Body armor was the red flag [Reader Post]

It has occurred to me that once again that the left is engaged in another one of its knee-jerk reactions to a horrific event. In the wake of the Aurora shootings, democrats are calling for more gun control.

Below are just a few examples of the Left’s continuing practice of exploiting mass murder to promote their agenda for eliminating gun ownership. As usual, before the families can even recover the bodies of their dead relatives, the Left starts exploiting the situation in their never-ceasing attempt to circumvent the 2nd Amendment via more restrictive gun control laws,

Dark Night…at least 14 Dead

“Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn”
Alfred in reference to The Joker, Dark Knight (2008)

I left a midnight showing of the latest Batman movie only to hear on the radio about a mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado:

A gunman opened fire early Friday at a movie theater in a Denver suburb, killing 14 people and leaving at least 50 other injured, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said.

Hoffa Incites Riots And Murder Before Obama Speaks

Obama Declares War on American Citizens

Civil discourse only applies to Obama’s enemies. In an unprecedented speech, Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa called for his union members to

“Take These Sons Of Bitches Out”

These “Sons of Bitches” he is referring to are the members of the TEA Party. He called for war and in most wars there is violence. To the union thugs, violence is merely part of their thuggery.

The Obamas, Movin’ On Up

Corruption and Lies seem to be a tradition in the Obama family.

Every family has a “Black Sheep,” someone who embarrasses the family by getting drunk and in trouble. It’s possible some of us have relatives who are illegal aliens on the public dole and have repeatedly defied deportation orders: thankfully, not many of us fit into that category. However, not many drunk relatives tell arresting officers to call the White House, presumably before they do something stupid.

“Omar” or Onyango Obama is the long lost brother Kenyan half-brother of President Obama’s father. The same Uncle Omar mentioned by Bill Ayers in the best selling autobiography “Dreams From My Father”, the life story of President Obama as portrayed by the unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers. Although he was mentioned in the book, our president is wishing his drunken uncle would behave himself or live in the shadows.

What does the Oslo Killer and Islamic Militants Share in Common?

In grim, apocalyptic language, it advocates attacks on “traitors” across Europe who are supposedly enabling a Muslim takeover of the continent.

“[W]e should… not exceed (per 2010) aprox. 45 000 dead and 1 million wounded cultural Marxists/multiculturalists in Western Europe,” the author writes. “The time for dialogue is over. We gave peace a chance. The time for armed resistance has come.”

Liberals, Be Not Proud!

Those who celebrate the butchering of children are inherently evil
And they will never receive a sympathetic listening ear from me again
To those who say palestinians are fighting a war and are soldiers so civil
Think of whom your next enemy might be and does he wait in the dark to begin
The throat cutting of children and grandchildren, pagan cowards high on Leftist drivel

A nation of Jared Loughners [Reader Post]

Sometimes the shortest period measurable by man is the amount of time between a tragedy occuring and left wing blaming the right. One thing is for certain- no thinking can possibly take place in such short a period of time.

Early on no one knew a single fact about Loughner, let alone his name. But that did not stop the left for a second. Sherriff Clarence Dumbshit Dupnik had the answer immediately.