Hurrah! Osama Is Dead
Hurrah! Osama Is Dead
Let horrid discussions be laid to rest
The fiend Osama has met his demise
Our intrepid seals have passed the test
And brave president wants you to realize
At his personal direction, while golfing yet
He played a noble part, laying Osama in ice
He helped kill the evil fiend, at least in his eyes
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Sorry folks, I fouled up with this post and some comments were lost. I think Curt can get them back on line later on.
WHERE IS THE ‘BEEF’??? yeah….’buried at sea in the speedy Islamic tradition’……how convenient….
Is the entire populace falling for this with no evidence of someone who has been reportedly killed four or five times already??
Jeez! Just wait a few days for the next video to come out……..ummmm…..I wonder….if the video does come out, will we even see it?
Added: Remember Sadaams son’s? Plastered in all their dead glory all over the world media. Where was that ‘speedy burial in the Islamic tradition’ mentioned..?
When I saw all those kids dancing in the streets up in NY last night, I though they had officially located the residence of Santa Clause up at the North Pole, which it appears they would believe if put out by Obama and his MSM………………………….
Michael Yon writes:
Joseph Campbell is an American mythologist who wrote The Power of Myth. (I had to look it up.)
My brother and I were hunting elk with muzzle loaders in Southwest Colorado in early September 2001. We turned on the radio and heard what had happened. We immediately packed up and went home to await news. My brother ended up driving back to PA in the rental truck. I called into my civil affairs unit and volunteered to be one of the first to be mobilized to where ever we were to go. I was far from the first. Most of the unit called in within the first few days.
My youngest son was 13 at the time. He was so upset, he took a sleeping bag and slept on the lawn for the night. Eventually, we mobilized to Iraq. It was a pleasure to meet all of the highly motivated young men and women as well as some folks who were well over 30 years old at the mobilization station. ( For those of you who watched the news last night, many had very short hair cuts.) There was a quiet purposeful manner in the faces of these new soldiers.
Ten years later, my 13 year old son, now 23 has returned from duty in Afghanistan. I am proud to know he was one of those young men and women who stepped up when our country needed them. Today, their reaction to the news validates their contribution. It did my heart good to see those faces last night.
Wag the dog-Wag the dog…..
Randy, congratulations on your son, and great that he made it back……
@MrBigW: What a confusing post here- are you congradulating Dubya for putting in place the infrastructure that finally nabbed bin Laden, or is this what passes for sarcasm? I am not really sure, bubt I DO remember Dubya’s words, that “…we will not falter, and we will not fail…” to get bin Laden “Dead or alive…”- I guess it is dead. As for “gun camera film”, I would guess that there is a record of the kill, but will we see it? I can’t answer that one.
No it was a movie that came out back in 1997, You remember who was in the white house then ??
Thank God for our wonderful service men! Kudos must be given to Patreaus who stuck his head on the block in while going after things in Pakistan, what with drones, et., something the administration was loathe to do as the Pakistanis didn’t like it.
All in all a good day! However, normally when one cuts the head off a snake, the body dies. In this case, citing the centuries of radical hatred, etc. that comes from these people, one must still assume the body is whole. The deep rooted hatred not only for Israel, but for anything other than their own views I’m afraid will keep these folks going on their merry way. As such, we must not ease up on the pressure! We go after these radicals until they fold up their tents!
Obama was probably well aware of the book, ”Dereliction of Duty,” wherein Bill Clinton let Osama go on – what was it? – three occasions.
He might not like war and fighting and violence (when it comes to our enemies, not when it comes to his political opponents) but he knew from that book not to let a sure thing chance to get Osama slip away.
Seeing he is dead at the hands of SEALs reminded me of when California didn’t have the ”Three Strike” law.
Our recidivists were our worst offenders, repeating and repeating while once in a while going through our revolving door criminal justice system.
All of a sudden we saw a huge rise in cops killing felons in the course of trying to arrest them.
When our ”Three Strikes” law passed, this pattern ended.
Obama has shown a clear pattern of going easy on terrorists.
Once caught, they might be tried in civil courts where damning evidence would all be thrown out.
So, looky here!
Dead while resisting arrest.
There’s an old proverb: when sentence is not speedily carried out, the heart of a man becomes totally bad all of the time.
Too true.
Obama made Osama sound like he was on the side of those few people who want to wipe out all Muslims: saying Osama had killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.
Oh, please!
Perhaps Obama could read up on the Islamic teaching of the ”inadvertent martyr.”
An inadvertent martyr is a Muslim who dies as part of a PR campaign or as a human shield.
It is all good.
Nan G wrote: “There’s an old proverb: when sentence is not speedily carried out, the heart of a man becomes totally bad all of the time.”
OT, but we had a demonstration of that proverb right here where I live a couple of weeks ago. Some young punk killed the son of a local 45 y.o. man, and it looked like the courts were going to let the killer off with “involuntary manslaughter”. The father took matters into his own hands, followed the kid into the local Dollar General and shot him dead. Around here, we call that Mountain Justice.
@nan g
Thank you..I sat here for half an hour trying to remember the name of that book,Wasn’t it written by one of the aides that carried the football several years of the clinton adm??
Here’s a link.
As Skookum posted previously:
“Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” the world wishes to be deceived, so let it be deceived.
And, time will tell very quickly if bin Laden is, in fact, dead. If he is Great, but the MSM has ‘officially’ reported him dead nearly half a dozen times. This time, it’s simply pulling all the stops.
I love this computer graphic reenactment from Taiwan. Judging by Chinese real news broadcasts, I can’t tell if this is a reinactment by Chinese news, just a comedy skit or a bit of both (the vocals are from the news and the computer graphics are part of the comic skit).
Gregory, the Taiwanese are not overly concerned about being PC. Were those bottles of Jack Daniels on the floor next to Osama? I think their MSM will have a longer run than ours. There was some “serious humor” in that film.
From Tim:
Usama Bin Laden is dead
But our budget is still in the red.
He got shot in the ass
But we’re still paying $4.00 for gas.
Hopey Changey is crass !!!!
another thing, the seal team 6 member that shot him said 3 times right in the dome. “His head was laid open in a V shape with his brains spilling out over his face”… as I recall the picture I saw he didn’t look that messed up not to mention, but I will anyway, I cannot find that kill shot picture on the net after the shooter described the kill