Starve ’em, strand ’em, freeze ’em: Obama’s plans for the elderly [Reader Post]

And that’s before rationing their health care.

Barack Obama thinks he can seize upon Paul Ryan’s plan as a foil for his re-election.

Democrats still smarting from their 2010 mid-term defeat see Republican Rep. Paul Ryan’s controversial plan to overhaul Medicare as political aspirin, a cure for just about everything that ails them.

But for Barack Obama it’s more like Geritol — a targeted treatment for his chronic aches and pains with older voters.

Senate Works to Repeal Rationing [Reader Post]

The ObamaCare bill was riddled with land mines all designed to implement rationing of health care treatments and procedures in order to “reduce the cost” of health care expenditures to the government. Those provisions include the establishment of “comparative effectiveness research” and the creation of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Comparative effectiveness research will provide the justification for denial of care that will be carried out by the IPAB. It is critical people understand the pending threats to their health care freedom so let’s take a look at these two provisions of law.

Arrogance Incarnate – Obama and his union friends… [Reader Post]

Life not fair. Nor for that matter is it unfair. It simply is. It’s not fair or unfair that the lion feasts on the slowest zebra or that the penguin who leaps into the ocean at just the wrong moment becomes dinner for an Orca. Life is life… fair doesn’t come into play.

Fair is a fundamentally human concept that is defined by a lack of preference or favoritism and or injustice.

Despite its subjective nature, fairness is a word that the left loves to bring to what should be an objective realm, politics.

The EPA’s Power Grab [Reader Post]

Congress is set to vote on a series of amendments aimed to limit the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to impose restrictions on carbon limits without congressional approval. The votes could come as early as next week.

Environmental groups have petitioned the FDA to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The impact of such an action would be enormous. Such a regulatory action – which has never been approved by Congress – would raise energy price and reduce energy supplies making President Obama’s admission that such regulation would cause electricity rates to “skyrocket,” reality.

Obama Stands Up For Wisconsin Public Service Unions

Governor Scott Walker, of Wisconsin unveiled his plans to salvage the economy and budget of Wisconsin. His plan calls for sweeping legislation that will weaken public employee rights and bargaining ability.

State officials alerted the Wisconsin State Employee unions that expired collective bargaining contracts will be terminated on March 13. A budget repair bill also unveiled will do away with all collective bargaining rights for nearly all public employees and make it much easier to fire employees.

ObamaCare Justice….Forcing Those “Freeloaders” To Pay One Way Or Another

Ann Althouse brings up some great points in this trio of posts responding to another law professor’s op-ed today but none more better then this:

“Tribe’s op-ed, as I wrote in the first post, rests very heavily on misrepresenting the Supreme Court’s commerce power doctrine as referring to “commercial choices.” In fact, the cases refer to “commercial activities,” and a switch from “activity” to “choice” is immensely important in the health care litigation, in which opponents stress that the failure to buy insurance is inactivity, not activity, and therefore beyond even the broadest interpretations the Supreme Court has ever given to the Commerce Clause.”

Common Sense: The antidote to too much government [Reader Post]

Conservatives and libertarians are constantly railing against government intervention in the lives of citizens. As such, they are often accused by the left of hating all forms of government and seeking to deregulate everything to the point where corporations can take over the country and rob and enslave the citizenry.

Nothing could be farther than the truth. Conservatives understand a successful nation requires a functioning government with a strong rule of law.