The Thing that wouldn’t leave
Presidents are generally expected to sort of go quietly into the night following the end of their terms. Some do not. Then there are those who need to STFU …
Presidents are generally expected to sort of go quietly into the night following the end of their terms. Some do not. Then there are those who need to STFU …
Irony def: noun, plural i·ro·nies. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: Hypocrisy def: noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies. 1. a pretense …
Barack Obama learned of the coming plans for Russian election meddling in 2014: The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the …
Really, there is no doubt. Let’s look at the timeline. There are some truly key dates, January 5 and 12 being two of them. Here we go: 2014: Obama …
Recently, Saudi oilfields were struck by drones and set ablaze. The disruption of the oil supply is set to have an economic impact: LONDON, Sept 15 (Reuters) – The …
The democrat party has swung so far to the left such that in contrast “my people” Eric Holder appears to be a moderate. Holder is no stranger to controversy: …
You knew he would be back. You knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from the spotlight. His ego needed re-charging. He needed to be adored and worshiped …
Read all about it! The US was attacked by Russia! Listen to the eruptions of democrat outrage over these hacking attacks, each one trying to outdo the other: Sen. …
Barack Obama came into office looking to be Vladimir Putin’s BFF. One of his first actions in office was to scrap a proposed missile shield for Eastern Europe. During …
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It can also be worth several million votes. The above picture was taken in 2005 by Askia Muhammad: Photojournalist …