If you can’t control a news outlet, make the owner’s wife our representative to the UN.
President Obama made a street smart, but cheap underhanded move to control the Spanish television news outlet Univision.
Univision has been highly critical of the Obama/Holder plan to supply Mexican Drug Cartels with military grade weaponry through the notorious and highly illegal gun running scheme called Fast and Furious; an operation that would have brought down an administration except for the unique situation of the president controlling the press and in effect, making a mockery of the First Amendment.
Weapons from the operation have killed two federal agents so far and hundreds of Mexican nationals.
It is imperative for the president to maintain the loyalty of the Hispanic community to have a chance of reelection, and although the Spanish speaking Univision has not mentioned Obama or the racist lackey posing as Attorney General specifically, they have chosen the ATF to be the responsible party. Univision did interview Obama, and for the first time during his presidency he was asked difficult questions, including questions about Fast and Furious.
Although Cheryl Saban has no real qualifications for the post (she has been active in charity work); she is the wife of Haim Saban , an Israeli billionaire who donated a million dollars to an Obama Super Pac. Haim is the owner of Univision, the Spanish network currently conducting its own investigation of Fast and Furious.
The Spanish language television news network Univision unleashed a bombshell investigative report on Operation Fast and Furious Sunday evening, finding that in January 2010 drug cartel hit men slaughtered students with weapons the United States government allowed to flow to them across the Mexican border.
“On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez,” according to a version of the Univision report in English, on the ABC News website.
“Near midnight, the assassins, later identified as hired guns for the Mexican cartel La Linea, broke into a one-story house and opened fire on a gathering of nearly 60 teenagers. Outside, lookouts gunned down a screaming neighbor and several students who had managed to escape. Fourteen young men and women were killed, and 12 more were wounded before the hit men finally fled.”
Citing a Mexican Army document it obtained and published, Univision reported that “[t]hree of the high caliber weapons fired that night in Villas de Salvarcar were linked to a gun tracing operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).”
That operation was Fast and Furious.The “massacre,” as Univision described it, was not the only bombshell the network unveiled in its Sunday evening report.
“Univision News identified a total of 57 more previously unreported firearms that were bought by straw purchasers monitored by ATF during Operation Fast and Furious, and then recovered in Mexico in sites related to murders, kidnappings, and at least one other massacre,”
Skeptics are insinuating Obama is using a diplomatic appointment to shut down the investigation.
Mrs Saban was appointed one day before President Obama was to appear on the Spanish network for an interview.
Q Mr. President, you told me during an interview that you — Eric Holder or you did not authorize the Fast and Furious operation that allowed 2,000 weapons from the United States to Mexico, and they were in drug-trafficking hands. I think that up to 100 Mexicans might have died, and also American agent, Brian Terry. There’s a report that 14 agents were responsible for the operation. But shouldn’t Attorney General Eric Holder — he should have known about that. And if he didn’t, should you fire him?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration. When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that, in fact, Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable.
But what I think is most important is recognizing that we’ve got a challenge in terms of weapons flowing south. And the strategy that was pursued, obviously, out of Arizona, was completely wrongheaded. Those folks who were responsible have been held accountable. The question now is how do we move forward with a strategy that will actually work.
And we are going to have to work with Mexican law enforcement to accomplish this. But I will tell you that Eric Holder has my complete confidence because he has shown himself to be willing to hold accountable those who took these actions and is passionate about making sure that we’re preventing guns from getting into the wrong hands.
Q But if you have nothing to hide then why are you not releasing papers to this?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, actually, the truth is we’ve released thousands of papers —
Q But not all of them.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’ve released almost all of them. The ones that we don’t release typically relate to internal communications that were not related to the actual Fast and Furious operation.
And so the challenge that we have is that at any given moment in the federal government, there may be people who do dumb things. And I’ve seen it, I promise. (Laughter.) And ultimately, I’m responsible, and my key managers, including the Attorney General, are responsible, for holding those people accountable, for making sure that they are fired if they do dumb things, and then fixing the system to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. And I’m very confident that you will not see any kind of actions like this in the future.
But what I don’t like to see is these kinds of issues becoming political circuses or ways to score political points in Congress — partly because it becomes a distraction from us doing the business that we need to do for the American people.
President Obama’s political appointment didn’t prevent the only semi-tough questions President Obama has been asked during his presidency.
Perhaps Univision didn’t get the word: You do not ask President Obama tough questions. He only gets softball questions, for instance: Have you ever been interrupted at dinner by national emergencies and did Michele get upset?
While some of us in the alternative media would have been more direct and probing with our questions. We must commend Univision for not being total lapdogs for Obama.
Univision is the only news organization with the integrity to investigate the Fast and Furious scandal; the others are remarkably silent about the incriminating evidence piling up against Holder and Obama. Perhaps Obama should have appointed Mrs Saban to be the ambassador to Libya, there is an opening in that post; since Univision is continuing with the investigation despite the ceremonial posting of Mrs Saban to represent us at the UN.
Americans are looking at the aftermath of Fast and Furious, and asking if some of these guns made it to the hands of the top drug lords. The guns made it to some of the most heinous killers on the face of the earth, Obama and Holder made no qualifications for the placement of the weapons, they just wanted to supply the cartels with the most advanced military weaponry available.
When Mexican authorities took Juarez drug cartel carnage king Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez — better known as “El Diego” — into custody, he had weapons from Operation Fast and Furious on his person, the English-language transcript of the Spanish-language television network Univision’s special investigation into the scandal shows.
“According to investigations, ‘El Diego’ forms the link between this massacre and Fast and Furious,” an anchor read on air in Spanish Sunday evening, referring to two different mass killings drug cartel operatives used Fast and Furious weapons to conduct as Univision reported.
“When he [El Diego] was captured in Chihuahua in the summer of 2011, he was found with weapons that the American government had allowed to enter Mexico,” the anchor added.
Supposedly, the point of the ATF/DoJ operation was to track the weapons so that they could find the movers and shakers in the Mexican drug cartels. Imagine what would have happened if the ATF actually had intended totrack the weapons and cooperate with the Mexican government, as the Bush administration did earlier in Operation Wide Receiver. The partnership might have caught El Diego a little sooner.
And they might have prevented this:
The English-language translated transcript of Spanish-language television news network Univision’s special report on Operation Fast and Furious shows that drug cartel leaders orchestrated a hit on innocent civilian teenagers using weapons they got from President Barack Obama’s administration. …
Davila’s children — 18-year-old Jose Luis Davila and 20-year-old Marco Davila — were next door at a birthday party with about 60 of their friends. “They had bought sodas, chips — the neighbors were going to make oranges with chilies for them, cracklings, everything,” their mother told Univision.
After that gunshot, Luz Davila said she knew something horrible happened to her children.
“I stood because it came to me and I said, ‘Something happened,’” Luz Davila told the network.
What had happened was Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez, or “El Diego,” the onetime leader of the Juarez Cartel’s La Linea, sent his team to the birthday party to kill what he thought were members of the rival Sinaloa Cartel.
Hernandez had ordered his men to block off the street and conduct the massacre under the mistaken notion that some of the attendees were Sinaloa rivals. That turned out to be false, but more than a dozen hitmen sprayed fire throughout the neighborhood, killing 16 people overall, with guns helpfully supplied by the ATF. (After his capture, Hernandez acknowledged that the targets were innocent.)
The Univision reporter says at the end that “the United States government has many things that they ought to make public.” Unfortunately, this administration is still hiding Fast & Furious evidence and witnesses from Congressional investigators via a bogus executive privilege claim.

Americans, Border Agents, Police on both sides of the border, and Mexican Nationals will continue to be murdered for years, because of the criminal actions of Attorney General Holder and President Obama, but our own media refuses to acknowledge this fact. Our news media considers it more important to concentrate on the president and his appearances on the View and his concerts with celebrities at the White House; Univision is doing the job they refuse to do.
Obama’s two bit thug politics of the Chicago Machine only work to a degree. They begin to falter and fail when there are honest people who aren’t in on the corruption. Obama has ignored the Mexican people in Mexico. His cheap Chicago corruption and dirty tricks will be raining holy Hell and death on the Mexican people for generations. Univision sees no advantage to being in the tank of filthy water with the rest of the networks; they are loyal to their people, not to the corrupt political machine of Obama.
The legacy of Obama and Holder, the one they refuse to acknowledge, but chickens are coming home to roost.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
This is what he meant by being “transparent”.
John Sununu actually just used these words, “not that bright” – while describing Obama on National television. That’s a first, I suspect.
JR, how can that be, it was a mere four years ago, the media was touting Obama as the most brilliant man to ever run for the office, a literary genius; and yet, his faithful are bailing with remarks like “Not that bright.”
Oh, what crashes the false gods make when they fall from lofty perches.
Obama’s retirement home might not be in Oahu, it might be in Leavenworth if this Fast and Furious scandal continues to grow.
Let’s be sure you and I don’t sell weapons to drug cartels and cause the deaths of federal agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals; we will never see the light of day.
Well, why is not holder been impeached??? Who is holding up the process?? Same rhetoric every day… nothing but a bad vaudeville comic show. Where is the “hook”? You do know what the “hook” is?
MOS 8541, the house must initiate the impeachment and the Senate then tries the impeachment like a trial.
With a Democrat majority in the Senate headed by the liar Harry Reid, Obama could murder his wife and not be convicted; however, if the House would start the impeachment, which is like a indictment, Obama’s future would be over.
The impeachment proceedings are not necessarily the end result, but can result in being yanked from office. Without a doubt Holder and probably Obama should be impeached for this crime, but they won’t release the documents and the GOP establishment is in on the corruption in Washington. They don’t want to rock the boat by condemning or impeaching such a popular criminal. So we can’t lay the blame entirely on the Libs and the Liar Harry Reid.
With new blood in the legislature and control of the Senate, Holder and possibly Obama could face criminal and civil charges in my opinion. Many think it is outrageous to imprison a former president, but I remember how “The Won” wanted to prosecute George Bush. I say, arrest the bastard, prosecute him and let the families of Mexican nationals and the families of our slain border agents sue those two until they are living in card board boxes.
The carnage continues and will continue for years. Two more border agents were gunned down, I assume they are still armed with bean bags, thanks to that guerrilla fighter from the old days Big Sis Napolitano.
Ummm… did you just use the words “gorilla” and “Big Sis Napolitano” in the same sentence?
She won’t like that one bit.
Aye it is guerrilla, not gorilla. You know the Spanish term for revolutionary fighter. Yikes, you had me worried for a few moments, I thought the spell checker got the best of me again.
Special Ambassador to the United Nations?
And Angeline Jolie, who actually does WORK for the UN is only an envoy? (special envoy)
What does a special ambassador do?
Does she get paid?
Does she have to move to NY from Beverly Hills?
And, most important, did she get a free Obama phone?
Just checking to make sure you’re paying attention.
No matter the word though, she’s still a silver back.
Obama is back on Teleprompter again this morning.
It has struck me that perhaps he should have refrained from doing so – the contrast to him without one in the debate is too obvious. I suspect it embarrasses his sycophants.
– – –
The New York Time whitewashes the Fast and Furious story, and it seems only on the more obscure corners of the media do we find persistence on the coverage such as this Fast and Furious Off Target
If this is true, this Administration should be brought before Congress, then tried. Let’s see those e-mails.
Nan, they upgrade the wives of millionaires to an IPhone 14 and they get their choice of designer colors.
Aye, I’ll bet she is Hell on wheels with a snoot full of Tequila. You will need some heavy duty furniture if she gets to rough housing.
JR, if we analyze how many people are aware of the travesty, it would probably shock us. I think it will blow up eventually, but Obama will be golfing in Hawaii and appearing on the View with his closest friends.
He has executed executive privilege to withhold certain correspondence, which can’t be done unless the president is involved. He has implicated himself with the Executive Privilege, but it can’t be used to hide wrong doing or illegal activities. Does that give off suspicious odors? Yes, indeed, but the culture of corruption makes too many Republicans nervous about rocking the boat, but it won’t stop the civil lawsuits and they will be coming. Obama’s cozy relationships with trial lawyers won’t be worth a boot full of warm piss when those sharks smell blood.
Goodbye profits from those ghost written autobiographies, goodbye speaking engagements, goodbye everything, but he might be able to visit OJ, maybe they can share a cell. You know how Obama is fascinated with sports celebrities.
@Skook: #14,
Absolutely right. When the payment on the Rolls Royce is due, the lawyer couldn’t care less who he/she will go after to collect fees. On that, I have first-hand experience.
Say their names. Memorize them.
Jaime Zapata
Brian Terry
Nicholas Ivie
BP Agent Ivie leaves behind a wife and two daughters, age 4 and 20 months.
These are the names of Obama’s reckless gun policies. They are the collateral damage that Obama, and his henchman, Eric Holder, were willing to sacrifice to try to enact stricter gun laws in the U.S. Obama really thought that this wouldn’t happen, and so what if a few Mexicans were killed? Hell, Mexicans are murdered every day and no one here pays attention. But Obama could send Hillary Clinton to the cameras claiming that 90% of all the weapons captured in Mexico came from the U.S., consequently, rogue gun dealers needed to be reigned in and stricter gun laws passed.
But it is backfiring. Agent Jaime Zapata’s partner, who was also shot but lived, is wanting answers. He wants to know why they were ordered to travel down Mexican Hwy. 57 when our Ambassadors to Mexico are advised to avoid that highway because it is controlled by the Zeta cartel. He wants to know why they were told they would receive air support from the Mexican government via a helicopter in 40 minutes.
He wants to know what was so important about surveillance equipment that, under orders, required them to travel a road that is off limits to other Americans in Mexico because it is known to be controlled by the Zetas.
Thank you Retire 05, I will put together a bio on our federal agents as a post. It is time to put faces and names on these victims of Obama’s lunacy. It won’t be long before police officers in our large cities, yes and even our sheriffs and highway patrol officers out in the country will be facing fifty calibers and automatic rifles. I wonder if America will still think of Obama as “eye candy” when that bull shit goes down. Will the old hens cackle when he crosses his legs and grins or will they think of the dead American agents and law officers who were killed by the idiot who gave weapons to homicidal maniacs, so that young children would never see their fathers again.
I promise, every American law officer who is killed or maimed by these weapons will be on these pages with the appropriate blame.
JR, I am no fan of trial lawyers, but sometimes, I have no pity for their victims either.
Skook, all of America was shocked to read”
Almost 3,000 Americans killed in a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center
Where is the head line
Almost 4,000 Americans murdered every year by illegal immigrants?
Do we simply ignore that number because it doesn’t happen all at once but over the course of a year?
We here in the border states have been screaming for years to clamp down on the southern border. Until the last few years, the rest of the nation ignored our plight as just a “border state” issue. But when people started dying in Missouri, Iowa, New Jersey and other northern states, it became a different story. BP Agent Ivie was killed 8 miles inside our border. 8 miles
As far as police officers and sheriff’s deputies losing their lives due to facing off with a heavily armed drug cartel, they are already doing that. When our Texas Rangers were being fired on by high powered rifles coming from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, Governor Rick Perry ordered the Rangers to shoot back. No quarter. Unlike our National Guard that when placed on our border was ordered to retreat if they were fired on from the Mexican side, or hell, even on our side of the border. National Guardsmen abandoned a watch tower because they were being fired on from illegals who had crossed into the U.S. It was ordered they do so and the Guardsmen were not armed with anything but spy glasses. Just as Agent Brian Terry was armed with bean bag shot.
