The Importance of Trump’s VP Pick Amid Unprecedented Challenges

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By Janice Hisle

The field of potential vice presidential picks for former President Donald Trump appears to be narrowing, while his legal perils add to the urgency and significance of his choice.

“It’ll be the most important VP selection we’ve had in recent history,” Florida political scientist Susan MacManus told The Epoch Times.

Typically, the presidential running mate exerts little effect on voters’ choice for “the top of the ticket,” Ms. MacManus said. But this year’s unparalleled circumstances are creating top-of-mind concerns for the former president, for his potential running mate, and for American voters.

The former president recently stated that he is likely to designate his running mate at the Republican National Convention. But he is confronting potential imprisonment beforehand, which might induce him to make the announcement sooner, Ms. MacManus said.

Sentencing on his 34-count conviction is set for July 11 in New York, just four days before Republicans begin their three-day convention in Milwaukee, culminating in officially declaring him their 2024 presidential nominee.

Jed Rubenfeld, a Yale University law professor, said many people seem to think that New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan will likely grant probation to the former president. But the professor said confinement remains a real possibility.

“Could Trump actually be put in jail? You bet he could,” Mr. Rubenfeld said in a video posted on social media.

The former president, who has been critical of the judge, faces four years in prison for each charge—a total of 136 years. There is no way the judge would impose that maximum, Mr. Rubenfeld said. The judge also could consider placing the former president under house arrest or on probation.

Ms. MacManus said that if the former president is unable to attend the convention, a vice presidential candidate will still need to be selected, “and that person is going to be under extreme scrutiny.”

VP Is Key for Both Trump and Biden

Aside from the former president’s legal predicament, many voters see another usual factor escalating the importance of the vice presidential choice. The two current presumed nominees rank among the oldest to seek the nation’s highest office.

Some voters worry that the men’s ages could increase the odds that the vice president may need to step in and fulfill the presidential role.

Democrat President Joe Biden, 81, is older than any prior U.S. sitting president. His running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris, is 59. Most people expect Democrats will choose Biden–Harris as their ticket for the election, but some speculate a last-minute replacement could be named at the party’s’ convention in Chicago, Aug. 19–22, or even afterward.

Former President Trump turned 78 on June 14. The ages of his potential running mates run the gamut from their late 30s to their late 60s, with several in their 50s.

The leading independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is 70; in March, he announced 38-year-old Silicon Valley lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.

All three presidential candidates and their fans have pushed back against assertions that younger candidates might be better-suited to handle the rigors of the presidency.

A Mystery Choice?

Just a few days post-conviction, the 45th president publicly named a handful of VP contenders, shifting public discourse away from a criminal trial that dominated the news cycle for weeks.

As other names continue circulating, political insiders have noted that the presumed Republican nominee could privately be considering some undisclosed personal favorites.

His public declarations—and possible purposeful leaks to news outlets—are most likely “trial balloons,” designed to test public reaction and media reporting about potential VP picks, according to two political insiders who asked The Epoch Times to withhold their names.

The former president may pick “someone no one’s ever thought of,” one insider said, adding, “That would be ’so Trump.’”

The man who became his VP choice in 2016, then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was somewhat of an unexpected choice; candidate Trump named him three days prior to the Republican convention. Mr. Pence, an evangelical Christian, is credited with attracting that voting bloc to the Trump–Pence ticket.

Mr. Pence became a political opponent in the Republican primary, but he discontinued his quest to become the presidential nominee in October 2023.

Now, as the former president continues with his third presidential run, his campaign pointed out that he has sole discretion over his VP pick.

Amid the recent spate of public interest about potential VPs, Brian Hughes, senior adviser for the Trump campaign, released a statement to The Epoch Times.

“Anyone claiming to know who or when President Trump will choose his VP is lying, unless the person is named Donald J. Trump,” Mr. Hughes stated.

Six Contenders—And a Few More

In months past, dozens of names have been floating around. But on June 4, the former president listed six possible VP picks during an interview with Newsmax.

That shortlist includes Sens. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Marco Rubio of Florida, and J.D. Vance of Ohio; Govs. Doug Burgum of North Dakota and Ron DeSantis of Florida; and Dr. Ben Carson, a medical doctor who served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Trump administration.

Five of the six have previously run for president; Mr. Vance is the only one who has not. All six have been vocal in their defense of the former president as he faced prosecution in New York and elsewhere. Most have also attended former President Trump’s New York trial to show support for him as the case neared its conclusion.

The new shortlist differs from one revealed several months ago when the former president gave an interview to Fox News.

Ohio biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, and former Democrat Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard were on the first list, but they seem to have been dropped from consideration.

Mr. Scott is the sole name that President Trump acknowledged in both publicly revealed shortlists.

The South Carolina senator has been “unbelievable” in his vocal support, former President Trump said on Newsmax.

He said Mr. Scott’s performance as a Trump surrogate exceeded his self-advocacy efforts during the 2024 presidential race. Mr. Scott suspended his campaign in November 2023.

While Mr. Scott was still running, he and the former president refrained from attacking each other. That apparent mutual respect is one quality that helps Mr. Scott stand out among the possible VP contenders, insiders say.

In contrast, Mr. DeSantis and another Republican rival, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, both engaged in vigorous tit-for-tat with former President Trump before they quit the presidential race earlier this year.

In a social media post in May, former President Trump ruled out Ms. Haley, who served as United Nations ambassador during his administration. During the Newsmax interview, he hedged on whether he might change his mind about her.

A Harvard-CAPS-Harris poll conducted in May suggests that, among seven high-ranking possible VPs, Mr. Scott or Mr. Ramaswamy would most influence voters.

According to the poll, 23 percent of Democrat voters would be more likely to vote for former President Trump if Mr. Scott became his running mate. Mr. Scott also led the field of seven potential VPs for attracting nonwhite voters.

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Hands down, J.D. Vance. J.D. is a fighter and like Trump not in the uniparty establishment.

Judas pence was a mistake in 2016 that Trump would be wise not to repeat. Rubio is GOPe.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Etienne stated, “I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat to Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean, he’s an incredible debater.”

“I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat [to] Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean he’s an incredible debater,” Etienne told CNN. “I think he has this quality that makes him seem palpable to that one to two percent that actually might vote or that is undecided, that will actually pay attention to the debates because most people don’t pay attention to the debates.”

Etienne, who also served as deputy assistant to President Biden after his 2020 victory, said Vance is “super smart,” “quick-witted” and could pose a threat to Harris on the debate stage.