Hillary Stumbles, Suffers A Concussion, Won’t Testify

Some might wonder if it was the cervesa or the stomach flu, but it looks like Hillary took a dive and is down for the count.

From The Department of State:

While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion. She has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored regularly by her doctors. At their recommendation, she will continue to work from home next week, staying in regular contact with Department and other officials. She is looking forward to being back in the office soon.

Seal Team Six Speaks Out On Obama’s Raid

Obama’s indifference to our troops in the field who actually put their lives on the line is typical of nearly all imperial leaders of history. However we cannot excuse this blatant callousness on the personalities of history;

Michelle Hints That New Supreme Court Justices Are Political Stooges

First Lady Obama presumes that her husband’s Supreme Court Nominees will protect political rights not enumerated in the Constitution. She made this remarkable claim at Democrat fundraisers by stressing that Sotomayo and Kagan are indeed political appointees and can be counted on to protect the right to “Love whomever we choose” and “the right privacy”. This mysterious “Privacy” right is presumably a reference to Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, but these nebulous terms are often invoked to mean anything Democrat strategists want them to mean at a later date.

Privacy Is Now A Relic Of Our Past

Lord Bute is aiming a blunderbuss at colonial America; a member of Parliament, tells Bute “I give you that man’s money for my use”, the American responds, “I will not be robbed”. To the right, a blindfolded, Britannia is ready to stumble into “The pit prepared for others” behind her, “The English Protestant town of Boston” is in flames. On the left is a monk with a gibbet and a cross, behind him, a Frenchman with sword raised; on a cliff and forming the backdrop to Bute, is the city of Quebec.

Published: April 1. 1775

Weiner Is Feeling The Squeeze From Democrat Feminists

Sexual perverts are never really healed and never trustworthy. Would you trust them around your kids. Weiner is actively trying to preserve his House Seat: his first method was to deny allegations by lying to Congress and the nation, he then claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, but neglected to call in the FBI who said they could prove the hack within minutes, he later tried to accuse Andrew Breitbart of setting him up in a conspiracy, a charge that could have meant criminal allegations against Breitbart. Now that all his previous attempts to deflect blame for his cyber perversions have failed and new charges involving an underage teenager are emerging, Weiner is now resorting to the Lindsay Lohan defense of counseling and rehab. When all else fails, there is always the last resort of the degenerate, but wait it might just be a ruse, could Weiner be clever enough to say he will get rehab, now that he has been caught, to secure his congressional seat in perpetuity.

Who Is The Owner Of The Boner

Anthony Weiner has himself in a pickle. He maintains the Weiner twitter account was hacked and he is really hacked off about the situation. One of his close followers, a twenty one year old college student is unimpressed, the Weiner photo was for her, but it was shared with the world. The new wife Huma Abedin, a beautiful exotic beauty, is undoubtably confused as well; she thought Weiner was her’s alone.

Without a doubt, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner is having a tough week. There was an erotic photo of protruding underpants sent to a Seattle co-ed’s Twitter account from Weiner’s Twitter Account. The young woman, once referred to Weiner as her “boyfriend”, follows Weiner on her Twitter Account. The offending photo appeared immediately after Weiner had tweeted about his TV appearance airing in Seattle.

Internet Surfers Beware! UBL’s Death Exploited by Cyber Criminals

Just a friendly warning from Oregon’s DOJ. Beware where you surf, and be careful opening “banned” videos of the UBL raid. I received an alert from the OR DOJ’s office that the creation of fake photos and videos of the raid on UBL’s compound in Pakistan has been exploited by cybercriminals, dumping malware onto unsuspecting visitors attempting to view videos or photos.

So, in the midst of this news frenzy, beware where you cyber tread, please.