More proof of the radical nature of the modern Democrat Party, as exemplified by Barack Obama. Following up on this post, Don’t Tell Me Obama Isn’t A Marxist, we have House Democrats proposing the NATIONALIZATION of the oil industry. That means confiscation, just like Hugo Chavez and Stalin before him. From Hot Air.
A few day ago Maxine Waters had the same idea. Also from Hot Air.
This liberal will be all about socializing, uhh, uhh, will be about basically taking over, and the government running all of your companies.
Marxism. Pure and simple.
Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room
Yea, the oil belongs to all of us because it’s in American soil! So is all the gold, silver, copper, lumber, fish, cows, pigs, corn, wheat, etc, etc, etc. So, hey, lets nationalize EVERY SWINGING THING that originates in America!
Hey, we could call it…what? Socialism? Communism?
Yeah, nationalize the oil indyustry because they’ve done so well w everything else from Amtrak to Social Security. Govt does it oh-so-much better and cheaper.
Yes, Comrade Obama is a Marxist. And so are a lot of the current crop of Democrats in Congress, they just keep it on the quiet.
Is communism in our future? The failure of the old Soviet Union wasn’t bad planning, nope just didn’t have enough money.
Now we’re getting down to the nitty gritty. Comin’ up on the down and dirty. The dems better watch out, their slips are a showin’.
They’re getting a bit over confident I think. They keep talkin’ like this and a revolution just might be on the docket. The silent majority has just about had enough of the sharp stick in the eye.
Of course the U.S. oil industry should be nationalized and operated as a non-profit public service like many electric companies are. Think about it for a moment. Every American that buys gas from a gas station is directly affected by the price of gas. And oil affects every other industry in this country from trucking to retail to wholesale to the airlines to restaurants etc. All of it. Is the U.S. supposed to allow one single industry to literally hold every gas-buying American and every single other industry in the country hostage? Because that is precisely what is happening. Do you like paying $4/gallon for gas? Will you like paying $5 or $6/gal. or whatever it will be next year for gas?
If you ask the average American if they want A.) to keep things the way they are and end up paying $4 or $5 or $6 or more per gallon indefinitely and getting ripped off by privately-owned capitalist oil companies; or B.) if they want to nationalize the oil companies for the good of the average American and pay $2.50/gal. or whatever they can bring the price down to when the profit margin is taken out of the picture, I would bet my life on the fact that about 98% of them would say “I don’t care if you call it the Leon Trotsky Red Proletariat Socialist Oil Company, just give me gas that I can afford to fill up my tank with without having to take out a second mortgage on my home.”
Nationalize the oil companies NOW.
Brutal Truth, hey, what make you think of 2.50 for gaz, how about 10 dollard a gallon if they natinalyze
those OIL INDUSTRYS, BECAUSE you just have to look what they did with other nationalyze product,
did it help to have it for a lower cost, how is the economy’s doing with the tax money the government get, how is their spending’s spree is doing, all is not properly manage, so there’s your answer.