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As the proud degenerate (people used to call us that and I’ve always worn the badge with pride, besides thinking its quite funny) racetracker who worked his way to the top not only on the backside but then in the totalisator side of the industry, I agree 100% with your premise above. I have always felt one is responsible for his or her success, not the nanny state or any individual.

No one owes anyone anything other than granting one the equal right to succeed. the rest is up to the individual. One caveat here. One must be and always should be grateful to those who give you that chance, be it a job offer or whatever, but never should one think their success at something is only because they were given the chance. Hard work and pride in it is and always will be the answer. As such and as always, your premis above is right on.

Between the race yesterday and your piece above, it takes me back to a fond memory I have of my old man F.B Lantz and an incident that actually made me realize at a very young age what work and pride in it means. When I was eighteen, I had fallen madly in love with a girl by old Tropical Park. Come Christmas, I wanted to take the day off and be with her. As one can imagine I whined and moaned about it as any in heat teenager would. Of course, the old man wouldn’t take that and I always remember word for word what he said to me. You of course can easily identify with it and I swear, it instilled the work ethic in me I have today as I realized he was right. One has to work to succeed no matter the circumstances. Frank simple said “Stop you moaning and get your ass in the stall. The horses are not going to shovel the shit out themselves This is your job”. that was it. Pure and simple and true.

Success is measured in many ways as you well know, but it is only really achieved from one’s own efforts in the end and that is real success, not what these Marxists claim it is.

The records kept at Tahlequah, Oklahoma by the Cherokee Nation are some of the most researched, and extensive, records of Cherokee geneology to be found anywhere. Called the Dawes Roll, no one can be accepted by the Nation without actual geneology proof that you have an ancestor that is listed on Dawes. It was those rolls that lead to the downfall, and eventually outing as a liar, of Ward Churchill.

Warran claims 1/32 blood. That means that her great-great-great grandmother would, at best, been a child at the time of the Trail of Tears. Her great-great-great grandmother would have also lived during a time when Native American ethnicity was often kept secret due to the great amount of discrimination they experienced. Likewise, her great-great grandmother, as well as her great grandmother, would not have been quick to reveal their heritage, especially in Oklahoma, if they were living as whites.

Unlike Elizabeth Warren’s one-drop black friends, most Americans who have 1/4, 1/8th or 1/16th Amerindian blood do not use it for personal gain under affirmative action laws as Warren obviously did at Harvard. But in the last 1/2 century, it has become en vogue to claim Native American heritage. Yet our reservation system remains the biggest shame of this nation, with some reservations making most ghettos look like Trump Towers compared to the rez.

I owe my success to working hard and persevering. I have never asked for favors or were granted any. I have never sucked off society and paid my way. I worked hard, raised a family, kept a house and took care of the husband. I am successful now and it is because of me, myself. This woman is an idiot.

I think she is really a member of the Crow tribe. After all you are what you eat.

You seem to be implying that Warren somehow used the claim that a distant ancestor was American Indian to further her career or obtain some sort of advantage or preferential treatment.

“A boast that put her in the front of the line to be hired at Harvard . . .”

Oh yeah? Really? That entered into the hiring decision?

Harvard officials stated that they weren’t even aware of her heritage at the time she was hired. In any case, minority ancestry is generally officially irrelevant at any level less than 1/16.


“Harvard officials (unnamed, of course) stated that they weren’t even aware of her heritageat the time she was hired.”

BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corporations pay corporate income tax. There is an annual fee to register the corporation. If they own a factory or warehouse they pay property tax on it. Individuals paid by the company pay personal income tax. Stockholders in the company pay capital gains tax if they sell their stock at a profit. When the corporation buys something it pays sales tax on it. When the corporation buys vehicle fuel they pay a hefty fuel tax above and beyond the sales tax. Depending on the industry they must submit to inspections and pay hefty fines for failing the inspections.


This woman is crazy-ignorant. So is the room full of idiots who apparently were impressed with her crapola. This is the Left today.

Being a two-fer minority absolutely played a role in her getting hired. It’s why she told the lie in the first place and why Harvard went along with it. She knows it, we know it, Harvard knows it, and Greg knows it.

