reality, harsh realities! I have six children and eight grand children and all of them are better than I am. Because of one simple reason…they know that their Dad and Grand Daddy gave up his life to make sure they would not have to go to war. Because war is the most ugliest aspect of humanity! I just fully understand who we are up against and I am saying what I have seen and experienced and the enemy is growing as we are rocked a sleep. I even wish I was young again to be able to go instead of these young men today.
I have had to taste the bitter herb that politicians sow without thought and I wish that others would never have to taste the same. But honestly we are being marched right into the fire and so many want to believe it is all for good! hi,
you know you come here in a CONSERVATIVES BLOG, you have to expect to encounter
some PATRIOTS, and some of them have endured for many years fighting the ennemies sending them in the pit of hell, they came back ,a few of them only to retire with their injurys and scars,
you come here free as a bird not concious of which will answer to your comment defending your side of politic
AND YOU ARE IN FRONT OF A TRUE PATRIOT, WHICH EARNED THE LANGUAGE HE USE TO EXPRESS HIS VIEWS, he paid the price you just have to listen and put up with it , you did not go through his life, so if you learn to patiently listen to the patriots and their way of talk it won’t kill you,
they deserve our high respect when they come back from hell to protect your right to speak, they are the keeper of the OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION AND WE LEARN A LOT FROM THEIR WORDS IF WE LISTEN,
LET THEM HAVE THEIR SAY AND LEARN FROM WHAT THEY KNOW SOMETHING MORE THAN WE’LL EVER KNOW IN A LIFETIME Clinton was the victim of a witchhunt?? Clinton, a married man as well as Gov. of Arkansas and later President of the United States, chose to cheat on his wife, have numerous adulterous affairs, and ultimately, engage a young woman in sex in the Oval Office of the White House, and then lie to the American people about it. And he is a “victim” because people found out about it?? His behavior was as much a personal choice as Weiner’s was – they both have some serious personal issues, my friend.

You probably missed it when Pelosi (and other prominent Democrats) called on Weiner to resign.

You probably missed, or are perhaps conveniently ignoring, the simple fact that the Dim leadership including Madame Pelosi rallied round Weiner.

In fact, within the course of one day, as the scandal continued to swell, Pelosi expressed her support then did a complete about face a few hours later and called for his resignation instead.

All she could do was to respond appropriately, when the news broke.

So…you think it was appropriate for Madame Pelosi to support the Weiner tweeter in the beginning days of the scandal. Got it.

Which she did.

Yes…she was for the Weiner before she was against it.

They say that ”sunshine is the best disinfectant.”
So, here is an invitation posted internally at Eric Holder’s DOJ… all 815 Civil Rights Division employees.

“It’s Time to Get Together, So Save the Date – It’s time to open up and let the sun shine in!”
The Civil Rights Division will host a get-together on Thursday, June 30th in the Main Justice Courtyard, from 3:00 p.m. Until 6:00 p.m. Beer, wine and snacks will be served. Come on out and enjoy the weather and say hello to your co-workers! Hope to see you there! (Rain/extreme heat date: Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 – Great Hall). Please contact Kathy Anderson in the Executive Office by email or on 202-514-5577 if you have any questions. “

US taxpayers will cover the costs of the beer, the wine, the snacks AND the salaries!
These federal employees are GS-15 ($123,758 – $155,500) .
Also invited to the party are numerous Senior Executive Service employees making $145,700 to $199,700.

Turns out there are two public streets that lead to that party site.
I wonder if they are going to take it inside?
The public now knows when and where.