The Week in Radical Leftism, 04/26/2024

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Welcome back to Day 1194 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! On to the crazy:

4/17 – Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices

I love headlines like this that offer solutions. They assume that the destruction of our country is not 100% intentional.


Go ahead and laugh, but you know full well that hanging out with domestic terrorists gives instant credibility when Omar’s brother’s daughter decides to run for office.

4/19 – Muslims and Leftists Beat Jewish Students at Columbia University

I need to finish this three part series I started a while back. For now I’ll just remind Jewish Americans that we have a 2nd Amendment for a reason.

4/20 – U.K.’s Only Munitions Factory Explodes, Just Days After U.S. Army Ammunition Factory Catches Fires in Scranton, PA

Just great – NOW how are America and Europe supposed to send all of our military equipment to Ukraine?

4/21 – Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart

The headline is bad enough – wait until you see what the replacement is.

4/22 – ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore

Make conspiracies theoretical again!


A major correlation that no Leftist who pretends to care about the poor and middle class will ever acknowledge.

4/24 – Cities’ “Doom Loops” Are Even Worse Than You Imagined

4/25 – Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed

The sad part is that this idea would actually work if we Normals got to make the call as to who gets institutionalized.

4/26 – The Hamas Nazi Ivy League

ICYMI – Busy week:

Jews For the National Socialist Workers’ Party? (2 of 3)

Maybe Jews Should Start Wearing Yellow Stars – and so Should All of Us (3 of 3)

The NFL we Knew is Gone, and it is Never Coming Back

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The CIA operates social media “troll farms,” to try to influence the elections.
If their “trolls” are as bad as our trolls what a waste of taxpayer money!
Also illegal.

Basically, they just take an old meme about the left and make it apply to Trump. It’s laughable and pathetic.

Been another week already?
@ Brits standing in the pub see a kings horse gallop by, shortly after a 2nd horse, the Brit says theres another bloody horse.
Ok the feel good story of the week is
Sam Briton is stalking Adam Schiff.
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Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

44.6 is the new 1776: America Went to War Over a Tea Tax and Another Reason Why We Need a Businessman as President.

Outrage spread across social media platforms late last week after the Guardian reported on an excerpt of Noem’s upcoming memoir, “No Going Back,” which is set to be released on May 7. The excerpt detailed Noem describing taking her 14-month-old female dog Cricket to a “gravel pit” near her farm and shooting her because it was “less than worthless,” “untrainable” and had killed and eaten several chickens. 

She explained that Cricket had ruined a pheasant hunt when she went “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.” 

“It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done,” she continued. In the book, Noem also described killing a “nasty and mean” goat at the same gravel pit, according to the report… 

No problem, she says. “The fact is, South Dakota law states that dogs who attack and kill livestock can be put down. Given that Cricket had shown aggressive behavior toward people by biting them, I decided what I did.”

She “decided what she did.” Probably the goat had also been killing and eating chickens.

Where does the GOP find these people?

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

You have to spend time on a farm or ranch to judge people who put down aggressive animals. Goats, geese, dogs, roosters, horses, cows and pigs can be highly aggressive and a danger to those that need to get up and work around them everyday. A bullet is cheaper than a hospital or vet bill.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Noem says abortion access should be up to the states, but sponsored a federal abortion ban and opposes exceptions for rape and incest. She evades direct answers when questioned on the subject. She’s as two-faced as Donald Trump.

Make up your mind are you pissed at her about abortion or muhameds GF getting offed.

There is no such thing as an abortion ban anywhere. ANYWHERE.

When an animal is supposed to perform a function instead of just be a pet, they are treated differently. Note that it was humanely dispatched instead of driven in sane and to violence, as all of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden dogs have been. But, because you have no understanding of real life or how an economy functions, you cannot understand.

The Puppy Killer and The Pussy Grabber would be one helluva GOP ticket in November.

So its ok with the left if a dog murders the neighbors pet chickens? And bites humans?
We aint buying that you really GAF about a dog but will murder a baby up to full term.
Oh we are also trying to recycle the failed pussy angle after the diary?
Her dog her choice.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Put her on the ticket in the VP slot and see what happens.

