Anthony Weiner has himself in a pickle. He maintains the Weiner twitter account was hacked and he is really hacked off about the situation. One of his close followers, a twenty one year old college student is unimpressed, the Weiner photo was for her, but it was shared with the world. The new wife Huma Abedin, a beautiful exotic beauty, is undoubtably confused as well; she thought Weiner was her’s alone.
Without a doubt, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner is having a tough week. There was an erotic photo of protruding underpants sent to a Seattle co-ed’s Twitter account from Weiner’s Twitter Account. The young woman, once referred to Weiner as her “boyfriend”, follows Weiner on her Twitter Account. The offending photo appeared immediately after Weiner had tweeted about his TV appearance airing in Seattle.
Weiner maintains that he was hacked, as a congressman, the son of a lawyer, he knows it is time to call the FBI. but instead of calling the FBI, Weiner has hired a lawyer, for himself!
Weiner is saying it is “time to move on” and there is no doubt that he desperately wants to move on, but when you are the victim of a crime, you and the public want justice. Weiner claims there are bigger more important issues: health care, the deficit, the supreme court. However, the more you try to hide a crime, the more it appears centered on you. When there is a crime, you should expect a criminal investigation; unless, you meant to send a manly picture of yourself in your boxers to a young college girl you’ve been flirting with and you punched the wrong button. That’s not a crime, just the innocent actions of a pervert.
Weiner is maintaining his innocence, besides all 49 year old men send secret messages to 21 year old college students; why would anyone think Weiner was not Kosher. Weiner is known for dramatic tirades on the floor; unfortunately, no one really took the diminutive Weiner seriously.
That has all changed, Weiner has finally made an impression and headlines around the world. Weiner is shy about the publicity, he had no idea about it being blown out of proportion, he’d like it all to just disappear and it would if we relied on the MSM. Only Republicans who make fools of themselves are kept on the front pages for three or four weeks with their shirts off, but the web is fascinated with Congressman Weiner. Right or wrong, up or down, this Weiner issue isn’t going away. Thanks to the Web and the Weiner man who wanted to make a name for himself as a hard line Progressive.
He “can’t say with certitude”, as he invents new words to describe his unique predicament, if the picture is the real Weiner himself and his wife isn’t talking. Some think she might be upset or maybe doesn’t really care, it’s hard to say.
Abedin, a former politico for the Clintons, is known for being closed mouthed about delicate issues and she isn’t making an exception for Weiner. The only publication that has succeeded in getting Abedin to speak out is Vogue. She was profiled in 2007 and she gave details of her wedding dress in 2010.
She tied the knot with Wiener in September 2010; now, the question is will she split the sheets with Weiner because of the Weiner scandal.
Bill Clinton, the old horn dog was infatuated with Abedin. He officiated the ceremony and chatted up the big day more than she did. Only Bill would try to pick up a new bride, saying she looked “like a Dior model” and it is hard to marry a politician because it is, “easy to distrust them, whatever their religion”. Bill’s logic and definition of “is” didn’t always make sense; especially, when he was around good looking women and he needed his ashes hauled.
Fox has reported that the FBI has told them that if Weiner files a complaint, they could do all the tracing they need in “about five minutes,” and because true hacking is a federal crime, could put the perp behind bars “for years.” But Weiner just doesn’t want to waste the taxpayers’ dollars on an investigation. He would prefer, it seems, to waste the taxpayers’ time by lying to them through the media.
Now if you ask a cop who interrogates criminals or a martial artist who sizes up his opponent, they will tell you that Weiner is lying according to his evasions and inability to look the reporters in the eye. Sorry Weiner, your evasive answers and unwillingness to call in the FBI is self-incriminating; now, you are getting deeper and deeper in your lies and you are fooling no one.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, who served as Weiner’s political mentor, gave his protege a vote of confidence in the court of public opinion.
“I don’t know the details. But I know him to be a person of integrity and I am virtually certain he had nothing to do with this.
Anthony Weiner is no winner, he will probably end up resigning before he brings more disgrace upon himself and concentrate on keeping his wife, it looks like he is ready to bring the house of cards down on himself.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
With all the publicity this story has been given by the right-wing blogosphere, the FBI doesn’t have to be invited to investigate the matter, as is the case in any breach of federal law–if they think it’s of any consequence.
I’m sure learning a lot about Twitter from this story.
Remember the Iranian rioting and how a few opponents of the Ayatollahs, mullahs and president were “Tweeting” then they were all hunted down and arrested?
That was my only flirtation with Twitter.
I decided it was too dangerous.
Last night I spent a goodly amount of time reading about how Rep. Weiner’s supporters are trying to figure out a way he could have been pranked.
One theory is expressed over at Liberal Cannonfire Blog.
Unfortunately for Cannonfire, his theory, while detailed, was completely debunked last night, late.
(Something to do with the term ”Blackberry” under the name when a pic is downloaded via Blackberry. Oh, well, he tried!)
Cannonfire’s other problem was with how the two potential suspects acted.
Rep. Weiner hired his own law team and refused to allow the FBI to get to the bottom of the issue.
He also tried to get the public and media to ”move on,” nothing to see here.
But Dan Wolfe (a ”suspect?” news to me) has responded to being accused by asking if HE can get the FBI to look into it. Mr. Wolfe says he would be exonerated in minutes.
Big Gov’t quotess him:
Now, this AM even Rep. Weiner says, don’t accuse Mr. Wolfe!
