And just like that, Trump does more in Syria than obama ever did in eight years
Last night Donald Trump ordered an attack on Syria. In less than 100 days, Trump has taken more action against Assad than obama did in eight years. The attack …
Last night Donald Trump ordered an attack on Syria. In less than 100 days, Trump has taken more action against Assad than obama did in eight years. The attack …
Obama today ran to the podium using a horrendous crime at a college in Oregon to rail against guns. As traumatic as these insane killings are, when Obama addressed the Nation, barely any information was available from Oregon. What was he up to? Was he throwing a shiny object, gun control, out there for the media to goggle at while, . . . while what?
Not long ago John McCain admonished Brian Kilmeade on the Fox and Friends morning show about the use of the term Allahu Akbar. Kilmeade expressed his disdain for those who …
NOTE: This piece was written before John Kerry trotted out his imbecilic “unbelievably small” comments and Vladimir Putin offered The One a fig leaf. The advice herein remains the same, …
John Kerry is still out there beating the drums for war. He is growing increasingly frustrated as no one is buying his spiel. The situation has degraded into a tragic …
Who would ever have thought that examination of the continuing dire economic struggles distressing most Americans would completely disappear from headlines and from public discussion? Who would have believed that America’s stature in the world would be shaken over a failed state like Syria? But here we are. Americans are scrambling for part-time jobs, while listening to dictators insulting the resident of their most powerful office – the office they revere above all others.
photo: NY Times The NY Times today: Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the …
Maybe it’s jet lag. Maybe it’s the sleeping pills. Whatever. Barack Obama has melted down. Reality has slipped his grip like a wet salmon. Obama has always been one to …