Hopefully Warren is toast. She already should have been out already for her anti-business demagoguery, but it’s Massachusetts, I’ll take what I can get. Note that when called on her minority fraud, she fell back to a “woman as victim, how dare you say I’m unqualified” line of defense. Nobody said she wans’t a competent shyster. The issue is that she’s a liar and hypocrite who was happy to game the system and chisel a real minority person out of a position. She regrets nothing except getting caught.

Republicans apparently need to divert attention from the fact that Scott Brown’s own resume includes posing nude for a Cosmopolitan magazine centerfold.

I appreciate his support of expanded solar and wind power, his advocacy of mandated health insurance for all Massachusetts residents, and his mandate that all Massachusetts ERs provide morning-after pills to rape victims, however. There are far worse republicans.

I don’t care if he posed in Cosmo, dummy. I care about how much damage his vote or his legislation will cause or not cause.

Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the top Democrats are alien beings who view the world in a way that is completely different from the way I do. Her rubber mask ripped and people saw the lizard underneath. I think she’s probably in hot water with the DNC and the President now – she’s handling this so badly it’s having nationwide repercussions; it’s discrediting the Left in general.

She is too weird even for Masachusetts. She is desperate. That is fair. She deserves it.

When you cite the non-conservative Scott Brown positions, it’s clearly a move calculated to drive away conservatives. Someone at the DNC or the Warren campaign thought up these talking points and you repeat them. What a tool you are.

Politics involves compromise. Like I said – it’s Massachusetts. Brown is the best we can do right now and he’s way, way better than Warren the radical crypto-Marxist.

@Bill: Could be the cow tribe as well!!


Harvard? Yeah, they’re lyin’. There are no real consequences when they lie about it, so they figure why not?

I was misled as a child into thinking that an ‘Indian- Giver’ was a low down native american who took back something he gave to someone else. I now realize that the term is actually ‘Giver-to-Indians’ exemplified by the many ‘gifts’ offered by one of the ‘white man’s’ treaties only to be taken away by the next. The ‘white-man’ takes what ever will benefit his game regardless of where it leaves the true North American whether it is a claim to be of their race or of their Sacred Lands. If any reparations are due; they are due first and foremost to those who were truly oppressed by the wave of european adventurers that treated these noble people as nothing more than savages as they themselves exhibited savagery beyond belief.

@Greg: Since you Greg are assuredly less that 1/16th of the commenters here we must deduce that you are officially irrelevant.

@CharlieGee: Great analogy and well said!

@CharlieGee: I wish to add the connection to the current political nature which is: The conservative adds to his own skills aid from others to improve the lot of everyone. The liberal takes aid from others to improve his own or his own family’s lot. The conservative ‘conserves’ everyone’s resources to be shared with everyone. The liberal ‘conserves’ his own resources and shares other peoples resources with himself or within his own group or family.

@Wm T Sherman, #9:

Politics involves compromise. Like I said – it’s Massachusetts. Brown is the best we can do right now and he’s way, way better than Warren the radical crypto-Marxist.

If politics involves compromise, maybe republicans should consider negotiating those that are necessary to keep a two-party national government functioning properly, rather than compromising on their candidates.

When you cite the non-conservative Scott Brown positions, it’s clearly a move calculated to drive away conservatives. Someone at the DNC or the Warren campaign thought up these talking points and you repeat them.

I read up on his positions. Why would anyone need the help of the Warren campaign to do that? I presume republicans have done the same.

No doubt republicans uncovered the shocking truth about Ms. Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry and her tiny drop of Native American blood without the help of Rush Limbaugh, the Scott Brown campaign, or right wing media.

(In the photograph at the top of the page, btw, Ms. Warren is describing what can’t be seen in Scott Brown’s Cosmo centerfold.)


If politics involves compromise, maybe republicans should consider negotiating those that are necessary to keep a two-party national government functioning properly, rather than compromising on their candidates.

Negotiate with the party of “I won?” To the Democrats, negotiation and compromise mean doing what they say. This is what they have decided. Any number of Republican proposals have been rejected out of hand, with the rejection accompanied by demonizing accusations. It’s a calculated strategy – reject and demonize, then claim no proposal was offered. You repeat this lie because that’s your job.

(In the photograph at the top of the page, btw, Ms. Warren is describing what can’t be seen in Scott Brown’s Cosmo centerfold.)

You silly bastard.

If you thought the story couldn’t become more ludicrous, read this:
