Is an election a gift for a job well done or a choice about the country’s future? [Reader Post]

An election is not about thanking someone for a job well done… or even the Alice in Wonderland perception of a job well done… but rather a Presidential election is about doing what’s best for the country over the next four years. If hiring a President was a reward for a service rendered, John McCain would be president. He served in the Senate for decades, he authored one of the most important (not to be confused with good…) pieces of legislation in decades and he proved his valor and mettle during five years in a North Vietnamese prison.

There is no silver lining: Justice Roberts’ despicable Obamacare decision [Reader Post]

In March of 1937, in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish erstwhile conservative Justice Owen Roberts suddenly began voting to support New Deal legislation. His change of heart was the beginning of what became known as “The switch in time that saved nine.” His sudden reversal was in direct response to FDR’s threat to pack the Court in the face of the Court’s resistance to the President’s sweeping progressive agenda. From that point forward the Constitution ceased to be a significant barrier to anything FDR wanted to do.

What John Roberts really did for us [Reader Post]

The dust blasted into the air from the impact of the Obamacare decision hitting Washington has yet to settle but it’s recriminations all around. SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts is getting toasted by the right. Mark Levin calls the decision “lawless” and the NY Times and Michael Savage questions Roberts’ mental health status. But hold on- I think Roberts did us a favor.

ObamaCare Survives…Obama & Democrats Now Own The Largest Middle-Class Tax Hike In History!

Chief Justice Roberts opinion is that the mandate violates the Commerce Clause but since he believes it is a tax, and that it was within Congresses power to tax, the violation of the Commerce Clause doesn’t matter.

Welcome to Canada folks, and the ever increasing tax rates.