But it is not just Mexican drug cartel members coming across. BP agents are constantly reporting on Islamic prayer rugs and Korans being found in the desert. Gee, maybe those Muslims are coming just because they are looking for a way to feed their families. Ya think?
The faces of Jaime Zapata, Brian Terry and Agent Ivie should be plastered across the front page of every newspaper in the U.S. Add to that the face of Kiki Camarena, who died a horrible death. We know that illegals are coming here for reasons other than supporting their families. Angel Resendiz, a.k.a. The RailRoad Killer, rode the rails not two blocks from my home. I attended the deaths of three of his victims. Yet the Feds could not find in in over ten years. It took a rookie Texas Ranger to bring Resendiz in. And in six months after he was convicted in Texas, we put that mad dog down.
I find it a bit ironic that Mexico is wailing about the deaths from Fast and Furious when many more Americans have died at the hands of illegal Mexicans in this nation over the years. Yes, I want Obama, and Eric Holder, prosecuted for the deaths of Zapata, Terry and Ivie, but I also want the Mexican government held liable for the deaths of Americans at the hands of its citizens.
Well said.
But Mexico has no death penalty.
And their murderers (of our citizens here) usually make their way back home in case of capture.
That way we have to GUARANTEE the Mexican gov’t there will be neither a death penalty NOR a life without the possibility of parole on the table JUST to get them extradited!
It is a sad thing to see a cop killer given promises of only a light sentence and the possibility of early release just to get him to trial.
There is a lot riding on this elction. Obama needs to win so he can pardon all of the justice department, ATF, Homeland Security, State Department and the administration. If Obama loses before the investigations find the guilty parties who ran the guns, hid the evidence, leaked the secrets, turned criminals lose and squandered our tax dollars, who will pardon them. Some folks in this administration are likely ordering cases of Depends after the debate last night!
Funny how you get so upset—for political purposes— about thousands of Mexicans being killed, supposedly by American guns, in the hands of drug cartels, but could care less about over 100, 000 innocent civilian killed, and the millions disabled and displaced, by the war over oil in Iraq—not to mention the untold minions of Afghans being killed, wounded, and displaced by the present war over an oil pipeline.
Conservatives like to act as though atrocities are worthy of condemnation when politically useful, but not otherwise.
@Liberal1 (Objectivity):
So says the supporter of a political ideology, and this President, who only condemned the attacks in Libya and Egypt when it was politically useful to do so.
@Liberal1 (Objectivity):
I love how you throw out the 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed since the onset of the war there, but don’t mention a) how many of those civilians were killed by Islamic insurgents or b) how many civilians were slaugtered under the dictate of Saddam Hussein. Even IraqiBodyCount does not list the number of civilians murdered by other Islamists, yet on their web page it lists for this month 4 dead civilians from car bombs. American soldiers don’t use car bombs, Lib1.
You also fail to mention that we have a international treaty with Mexico, and the provision of weapons by the Obama administration to Mexican drug cartel is a clear violation of that treaty. And yes, all conservatives care that innocent Mexicans are being slaughtered by guns this administration provided to their murderers just as we are upset that the Mexican government has done nothing to stop the free flow of its citizens into the United States that slaughter our citizens.
Now, perhaps you would like to provide us with the amount of Iraqi oil that this nation has benefitted from? Or did you miss the part where the Iraqis, not Americans, get to decide who they sell their oil to? If we are benefitting from the free flow of Iraqi oil to the United States, why have gas prices doubled under Obama?
You really need to stop being a parrot for the left wingers who hand you your daily talking points. Because when those talking points go under the microscope, they are false, and can easily be proven false. Equating the deaths in Iraq with the deaths in Mexico, to simply attempt another shell game (don’t look there; look over here tactic) doesn’t work anymore. Time you realize that and stop making yourself look like a useful idiot.