Not going to happen buttwheat

Not now it isn’t. She’s fired. Bring on the next fatally flawed contestant!

How dare she choose her children’s safety over a billy goat.

There’s a difference between a necessary and a convenient solution. Many years ago I shot a horse. It was morally necessary because there was no other possible remedy for its horrible suffering. (A savage attack by a pack of wild dogs hadn’t quite killed it.) I still hate what I did, but it was utterly necessary.

I don’t like Noem’s choices. She had other options. I don’t like the hardness and anger I see in her face. She wants to control the choices of others? No thanks. I’m glad she just crippled her political career.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

There’s a difference between a necessary and a convenient solution.

#1) a 14 month old dog is NOT a puppy.
#2) once a dog goes rogue, killing chickens and biting people, that dog can not be trained to not do that.

And if you live in a state like North Dakota, Montana or Wyoming, a vet that can put the rogue dog down may be 100+ miles away.

Many years ago I shot a horse.

I don’t believe you.

 It was morally necessary because there was no other possible remedy for its horrible suffering. (A savage attack by a pack of wild dogs hadn’t quite killed it.) 

Why didn’t you call a vet to come euthanize the horse?

Wild dogs? Seems that is a rarity in Indiana.

Because I was miles from town, had a rifle, and death was the only possible remedy for its suffering. To let it continue a moment longer would have been immoral.

Packs of wild dogs aren’t unknown in rural areas.

Why didn’t you call a vet to come euthanize the horse?

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

So, the horse depended on you for its safety and you let a pack of dogs get at it. Yep, that’s the Democrat idea of protecting the society, all right.

If the dog had a tendency to attack, it would be irresponsible to pass it off on someone else. I guess you could say, though an unpleasant duty, she solved the problem instead of handing it off to someone else, like Democrats do.

Wow Greg owned horses? Not likely.
Kristies term as governor doesnt end til 2027, she grew up on a ranch. A bullet, the goat took 2, is often a sad solution, but part of the gig. That makes MSLSD talking heads sad. But this does not.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has provided at least $2.7 million to fund a University of Pittsburgh effort to collect organs from full-term aborted babies as old as 42 weeks that may have been alive.
The average 42-week fetus measures 20.3 inches and weighs 8.1 pounds.
These people are sick.
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Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

My uncle owned a 40 acre hobby farm. He had several horses. While he was away in Florida his neighbor called my grandmother to report two of them had been savaged by a pack of wild dogs. When I got there one was still alive. It was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.

Worse than babies being murdered and parted out?

Worse, in that it actually happened. The dogs caught them in the corner of a fenced field and pretty much ripped them apart.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Unlikely, wild dogs would attack several horses, the normally run down deer and are shot on sight by farmers.
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Unlikely? A friend was attacked by two dogs in a rural woods he owns a few years ago. He says they probably would have killed him if he hadn’t had a pistol. They belonged to a neighbor a mile or so away who let them run loose. The police were already familiar with the guy and his dogs from previous calls.

Dogs can revert to pack behavior when they’re free from human supervision.

There are dogs that pack up by camp too, I had a threesome that paid a daily visit a lab, lab mix and a St Bernard. I knew who the old lab belonged to, they just wandered never saw them chase anything, but they were well fed, even got a daily doggo treat at my place. I did keep my dogs in when they came, I didnt want it to become a foursome. Then the owner of the old lab got a complaint, so the poor thing had to be tied up, without the leader they were done. I did see the St. Bernard after but he was followed by his owner yelling for him to come back so no doggo treat for Cugo.
Its the coyotes I hear at night and the bears the neighbor has on trail cam that have me carrying when I walk.
Just highly unlikely they would attack horses. Running deer is a different matter.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

I think a lot might depend on how aggressive the pack leader is.

THIS IS BAD: Dire Numbers Show Economic DISASTER Under BIDEN | Beyond the Headlines

You say the sherriff was aware, then the neighbors should have shot the dogs. I handed a dog to the sherriff once I told him if the dog comes back I would drop it at the pound in the next county. It was nice to humans but barred its teeth at my lil poodle. It was tagged I assume he brought it home with my message.

