Obama brings Apocalypse to the US in 2037 [Reader Post]

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The 2012 Obama Presidential re-election campaign is now officially in full swing. It is a shovel ready project.

Shoveling manure.

Obama knows how stupid Democrats are and it is on their stupidity he is depending, for had they any brains or long term memory he would lose in a landslide.

Yesterday brought this amusing news article:

Obama to lay out spending plan

A top White House political and economic adviser says President Obama will lay out new plans this week to reduce the federal deficit.

Obama adviser David Plouffe, speaking Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” says Obama plans to offer ideas for what Plouffe calls “long-term deficit reduction” as Congress begins to debate raising the nation’s debt ceiling.

I know I’ve heard this before….


Obama Targets U.S. Deficit

Starting from a budget deficit that will shatter U.S. peace-time records, President Barack Obama will propose a budget blueprint Thursday that foresees cutting the red ink in half in four years, a senior administration official said Saturday.

Even before passage of his $787 billion stimulus plan, the president’s budget writers foresaw an inherited deficit of $1.3 trillion, equivalent to 9% of the nation’s gross domestic product. With the stimulus and Mr. Obama’s proposed housing rescue, the deficit is likely to be well in excess of $1.5 trillion and possibly as wide as $1.9 trillion, according to private forecasts.

As a side note, consider this:

After unveiling an economic rescue program with a cost likely to exceed a trillion dollars, the president is now eager to emphasize his commitment to fiscal rectitude over the long term. Monday, the White House convenes a summit on fiscal discipline, to begin tackling the burgeoning costs of entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare, address the tax code and look at budget rules to force austerity.

Tackling Social Security? That’ll be the day.

According to Democrats, there’s nothing wrong with Social Security.

Harry Reid tells Republicans to ‘back off’ Social Security

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid drew a line in the sand a long time ago on Social Security, but now that Congress is back in session hammering out a budget, he’s putting extra pomp behind his message to Republicans to “back off” the program.

Even FactCheck.org disagrees

Democrats Deny Social Security’s Red Ink

Some senior Democrats are claiming that Social Security does not contribute “one penny” to the federal deficit. That’s not true. The fact is, the federal government had to borrow $37 billion last year to finance Social Security, and will need to borrow more this year. The red ink is projected to total well over half a trillion dollars in the coming decade.

How is Obama going to get anything reformed with that kind of dimwitted talent leading the ranks of Democrats?

Maybe he’ll just lie about it and employ accounting gimmickry:

Barack Obama says White House budget would not add to the debt within a few years

We think the president’s statement is likely to mislead a lot of Americans about what his budget would do. So we rate Obama’s statement False.

It had to be really, really egregious before PolitiFact would find something Obama said false.


Obama to Propose New Plan to Reduce Long-Term Deficits

White House senior adviser David Plouffe said Sunday that President Obama plans to outline a new proposal for bringing down the federal deficit this week.


Plouffe: Obama to speak on long-term deficit reduction

President Obama will give a speech this week that lays out his plan for handling the nation’s fiscal management, White House senior advisor David Plouffe said Sunday.

“Later this week the president is going to speak about his approach to long-term deficit reduction,” Plouffe said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“He’s going to be clear about the type of deficit reduction we need in terms of dollar amounts, over what period of years,” Plouffe said.

Barack Obama has added nearly $4 trillion to the national debt, which stood at $10 trillion when he took office. The CBO has concluded that if Obama and the Democrats continue on the present course, the economy finds Armageddon in 2037. It collapses.

Social Security collapses that year as well.

I have no doubt that Obama will speak about deficit reduction. I have no doubt that he’ll be clear about what is needed. I even believe he’ll sound sincere.

I also know that he won’t mean one single word of it once the election is past. He and Democrat buddies have had three opportunities to do something positive and each time have done the opposite of what they should do. Which is why you’re an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.

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Harsh criticism again, Dr. J, but on track as usual. It seems that the one thing Obama is really, really good at is speaking, although, only when the teleprompter is running. Want leadership? Go look somewhere else.

Obama will do what is necessary to get reelected, then he will spend, spend, spend.

Good article, Dr. J.

I am not so sure about all the doomsday stuff, first its 2012 now 2037. Its a possibility, but things are changing among “we the people”. We are all a little restless with the situation.

Once again too much name-calling for my taste, I don’t mind a little bit, but I hear a lot of that on the other guys websites.

Can you despise this man any more?
I think you can.
Just read this:
Afghan rules of engagement force U.S. soldiers to free insurgents caught red-handed
Washington Examiner, by Sara A. Carter

Several Taliban detainees who had been captured in February after being observed placing bombs in the culverts of roads used by civilians and military convoys near Kandahar were fed, given medical treatment, then released by American troops frustrated by a policy they say is forcing them to kick loose enemies who are trying to kill them.

Despite what American soldiers say was a mountain of evidence, which included a video of the men planting the bomb and chemical traces found on their hands, there was nothing the soldiers who had captured them could do but feed and care for them…..

Who still trusts this man or considers him competent and why?

Obama is only pretending to move to the middle, just like he pretended to be moderate during the last presidential campaign. If Obama were to get re-elected, I am convinced he would drop all “bipartisan” pretenses and go on a despotic, socialist power-grab the likes of which would make FDR look like a piker. He would try to “make-over” the US government into the “utopian” Soros and his far-left cronies and the media quislings have been openly planning for years.