@Liberal1 (Objectivity):
You really have cornered the market on ass-hats…
No, it was one hundred billion gazzilion, see, we can make numbers up also….I would say that you care less seeing as how you’ve never served nor served in the AO…
Then that would mean a barrel of oil would be lower correct?…Nice try….
Untold minions?…..Take a break, come up from the basement, ask mom to make you some Totinos pizza rolls and don’t try so hard to be a clown, its seems to come natural for you.
@Sua Sponte #25 – Spot On!!! I especially laughed – out loud – at the very last line v-good!!
Oh, the Lib Drama….never ceases to amaze me, and everyone else it seems….
This whole thing is quite despicable – I do believe there is a massive about of ?DUH? going on in this O Administration….Blame game is inserted here by OFraud as well…Blame the previous administration. Who by the way had a heap more ‘military’ back ground and would have known something this dangerous and quite frankly stupid could have only ended in disastrous results [like most of the things OFraud & Company has done so far…]
“THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration. When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that, in fact, Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable.
Brian Terry was Killed December 15, 2010. Think about that.
There was a 19 Month Investigation into FF Released report Sept 12, 2012
Interesting – See: http://issues.oversight.house.gov/fastandfurious/KeyPlayers.pdf
Stuff like this makes me think of Government ‘cover ups’ – for instance – “The Water Gate” Scandal [only FF is Worse Thousands of people are quite dead because of it]
Excerpt: [does this sound familiar? Does this fit into the OFraud Playbook??]:
Nixon on Watergate –
“When it was disclosed that the president routinely taped Oval Office conversations, investigators had the tool they needed to chip away at the deception and reveal the truth. Yet President Nixon, claiming executive privilege, refused to hand over the tapes. He viewed them as his personal property. When he did finally surrender them, they were extensively edited versions, one with an eighteen and a half minute gap. In the end, Nixon only bought himself some time as pressure mounted to release the tapes in unaltered form.”
Despite the Obvious ‘bribe’ to Univision by this Administration – Kudos to Univision for not backing down and pushing forward with this important investigation….
Sad. Libtard pile of #2 tries to throw out the race card. It claims we only care about “brown people” when it serves us politically. More projection from the moonbat. Let us not forget they seemed so concerned about casualties when Bush was in office, yet can’t seem to cover the numbers now that a dem is in charge. Then they have the nerve to accuse us of not caring about our soldiers. They only cared about civilians when they could lay the blame for their deaths at the feet of our soldiers.
So now that a dem is in charge and innocent civilians have been documented to have been murdered with assistance from the part of our govt. obama runs, it’s all nothing more than politics. Being a leftist must be wonderful. Nothing is ever your side’s fault, and you are as pure as the driven snow no matter what.
J.G. re#23 He’s the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Do you actually believe there is ANY possibility he wouldn’t condemn attacks on our Embassy and Consulate? C’mon John
@Richard Wheeler:
Obama condemned the attack on our U.S. consulate, and the assassination of our Ambassador, only in the respect that he blamed it on some obscure movie. Or did you not hear his U.N. speech? And his comments about Border Patrol Agent Ivie’s death? Crickets.
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t blame Obama for what is happening in the Middle East. That would require my belief that he is in control. I don’t think he is. But there is no denying that the buck stops at his desk. And you cannot deny that this Administration’s entire Middle East policy has been an unmitigated disaster. From not knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the Egyptian protests, to the funding of Libyan rebels and not knowing where their loyalties lie. There were problems in Libya, and the administration ignored them. Our Ambassador to Great Britian has more security than Chris Stevens had. Even after all the warnings by not only Stevens, who thought he was on AQ’s hit list, to the Libyan government itself. Jimmy Carter gave us modern Iran. Obama is going to give a its siblings, Egypt, Libya and Syria. Not very comforting when Leon Panetta admits last Friday (in typical Friday dump style) that the U.S. intel has “lost” track of Syria’s WMDs.
