Adolph Hitler said: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” That line may never have been as true as it is today. What is that lie? It comes in many flavors: America is racist. Donald Trump is racist. Trump supporters are racists. Republicans are racists. You might notice a theme here. Now repeat the above and exchange the word racist for fascist…
None of those things are true. But truth doesn’t matter. Why? Because truth is not the objective, power is. In 2020 America, if you disagree with the left on anything from abortion to immigration to tax cuts to global warming you are an enemy who must be destroyed. And the primary weapons of choice are the slurs of racist and fascist.
And the beauty of it is that no proof beyond the assertion is necessary. Before he became president Donald Trump lived most of his life in front of cameras in the most media obsessed city on the planet. Morning shows, talk shows, radio shows, news shows, press conferences, grand openings, the Apprentice… you name it and Trump was there. As we all know, Donald Trump basically can’t keep his mouth shut, yet for the first 67 years of his life this man who never met a camera or microphone he could resist somehow kept the secret of his virulent racism a secret.
Then, once he became president he did such racist things as fund Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) at a level no president ever had, label the KKK as a terrorist organization, signed into law sentencing reform that had been called for by black leaders for decades, pardon the late boxer Jack Johnson and the very much alive Alice Johnson. He also supported “opportunity zones”, pushed for school choice, both of which disproportionately benefit minorities, and at the same time created an economy that brought about the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates ever recorded. But he’s a racist.
The proof Donald Trump is a fascist is equally strong. He arrests and jails any reporter who dares to question him. He uses the CIA and FBI to spy on anyone who disagrees with him. He imprisons judges who rule against his policies. He trains the military on people who are peacefully protesting his policies. Clearly Donald Trump is a fascist.
To understand how accurate Hitler’s words are look no farther than a Newsweek piece from July: Half of Americans Think Trump Is Racist and an Additional 13 Percent Are Unsure. That is simply staggering, and the reason is simple: In excess of 90% of the media coverage of Donald Trump is negative. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Add to that the manipulation by Facebook, Google and Twitter and you get us to where we are today with an election that was not only stolen, but with 1/2 the population thinking that a flawed but good man is racist and a fascist…
The above is only a symptom of the real problem however. The real target is not Donald Trump per se, but rather the half the population who support him, and the truth is they hated us long before Donald Trump came onto the political stage, most clearly seen when we were called racists and Nazis for opposing Barack Obama in 2008.
Democrats and their comrades get away with it because they know we respect the rule of law. In 2008 when we lost to Barack Obama we didn’t riot. We peacefully protested and went to the voting booth. In 2010 we went to the polls and the Democrats lost 64 seats in the House and we finally turned the Senate red in 2014. That is what conservatives and Republicans generally do. We don’t riot when we don’t get our way. Even when we’re cheated, as happened in 1960 with Nixon, 2004 with Dino Rossi and 2008 with Norm Coleman, we don’t try to burn the country down because we respect the rule of law.
But the question is, what if there is no real law to respect? What if there is one law for the suckers who play by the rules and basically a lack thereof for Democrats? For decades Democrats have fought attempts to secure out our voting process by continuously opposing voter ID, supporting same day voter registration and encouraging mail in balloting among other things. Any attempts to ensure credibility of the system were labeled “racist” or called “voter suppression” and usually withered on the vine. When they won in 2008 they proceeded to weaponize the federal government against the citizens. In the ultimate demonstration of such tactics, the Obama administration used the IRS to silence opponents, spied on media who dared question their actions and turned the FBI and the courts into a vehicles for the launching of a coup d’état against their successors. And now that they think they’re poised to take complete power again, they’ve threatened to pack the Supreme Court, grow the Senate, eliminate the Electoral College and keep “lists” of their opponents. There’s a word for that and it’s not liberty.
What do 75 million Americans do if they discover that despite playing by the rules they’ve been duped again, this time on the single most important election of their lifetimes, with the future of the Republic literally hanging in the balance? They are told by the same media who spent four years pushing the fiction of Russian collusion that they should simply shut up and accept defeat, regardless of the myriad examples of voter fraud, both big and small.
