Then they Came for the Diceman. And I said… “GO (Copulate) YOURSELF!”
With all of the heavy subject matter we’ve been discussing lately, how about if we lighten things up a bit? If you think that garbage journalism is restricted to the …
With all of the heavy subject matter we’ve been discussing lately, how about if we lighten things up a bit? If you think that garbage journalism is restricted to the …
First off, while some would argue that the current occupant of The White House has been worse, I refuse to acknowledge that someone who’s not even in control of his …
Welcome back everybody! We continue this series as I give us a glimpse into the hive mind of The Radical Left! I promise that the regular TWIRL format will be …
Welcome back to Day 1123 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! Let’s get straight to the crazy: 2/9 – Stealing Home (Or, a Banana Republic, if You …
With the interesting week in the news we had last week, it’s understandable if you missed a significant story that slipped under the news cycle’s radar. As you probably figured …
Welcome back to Day 1067 of the Biden* occupation! Another light post this week for the holidays, and we’ll be back to the regular format in the new year: 12/13 …
Welcome back to Day 920 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! Being in catchup mode after vacation this will be another light commentary week, no skimping on content …
Welcome back to Day 899 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! While I normally grab some underreported story each day, this week a bunch of interesting stories clustered …
Welcome back to Day 892 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! With many folks starting their vacations over this weekend this post will follow its usual vacation weekend …
Welcome back to Day 885 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! This week’s post will be slightly different, as by the time you’re reading this we’ll be wrapping …