Kamala Harris unveils her socialist economic policy agenda
Kamala Harris has unveiled her socialist economic policy agenda and it’s everything you’d expect from a far left-wing socialist
Kamala Harris has unveiled her socialist economic policy agenda and it’s everything you’d expect from a far left-wing socialist
Every day we hear from Biden and democrats about how great the economy is. It’s great for hedge fund traders and illegal immigrants who are replacing American workers but it …
Welcome back to Day 1046 of the Biden* occupation! Can it really be that the calendar is down to just one page? We know that means just one more moth …
The most extensive theft of our cash has been imposed by our own Federal Government. The politically motivated and seemingly endless printing of dollars has reduced the value of our …
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Barack Obama claimed that there was no “immediate” debt crisis: Well– I understand. Which is why, at some point, I think I take myself …
The 2012 Obama Presidential re-election campaign is now officially in full swing. It is a shovel ready project.
Shoveling manure.
Obama knows how stupid Democrats are and it is on their stupidity he is depending, for had they any brains or long term memory he would lose in a landslide.
Under the control of Democrats the budget of the United States has grown by a trillion dollars in the last few years.
Obama and the Democrats have exploded federal spending. They have a two pronged effort to ruin this country underway- one is to irretrievably bury us in debt and the second is simple denial.
Republican Leaders Draw A Line In The Sand
Both Boehner and McConnell have declined invitations to a state dinner by President Obama to honor the Chinese leader Hu. Obama is like a giddy schoolgirl getting ready for a date with the high school quarterback as he bends over to make the Hu feel special.