Leftists Say they’re Afraid that Trump is the Next Hitler – they’re Actually Terrified he’s the Next Lincoln

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First off, I have no delusions that President Trump is another President Lincoln. Both are incredibly consequential presidents, although in very different ways. For example, I doubt Lincoln would have had fun sending Democrats into a froth mouthed frenzy for racing his horse and buggy for a lap at The Daytona 500. But the comparison has to come up given how every so often we hear about how the country is headed for another Civil War. This article in the American Thinker makes a great case that it actually started days before President Obama was sworn into office. What’s interesting is how much we see in the articled mentioned that’s taking place today – it was written a year ago.

That said, I’ll get to my point a lot quicker than faithful readers are used to when I write posts with some crazy claim in the title. Thankfully, the “Trumphitler” claims have mostly flamed out, as once proven unsuccessful Leftists simply pirouette to the next slander, white supremacist, Russian asset, etc. I never put much stock in the various name calling, as Leftists are always going to hate whichever current Emmanuel Goldstein they’ve been told to hate. Of course, they conveniently overlook the biggest parallel, comparing how the 1930’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party treated political rivals and what we saw happen in 2016.

As for Lincoln? Let’s look at the eerie similarities:

President Trump was preceded by a Democrat who tore this country apart.

So was Lincoln. (In Buchanan’s defense, his more due to incompetency, and not a stated goal)

Lincoln had to deal with a secession movement backed by a foreign power.

So has President Trump.

With the end of the Civil War, racist white Democrats wearing white robes and hoods wanted to have black Americans disarmed.

Damn. That was almost too easy.

Democrats after the Civil War harassing black citizens who wouldn’t fall in line? Check.

Still at it today? Check.

Violence against people who have the audacity to disagree with Democrats? Yep, this is old hat.

And of course, we have no shortage of it today.

And more specifically, violence against journalists who don’t tow the Democrats’ party line? Oh yes.

While out in Portland, this happens so often I’m surprised none of the local papers have a section dedicated to this topic.

I’m sure that there are more examples, but this is all I can think of for now. Drop any I missed in the comments section below!

One last note, if  another Civil War happened, it would not go how The Radical Left thinks it would. Two years ago Kurt Schlichter gave one of his great sarcastic,mocking, yet reality founded take on the topic. Or years ago, Dave Barry wrote a great piece saying that if the Civil War were refought, the South would win this time due to their numerical superiority in the category of pickup trucks with gun racks. It’s tough to argue that point…

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Liberal Eco-Freaks lay awake all night thinking the last Rain Forest Tree will be chopped down Yeah just listen to their mindless whinig all 24/7 Whine Whine Whine

Great fun to ask someone calling Trump a fascist to give examples of his fascist actions. The following silence belies their ignorance of fascists and fascism. They don’t even see themselves acting like fascists.

In a way, Trump has emancipated blacks (and women and Hispanics) from liberal bondage. Many have recognized this themselves.

Downgrading what happened during WW2 isnt helping them.
Its the feminists of the Democrat party that have to be told how to dress,all in white but missing the hoods, where to sit, and if they can stand or clap. Showing all how well trained they are, even the geldings at the SOTU took cues.
GenX Bob might not fully get this ploy to get people to attend a Joe rally, no Malarkey.

Maybe he’s the second coming of Jesus.

idiots have several stunning attributes that place them in this category. the first is the lack of historical knowledge and secondly the licentious behavior of righteousness. if one reads and digests the contents of William Shires work The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich the reader would understand that there is no comparison to the leftist’s propaganda. Shirer’s work is monumental in the documentation of Hitler’s rise to power and his demise. I seriously doubt that the left has any concept of the Anschluss in 1937. Greg, do you know what the Anschluss was?

@Greg: Despite the miracle of making dems hate Dershowitz and love Bolton I still think you are wrong on that Brother.


Maybe he’s the second coming of Jesus.

I thought that was Obama.


Guess things weren’t what they seemed…too easy to dismantle a messianic “legacy” when the person is a cardboard-cutout demagogue.

The Dems engineered a kardashian-style performer in the way of Obama, and invited a real performer in the way of Trump. You idiots deserve the embarrassment and ass-whooping you’re getting.

Any headway on finding a viable platform, or viable candidate?

