The Week In Radical Leftism, 6/12/2020

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Welcome back, everybody! The Radical Left continues to prove to America how much they hate us and this country, and let’s get right to it with a quick hop into The Wayback machine of two weeks ago!

6/1 – The Trump Moment Has Arrived

This election truly is Trump’s to lose.

5/31 – PELOSI MADE MILLIONS: After Congressional Coronavirus Meetings, Pelosi Bought $5 Million In Amazon Stock Before U.S. Retailers Were Forced To Close

Remember that old song, “Things that make you go hmmm”? If a song about this were remade it would be called “Things that make you go WHAT IN THE HOLIEST OF F***?!?!?”

6/3 – It is strange how the “double standard” works

Short answer: because Leftists hold non-white people to lower standards


I feel badly for any lifelong residents of Minneapolis who are getting to watch the beginning of the Detroitization of their city.

6/5 – #GoBaldForBLM Dupes Female Moonbats Into Shaving Their Heads

Don’t ever change, 4Chan. Don’t ever change.

6/5 – Paul Krugman Caught in Hilarious Self-Own After Furiously Spinning Conspiracy Theories About Good Jobs Report

Gulag Barbie: Nobody makes people with Economics degrees look dumber than me!
Krugman: Hold my Smirnoff Ice.

6/6 – Maps to the Star’s Homes

I’m reminded of my favorite non-crude joke from Andrew Dice Clay: “I don’t get these people who sell maps to stars’ homes. I sell keys to stars’ homes!”

6/7 – Black support for Trump as riots rage? What’s going on?

It will be interesting to see what drastic action will come about from the terror and desperation that Leftists experience when they see news like this.

6/8 – Daily Memo: US to Pull Troops From Germany

How about some good news for a change?

6/9 – If You Want To Know What Disbanding The Police Looks Like, Look At Mexico

Be careful sharingthsi with any Lefties. This is the kind of story that they’ll use a a blueprint rather than heed as a warning

6/10 – Radical Protests Shut Down Science, Nature for a Day

File this one away for the next time you hear some Lefty citing one of these publications as “science”

6/11 – Ned Ryun, American Greatness: To Save America, Defund Conservatism, Inc.

“Welfare Queens of the Conservative Movement” – great description of the Vichy Conservatives

6/12 – Mogadishu on the Mississippi Suggests Dismantling the Police Department – Call Their Bluff

I’m kind of torn on this. We know that there’s nothing Conservatives can do to help at this point, and “Let it Burn” sounds like a good idea. But we also know that Leftists are completely incapable of learning and at this point we can start placing bets on the date where their little Thunderdomes become “Not real BLM/Antifa”

ICYMI – The Green New Deal Would Have Killed Us All.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Old McProtestor has a farm, yes to feed their 200 plus population in the land of Chaz. E-I-E-I OMG.
I cant wait til they try to water it with one of those as seen on TV hoses that pop on first use at house pressure. Just hook that baby up to a hydrant kids! Never mind none of them know how to use a wrench.

Gen. Curtis Lemay noted: kill enough and the rioting will stop. Trump need to declare antif**k up and blm domestic terrorist groups. time to place into federal custody the gov. and ag of washington and the mayor for acts of treason and sedition. when did these illiterate AH’s tell institutions what to do? extortion and coercion. the biggest joke is that loretta, elephant lynch is going to head up the nypd reform team. she is ONE BIG RACIST-WHITE HATER OUT. recall when she met whore dog billy in phoenix three days before his wife slut hillary lied before congress.

@Brother Bob: Chelsea doesnt look very much like Bill..jus sayin’
Not even after her much needed plastic surgery
Control of language changing definition EnglishEdit. EtymologyEdit. First attested in 1402, with the meaning “untidy woman”; cognate with the Dutch slodder, dialectal Swedish slata (“idle woman”).

@MOS#8541: Gen. Curtis Lemay noted: kill enough and the rioting will stop.

