Barack Obama / Culture / Fanatical Islam / Global Regions / Islam / Liberal Idiots / Politics / Uncategorized / WtF? Obama: Submission Accomplished Dhimmitude is the surrendering to and appeasing of Muslims. It is now the official foreign policy of Barack Obama. Obama is unable to use the terms Islamic and terrorism or …
1st Amendment / 2nd Amendment / Barack Obama / Constitution / Freedom / George Soros / Hearts & Minds / Islam / Libya / Obama Euphoric-Rapture Syndrome / Politics / Radical Relationships / Religion / Saddam Documents / Socialized Health Care “I Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear to preserve, protect and defend Islam from the Consitution of the United States” [Reader Post] June 4, 2009 “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” Not Catholicism. Not Judaism. Only Islam.