But, of course, he SHOULDN’T have had a pistol because criminals that abuse guns and are repeatedly released from arrest and not prosecuted.

This is Indiana. Everybody has a gun.

Why are so many fleeing your state?

I don’t believe many are. We’ve had population growth the last few years.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

We’ve had population growth the last few years.

Yeah, since 2021. In my state we call them illegals.

But, when other people are violating the law with guns, even in other states, shouldn’t he have his taken away? Isn’t that what is “common sense gun control”?

So that’s how you sleep at night when supporting infanticide? You just imagine it never happened? Again… typically Democrat.

On a farm or ranch, there are no unnecessary mouths. Funny, I figured you would celebrate her action; isn’t that the foundational principle of socialism?

At least she didn’t f**k her way onto the ticket, like Kamala.

14 months old is not a “puppy” and why would she run on a ticket with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who actually grabbed Tara Reade’s pussy?

4/17 – Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices

Would solve a lot of other problems, too.


She and her mother should be deported.

4/19 – Muslims and Leftists Beat Jewish Students at Columbia University

Remember when just saying “border” was considered “hate speech” and prosecutable? If they had staged the injuries and blamed MAGA, they’d have all the police attention they could dream of. The left decides who is worthy to have their Constitutional rights and persecutes those they deem unworthy. Reminds me of another place, in another time.

4/20 – U.K.’s Only Munitions Factory Explodes, Just Days After U.S. Army Ammunition Factory Catches Fires in Scranton, PA

I’m SURE there’s nothing to see here.

4/21 – Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart

From culture to cultural genocide. This is characteristic of the left; they intentionally do anything opposite of what is good. Actually, they should be banned from ever hearing any Mozart, Beethoven, Listz, Strauss, Mendelssohn, Gershwin, Joplin, Copeland or even Elfman. Leave them to their cultural sewer.

4/22 – ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore

I was watching ABC News and the panel was saying the National Enquirer was killing stories that were potentially harmful to Trump. Isn’t that what the entire MSM has been doing since Obama?


They also don’t really care about the environment as most new regulations are merely intended to control the people without representation.

4/24 – Cities’ “Doom Loops” Are Even Worse Than You Imagined

Yet stuffing millions of people into tight urban confines is the left’s agenda. They are destroying their own dream. Go figure.

4/25 – Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed

You can truthfully say that leftists suffer from truthphobia and factphobia. Maybe even freedom-of-mind-phobic.

4/26 – The Hamas Nazi Ivy League

If these leftists could get rid of the nasty “Nazi” word, they would wholly identify with the entire National Socialist agenda, including genocide. They are every bit the Nazis of the 1930’s. In fact, based mostly on the Nazi’s genocidal agenda, Muslim nations aligned themselves with Hitler.


4/24 – Cities’ “Doom Loops” Are Even Worse Than You Imagined

Yet stuffing millions of people into tight urban confines is the left’s agenda. They are destroying their own dream. Go figure.

Saw a “zero carbon,” rental building go up a couple years ago.
The plan was: no laundry room, no garages, no kitchens, no bathtubs, no living rooms, no dining rooms (in the units.)
But a “commons area,” with cooking facilities was set up.
Soon as it was rented out the issues began.
A scooter caught fire on a walkway and burned down four of the units.
The kitchen area became a cesspool of filthy dishes, pots, plastic utensils, over-full trash cans.
The place is now all vacant and being “re-imagined,”

Everyone needs to keep in mind, leftists can’t even provide for themselves, much less everyone else.

But we have to provide for everyone else
#Biden‘s proposed #budget includes a proposed 44.6% capital gains #tax, and a 25% unrealized capital gains tax.

Oh, they intend to take away all the means of self-sufficiency and replace it with government dependency. It’s just that they’re no good at it and, usually, millions of people die. Not them, of course. They flourish.

