The GOPe is Ruining America (Guest Post)
The Republicans continue to block the Trump agenda. So called Republicans such as McCain, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and others have views that are not much different than the …
The Republicans continue to block the Trump agenda. So called Republicans such as McCain, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and others have views that are not much different than the …
This week we were treated to insight into extensive banking corruption as Wells Fargo fired thousands of employees for creating fictional client accounts and moving client money into such accounts, …
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a watershed piece of legislation in American history. Based on the 15th Amendment, it outlawed discrimination based on racial, ethnic, religious and gender …
Apple and its CEO Tim Cook are making history, superseding very serious Administration scandals from the MSM’s consciousness and from the front pages, as they endure a very public assault …
It could have been a powerful tool. Obama blew it and blew it big. The real answer was simple. The idea of the sequester came from the White House: “In …
We progress, marching forward leaving behind us a trail of yesterdays, filled with events large and small, assembling memories, but some of the more momentous occurrences rise to a superior level which we include in our collective “history.” In that wake of our advance some of those momentous waves swell further, rising to become events that only hindsight can identify as pivotal moments in that shared recollection.
In March of 1937, in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish erstwhile conservative Justice Owen Roberts suddenly began voting to support New Deal legislation. His change of heart was the beginning of what became known as “The switch in time that saved nine.” His sudden reversal was in direct response to FDR’s threat to pack the Court in the face of the Court’s resistance to the President’s sweeping progressive agenda. From that point forward the Constitution ceased to be a significant barrier to anything FDR wanted to do.
Congress has a penchant for passing toothless legislation, especially as it affects them. The STOCK Act is no exception. STOCK stands for Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge. There is enthusiasm for such a law.
Fervor over insider trading on Capitol Hill reached a peak last fall following the airing of a “60 Minutes” segment questioning whether lawmakers including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) made investments based on their knowledge of legislative activity to which they would be privy.
From Jake Tapper:
In a statement issued Friday night, President Obama took issue with some provisions in the budget bill – and in one case simply says he will not abide by it.
Basically, Obama told Congress to f*** off and not to interfere with the King’s rule. This is the same guy who couldn’t be bothered to tell Congress he was getting the country into another war.
Caution: This video may cause your head to asplode. Wrap your head tightly with duct tape prior to viewing. The tape will not prevent your cranial asplosion but at least …