Michelle Praises And Thanks The State Directed Media, How Difficult Is A Law Degree?

First Lady Michelle Obama (watch the video a the link) once again creates a dubious aura around the question of her intelligence during an interview with CNN, when she was thrown the typical softball question meant to tug at the heart strings of America and ends up looking like a fool.

The Seductive Temptress [Reader Post]

The modern political persuasion called Liberalism can be compared to a beautiful, seductive temptress. Alluring and destined to feel good for a while but after a fling with this wily ideology one is left realizing that the intoxicating goddess was more like a cheap prostitute. This seducer of the mind and soul leaves one intellectually and spiritually bankrupt, and infected with a life long hatred of tradition, morals and values. The Liberal or Progressive ideology is definitely a feel good political philosophy. As the Bible so wisely warns us to resist the temptations of the flesh so must we resist the emotional temptation and seduction of modern Liberalism.

With Obama’s Administration, Stupidity Is A Prerequisite

We have all wondered why the Department of Homeland Security prefers to fondle underage girls and attractive women instead of profiling single young Muslim men. So far, there have been no attempted terrorist attacks on airplanes by adolescent girls, grandmothers, women with children, women, or non-Muslim men; Napolitano carefully and concisely explains why profiling is politically incorrect and an affront to Muslims who might be terrorists, around the world. Napolitano’s illogic, a system of thought that is similar to our president’s own reasoning ability when he speaks without his teleprompter, could be an excellent comedic dialogue for Groucho Marx.

One of my favorite Groucho stories is about an incident that involved his daughter swimming at a private beach. He was told his daughter couldn’t swim at the beach because she was Jewish. He then asked if she could wade in up to her waist, since she was only half Jewish.

Is Big Brother In Our Immediate Future

In 1949 George Orwell wrote 1984, a political prophecy that portrayed a Progressive Party’s ultimate achievement of its totalitarian goals in a Utopian State of complete oligarchy. This chilling account of a Utopian Dream that evolved into a Dystopia was titled, 1984. So frightening was the premise of the novel that the number 1984 became a part of our language, along with the nebulous figure of “Big Brother.”

Many who read the book breathed a sigh of relief when the year came1984 came and passed without the realization of the dreaded situations described in the book. Perhaps Orwell’s only flaw with 1984 was to predict the Progressive political ascendancy a few decades prematurely. The Chinese and Russian oligarchies were in full bloom by the late 1940s; it was within reason to assume the Totalitarian Progressive control of the United States and England in 35 years.

The Autocrat [Reader Post]

Prices are soaring through the roof and these people know nothing of prices because they do not know the concept of price. The Obama Administration is seriously considering using, under the guise of some “endangered protected reptilian species” (the three inch long Dunes Sagebrush Lizard), its powers to advance EPA environmental enforcement protections which will effectively kill, several counties in Texas, thousands of petroleum extraction and oil distribution jobs causing lose of billions of dollars in business fortune for purposes any rational thinker would call specious and shoddy.

Despite killing Bin Laden, Obama is still anti-American [Reader Post]

The day before Bin Laden was killed I did a small presentation at an Americans for Prosperity event in Jasper, GA. The highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Dinesh D’Souza. The thrust of his argument, taken from his book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”, is essentially that while most traditional Democrats seek to effect redistribution within America, Obama, pursuing the anti-colonialist agenda of his father, seeks to have the United States diminished among the countries of the world. Companion to that weakening of the United States internationally is the weakening of the country economically. One example D’Souza discussed was Obama cheering oil exploration internationally while simultaneously making it more difficult and more expensive for companies to explore & drill domestically.

Obama Tries A Magic Potion To Control The Dragon Within The First Amendment

“Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” the world wishes to be deceived, so let it be deceived.

President Obama was incredulous that the protest at a San Francisco Fund Raiser was filmed by a media person; after all, he controls and directs media, academia, the unions, and Democrats. To break this code is an invitation to bring on the wrath of Obama or to be disallowed or banished from participation in the Obamanation. Liberals and Progressives cower at the thought of being forsaken by the Obama, yet one and her employer dared to stand against the power of Obama, they invoked the First Amendment and called him liar.

Feds Bust Amish For Running White Contraband Across State Lines

The Obama and Holder Justice Department are hoping for a swift conviction against the Amish in a case that seems to be locked solid. They have been the object of a sting operation that has been ongoing for over a year, during that time purchases were made by federal agents using aliases and surepetious homes in the DC area. The Feds feel confident that Americans and the country will be much safer, now that the Amish farm has been busted in a daring predawn raid that went flawlessly and without the gunfire and deaths associated with Ruby Ridge and Waco. One of the most prominent and well known Amish Crime Families has now been neutralized without bloodshed, thanks to a well coordinated raid on the farm of the pacifists. Amish are often considered dangerous because they don’t assimilate and are assumed to keep their weapons well hidden.