Lincoln said “A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” He was referring to the issue of slavery, but the line might also well apply here today. When fully half the American population loses confidence in the integrity of the election process upon which the nation is governed, loses confidence in the media – both traditional and social – who have been lying to them for years about fictional election tampering, and come to believe that their political opponents will use everything from rioting to mayhem to outright theft to gain control of the government, what should they do? What is their motivation to continue to participate in a process where the game is rigged? What is their motivation to continue to engage in a system where one side believes the Constitution is but a barrier to be subverted rather than the rulebook by which the nation is governed? What is their motivation to be constrained by a Constitution which their opponents disregard at every turn as they seek to undermine the very rights it was written to protect? What is their motivation to engage in a process legally when they know that their opponents seek to bastardize that very process to accumulate more power and eviscerate the very ideas upon which the nation was founded?
I don’t have the answer and I’ve no idea where we are on a spectrum of anarchy vs. tyranny, but I’m certain that the closer Democrats push the United States towards tyranny the closer we get to a point where liberty loving Americans look for other means to protect the God given rights the Constitution was written to guarantee. What that looks like, I’ve no idea, but Carl von Clausewitz once said “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” That’s something to keep in mind as the Democrats continue their march to eviscerate our Constitution and destroy the country that has given so much to so many for so long. I don’t believe that freedom will go quietly into that good night…
See author page
@Greg: Haha. Don’t change the subject, dipsh*t.
The election is null and real fraud and misconduct occurred. You can’t even argue it.
Trump is under no obligation not to pardon those illegally entrapped as your party attempted a coup over the last four years.
Actual Americans will never accept Biden as the legitimate President, unlike the Russia scam perpetrated by the loser, Hillary Clinton.
Out of state trucks full of ballots. Corrupt election systems with employees saying “Trump won’t win. I made f*cking sure of that.” Mysterious dumps of ballots that break statistical reality.
Accept it. This election is invalid.
@Nathan Blue:
No one, who knows anything about how elections are conducted, how votes are counted and tabulated, how poll watchers are, by law, to be able to see the actual signatures and the ballots, can deny that election officials in the various states actually broke all the rules and those they didn’t break, they replaced with unconstitutional rules. Having been involved in elections for years and in many capacities, I am appalled at the fraud that went on right under people’s noses.
My God, ballots coming in, unsecured, in trash cans? Really?
Oh, the left now has something else to get their Hanes all in a wad over. Shall I remind them of Mark Rich? Or how the man who was put in charge of the investigation to see if Bubba Clinton received financial benefit from the Mark Rich pardon was none other than (tah-dah) James Comey.
Oh, but they will still be accused of being “cultists” while the very people that call those Americans “cultists” ignore the 30% of Democrats polled that believe the election was stolen from Trump.
Yes, it is. But unfortunately, those Republicans who know their heads are on the chopping block if that is the end result will deny, deny, deny that anything nefarious happened.
@kitt: Regardless of who the governor is, Democrats (or their sympathizers) move in to destroy evidence.
@Nathan Blue: They want President Asterisk Obiden.
@Nathan Blue:
You are insisting your opinion is factual. In reality it isn’t even an opinion but factually incorrect as no legal entity outside of what goes on in your head has rendered that verdict. It may be your opinion that the election should be invalid but you do not have the authority to deem it invalid.
Maybe prior to Jan 21, you can take your case to someone (maybe a brain scam imagery or such?) but unless someone can produce something of legal standing in an actual court of law in front of a judge, Biden will be inaugurated. P.E.R.I.O.D. To use your own words “Accept it”.
Now what’s really come to light in recent days is another con job by the master of cons. Trump’s raking in pushing $200 million from saps like you through a PAC for legal fees that leagally he doesn’t even have to use for legal fees (granted, you may or may not be contributing cash but yet you are abetting his scam by doing his groundwork which is selling his scam).
Thump’s been selling this scam on live TV and in front of an audience for 4 years, that if he loses, it was rigged. You are playing right into another con but this time you don’t even get a Trump steak or a Trump University diploma to hang on your wall-or the wall that Mexico paid for.
You are a blind sucker.
@Ronald J. Ward:
$170 million, but that’s just facts and stuff. Nothing you’ve ever been interested in.
What a “scam”. The greatest economy in history, more people benefitting from the economy in history, more jobs for blacks Hispanics and women in history, border security, monumental, historic peace deals in the middle east, the greatest and most successful effort to develop a vaccine against a deadly virus in history… whooo-weeee! Have WE been snookered!
I guess it’s MUCH better to elect an historic RACIST with PROVEN ties to China, corruption and extortion like Asterisk Obiden. Just the type you have always supported.
