Obama: Submission Accomplished

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Dhimmitude is the surrendering to and appeasing of Muslims. It is now the official foreign policy of Barack Obama. Obama is unable to use the terms Islamic and terrorism or extremism in the same sentence. It’s frustrating both the right and the left.

“The idea that you’re tying outreach to terrorist activity is both offensive to the community and specious from a counterterrorism research perspective,” said Mike German of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law.

Obama had no problem calling Americans “enemies” of the state. He had no problem labeling returning American vets as “terrorist threats.” He called the right “domestic terrorists.”

Obama didn’t hesitate to bring up the Crusades, albeit wrongly. In so doing, Obama mindlessly argued that Islam was a religion eight hundred years behind civilization. Obama asserted that slavery and segregation were Christian traditions and even managed to offend India.

The shooting of Jews in a kosher deli is a “random” act, says Obama. Twenty one Coptic Christians were “randomly” beheaded in Iraq.

He can’t say “Islamic extremism.” Why is that? Obama has never raised a rhetorical umbrella over Christianity or Judaism to protect them from the heat of criticism but now builds a bunker to shield Islam. It seems the more atrocities committed in the name of Islam the more forceful the defense.


We can’t fight Islamic terrorists, asserts the Obama regime. That will only make things worse. We can’t make them mad. We need to make them comfortable. We need to give them jobs.

What tripe. No war was ever lost by killing all of the enemy.

Obama’s assertion that 99.9% of Muslims reject radicalism is nonsense. And frightening:

– An alarming 26% of American Muslims ages 18 to 29 believe suicide bombings vs. non-Muslims “can be justified.” That means our Muslim youth are just as radicalized as their counterparts in France, Germany and Britain.

– “Taking the life of those who abandon Islam is most widely supported in Egypt (86%) and Jordan (82%)”

– Solid majorities in Egypt, Lebanon and several other Muslim nations agree that carrying out suicide bombings against non-Muslims “can be justified,”

– Though Pew’s seminal 2007 poll of 1,050 U.S. Muslims did not ask about Shariah law, it found that even in America, a large majority of Muslims — 69% — believe women should be separated from or subordinated to men.

– What’s more, a majority of devout Muslims here don’t think Muslims should adopt “American customs.” They think the Muslim community should remain distinct from American society, and they frown on other Muslim immigrants assimilating into American life. Younger Muslims express even less patriotism, with 60% under 30 saying they’re more loyal to Islam than America.

Exactly when did the self-described Constitutional scholar become an Islamic scholar?

Here’s the thing. Why is it OUR responsibility to solve this problem? Why does Obama demand that WE avoid being offended by what people do in the name of Islam? Why do WE have to fear that our outrage over the atrocities committed by Muslims might “radicalize” more of them?

What the f*ck?

Why isn’t Islam more afraid that what Muslims are doing in the name of Allah might piss us off even more? Why is this the job of the President of the US?

Why aren’t THEY cleaning up their problem?

The man Obama vehemently opposed, Egypt’s al Sisi, actually identifies the problem:

I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move… because this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.

Obama could take a lesson from Sisi. Instead, Obama is likely to send NASA again to reach out to the Islamic extremists.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

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It was good you quoted General al Sisi.
I found a Jordanian attorney and columnist Zaid Nabulsi who really does understand Islam (unlike Obama, Psaki and Harf.)
Here’s the link plus a few tidbits:

[ISIS] did not invent a new Islam. On the contrary, its followers are strict adherents of the same [Wahhabist] textbooks quoted in that long letter to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi last year from 120 Islamic scholars.

“There is obviously a propensity towards eliminating ‘the other’ imbedded deep within Wahhabist ideology.
It is not only foolish to deny this fact, it is also dangerous, for we would be covering the cancerous tumour with a bandage.
What we cannot deny is that many of the Wahhabist textbooks are the same operating manuals that Islamist butchers use to justify their savagery.
For example, very few people know that while [the Jordanian pilot] Muath was being set on fire in that macabre video, the voiceover was a recitation of an Ibn Taymiyah fatwa deeming the incineration of unbelievers a legitimate act of jihad.
Ibn Taymiyah is not some obscure scholar on the fringe of Sunni Islam.
In the Sunni world, he is universally venerated with the title ‘Sheikh of Islam,’ elevating him to an almost infallible clerical status.
“If we really want to defend Islam as a religion of mercy, if we really want to be believed when we proclaim the innocence of this religion, we need to do more than just repeat this meaningless mantra about us having nothing to do with [ISIS].
We have to muster the courage to identify the specific texts [in Wahhabism] that actually defame Islam, denounce them and permanently cleanse Islamic tradition of them.”

“Some Wahhabist teachings, which have permeated the air we breathe in the Muslim world, are simply irreconcilable with decent human values, especially the ones that declare that every non-Wahhabist is a disposable body whose blood may be shed without problems.
So enough of this burial of our heads in the sand.
It has become tiresome to keep hearing the unproductive cliché that Islam is innocent after each atrocity committed by devout fanatics who did nothing except execute the exact letter of their textbooks, which order them to slaughter the infidels.
“The escapist [view] that mainstream Islam has nothing to do with those atrocities does not hold water anymore because Wahhabism and Islam have become indistinguishable.
To understand the crisis of Muslims today, one has to remember that Wahhabism exists in several textbooks containing the alleged sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, or books of ‘Hadith,’ revered by so many.
What we must confront is the undeniable fact that it is from many stories found in these books that the unprecedented cruelty of groups such as the so-called Islamic State and Jabhat Al-Nusra emanates.

For a long time I have wondered if any leading Muslims would bravely make this link between Wahhabism and those terroristic Islamic organizations.
The USA has allowed the Saudis to infiltrate all of our schools of higher learning with Wahhabi texts, supplied for free.
Most of the new Mosques in the USA have been Wahhabi in their slant, too.
If a Jordanian can see this, If Gen. el-Sisi can see this, why can’t our leaders see it?

Well,that’s why they are called Dhimmicrats

Most accurate reports about individual ISIS members do not report strict piety
Most report drug use alcohol consumption theft
They seem to be about as Islamic as Krony’s lords resistance Army is Christian
He is responsible for killing about 100000
Send me an email when ISIS gets close to that number


I am constantly amazed at how little you progressives/liberal really know. While Kony may claim the mantilla of Christianity, he is being funded by the president of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, a Muslim radical, and the employer of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.’s brother, Malik Obama, a Muslim Brotherhood devotee.

“The LRA has long enjoyed the patronage of the Sudanese government of President Omar al-Bashir (who is also a wanted war criminal).”

When Obama sent our troops to the Sudan, even they reported back that Kony was being funded by al-Bashir.

But Kony is all this idiotic State Department has to try to equivocate and downplay ISIS.

Just to make sure the world knows that Jarrett and Obama are seriously angered at the current Egyptian government for having replaced the Muslim Brotherhood, they are NOT supporting, and NOT supportive of, Egypt’s retaliating strikes against ISIL for the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians.

These EGOS are beyond comprehension. Whose side are they on?