To Everything There is a Season… Memorial Day 2013
The origin of Decoration Day – what we today call Memorial Day – has evolved and changed through our American ages. And with that evolution came the various perspectives of …
The origin of Decoration Day – what we today call Memorial Day – has evolved and changed through our American ages. And with that evolution came the various perspectives of …
In what is likely to be a vicious battle to a close finish, both Presidential candidates turn to the traditional carrot-on-a-stick method of campaigning… pandering to a particular demographic with …
Despite July 2nd as the actual day the Continental Congress voted to approve a motion by the VA delegate Richard Henry Lee, calling for the colonies’ independence after a year …
private haftpflichtversicherung testsieger Gen. John Allen, a top US commander in Afghanistan, marked this Memorial Day by reading the words of Sgt. William Stacey – a Marine who, on his …
It’s so very important for the GOP and conservative voter to stay focused on the winning issues this year… that being it is, and remains, “the economy, stupid”. The path to winning is one solid plan to propose – a broad, all encompassing energy policy that exploits all US resources to drive down current and futures barrel prices, create jobs and boost revenue, and liberate the US from dependence on crazy, violent Middle East despots and tyrants.
That said, I’m quite sure that the Canadian Free Press’s article will start the stampede to characterize Obama’s latest Executive Order as an intent to seize assets during peacetime, and dole them out to favored private industries (i.e. donors), and declare peacetime emergency martial law on a whim.
We have another of those “death panel” tail-chasing debates coming up … only this time it will be a “death spiral”. Just as many erroneously characterized the “death panels” of O’healthcare as the proposed approved payment for end of life counseling – when it was really the creation of the czar appointees on the IMAC/IPAB Medicare board – the defenders of the private insurer “death spirals” ride a dizzying vortex of distraction and mistruths as well.
While the two front runners still follow the Obama contraceptive distraction down the political rabbit hole, and away from Obama’s record, at least the two “also rans” – Ron Paul and Newt – are trying to remain focused on the winning issues important to voters, needed for a Nov win of the WH… the economy, and by proxy, prices at the pump.
Now that Obama has successfully shifted the GOP campaign off of the economy, jobs, debt and spending, and into a bizarre form of acceptance of federal intrusion into national health care criteria, events that should be good news for the GOP are getting buried under passionate rhetoric. I’m not sure if any one has spent time, pondering the convenient timing of this contraceptive mandate’s rise to prominence, two years after it’s creation and in a hot election year. But does the usual Alinksy bait and switch maneuver come to mind? How convenient to steer the conversation away from Obama’s past and looming future fiscal failures, and into a predictably divisive conservative arena…. to the exclusion of most everything else.
That’s not wise…
If we are to gauge the level of respect and honor in our civil society, we need only look to those we – or our elected representatives – consider deserving …
This was worthy of sharing the grin… Grace Wyler over at Business Insider has shared some RNC Valentine’s Day cards to their pals and gals across the aisle. And since …