@retire05: Plausible deniability on Trumps part with Sidney not being on his payroll. She doesnt care who goes down while exposing this farce.
If China did purchase Dominion in October, SEC filings show a 400 million dollar transfer, Only Greg and Ward would accept any election where these machines are involved.
@kitt: They don’t care what disasters befall this nation, they wanted Hillary, Trump defeated her, he defied all their false characterizations and accusations of him and proved to be a resounding success. They can’t stand being proven to be lying crybabies, they have to have their revenge, not matter who it harms.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Unfortunately, in this country of laws, merely dismissing empirical evidence doesn’t work. Try a 3rd world country or China.
Fact-based lawsuits have been served (hundreds). It takes a bit more than two weeks to run the biggest case of the country, one where a corrupt and failing political party resorted to mass election fraud because they couldn’t win on any merits.
Says the boy actively ignoring facts. If I said the massive evidence of election fraud was a set of balls on your tongue, would you open your eyes then?
Most likely.
Biden did not win this election, and this election is invalid.
Accept it.
If the circumstances were flipped, I’d be saying the same thing. Your desperation serves as the…”feces on your eyes”, apparently.
Biden will never be the actual President of the United States, at least not from the results of this botched and corrupt election. Go get therapy about it now.
@Deplorable Me: So many, so so many cases of election fraud that resulted in MILLIONS of illegal or suspect votes.
We said the evil Left was bent on installing a one-party police state. I’m not sure they remember all those 73 million (plus those whose votes mysteriously flipped) are not going to just sob in the corner, like Hillary morons did, and just do whatever the not-the-president-Biden says.
If that happened and the election went to Trump, with obvious suspicion, I’d call the election invalid as well, defending Biden the same as I’m defending Trump now.
Fair and free elections. That’s much more important than any one candidate, Trump included.
If I thought the election was fair and free, I’d easily accept Biden for the win.
But as it stands, I don’t, and no rational, mature American worth listening to would ever ignore this travesty. Partisan garbage, all of them.
@Nathan Blue:
The problem is that while you refuse to accept the realities of many of these lawsuits being rejected and no credible evidence presented to the courts, and even our highly partisan Trump protecting DOJ outright stating no evidence has been found, you have declared the outcome in Trumps favor even while admitting the lawsuits are ongoing.
This is what you did prior to the election, refused to accept the realities of polling, cash flow, cash on hand, top donors turning on Trump, massive GOP rejection of Trump, AZ and even GA going purple, the pandemic, the economy, even conservative think tanks, and on and on presenting a hard path for a Trump victory. You declared the outcome of the election in Trump’s favor.
But what’s most important here is that you nor I really matter. What matters is how these lawsuits and challenges play out and it doesn’t look good for Trump.
@Ronald J. Ward: Keep your eyes wide shut. This challenge to the election is about so much more than a Trump win.
You cant comprehend anything else so go about your regular cultist ass lickers rant you have become the tinkling cymbal.
If the Chinese government bought Dominion in October. After the greatest transfer of wealth to billionaires and China via Democrat shut downs, can just buy your cheap china crap on Amazon.
@kitt: Hell, AJ contends that Trump shot someone and we support him. He has no idea of the difference between reality and his sick, leftist fantasies. He is totally delusional and, as we’ve all seen, NOTHING he says ever has its roots in truth.
@Ronald J. Ward:
It doesn’t look good for the validity of the election, either.
Let me cue you in on reality on all this.
Some lawsuits have been rejected, but not most and certainly not all.
Credible evidence is being presented to the courts; your propaganda-supplied opinion is of no relevance. Saying “it’s not credible” is not a compelling, or even defensible, argument.
The polls were wrong…on a massive, unprecedented scale. IT’S A FACT. I know idiots like you will ignore this, still clinging to the idea that Biden won. THE POLLS WERE SO SO SO WRONG IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY.
The level of how little you know, about everything, is startling.
I still do. Unfortunately, your party cheated so the election is invalidated.
Biden had almost double the money of Trump. That’s not an accomplishment. Trump could have out-raised him, period. The issue is that Trump put the lobbyists out, so when Trump makes a decision, it’s his own decision. The money paid to Biden for him to pass bills and shake hands in advance. That’s why Trump got elected in the first place, to do away with moron puppets like Biden.
If you voted for Biden, you voted for all the millionaires and billionaires who paid him to enact their agenda. Very un-American of you, if so.
