While we’re on the subject of nationalized oil….

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While the comments are flying hot and heavy over on the Bush to Congress thread, today’s Investment Business Daily editorial is a side dish complement. The op-ed cuts right thru the mustard, and calls out the DNC on their absurd – and dangerous – suggestions to nationalize the oil industry.

Believe it or not… there’s nothing I can add to make this better.  (is that a sigh of relief I hear out there???) So RTFA… :0)   Here’s the first paragraphs to titillate you into the complete read.

Oh yeah… for those that think the oil industry is really screwing it up, there’s a pertinent truth waiting for you near the end: 93% of the world’s oil reserves are controlled either directly, or indirectly, by government.  uh huh… let’s add another one to the fray, right DW?

In the kind of “oops!” moments politicians have when they say something they wish they hadn’t, two House Democrats have recently suggested nationalizing the U.S. oil industry.

The first was the far-left Maxine Waters of South Central Los Angeles. During a May 22 grilling of oil CEOs, she responded: “Well, I can see that this congresswoman is going to favor nationalizing the oil companies, and making sure the prices go down.”

Then, this week, responding to President Bush’s call for more drilling, the just-as-liberal Maurice Hinchey of New York’s Borscht Belt chipped in with: “We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets into the market.”

[Mata Musing: Dupray’s provided the video links….]

This is what it’s about: “control.” And it’s extremely dangerous for our democracy because once government controls the economy, it controls you, too. Then the Constitution, which guarantees your rights as a citizen of our republic, becomes a dead letter.

What’s especially shocking is these two extremists no longer seem out of step with what used to be a centrist Party.

Don’t take our word for it. A Rasmussen Poll released Tuesday showed that 37% of Democrats think nationalizing the oil companies is a good idea. Only 32% disagreed with that.

snip – continue reading at IBD

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That 32% who don’t think nationilizing the oil industry should re-priorize their thinking and their loyalties. Do centrist democrats who don’t seem to understand where their party is going really want to help keep these people in power? Do they really want a socialist state? Our biggest problem is that the centrist democrats seem to see the republican party as the same hidebound party of the 20s and 30s. Neither party is the same as it was then. The republican party IS the centrist party and the word is not getting out. The democrat party is going extreme left toward socialism and communism and are a danger to us all.

The Democrats have been taken over from within by Marxist-Socialists and are running a Chicago Stalinist for President, a puppet figure who will be run from behind the screen by The Central Committee.
As Socialists they know about as much about Economics as a bank-robber knows about Finance – where the money is and how to take it.
God help us all.

Unbelieveable that 37% of Democrats say they are in favor of nationalizing oil companies. Does the same percentage support replacing the Stars and Strips with the Hammer and Sickle?

The oil companies reinvest the majority of the profits they earn directly back into a search for more energy. They also pay approximately 41% of what they earn in taxes.

The surest way to make the energy problem worse is to stick government’s nose further into it.

And I figured that out despite going to a public school and a very, VERY liberal arts university.

Hey Mata, want a foot message?

Good idea. Nationalize a a whole industry. The government has trouble with collecting tolls, does anyone really think the government, at any level, can run anything?

Just my .02

Health care, oil – next the Dems will be talking about socializing food and housing. Housing projects & bread lines for all – yay.

Somehow I think the Gov. could find a way to lose money in the oil industry. If anyone can do that, it’s a communist/socialist/democrat.

The dems have this theory that if they repeat something so many times it will be accepted as truth. They are dipping their toes into this nationalizing the oil industry a little bit now to see how it flies but it will rise in crescendo in the future. They hope it will be accepted by the illiterate and clueless who make up much of their party and get it generally accepted. I’ll bet the general public don’t have a clue that supply and demand and the price of a barrel of oil have anything to do with high gas prices. Or even that the president can do nothing to change this. They think the oil companies are crooked and the president is in thei tank for the oil companies. I blame our so called public school education of this illiteracy and cluelessness.