Oh, and now this:

‘Obama Personally Asked the FBI to Investigate Someone on Behalf of George Soros,’ Says Alan Dershowitz

Seems Obama used the office of the President for his own personal gain…


Candidate Trump managed to consolidate the conservative votes (except for a few Never-Trumpers) to himself along with attracting tons of moderate voters from the center, the independent, even quite a few Democrats.
On top of that he got huge numbers of those who hadn’t bothered to vote in recent elections to come out for him.

Since becoming president he has also continued to co-opt the once-moderate Democrat positions on many issues.
The Dems see themselves racing to their most extreme Leftist/Socialist stances and seem incapable of reversing this trend.
Even were the eventual nominee to claim he’s now a “moderate” who would believe him?
His constituents were those who boo’ed God until He was removed from the Dem Platform!

President Trump has indeed given people used to being trapped on Dem plantations tremendous freedom of expression.
Even those pink hats were free expressions not even conceived of only a year before.
Huge numbers of people are finding their voices and seeing that they agree with Trump.
The enthusiasm gap is gigantic.

@Greg: As long as he’s not the second coming of Obama.

@Nathan Blue: OK, where’s your list of righteous DOJ personnel that objected and resigned?

@Brother Bob: The big surprise is that he is not demonstrating how to fit them into the 5.25 floppy drive.

The Next ” Civil War” will not be fought by standing armies, but by random groups that self assemble on each side… I suggest that before anyone decides to lock horns with the “Old South” they should consider the population in the south, the number of weapons known to be there and southern attitude. Many southerners still think the South is still suffering from Reconstruction… and our liberal brothers are willingly assuming that mantle that was created by the Democrats since 1865.. I find it difficult to believe that the “anti-gun” Liberals can be convinced to start a shooting war with the South since many Southerners operate from a default position of defiance. (If you Ain’t from Dixie, they don’t like you). I am now an old man, and this country has been involved in wars of some sort all my life. As a observer of history and human nature I believe that if we have another Civil War, it will be a doozie.

@Brother Bob:And as Dennis Prager says, “Truth is not a value of the Left.”

@Brother Bob: Last time I used a real floppy was in the C64 to play algebra dragon with my son then 6, he impressed his teachers with dot matrix printed reports, 64k of ram boom!

My Sr. year the thug Mario Savio had his “Goons of the Gate” who became heroes to the Press (MSM 60 years ago) for beating the shit out of anyone critical of Dems!

Progressive violence is “old hat”. What is new is that folk like Rush have given it some airtime theist 40 years!

@MOS #8541: I have my serious doubts that little Greggie knows what day it is. I’m fairly certain it’s still trying to figure out what gender it is.

@Jake Jennette:

The Next ” Civil War” will not be fought by standing armies, but by random groups that self assemble on each side

Exactly. The elitists on the left think they will be safe in their gated communities so they’ll have nothing to lose which is why they don’t care if they push everyone else to where the gloves come off. Little do they know there won’t be any Gettysburg’s or Chancellorsville’s whereby they won’t be near the fighting. It’ll resemble post-invasion Iraq which is the norm these days for civil wars.

The next Hitler is Mini-Mike, an absolute control freak. The senile old Communist has visions of being Lenin, he doesn’t strike me as being a Stalin type but….might not take much if he survives the next heart attack. Steyer has less than a snowballs chance in hell but is a lying narcissist. The worse threat is AOC and her Justice Democrats handlers, that Indian/american Communist, Saikat Chakrabarti. Smart and rich. Where is McCarthy when we need him?

@Nathan Blue:
Pointedly accurate response. Bonus points.

I wish I had the same love for Lincoln as many others do, but his trail of misdeeds speaks loudly as do his accidental successes. No back-and-forth about it; better subject for another post.

Lincoln started a new political party, the Republicans.
Trump is in the process of starting a new political party, the deplorables.
Although Lincoln was not particularly religious, he often turned to the KJV for his cadences.
Although Trump was not religious before he was elected, he has shown himself very strong in the defense of those of faith, particularly of Israel.
There are differences, of course. Trump has not grown a beard. Trump’s wife is not a crazy ditz. Trump gets by on less sleep than Lincoln did. Trump is a much better stump politician than Lincoln was. Lincoln was very severe in his criticism of his generals during the Civil War. “If you aren’t using the army, General, can I borrow it for a few days?” “Find out what whisky he drinks, and I will send a barrel of it to my other Generals.”
Lincoln was driven by his mastery of Euclid and the systematic use of logic and reasoning. Trump is driven by his knowledge of making deals work, and insuring that the U S always gets a fair deal.
Trump is not another Lincoln. He is himself.

