democrats suddenly think lying is a bad thing
democrats in this country have suddenly discovered morality. Out of nowhere, the party that lied about Russian collusion all through the tenure of the 45th President has had an …
democrats in this country have suddenly discovered morality. Out of nowhere, the party that lied about Russian collusion all through the tenure of the 45th President has had an …
Dying people tend to show remorse and seek and offer forgiveness. Not Harry Reid. He is going out as the amoral liar he proved himself to be. He tore …
As the new Congress convenes, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) demonstrates that for some reason being a democrat leader in Congress has the unfortunate prerequisite of being an idiot. A …
Earlier this year it became clear that democrats would be running away from Obama as the election neared: Vocal opposition to the administration’s policies has been another tactic used by …
The kerfuffle over the Redskins’ name is almost amusing. One has to wonder how it is that after eighty years the name Redskins suddenly became a pejorative. The team was …
Harry Reid is an execrable human being. He is the brown stain in the Senate’s undershorts. Reid has always been a jerk, the master of the insult: About George W. …
Climate change skeptics are headed the way of Christians in Egypt and the left is readying the machetes and torches. Yesterday Harry Reid declared “Climate change deniers still exist. They …
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? It’s getting worse. It’s a malignancy. It’s a vast right wing conspiracy. In what is one of most ghastly actions I can ever remember seeing from a …
The masks are off. democrats are proving just how deeply fulminant racism runs through them. They maintain a charade of cordiality but burn inside with hatred of Hispanics. Especially highly …
Most Americans probably don’t even realize there are 27 amendments to the Constitution. They probably could tell you there are 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights, but probably couldn’t …