Keir Starmer is leading England into fascism
Keir Starmer is leading England down a dark path to fascism
Keir Starmer is leading England down a dark path to fascism
Welcome back everybody! We continue this series as I give us a glimpse into the hive mind of The Radical Left! I promise that the regular TWIRL format will be …
Welcome back to Day 1215 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! Light post for the holiday weekend, and first a trip in the Wayback machine to 2016: 03/2016 …
And you thought the last election was important. The coming is even more important. Benjamin Franklin was said to have been asked if we had a republic or a monarchy …
Welcome back to Day 817 of the Biden* Occupation! Hopefully everyone had a healthy and happy Easter / Passover / Spring Break, and now it’s back to enjoying springtime and …
In his inaugural address, Joe Biden introduced us to a new show- Biden the Uniter Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting …
This country is creeping faster and faster toward fascism and then full out Communism under the guise of socialism. President Rutabaga is the front man for whomever is controlling the …
It is no stretch of the imagination to assert that we are on the brink of true fascism. democrats control all of the government and intend to make it …
Welcome back, everybody! The Radical Left continues to prove to America how much they hate us and this country, and let’s get right to it with a quick hop …
The other day Joaquin Castro doxxed the constituents in his district who donated to Donald Trump. It amounted to a hit list. Castro claimed that he wanted people to …