A New Wave Of Islamic Terror, Courtesy Of Obama

Using the murky reasoning of Obama Logic, best described as an enigma, An Islamist Spring has been imposed upon the world with the aid and encouragement of Obama. In his latest attempt to impose freedom and mayhem on the people of Libya, Obama has used the American military to insure that the people of Libya could depose their despot and pave the way for a wave of terror and bloodshed, while they determine their own Islamic Fundamentalist destiny.

While Socialist revolutionaries praise the vision of Obama, there are others who are willing to realistically appraise what the Narcissist in Chief and his personal direction of the American military has accomplished with this latest foreign policy disaster.

The Keystone XL Pipeline and Canadian Oil Sands or Politics Make Strange Bedfellows [Reader Post]

Despite environmentalist protests, President Obama is about ready to approve the “jobs creating” Keystone XL pipeline. TransCanada Corporation, the project owner, estimates that 20,000 jobs can be created from the pipeline itself over the two-year project development period. There are other jobs associated with development of the resource in Canada that have economic impacts on U.S. employment. So, with that in mind, let’s look at the Keystone XL pipeline, and at Canadian oil sands.

Honesty and Integrity, Up Close and Personal

The outfitter told me I’d be taking out an older hunter, to be careful not to over do the hunting and to keep a close watch over him in case he needed to come in early. Whenever there was an unusual hunter, I was chosen to be his or her guide. I didn’t mind, it was a compliment actually; however, rather than thinking of myself as special, I figured I was more likely to remember and follow instructions than the other guides.

There were a bunch of young hunters in their thirties and forties, they were dressed in the latest from the big outdoor shops and they were excited about going on the hunt. They already had several days worth of whiskers, to have “the look” out in the mountains. Personally, the whiskers drive me nuts, but if whiskers made their hunt more enjoyable, then grow some damn whiskers.

I honestly don’t know how anyone can respect a democrat [Reader Post]

A few days ago Politico ran a Chuck Schumer dog and pony story as Senate democrats summoned oil company executives to Congress so they could use them as punching bags.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats to aim at gas prices

Senate Democrats this summer will roll out their recipe for dealing with high gasoline prices, emphasizing conservation and alternative energy to wean the nation off oil.

Obama: Drill Baby Drill!….Or Maybe Not

So the Republican led House passes three bills to expedite and expand drilling for oil:

In a 243-179 vote Thursday, the House passed a measure that would open up areas off the West and East coasts, Alaska and the eastern Gulf of Mexico to drilling. The Obama administration pulled back on leasing in some of those spots after the Gulf oil spill last year to further evaluate the environmental consequences. It never considered drilling in the Pacific.

No oil, no Obama [Reader Post]

Protests in Syria have claimed 120 lives over the last two days.

BEIRUT – Syrian security forces fired on funeral processions that drew tens of thousands Saturday, one day after the bloodiest crackdown so far in the uprising against President Bashar Assad. The shootings pushed the two-day death toll to more than 120 and two lawmakers and a religious leader resigned in disgust over the killings.

Obama’s Answer To High Gas Prices? Woodchips & Algae

Six dollar a gallons coming up?

With the greenback coming under increased pressure from Federal Reserve policies and investor appetite for more risk, there seems little direction but up for commodity prices, in particular energy and metals.

Weakness in the US currency feeds upward pressure on commodities, which are priced in dollars and thus come at a discount on the foreign markets.

Obama to investigate the high gas prices he wanted [Reader Post]

Yesterday Barack Obama promised to get to the bottom of the skyrocketing oil price barrel.

RENO, Nev. (AP) — President Barack Obama said Thursday that the Justice Department will try to “root out” cases of fraud or manipulation in oil markets, even as Attorney General Eric Holder suggested a variety of legal reasons may be behind gasoline’s surge to $4 a gallon.

Obama lied us into war with Libya [Reader Post]

About a month ago I put up a post

Candidate Obama would demand impeachment of President Obama

In it I argued that Libya was in middle of a civil war and I did not and do not feel we have any business being involved in a civil war especially since was no direct threat to the United States. I noted that not once has Obama honestly described the situation in Libya. Like him or not, Moammar Gaddafi is/was facing an armed insurrection. Obama has referred to the rebels repeatedly as “peaceful protesters” when in fact they are armed revolutionaries.