Given AZ and GA have horribly corrupted elections, it would be the statement of moron to say they are now “purple”. I do think AZ is close, though. It’s well documented this is due to the California exodus.
The pandemic. Damn strange timing, eh? And Trump got us a vaccine in record time, supported all levels of our response, and our numbers were below average, world-wide. The “hoax” that Trump botched the response was repeated, ad nausem, for gullible sheep like you.
Trump won on the economy, period. Not only was it incredible before Covid, it came back so fast. Unemployment rate is lower than the average under Biden. You fail on that one.
Any other pathetic talking points that you can’t back with facts?
Biden won nothing. There are SO MANY examples of fraud and misconduct, that if the Democrats really want the majority of Americans, Trump voters, to believe Biden won, they’d start investigating and give us answers.
They never will.
“Trump is not going to win. I made f*cking sure of that.”
Biden wins nothing.
@kitt: You can see that Ron/AJ is starting to crack, knowing how wrong he is.
If even 10% of the voting anomalies existed, or even just one instance, Ron/AJ would be the first to declare the election invalid.
That’s a fact.
Good thing normal Americans are here to hold the Ron/AJ’s of the world accountable by applying the same laws and standards, to everyone.
@Deplorable Me: I’m trying to understand how low-information Leftists like him just can’t see what they support, or what they are saying. They are about 40 years in the past, ideologically, and now actively supporting tyranny, segregation, and mob rule.
I’m a Liberal. I never stopped being one. What the Leftwing supports is not Liberalism, not by a long-shot.
This isn’t even up for discussion anymore. The election was invalid.
@Nathan Blue:
What I support is a product of your imagination as I’ve never really advocated policy or even partisan preference to any extent. I’ve been told here by you and others that I supported Biden when actually I didn’t. I’ve been told I supported Hillary when I didn’t even vote for her. One of my favorites is when you and your ilk refers to me as Marxist or socialist or for that matter a liberal when I’ve never given any indication to any.
Do confuse someone who calls out bullshit, scams, and con men as someone who has different government or economic perspectives than you.
I simply don’t buy into what the corporately owned GOP has evolved into. Or for that matter, as The Bulwark described, the GOP right wing media has turned the GOP into:
Cymothoa exigua is a terrifying creature.
The parasite enters a fish through its gills, attaches to its tongue, consumes the tongue, and then becomes a sort of new tongue. For the rest of the fish’s life, it swims around with the “tongue-eating louse,” as the isopod is known, operating its mouth.
At first, seeing a photo of it made me recoil. Then, I realized it seemed oddly familiar: It reminds me of the relationship between what’s loosely defined as “conservative media” and the GOP.
For a long time, most influential right-leaning media figures were content to swim alongside the GOP, flowing along in the same general direction. Until Donald Trump came along. Then they saw an opportunity to burrow deep inside the GOP and wield real power.
It worked. So well that the GOP, as an institution, no longer controls its tongue and its craven media parasites are the only thing keeping it alive.
Ask yourself, “Who are the actual leaders of the GOP?” Who truly influences Republican voters?
It’s not whoever the Republican National Committee will nominate as its next chairman. It’s not Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell or House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, for God’s sake. It’s the Fox News primetime lineup, the large galaxy of radio and digital outlets clamoring to place their personalities and stories on Fox News, and their vast array of fringy lower-tier knockoffs.
All day, every day, these talkers, writers, producers, and editors set the party agenda. They act as the Republican party’s “war room.” They give favored politicians airtime to solicit donations from their viewers. They go negative on their political enemies. Their stars even headline campaign events to rev up the base and get out the vote.
The ones who are good at it get paid far more by the likes of the Murdoch and the Mercer families to carry out the political agenda than any mere senator or congressman. These talkers, not the elected officials stuck grubbing around shaking hands and campaigning in the streets, are the party’s real leaders.
Donald Trump is almost an afterthought in this context. After all, where is Trump without the glow of the TV camera and his Twitter handle? Nowhere. Long before he announced his candidacy in 2015, Fox primed the GOP base for a candidate like him; the network gave him more airtime than other candidates, including a longstanding call-in segment on Fox & Friends; no one blinked an eye when Fox head Roger Ailes, who had a quarter-century friendship with Trump, began advising the Trump campaign soon after Ailes’s ouster from the network. And beyond and before Fox, the media—news, talk, and entertainment—always have been and always will be Trump’s source of political strength. That will only become more true after he leaves office. He will continue to seek out ratings, somewhere, as sustenance for relevance and survival.
