First Lady Michelle Obama (watch the video at the link) once again creates a dubious aura around the question of her intelligence during an interview with CNN; once again, she was thrown the typical softball question meant to tug at the heart strings of America and ends up looking like a fool.
The CNN reporter asked this inane question with the disjointed grammar that has become typical of the State Directed Media:
CNN reporter: “How’s the family ready for this [the election]? It’s going to be quite vicious, isn’t it? How do you prepare for that?”
With forethought and grammar that belies her Ivy League education, the First Lady responds:
“You know, it’s … we’re ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we’re doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately, we have help from the media. I have to say this: I’m very grateful for the support and kindness that we’ve gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband’s policies or what have you, they care about children and that’s been good to see.”
Sometimes, people are just not equipped to speak in public and it seems cruel to eviscerate them, because they are so clueless, but this woman’s husband is systematically destroying this country and he has his own propaganda bureaus that willingly participate in this destruction. Should we feel sorry for the simple minded, Hell no.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
That woman makes Gerald Ford look witty and entertaining.
Lawyers, like Historians, are required to have good memories; but this characteristic does not necessarily imply anything about their analytic abilities.
Speaking of propaganda, how about those two new cable channels, CURRENT TV, and Free Speech News- the first is backed by Al (I invented cable) Gore, and the second is backed by George Soros-both of which are good for a laugh, if you can keep your food down.
Everytime I see them, I just wanna beat a baby harp seal to death, just to restore the balance in this universe.
Michelle Obama epitomizes what is so wrong with affirmative action. It relegates those who are/were able to “cut the mustard” by their own hard work and intelligence by the same affirmative action folks who forever remind us that they are products of affirmative action.
Consequently, the real minority achievers are always looked at with suspicion, while the under achievers are often in situations where they look like fools, not doing them or their associations any favors.
I for one don’t give a hoot about the fact she talks like the typical street person instead of a supposed educated lawyer type. I’m more concerned about this! “Fortunately, we have help from the media. I have to say this: I’m very grateful for the support and kindness that we’ve gotten.” The fact that she openly confirms everything as to the main stream press is beyond comprehension. Are they now so secure in their thought of inherent right to their monarchy that they now throw the fact in our faces that there is in fact a co-opted press that they have paid for and own? Her contempt for us mere mortals is now complete to the point that she sticks it in our face that the propaganda industry will continue to lie and cover for her and her leftist husband?
I for one will agree with her on one thing as a parent. Leave the kids alone! However, I notice Her Royal Blindness couldn’t at least throw out a B.S. line of something to the effect of “maybe all children of politicians should be left alone”. No Sir! Not Queen Michelle or any leftist scumbag for that matter!
It must be nice to be able to not only have a propaganda industry that will protect you or yours while that same agency ruthlessly attacks anyone who, in a country that is supposed to at least respect opposite opinions, in fact stands up to the lies and hypocrisy. OF course, the families of good decent citizens can be attacked openly and is in fact condoned by this corrupt administration starting with the “we think we’re royalty so the rest of you be DAMNED!” first family!
Disgusting hypocrisy! Even more disgusting open disdain for the American people in general all on display! And they are proud of it!
[While the]
The king was in his white house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was on safari,
Munching fries and honey.
@RudeCrudeAndSociallyUnacceptable: I wonder if,You know, she likes those Fries,You know,cooked in Lard?
@Blake, #3:
I suppose some of the documentaries running on Current TV might give rise to occasional questions that conservatives could find uncomfortable. Such as, Why hasn’t Governor Rick Scott taken any action against the Florida “pain clinics” that are largely responsible for the Midwest and eastern seaboard’s out-of-control OxyContin epidemic? It’s probably a good idea to flag conservatives off alternative media outlets like Current TV before they see such stuff.
It’s not like Governor Scott is unaware that the walk-in Florida clinics have become the main conduit for the flow of OxyContin to American streets. His response? He has proposed to eliminate the Florida prescription drug database that was set up to control just such problems. He has also turned down a gift to the state of one million dollars from the legal manufacturer of the drug to fund the database. This, of course, is the same guy who is going to spend Florida taxpayers’ money to drug screen welfare applicants–with a private health service company he founded well positioned to benefit from the new business.
No doubt the story about the Florida OxyContin clinics has been adequately covered by FOX news media. If not, that most likely means it isn’t actually a relevant part of any well-insulated conservative reality.
I agree the two girls should be protected from the wrath of politics but these two are red capping their daughters in a bull fight. That may sound cruel but that is what I see.
Re: #8
FYI, Gov. Scott reversed himself earlier this month and signed a bill that will set up a prescription drug database. Other Florida republicans supported the bill. Scott’s position was getting lots of bad press and the story was starting to get picked up by the national media.
@Poppa_T: …yeah, and Ford’s dead, too. So your comment is twice as funny as it was meant to be. LOL
@Greg: The oxycontin epidemic is everywhere, and is a big part of our drug problem- that Current tvcan cast some light onto this is good, but the bias on much of its programming is abysmal and almost infantile in its pandering to the left side of the political spectrum. If you want to point out FOX’s right tilt in its OPINION programming, you might have a valid point, but not in its news coverage.
Poll after poll have shown that the typical FOX viewer is more independent and intelligent than those viewers that hew closer to other channels.