Then there was the whole farse about the Benghazi “investigation.” Seems the area was too dangerous to send in the FBI (they finally got to Benghazi yesterday, 24 days after the attack) yet CNN and Washington Post reporters walked around the compound picking up sensitive national security documents.
Change the headlines from Fast and Furious, Egypt, Benghazi and the death of Agent Ivie from Obama to Bush. How loud would you be screaming? The press would be absolutely apoplectic and demanding Bush be frog marched out of the Oval Office to a court room. Or have you forgotten the headlines over a non-covert, formerly covert CIA agent named Valerie Plame?
This administration is not only clueless, it is dangerous and must be replace on January 20, 2013.
Not necessarily for the first time. Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
In reality, his report said they were “unable to complete its investigation and is unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war” due to the poor security situation.
“unable to complete its investigation and is unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war”
@Liberal1 (Objectivity):
The American military and its allies were responsible for around 8,000 or 9,000 civilian deaths, casualties, in Iraq during invasion of Iraq and its aftermath through 2008, an astonishingly low number given the fact that Iraq under Saddam was no minor power. Somehow the Left needs to relentlessly smear the America and the Bush Administration for the 100,000 or so deaths caused by our enemies. Keep in mind that the Lord-of-the-Drones has killed almost as many civilian bystanders in his drone attacks to date as the US military during massive invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Yet I pretty much hear crickets on my left today.
No, let us be accurate. Strawmen just will not do.
… about hundreds of Mexicans being killed, evidentially, factually and actually with American guns provided illegally by DoJ et-al.
@Mike O’Malley:
One of the captured Iraqi documents taken after we had ousted Saddam Hussein, Document Number ISGQ-2005-00022470, explains the transfer of Saddam’s WMDs to Syria. It talks of the truck convoys, what the drivers were told and how much they were paid. It explains there were two convoys, of 50 trucks each, which moved WMDs across the Syrian border.
Now, Panetta was very coy in not saying where the Syrian WMDs originated from or when Syria obtained them, or how. This administration is continuing the meme that there were NO WMDs in Iraq, consequently they could not have been transferred to Syria. But that differs from a friend of mine’s son, a SAPPER, who, on his return from Iraq a few years back, told me they were finding small caches of WMDs all over Iraq. Nor did the media highlight the amount of yellow cake that was transported, via ship, out of Iraq.
An Iraqi-American blogger translated most of the captured Iraqi docs after they were released to the public. He went under the name “Veritas” and I remember one document very clearly as Saddam addressed the purchase of “chemicals of a certain purpose”, i.e. yellow cake. Veritas translated documents that were from high Saddam officials talking about the procurement and manufacturing of WMDs. And yes, there were satellite photos of Russian troops moving “something” from Saddam’s WMD facilities.
But the American anti-war press was not going to cover the transfer of WMDs to Syria because it destroyed their meme that there were NO WMDs in Iraq and Bush sent us to war over a false premise. The American anti-war press did not care about the truth, they only cared about bashing President Bush because they disagreed with the war in Iraq. Odd, now that we have reached that “grim mark” of 2,000 American military deaths in Afghanistan, the press isn’t having seizures like it did when that same “grim mark” was reached in Iraq. But then, remember, Obama told us the Afghan was was the “good” war.
Liberal1 is just one more left wing denialist who will tell you there were no WMDs in Iraq, and Obama isn’t responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens. His submission into denial about anything negative about Obama is legendary, and shows that there are Americans who really don’t care about a president not only breaking the law for nefarious purposes, but also doesn’t care of a president blatantly violates international treaties, just as long as that president has a (D) behind his name and forces through the socialist/Marxist programs that Liberal1, Greg, et al subscribe to.
Ex-presidents are off limits. Some folks from DOJ might end up doing time but not Obama. Should he become too much of a libility for the powers that be behind the scene, he will have a heart attack or something like that.
Well said and quite accurate, Retire.