The only question is what channel and whether he appears on the network, owns it, or licenses his name.
Knowing this dynamic within the GOP, it’s no wonder that (to name just one ambitious pol) Sen. Ted Cruz has adopted the posture of an online Twitter troll instead of the constitutional scholar-turned-statesman of the biggest, most Republican state in the union. One doesn’t amass a rabid grassroots following by passing bipartisan legislation, delivering on constituent services, or even acting to protect the homeland during a pandemic. The demands of leading and governing in the public interest have never meshed well with the demands of winning and keeping office, but they have never before been so contradictory.
Propaganda Party rules dictate that “owning the libz” and generating likes, retweets, and reactions online are the key to success. In the absence of any policy platform, a new party operating philosophy has emerged among politicians and media figures alike: present Trump-friendly figures in the best light possible and depict anyone who stands in their way as some variation of a socialist, child-eating, Satan worshipper.
Plenty of deep-pocketed investors are down for it; they’re looking to fund more media that will do exactly this. In a piece published last night, New York Times media reporter Ben Smith found a healthy appetite among media investors eager to “convert Mr. Trump’s political profile into cash”:
“There are a lot of well-capitalized people circling,” said Michael Clemente, a former executive at ABC News and Fox News and former chief executive of Newsmax, who has been part of conversations as a potential leader of a new venture. . . . The noisiest effort is led by Hicks Equity Partners, the family business of a Republican National Committee co-chairman and friend of Donald Trump Jr., Thomas Hicks Jr. The Hicks group has sought to lead buyouts of both Newsmax and its smaller and stranger rival, the One America News Network. . . .
Other possibilities for the president to cash in on his stature include creating a new Trump TV network from scratch, either as a television broadcast channel, a package of online video or even a way to direct cash into the Trump family political operation.
Dollar-for-dollar it’s a much better bang for their buck than funding candidates or ads. It sure beats abiding by pesky campaign finance rules, too.
The only problem is, people outside of the GOP bubble are starting to think that publishing and promoting disinformation shouldn’t be so easy. Hence, the GOP obsession with “Big Tech”—or what Tucker Carlson dubbed the “censorship cartel.” This is practically the only policy discussion that universally animates a major sect of top 2024 GOP presidential candidates, among whom, at least according to one poll, Carlson could be a plausible contender.
Makes sense. The prospect that Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram might enforce rules to bar politicians from dumping disinformation online is probably the biggest threat to their political model.
What happens next?
It is said that when the host fish dies, Cymothoa exigua will release itself from the oral cavity and can be seen clinging to the fish’s head or body. But, no one wants to be seen clinging to the husk of Trump’s dead Republican party.
Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo did her best to heave life into Trump’s dead 2020 prospects in his first post-election interview on Sunday. The Trump campaign has lost dozens of court cases contesting the election, yet she told Trump, “The facts are on your side.” Without any evidence she claimed, “This is disgusting, and we cannot allow America’s election to be corrupted.” In the age of Trump, the former Money Honey has turned into a propaganda princess.
Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy straight-up says that Trump’s baseless election lies are working out well for Ruddy. He told the New Yorker, “The news cycle is red-hot, and Newsmax is getting one million people per minute, according to Nielsen, tuning into Newsmax TV. I think it’s good.”
He added, “We have an editorial policy of being supportive of the President and his policies.” Whatever those may be. It doesn’t really matter. He’ll swallow it.
Because people like Ruddy and the talk radio personalities and the Fox primetime hosts have only one primary function now: Keep Trump’s GOP alive, no matter what. They feed themselves and feed the political machine at once. And, without them, the GOP in its current form will wither and die.
The propaganda is the party and the party is propaganda. Sink or swim.
@Nathan Blue:They simply don’t care about facts. They worship socialism. It doesn’t take “low information” for someone to support a despicable criminal like Hillary; it takes someone that simply does not care about this country. They simply care about leftism. No doubt if they took an honest step back and looked at what they are supporting, they would be totally embarrassed. Well… some, anyway.
Many others want to see this nation destroyed. They think somehow the freedoms and rights we have, made possible by capitalism, can be wrecked but the wealth cornucopia of the United States will continue on. They’ve yet to take notice of the unbroken record of socialism destroying societies and economies. Somehow, putting a naïve empty suit like Obama, a corrupt incompetent like Hillary or a complete idiot like Biden in charge will turn history around and make socialism succeed this time.