Mr. Wolfe’s 1st accuser was a blogger or contributor at Daily Kos, Stef. Now she is begging to be allowed to disappear from the story, “I’m pretty sure it’s been 15 minutes; I’d like to fade back into oblivion now.”
Insomnia pays dividends!
@Liberal1 (objectivity): It’s being covered by the “rightwing blogosphere”, as you put it, because the lamestream media won’t touch this with rubber gloves. True, they wouldn’t blow it out of proportion, nor suck all the wind out of the story, because, despite the hugeness of the potential scandal here, they will be his protection.
Besides, even if it was him, I’d be betting on a huge amount of Adobe photoshop- someone would have had to work hard on that pic.
He should resign. He sent the photo and is slowly implying that with recent interviews. Were he a Republican, he would’ve been excommunicated by now.
This just makes our US Government look like a joke to its citizens and the rest of the world.
Shame on you, Mr. Weiner. You’re a disgrace and should resign as such.
It’s not against the law to lie, it’s not against the law to send pornography over the internet, if you are a Democrat you don’t even get bad press for being a liar and a pervert, but now that has changed. The pitbull known as the inter net has Weiner by the trousers and they aren’y going to quit until he tells the country he is a liar and a pervert. It’s a safe seat, what’s he worried about? Well maybe not, not after this. LOL
Do us a quick investigation, and save all those legal fees.
Look in your underwear drawer. Do you see gray panties that look exactly like those?
( most men don’t have that style)
I’ll bet your wifey has already taken a peek at your drawer, so she knows.
Skook… I’m soooooo disappointed. Reading your wonderful headline, I was fully expecting to be entertained with your quick turn of phrases, ripe with the expected double entendres, and peppered throughout with your unique and inimitable wit.
And here you passed up that golden opportunity to write something serious…
I’m crushed…. what shall I do for news entertainment this AM? LOL
BTW… this hot dog is just compounding what is already a bad situation by cracking lewd jokes in response to reporters’ questions.
From Human Events reporter, Emily Millers FB and Twitter accounts of the reporters’ questioning:
What a geek. While I may have given his “hacked” story credibility before, his public and flippant responses to questions makes me believe he’s likely lying. Obviously, this guy is wired weird, and possesses a sense of humor that is not befitting a Congressional representative.
I agree that the FBI is unlikely to consider the hacking of a Congress member’s FB or Twitter accounts… all meant for public consumption… a priority.
What might be more interesting is if the recipient of Weiner weiner welcomed such a photo, and whether she intends to press charges. Then again, if the flirtation was solicited, as it appears it was with her own tweets history, it appears the House member got caught with his pants down, so to speak.
Then again, your holier than thou ‘tude, not-so-objective Liberal1, is somewhat laughable considering the lib/prog celebrations of GOP politicians who are also stripped of dignity when caught in questionable sexual scandals.
What should be happening is a Congressional look-see, similar to the NFL investigation of Brett Favre.. a guy who, if I remember rightly, didn’t embarrass himself with lewd jokes about the situation.
Certainly if this was an intentional… and dumb… move on Weiner’s part, disciplinary action is in order. Then there is the question as to NY laws INRE sending lewd photos, as other states have on the books.
If it turns out that Weiner did indeed get hacked, well… that’s the hazards of being a social media critter. I personally find it amazing that members have Congress seem to have all sorts of time on their hands to Tweet and FB, but no time to read proposed legislative bills. Obviously triaging their priorities is in order.
Dear Mata,
Don’t overlook this gem that Skook was trying to sneek by us; “the Weiner man who wanted to make a name for himself as a hard line Progressive.” Way to go Skook!
Now about that quote from Mr. Shumer. When he says, “and I am virtually certain” is that virtual certainty, as in “virtual reality”? Almost certainty is not much.
Weiner is revealing his shortcomings.
BTW… update. As Publius at Big Government has observed, the HIR (House Information Resources Security Office) would be required to investigate this as a hacking that may affect his, or other gov’t offices, on the same network.
Then again, Weiner may have shot the weiner thru cyberspace from his home computer… in which case HIR wouldn’t need to be contacted.
I think this incident has devolved into a high stakes game of hide the Weiner.
Just to highlight the double standard and hypocrisy on thte left, didn’t we just have to have a “special” election in NY 26, because the Rep. (a Republican) showed his upper torso on Craigslist? Just his upper torso, and he was gone- resigned.
Where’s YOUR resignation, Weenie boy?
I’m sure ex-Rep. David Vitter and ex-Sen. Larry Craig are right behind you, Blake. Oh, wait, did I say ex?
@beejeez: The point being, at least they have the good grace to go- whereas, you need a crowbar to dislodge Dems- like Rangel, Jefferson, and now Weiner.
(Ace-flop) (sucks at commas and apostrophes,) so that makes him (dangerous) (in some vaguely related way) (pun).
Write your own rightblog post! But not as stupid!
Ice9, have you been smoking your socks? Perhaps you seek professional help and come back when you are lucid and in control of your faculties.
We listen to people who bring innovation, reason, humor, and logic to the discussion, but you have nothing to offer.
Mr Beejezz. Your second birth certificate for your Won and only is going to the FBI for public fraud out of the White House. No October surprise and no surprise really. Your Won is done.
For the illiterate, it says that the ace floppy guy is not competent to make commentary on complex issues because he’s stupid. It’s a tad ad-hominy, obviously, but it’s not unprecedented to argue that a person who uses a formula to produce an endless series of semiliterate hate-mail unhindered by any ethic of evidence or fact is a bad person.
Let me know if you need anything else interpreted or explained. Life must be hard for you, and I want to help.