I don’t think I’ll be looking at you video.

Off the subject but just recently up in Canada a bunch of Eco-Freaks erected Baracade to block a train their oppose to a pipeline but some others when in and torn down their Baracade Way too bad for these stupid tree huggers

@Jake Jennette:

very very true

@Boris Badenov:
you need to read the work entitle The Naked Communist by W.Cleon Skousen. little mikey is a true commuist. you need to read the book to unserstand why

@mathman: @mathman:
For 60 years I thought Roosevelt’s dad was a Whig. A Whig lost 6 straight elections to Republicans. He vowed , if given enough $ and men he’d destroy the Republicans. He later decided “If you can’t beat em; join em”. The First Republican too run for President was from Cal 1856. The Whig who lost 6 straight elections to Republicans was the second Republican to run and the 1st to win.

The Whigs hated Abe because – to them – he was a turncoat!

Some no good lowdown scumbags vandalized Plymouth Rock with their filthy Graffitti

@Greg: And everyone has an *sshole. Doesn’t mean we rule the country by partisan-tainted mob opinion polls.

Elections are the mechanism by which “we the people” govern ourselves. The Tyranny of the Majority (or at least the tyranny of the manufactured image of a false majority), is not to be tolerated.

@Nathan Blue, #36:

Trump is too incompetent to become the next Hitler. That has both its positive and negative aspects.

The news this evening is that Trump’s State Department overrode the CDC’s strenuous objections and flew fourteen Americans who had already tested positive for coronavirus infection back to the United States in a commercial aircraft carrying a full load of uninfected passengers.

Coronavirus-stricken cruise ship passengers returned to US against CDC advice

…When State Department and administration officials decided to go through with the evacuation, the CDC’s principal deputy director, Anne Schuchat, requested not to be included in the news release announcing the decision.

“CDC did weigh in on this and explicitly recommended against it,” Schuchat wrote in an email to the State Department, a HHS official told the Post. “We should not be mentioned as having been consulted as it begs the question of what was our advice.”

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the virus that causes COVID-19, is relatively contagious; it has an R0 (pronounced R-nought) of 2.2, meaning each infected person spreads the virus to an average of 2.2 others, according to a study published Jan. 29 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). For comparison, this R0 value was initially around 3 for SARS, before that number was brought down to less than 1. The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times.

The infected passengers flew in a cordoned-off section of the airplane, separated from the other passengers by plastic sheeting, according to the State Department news release…

Right. They hung up plastic sheets. Did anyone at the State Department look into how the air circulation system on passenger jets works, or how the infection was spreading among cruise ship passengers or through apartment buildings? Do they understand that infected persons appear to spread the virus before symptoms appear, and that it’s more contagious than normal influenza?

Systemic incompetence can be every bit as dangerous as bad intentions.

@Greg: Some passengers decided to stay aboard rather than be the CDCs lab rats.
LA Times, 2/13/2020, “Doctors fight coronavirus outbreak with drugs that target HIV, malaria and Ebola”:
The adverse side effects of these drugs is staggering.
Testing kits sent to states that are inaccurate. Zero real information coming out of China.
What a perfect environment to rid yourself of a few those with low social credit scores and protestors.
2 Japanese died from one heavily affected cruise ship ages 87 and 82.
These China people are not healthy people, air pollution, and high stress, so much they have suicide nets installed on their work dorms.

@kitt, #38:

I think maybe to stay aboard with passengers known to be infected would have been the lab rat choice.

I would definitely have trusted the CDC’s recommendation on this one. Given the potential costs of an epidemic, the extra cost of a second chartered aircraft seems pretty much irrelevant. The coronavirus responsible for current concerns is estimated to be more contagious than seasonal influenza, and around 23 times more lethal.

@Greg: Its hard to know how lethal with most of the victims most likely having compromised immune systems.
No I would not take drugs that target HIV, malaria and Ebola” when the adverse side affects are blamed on the virus so they just may increase dosages?
Among the drugs suddenly being used on people diagnosed with the coronavirus: Kaletra (anti-HIV); chloroquine (anti-malaria); remdesivir (unapproved, anti-Ebola).
Go look them up for the side effects of these gems.
With inaccurate testing methods would they begin treatment before symptoms?
As far as staying on the ship, or it being passed on the airplane where is it documented to be an airborne virus?
Im not saying there is no virus I am asking for higher transparency and use of cautious skepticism.