@DrJohn: The use of adjectives and pronouns?.. I understand the context in which you are using insults, however I know some people who voted for Obama that are considerably more intelligent than myself, but are highly uninformed about his economic and military policy: which nan g highlighted above. I also know a few die hard socialists that don’t care and a few independents that regret their choice. What shocks me is that they all seem to lack in constitutional knowledge, yet they all consider themselves politically intelligent. Idiots? Not necessarily. Uneducated? certainly, all of them! Constitutional education is the problem in my opinion and there is no excuse to not be educated these days.

As a side note, I find it crazy that we have allowed a guy who has never served, or owned a business (or maybe had a real job) to be in the most powerful posting on the planet.

What about the use of idioms?
“Your an idiom if you believe anything Obama says.”

Fair enough Dr J, I enjoy reading your work.

I don’t have the attention span to hear whining and demands for more than about five seconds, it drains my civility gland. Your a doctor I’m sure you’ve seen that happen in your clients.

Civility glands need to be exercised occasionally or they become infected with the bile of disgust.

Liberals have no problem venting the civility glands; actually, their civility glands are known for promiscuous and tawdry behavior. In fact the behavior is so lacking in integrity, there is speculation that a Liberal lacks these civility glands because of genetic abnormalities.


When the left starts worrying about their ‘civility glands’, then I will do so as well. From suggesting that Rep. Gifford’s shooter was a right wing lunatic, to rhetoric relating meager spending cuts equals killing people, to complaining that people who simply want Constitutional limitations re-engaged upon government are “extreme”, to those who label even the most mild criticisms of Obama as racist, the left engages in hyperbole, misrepresentations, and outright lies to paint conservatives as evil. To hell with them.

Dr. J has presented here on FA numerous examples of Obama either saying one thing and then doing another, or caught in outright lies the left would have hammered Bush about, and yet, still the left blindly follows their dear ‘leader’ in directing America towards the trash heap of dead civilizations. To call them Idiots for that is actually kind, and does not have to be reflective of their actual intelligence. I, myself, call them complicit in the murder of American society, and Obama is just one in a long line of murderers, to that respect.

Obama was all in on one budget cut:
$226 million is cut from the southern border fence at the suggestion of Obama.
I bet he’s real proud of himself for getting that done.

Six-month spending bill unveiled: What’s cut and what’s not


No, how about we call a spade a spade and tell people they are idiots if they believe a word zero says.
Just because leftists think they are smart doesn’t mean they are.

@sablegsd: I’ve been on some left websites, like media matters and for many of the people “idiot” is their best argument against people with conservative values. I’m just not interested in sinking to that level, I would rather live above reproach. Dr J uses the insults but I still enjoy the substance of his commentary, substance important.

@Zac: Zac

I think I’ve offered plenty of examples as to why one really has to be an idiot to believe anything Obama says. I held off a long time before seizing on that philosophy but it has become an axiom. I respect and understand your desire for “civility” but even you must recognize the utter lack of sincerity of that sentiment when offered by liberals.

I do not suffer fools well.

@Nan G, I’m sure OT will correct me if I’m wrong, but US soldiers on duty in Kandahar are operating under NATO command and their rules of engagement, not the US. There’s only a small segment of the far SE quadrant (I think, that’s the area) where they are US command.

But perhaps OT will clarify when our troops are wearing UN blue berets, so to speak.

Now now, drj… did you ever consider that perhaps, when it comes to financial spreadsheets, Obama is color blind and thought he’s been reducing the debt by trillions (in the black) instead of adding to it (further in the red)? LOL /sarc

More likely, it’s such a good election talking point, he’s reticent to do anything to diminish it for his next campaign.

All I can say is, it’s gonna be a long POTUS campaign season. Wonder if the Greek columns will be hauled out of mothballs?

Oh, I forgot… hysterical photoshop job there, drj.

@drjohn: I do recognize the lack of civility by the other guys, the stuff I’ve read on liberal sites makes your articles look G rated. People say things on things on media matters/politico that are words that would have never come from my mouth, ever.

You do opinion editorials and so does Keith Olberman, you do it for free; he gets paid for some reason and that is unfortunate. In those regards: I can’t say I blame you, between BHO and Keith Olbermans show I’ve used some choice words at my television.

Compassionate conservatism is my philosophy; although I feel no compassion for whining, laziness or corruption: a lot of what I see from the liberal establishment.

With all due to respect to President Obama , it would look like he has spent up all his political capital. he tried to please everyone but ended up offending everyone.

When a person tries to please man instead of pleasing the One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, then such a person winds up as a lonely disappointed embittered man.

President Obama should kneel down and pray and ask God for forgiveness for mistreating the Nation of Israel and ask God to bless Israel.

The sad thing is there is a bunch of atheists and pagans that all try to get their two cents worth of advice on policy that leans away from doing what is right and leans towards promoting the isolation of Israel.

There is gross deception in the earth propagated by false prophets and their false religion that is from the pits of hell.

Some pagans and some heathens believe in their Book of lies that speaks of “….ANOTHER JESUS….” that is totally opposite to the REAL LORD JESUS CHRIST of the BIBLE.

If Barak Hussein Obama is a true Christian then he will believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST spoken of in the HOLY BIBLE .


Israel is in the homeland that GOD gave to Abraham with well defined boundaries written in the Bible. Every Bible Student knows that.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

The Land of Israel must not be divided.

May God Bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.


Zac ” W” coined “compassionate conservatism.” What does that mean to you?