‘Stay Out Of The Markets’ — Kevin O’Leary Urges Government To Not Get Involved In Housing — Says New Bill That Would Ban Hedge Funds From Buying Homes ‘Is Very, Very Bad And Destructive’
“Very very bad and destructive” for whom?

01/04/24 – Real estate investors still account for a significant number of single-family home purchases, buying 26% of all homes sold in June 2023, according to a recent report. These numbers have remained fairly unchanged over the past two years, and are causing some lawmakers to call for banning large investors from purchasing homes that could otherwise be a homeowner’s primary residence.

Last month, Arrived, a Jeff Bezos-backed real estate company, announced a new fund aimed at acquiring single-family homes. U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-California) responded to this news in a post on X saying, “The last thing Americans need is a Bezos-backed investment company further consolidating single-family homes and putting homeownership out of reach for more and more people. Housing should be a right, not a speculative commodity. Congress must pass my Stop Wall Street Landlords Act.”…

But corporations are people!

Sure they are. So are mafia crime families.

Don’t blame Biden and democrats if you can’t afford a house. Blame corporate America and the rigged financial system. If you’re trying to buy a home, you’re competing with billion-dollar bidders who want to squeeze tenants for every nickel. They’d charge you for the air you breathe if they could figure out how to do it.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

bidens economy is the worst in decades. Nots sine the days of jummie carter and stagflation has it been as bad. We are in stagflation once again. And, it show no signs of getting better. Had the government not dumped 300 billion the gdp would have been negative instead of an anemic 1.6 for Q1

Last edited 9 months ago by TrumpWon

03/28/24 – Corporate profits hit record high as economy boomed in fourth quarter of 2023.
Don’t worry. It will trickle down. All that’s needed are more corporate tax cuts and cuts to social programs…

…Gross domestic product (GDP) and corporate profits both smashed expectations in the fourth quarter of 2023 as the knock-on effects of pandemic stimulus juiced the U.S. economy.

GDP came in at a 3.4 percent increase, below the massive bump of 4.9 percent in the third quarter but still above recent forecasts of 3.2 percent, according to Commerce Department data.

Adjusted profits after taxes hit a record high of $2.8 trillion, beating the record of $2.7 trillion in the third quarter of 2022. Profits increased 3.9 percent on the quarter, above expectations of around 3.3 percent..

“Today’s report … revealed that corporate profits rose substantially in the fourth quarter to a new record high,” EY economist Lydia Boussour wrote in an analysis.

“Before-tax corporate profits rose by the most since the second quarter of 2022, up $133 billion following a $109 billion advance [estimate].” …

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

Bet many of those corporations are in my retirement portfolio, Count me in on greedy investors, I dont know how those dependent on SS alone are gonna make it.
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Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

Why do you suppose they can’t afford to buy or rent?

They’re competing against corporate buyers who become corporate landlords and raise their rent to maximize profits.

The same system has made it impossible for many to support themselves working a full-time job, let alone support a family.

Last edited 9 months ago by Greg

They are competing against Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s inflation and millions of illegal immigrants.

Did landlords get to stop paying mortgages when covid hit? Renters could not be evicted, now there are late payments and repairs that had to be put off because they didnt have rental income.
Do you think all these units/houses are owned by corporations? Investing in real estate looked good with low interest rates nice steady extra income. Higher interest rates means higher payments.

I guess that’s what a tent city NOT funded by Soros looks like.

Why do you think they support Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden? He talks about punishing them but punishes the middle class instead.

They’d charge you for the air you breathe if they could figure out how to do it.
What do you exhale?
The green zero carbon is costing plenty pal.

Unfortunately, Carville has a point.

Yeah. It’s the top of his head.

That guy is NOT getting any better looking.

Nope. It’s Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. I could have made a lot more on the sale of my house but for the interest rates skyrocketing, thanks to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s inflation. When the monthly payments are jacked up due to interest rates, fewer homes are affordable. His inflation and supply chain disasters made building much more expensive, too (I got a double-whammy).

When Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lets Trump’s tax cuts expire, you’ll all see it wasn’t just the “wealthy” getting the cuts. You’ll also see what a liar Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden when he said no one making less than $400K will see tax increases. No one to blame there but Democrats.