Yeah, times have changed since he said that.
He’s been dead for 30 years.
So, some other riot.

Under the current conditions it is better to let them continue to eat their own, divide off from among themselves, go off half-cocked so they have to keep begging the outside world (Seattle, Washington, and the Feds) for help until the futility of their experiment is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to everyone.

It is already happening.
Let it happen until it is obvious to even the dumbest rock among them.

@Brother Bob: lol no Im saying remember what Podesta said about Harpys stench, definition of Slut.

The New nation

not so much

6/1 – The Trump Moment Has Arrived

One wonders if the Democrats realizes what they turned loose or if they plan to maintain the riots until the elections to make fraud more easily accomplished. Either way, not only to Americans in support of America (not the New World Order) need to turn out and vote but we need to look at this election differently than ever before.

5/31 – PELOSI MADE MILLIONS: After Congressional Coronavirus Meetings, Pelosi Bought $5 Million In Amazon Stock Before U.S. Retailers Were Forced To Close

Nancy and Feinstein… they are the moral backbone of the Democrat party. Nancy should have listened to Obama… at some point, you have enough money.

6/3 – It is strange how the “double standard” works

Unless it is a white guy killing a black person, the race of theose involved are usually not given. Only if it can be used by the left to incite violence and racial animus do they reveal the races. Naturally, it appears cops, all of whom are white, only kill black people.

6/5 – #GoBaldForBLM Dupes Female Moonbats Into Shaving Their Heads

This is almost as good as the DNC setting up a BLM memorial page taking donations…. which all go to the DNC.

6/5 – Paul Krugman Caught in Hilarious Self-Own After Furiously Spinning Conspiracy Theories About Good Jobs Report

Krugman is, no doubt, the stupidest smart guy there is. But my favorite Krugman-stepping-on-his-on-Richard moment is when he thought he would ask some people on government health care how much they loved it… and they hate it. Oddly, the video is no longer available! What do you supposed could have happened?

6/6 – Maps to the Star’s Homes

In some discussions I have asked those supporting the “righteous” riots and looting if they would mind if I looted their homes. I explain I am really upset about all this unfairness and would like to have their addresses. To date, none have obliged me.

6/7 – Black support for Trump as riots rage? What’s going on?

It would be a great sign of hope if it is revealed that more and more people are seeing through the media propaganda smoke screen and realizing that Democrats make terrible leaders, fail at everything and do not care about citizens.

6/8 – Daily Memo: US to Pull Troops From Germany

I guess it’s about time for our “allies” to wake up to the fact that it’s time to become allies.

6/9 – If You Want To Know What Disbanding The Police Looks Like, Look At Mexico

I would have thought Baltimore would have been enough of a wake up call, but it seems chaos and crime is what some people want more of. Reform is not the goal; chaos and anarchy is.

6/10 – Radical Protests Shut Down Science, Nature for a Day

If it doesn’t perpetuate the concept that everything is racist, it is racist.

6/11 – Ned Ryun, American Greatness: To Save America, Defund Conservatism, Inc.

Apparently any country that ever had slavery on its soil should simply close up and go out of business; no matter what they do, the sin of slavery can NEVER be overcome. What Heritage has become is a perfect example of why the establishment, right and left, hates Trump. Heritage, like unions and the political establishment, has become an entity whose sole purpose is to perpetuate itself, not provide any help to anyone else.

6/12 – Mogadishu on the Mississippi Suggests Dismantling the Police Department – Call Their Bluff

The proper public condemnation of this insanity cannot and will not happen until it is painfully exhibited. That is the sad truth. Even sadder is that those most in need of police protection, those in poverty, will suffer the quickest and the most. But, this is what it takes to show people the dangers of the left.

That shaved head thing is somewhat fitting.
It’s what the French did after WWII to women who collaborated with the Nazis.

@Petercat: Sure way to get rid of those pesky lice and fleas caught from the cats.

@Brother Bob: #13
Self inflicted irony that they will never understand.