The Week in Radical Leftism, 04/26/2024
Welcome back to Day 1194 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! On to the crazy: 4/17 – Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices I love headlines like this …
Welcome back to Day 1194 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! On to the crazy: 4/17 – Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices I love headlines like this …
Some things in life are constant. My entire life America has been one of those things. Despite Vietnam, Watergate, Iran Contra, the Dot Com bubble, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the …
Welcome back! First off, happy final day of Channukah! Is this really our last post before Christmas? 2020 has been the year that has managed to fly by and …
Adolph Hitler said: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” That line may never have been as true as it …
First off, I have no delusions that President Trump is another President Lincoln. Both are incredibly consequential presidents, although in very different ways. For example, I doubt Lincoln would have …