These people have taken over and redefined “liberalism”. Now, being a liberal means taking a bizarre, undesirable concept and imposing it on everyone else. It means seeking out traditions and vilifying and destroying them, replacing them with state-worship. Hatred, intimidation and violence has replaced discussion and trying to change someone’s mind. That’s not you, but that is what they’ve turned “liberalism” into. It is the same as how they have tried to turn “nationalism” into some kind of dirty word.
Again, these guys are so far on the wrong side of facts because facts do not support the ideology they cling to, forgetting why they chose that ideology in the first place.
See AJ’s latest screed? Case in point.
@Deplorable Me:
No doubt you would, being a traditional conservative who has long advocated the rule of law. No contradiction there.
Trump was voted out by people who just don’t get this sort of joke. From their perspective, blanket, preemptive pardons all-round would be a final act of self-serving abuse of power.
Hopefully legislation would come of it that would prevent anything of the sort from happening again in the future. Presidents are not above the law.
Actually, he wasn’t. But, whenever he leaves office the left intends to harass him with the same bullshit they’ve harassed him with for the past 4 years. Not one single particle of any accusations was ever proven factual, but leftists don’t care about any of that. They merely want to abuse the legal system vengefully.
I would love it for him to spoil your crybaby fun.
@Deplorable Me, #71:
Donald’s supporters have lost any right to call others sore losers or crybabies after the month-long tantrum that has followed his loss of the election. The denial and infantile behavior only underline the hypocrisy.
Revealed: How Joe Biden Stole the Election.
Month long tntrum? Hell, Comrade Greggie, the left is still throwing a tantrum over the 2016 election. So get back to us in four years.
You’re a blithering idiot.
@Ronald J. Ward:
So while you do nothing but trash the messengers you don’t agree with you cut and past The Bulwark?
The Bulwark, AJ/Ward? The sane Bulwark started by never-Trumper Bill Kristol? And you reference the article by rabid never-Trumper Amanda Carpenter. It is clear why she no longer works for Senator Cruz, because she was a nut case when she worked for him and nothing has change. Yeah, AJ/Ward, I know her.
Could it be that you are not eligible to vote in the United States? Because if you are, and you didn’t exercise your right to vote, you have no place entering the discussion of the election to begin with.
Two major problems with your little remark. One, no, you are still whiny crybaby sore losers. Just because you think you won now doesn’t erase the past four years of whining, bitching and moaning because Trump beat Hillary. You spent four years lying about Russian collusion treachery while it was proven it was the DEMOCRATS that colluded with Russians and were treacherous scum. Currently, we are pointing our massive amounts of obvious fraud, something you didn’t have in 2016. Asterisk Obiden will NEVER be a legitimate President.
Back to your old tricks in the Georgia runnoff.
We didn’t lose, and neither did the country.
@Greg: When you pin all your hopes on fraud and corruption, yeah, you’re a loser.
We lost fair and free elections, so yes. WE and THE COUNTRY lost much.
Most Americans have rejected the election, as it’s been tampered with plainly, so the Dem voters still in denial can only say “there’s not evidence of fraud” in the face of the obvious and inevitable.
At least the Dems have finally played their coup hand.
73 million or more Americans will not allow tyranny and a one-party police state to take over our Democracy. Unfortunately, you can’t use software glitches and free beer to “create” real Democrat/Biden supporters.
The vast majority of Americans, Trump voters, are ready to squash this coup, decisively.
Biden won nothing.
“He got more votes”
Haha. From the back of mysterious trailer, coolers, and sudden glitches controlled by “Trump won’t win, I f*cking made sure of that” Eric Coomer.
Funny that the creator of that couldn’t put the word “legal” in there.
The winner of the election is the one who got more legal votes, which I’m afraid is not Biden.
Hope you know how to fight, little guy.
GA hearing : the surveillance film clearly shows ballots being processed with zero oversight. Boxes and suitcases being pulled out from being hidden under a skirted table those votes were then processed through scanners after the small distant from tabulating toilet leak caused evacuation of the observers.
96K mail in ballots that were never “received” but tabulated anyway a bit less than 1/2 of those types.
No no, that’s been “debunked”.
Nothing to see there….
@Nathan Blue: Democrats need to be de-corrupted.